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Forbidden Ch. 06

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Conclusion: Tommy & Jill seduce Tommy's mom.
7.1k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 12/31/2002
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Chapter VI -- Let's Dance

Jill slept to almost 10 AM the morning after the poker gang-bang. As the morning fog cleared her head, she recalled the events of the night before. Amazingly, she felt quite good, more alive than she'd felt in years. It had been an evening filled with pure animal lust; not an experience she wanted to repeat often, but she was glad it had happened.

She rolled out of bed and threw on her robe. First stop was the bathroom, where she started running a hot bath. Next stop was the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She let the coffee brew as she headed back to the bathroom and eased into the bathtub. She lay there for a while, adding more hot water as the bath started to cool, relaxing as the heat penetrated her tired muscles.

She heard the kitchen door open, followed by Tommy's voice. "Hello. Are you in here, Jill?"

"I'm in the bathtub," she shouted back. "Grab me a cup of coffee and come on back. Black, no sugar, please."

A couple of minutes later Tommy emerged through the door with a cup of coffee in hand. "Sorry for barging in without knocking, but with mom home, I thought it was better then waiting at the front door for you to let me in."

"You don't need to knock, Tommy. My door is always open to you."

He looked at her as she lay soaking in the tub. "You were really something last night. I was kind of hoping you'd like my friends," he smirked as she splashed him playfully. "Are you doing okay?" he asked.

"Never better," she smiled. "Say, I'm meeting your mom at 1 o'clock to go shopping. Anything you want me to get?"

"Get something sexy," he answered, leaning forward and tweaking her nipple. "And while you're at it," he said as an afterthought, "have mom get something sexy too. She deserves it." He stood up. "I'd better get home before I'm missed. Will I see you tonight?" he asked.

"I'm counting on it," she replied.

After Tommy left, Jill got out of the bath, toweled off, and went about getting ready. Connie arrived at 1 o'clock sharp. "Are you ready?" she beamed.

At 5'7", Connie Evans was a couple of inches shorter than Jill. She was in good shape, with a nice tight ass and a bosom to rival Jill's. She kept her dark brown hair cut short, just off the shoulders. All in all, she was a good-looking lady in an attractive package.

Tommy was born after her senior year in high school. She'd married his father, but that only lasted a couple of years. Afterwards, she took her maiden name back, while she kept the father's last name for Tommy.

"All set," Jill answered. "We'll take my car."

* * *

They got to the mall in 30 minutes, and shopped until 4:30. They hit all the normal clothing stores, buying several outfits each. Jill, feeling a little sluttier than then she had before the week began, picked out items that were a little riskier than she normally wore. Connie, getting caught up in Jill's enthusiasm, followed suit. When they were nearing the end of their spree, they passed a little boutique specializing in attire for lovers.

"Let's go in here," Jill giggled.

"No way," Connie replied. "I can't go in there."

"Sure you can," Jill urged. "It'll be fun. Come on."

Reluctantly, Connie went along. After looking through the usual assortment of adult paraphernalia, Jill spotted some sexy -- and revealing -- negligees with matching panties. "What do I need these for?" Connie asked after Jill suggested they buy them.

"You never know," Jill smiled in response. On the way to check out, Jill spotted a men's bathrobe she thought would look good on Tommy. Right next to it lay a pair of thongs. "Let's get these two for Tommy," she said excitedly. "It will be so funny. He'll die of embarrassment."

At first, Connie didn't go along with the idea, but when Jill argued that, after all, he was a high school graduate and well on his way to manhood, she relented. "It would be funny, wouldn't it?" she giggled. So, merchandise in hand, they headed for the register to check out.

As she was ringing up their purchase, the clerk, a twenty-something blonde, smiled at them. "It looks like somebody's expecting a little party this evening." Connie turned beet red, but said nothing. Jill smiled, giving the young woman a sly wink.

To celebrate the successful conclusion of another shopping trip, they stopped in at the bar & grille and ordered a couple of glasses of wine. By the time they left, they'd each had two more glasses and were giggling like a couple of schoolgirls.

On the way home, Connie called Tommy on her cell phone. "We'll be home around 6:30, honey. Would you mind going out and picking up some pizza for everyone?"

"Sure mom, no problem. I'll bring it by Miss Jensen's around 6:45."

* * *

When the women got home, Tommy's car was gone. Jill pulled into her garage. "Just bring everything into the house for now," she said. "We'll take it to your place later." They filed into the house, arms full of bags and boxes, still a little tipsy from the wine. "I need some more wine," Jill announced after they set everything down.

Tommy arrived shortly thereafter with the pizza. He entered the house to find two women, giggling hysterically, sitting at the kitchen table. Tommy looked at the two uneasily. "What's so funny?" he asked only to be answered with more giggles.

"Nothing, honey," his mom finally managed to answer. After they finally calmed down, he joined them at the table with the pizza, and they all dug in.

"So, how was shopping?" Tommy asked.

"It was great. We got some nice outfits. And almost everything was on sale," his mom answered.

"Not to mention, we each got some really sexy lingerie," Jill grinned.

"Miss Jensen," Tommy gasped in mock horror. "You shouldn't be telling me that."

"First of all, call me Jill. I'm not that damn old, yet," she declared. "And second of all, why shouldn't I tell you that. After all, you're a grown man now, aren't you?"

"Well, I suppose," Tommy said, trying to figure out what she was up to. "Do I get a fashion show or something?" he asked with a grin.

"Maybe later. Right now, your mom and I would like to listen to some music. Could you please turn on the CD changer? And while you're up, we could use some more wine," she looked at Connie and they both giggled.

They're worse than schoolgirls, Tommy thought.

Tommy put on the music and poured them some more wine. "I just love this song," his mom said just as he returned to the table.

"Well," Jill looked at him. "Aren't you going to dance with her?"

"I can't do that?" he answered.

"Why not?" Jill asked.

"Yea, why not," his mom chimed in.

Tommy looked at the women, defenseless as they ganged up on him. What the heck, he thought. "Mom, would you care to dance?"

"Why, Tommy. How thoughtful of you. I'd love to." She looked at Jill and they both broke out laughing.

Taking his mom by the hand, he led her onto the living room floor. Hesitantly, he took her in his arms, not holding her close at all. "Hold her closer, Tommy," Jill urged. "She's not going to break."

Tommy looked in his mom's eyes, sensed that it was okay, and pulled her closer. To his surprise, she responded by pulling closer yet, laying her head on his shoulder. "This is nice," she purred. Tommy wondered just how much wine they'd had, as he felt her body pressing against his.

His eyes met Jill's as they danced and he couldn't help but notice that her smile was just a little bit devious. At last he understood. Jill was trying to get them to seduce his mom. He stopped suddenly in his tracks, not quite sure what to do.

"What's wrong, Honey" his mom asked, looking in his eyes.

For a moment, he just stood there, staring into her eyes. "Nothing, mom," he answered at last. "Everything is great." He smiled at Jill as he pulled his mom close, closer than before. He looked at her now as a woman, not as his mother, and he liked what he saw.

He felt her breasts press lightly against him as they danced cheek to cheek. He allowed his hands to wander over her back, gently massaging her. He felt her sigh as she melted closer into his arms. He even felt his cock beginning to stir, and wondered if she felt it, too.

As the song was ending Tommy slid his hand down his mother's backside and onto her butt, giving it a gentle squeeze. She released him tentatively and backed away, a confused look in her face. Even so, there was the ring of sincerity in her voice when she said "thanks for the dance. It was nice."

He walked over to where Jill sat. "May I have the honor, milady?" he asked, bowing as he extended his hand to her.

"I'd love to, sir," she smiled, taking his hand.

He pulled her to him as they began their dance, feeling the fire of her body as she pressed it against him. "My, but you are the little devil, tonight, aren't you?" he whispered in her ear." Her only response was to grind her pelvis against him.

Connie watched her best friend and her son as they danced. She couldn't help but notice that they were being a little too familiar with each other, and she wondered if she should say something. What the heck, she thought as she took another sip of wine, they were just having a little harmless fun, that's all. She continued to watch them closely, feeling a stirring in her loins as she watched Tommy fondle Jill's ass.

The song ended and they reluctantly let each other go. "Now, how about that fashion show, ladies?" Tommy asked.

They looked at each other. "Why not," Jill answered. "Come on Connie. Help me take the bags into the bedroom. You just wait here, Tommy. Make yourself comfortable." With that, the ladies disappeared into Jill's bedroom, the same bedroom where he'd first made love to Jill.

There was a constant chain of giggles coming from the room as they changed. Jill emerged first, wearing a beige form-fitting dress that came to just above her knees. There was a slit in front, open to just below her panties. The neckline plunged deep, revealing slightly more cleavage than was appropriate.

Connie followed right behind. She wore a brown leather shirt, cut very tight on her body and hanging several inches above her knees. The skirt was topped with a sheer white top, the fancy lace bra clearly visible beneath. Both women had on high heels, which accentuated the tautness of the legs and asses.

"Damn," Tommy said. "You two look fantastic. Look at you mom. Wow. I'm speechless. And you too, Jill. You'd better be careful, or that neckline might get you into trouble," he warned.

Both women beamed back at him as they pranced around the room, flaunting their wares. "Wait there," his mom said. "There's more to come." And once again, they disappeared into the bedroom giggling.

Tommy knew Jill could get a little slutty, but he couldn't believe how his mom was acting. She was really getting into their fashion show, strutting her stuff and looking sexy as hell. He wondered just how far she was prepared to go.

After several minutes, the door opened and out they came. This time they were dressed more casual. Connie came first wearing a pair of white shorts, which fit very snuggly, and barely covered her butt cheeks. On top, she wore a multi-colored halter-top with almost no back to it, cut deep in front, barely covering her obviously braless tits.

Jill had on the same shorts, but hers were black. She topped it with a white tank top that was cropped off well above her belly button. She, too, was braless.

Both women had kept on their high heels, which only added to their sexiness. By looking at their chests, it was obvious that both women were somewhat aroused.

Tommy sat there, speechless. "What's the matter, Tommy. Cat got your tongue?" Jill asked.

"Wow." His eyes just kept darting from one to the other. "I don't think I've ever seen two hotter women," he finally managed to say.

"There's one more show to come," Jill said.

Connie looked at Jill. "I don't think I can do that one, Jill," she said.

"Nonsense," Jill responded to her friend. "Besides, if we don't model our negligees for him, how can we expect him to model his present for us," she giggled.

"I don't know," Connie answered. "They're so naughty."

"What present?" Tommy interrupted.

"Tommy, don't interrupt," Jill said. "Get us some more wine, would you, please." Pouting, Tommy headed to the kitchen for the wine.

"Come on, Connie. We're just having a little adult fun. Where's the harm?" Jill pleaded.

Tommy returned, handing them each a glass of wine. His mom instantly took a big sip. The more she thought about it, and the more the wine worked on her, the more she couldn't see any real harm in it. After all, they were just having a little fun.

"Okay," she said at last. "But only if Tommy models his for us, too." The women looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Just a minute," his mom said to Tommy as she headed for Jill's bedroom. She returned momentarily, a sheepish grin on her face. "Here you go," she said, handing him a bag. "Take this into Jill's guest room, take off all your clothes, and put these on. We'll be in the other room putting on our negligees."

They all headed to their designated bedrooms, the women giggling as they went. Once inside, Jill hurriedly removed her clothes, leaving her clad in high heels only before Connie had even removed her halter-top. "Here, slowpoke let me help," she said as she moved behind Connie. She reached out and unhooked the bottom strap, letting it hang loose. She reached behind her head and unhooked the upper strap and pushed the top forward so it fell quietly to the floor, allowing her hands to linger momentarily on her shoulders.

"Really, Jill, I can do this myself," Connie protested.

"Nonsense," she responded. "At this pace, you'll never be ready. Now hold still." She stepped closer behind Connie, reaching around to unsnap her shorts, allowing her excited nipples to brush against her back. She unzipped the shorts and, kneeling down, eased them over the shapely ass before her. "You have a very sexy ass, Connie," Jill said admiringly, resisting the urge to kiss it.

Connie stood silently as the younger woman undressed her. She knew she shouldn't be allowing this to happen. She also knew she was quite aroused. She'd never been with a woman before, but had secretly fantasized about it many evenings while alone in bed.

She felt Jill slide her shorts and panties to the floor, and then felt her hands return to her ass cheeks and massage them gently. "Yes, a very sexy ass," Jill said again as she released her cheeks and stood up.

"Okay. Now for the naughty stuff," Jill said. She opened the remaining bags and emptied the contents on the bed. "Are you okay, Connie?" She asked as she noticed that Connie hadn't moved.

Connie stood as if in a trance. A million things ran through her head in a few short seconds. Mostly, she wished that Tommy wasn't in the other room. Between the wine, the sexy outfits and the flirting, she was hornier than she'd been in a long time. At that moment, she would have given herself to Jill, freely and completely. Quickly, she regained her sense of presence. "I'm sorry, Jill. I was just lost in thought for a moment."

She stepped to the bed and picked up her negligee. Both women got the same nightgowns, except Jill's was white and Connie's was black. Connie quickly slid on the panties, which was actually a black thong that barely covered her front while doing nothing at all to cover her ass cheeks.

The negligee tops were completely sheer below the breasts. The cups were also sheer, but with small, lacy designs which offered little in the way of modesty. The fronts opened like a shirt, coming together just below the breasts, secured by a single button. Connie quickly slid on the top and fastened the button. She looked over and saw Jill standing there, already dressed, watching her.

"Damn you look hot," Jill said.

"I'm not sure I should be doing this," Connie answered. "After all, he's my son."

Jill walked over to her and stroked her hair. "Relax. It's just a little harmless fun," she reassured her. "Are you okay now?" Connie nodded.

Jill walked to the door. "Tommy, are you ready?"

"I'm not sure I can wear this," he answered.

"That's too bad," Jill answered. "You've got no idea what you're missing."

"Okay. Okay," he retorted. "I'm ready."

Jill walked back to Connie and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, startling the older woman slightly. "It's show time," she said. She opened the door, took Connie by the hand, and walked into the living room.

Tommy was already there waiting, wearing the brown silk bathrobe they'd bought him. It was short for a man's robe, not quite reaching mid thigh. But it was what was underneath that interested the ladies.

For Tommy's part, he just stood there as his jaw hit the floor. He couldn't ever remember seeing his mom's naked breasts before. And they might just as well be naked now, for all the good the negligee did. "Wow mom. You're beautiful. And forgive me for saying so, but your breasts are awesome."

His mother blushed at the compliment. "You're just saying that to make an old lady feel good," she replied.

"No way," he insisted. "I mean it. You are one sexy woman."

"Hey, what am I, chopped liver," Jill asked. She reached up to stroke Connie's hair lightly. "I know she's your mother, and I know she's hot, but what about me?" sticking her chest out proudly.

"You're both incredible. Absolutely incredible."

"Hey. It's our turn," Connie said suddenly. "Off with the robe, buster."

Tommy looked at his mom, then at Jill, then back to his mom. He held his arms out to his side and smiled. "Help yourself, mom."

Connie turned beet red and looked away, not moving. "Come on, Connie," Jill urged. "You can do it."

Hesitantly, Connie moved towards her son, growing braver with each step. When she reached him, she held his eyes with hers, untied the sash, and let the robe fall open. Then she lowered her gaze to his chest, placed both hands squarely on its impressive expanse and pushed the robe over his shoulders, letting it slide down his arms.

As she stepped back, she felt Jill's arm go around her shoulder. "Your son's gorgeous, Connie. You sure know how to raise them." She looked at the thong around his waist. "Speaking of raising them," she giggled, "it looks like something's got him awfully worked up."

Sure enough, as Connie looked to his thong, she saw that the tiny garment was hardly sufficient to cover her son's hard on. She gasped audibly. Before she could say anything, Jill burst out, "I get the first dance." With that, she grabbed his hand, led him to the center of the room, and took him in her arms.

As they moved to the hypnotic beat of the music, Connie's eyes were glued to her son's body. She'd seen him in his swimming suit many times, of course, but she'd never looked at him before like she was looking at him now. Of particular interest were his buns, one of which Jill was squeezing and massaging. She could feel the excitement building in her. There, in front of her, were her two favorite people, dancing cheek to cheek, almost totally naked.

She continued to watch, hypnotized by them. She watched as her son slowly raised his hand to fondle her best friend's tits, and she felt her own hand slip inside her thong like it had a mind of its own. She watched as Tommy's hand moved over and released the button that held Jill's negligee together, and she felt her own hand massaging her love button. She watched as he slid the sheer garment over Jill's shoulders and onto the floor, and she felt herself stumble to the sofa, knocking over some potpourri in the process.

Tommy was startled out of his daze by the sudden noise. Looking towards the sofa, he saw his mom, half sitting and half lying on the couch, her hand buried deep inside her thong, a glassy look in her eyes. On the floor at her feet lay a bowl, upside down, with its contents strewn all over the floor.


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