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Four and a Half Days

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It comes to all if you are willing wait.
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I was the dreaded Friday night after I had finished work and I was in my local pub, the blue boar inn. There I sat in my normal place drowning my sorrows. Looking at yet another boring weekend. Wondering what to do. Go for a walk, a Cricket match. I love the game. Or go to the Dog track. It might cheer me up a bit. Or will I do what I did last weekend and all the other weekends before? Get drunk?

I have been in this hole now for six months. Sorry, it was twelve months when I found out the truth about my wife.

Yes, I am divorced, and she was cheating for four solid months. She was screwing her friend's husband. And now they are divorce. I don't think she gave a shit about me, but I wasn't sure what he thought about his wife.

Sorry my name is James Turner and my ex-name is Mary. The bloke she was screwing his name was Tom Blake and his ex-wife's name is Jane. A month after the divorces went through Mary, and Tom Blake were married.

Jane, his wife, had moved back home somewhere on the coast. Jane was a great girl. If I had met her before Mary, I thought we would have been married. Her shape was better than Mary's and many times in the past I would have bedded her. If I had got half the chance. She wanted to put some distance between the cheating bastards. Who could not blame her?

There was one thing in my favor. The house was rented and we had no kids but we were planning to have a family this year before the divorce.

Fred, the bartender, came over to me asking if I wanted to talk for a while with another drink. I had had enough of talking in the last twelve months. I had to get out of this rut in my life one way or another.

I drank the last of my beer, went to the loo and was heading down the road to my café. That was somewhere to eat that's all it was to me. To save me trying my hand at cooking. I had curry and rice and washed it down with a beer. While I was heading home. Ha that's a laugh, a one-bedroom crummy flat. I wanted to keep my money for the girl of my dreams if I was ever going to find one.

I had only a ten-minute walk home and I was in no hurry. Couples going past me in both directions laughing and giggling too one another. I envied them because they wanted to get home and into bed for their excitement for the rest of the night.

I heard a scream inside this house as I was walking past. I stopped and looked at the house. Nobody else was on the road. I saw a man stabbing a woman. Then he came out running and bumped into me. I got a good look at him. Then he ran down the road. I ran into the house. When I got to her, she took her last breath.

I rang for the police and told then I had just seen a murder. I gave them the address. They said "don't touch anything in the house." I sat down looking at this poor woman until the police arrived.

The police arrived. It was patrol officers, a sergeant, and a police woman. They looked at the poor dead woman then at me and then sent for the police detectives. The police woman told me to come with her into the other room. I got up and walked into the other room like a zombie and sat down.

The sergeant and the police woman did not ask me anything. They waited for the police detectives to arrive. When the detectives arrived, I was asked lots and lots of questions ranging from my date of birth to where I worked. And one question they kept on asking me was whether I was married or not. I told them everything. Including my divorce to my ex-wife Mary. And a month after the divorce she married Tom Blake, the man she was screwing. And that he divorced his wife, Jane.

I told them I was having two drinks in the blue boar inn. Fred, the bartender, can tell them I was there, Then I left to go to the café for something to eat. I had curry and rice and washed it down with a beer. They will remember that I eat there all the time. Question after question kept coming at me. I got the feeling they thought I had killed the woman.

They asked me if I could recognize the man. I said, "find him I will recognize him." I told them the woman should not have been stabbed regardless of what she had done. The police let me go, but I had to go to the police station to make a formal statement in the morning. It was one am in the morning when I went home. I was in the police station for ten thirty. We went over it all again twice. I signed my statement and left the heading for the blue boar inn.

The police asked me to come back on Monday. I told them I had to go to work. They told me they would be at my place of work on Monday at eight am my start time. To inform my employer I was helping them with their enquiries.

I was in a room with four officers. I did a photo sketch of the man. The biggest pile of photo books was in front of me. I had to look through all these books to see if the man was in one of them. I did not know how many bad guys lived in the city. At the end of the day, I did not want to look at another photo for the rest of my life.

The rest of the week the photo sketch of the man and his description was on the TV and in all the newspapers. Nobody came forward after a month so the police must have expected he had gone into hiding or left the city. I went back to my old boring routine work, eating and drinking.

Then for some unknown reason I started to think about my ex-wife Mary? And Tom Blake, the cheating bastard who in a sense had robbed me of my wife.

Why did she want him?

What did he have I didn't have?

Has he got loads of money?

Is he better looking than me?

He must be better than me in bed?

Or does he have a great big thing hanging between his legs well I knew that was false?

I cast my mind back to the months before when a friend told me he thought there was something going on behind my back. I told him my Mary would never ever cheat on me because we were so much in love. Well, I could not have been more fucking wrong. But in the following days I noticed things had changed between us. They were only little things but they all mounted up.

I did all the usual things and found a PD I wanted hard proof. I got all the info in two weeks after I hired the PD. He had photos and recordings of them in a hotel room one mile from home. Well, I got this far, so I will tell you one or two things but not in any detail.

She was standing up naked with her legs spread apart pointing to her shaved twat. That meant to me come on and fuck me. I was staring at her tits. They were once all mine but not anymore. Photos of him naked waving his cock about as though he had a monster between his legs. He also had a bit of a belly.

He was smaller than me, at least I had eight and a half inches to be proud of. He was at best six inches long, maybe a bit bigger but not much. All I could think of was that he must be better in bed than me? Or he must have lots of money? He was no oil painting that was for sure. So, Mary was chasing money.

I watched the recordings. Mary liked it doggie style he could only manage it twice and then he was all done in. As for myself three times and on a good night four times before I was spent. Most recordings were the same one or twice he had a blowjob and Mary got an oral. In every recording Mary did not let out screams but he did. When I was making love with her in the past Mary would let out loud screams. And I mean loud screams. Anyhow I won't bore you with any more of what they were doing but he had something where I didn't.

I had all the info for a divorce, so I did the same old thing thousands of others have done. Find a lawyer. See the back accounts. Have the papers been served? Wait for us to talk to each other. You know the expression (We need to talk.) You know how it goes so I will skip the cross talk.

Mary, I must say, did have a little feeling for me because she used to ring me once a week to make sure if I was OK or not. But a month ago she stopped phoning me. I thought she was having trouble with Tom Blake. I had to make sure she was ok. I still loved her even though she had been cheating on me. I went round to Tom Blake's. It was nearly half seven pm. I was walking up the path and in the window was a man. I recognized him as the killer. Why is he here in Tom Blake's house? God Mary is in there he is holding Tom Blake and Mary against their will. That's why she has not rung me in weeks. I was thinking to myself.

I stopped and looked round several times as though I was at the wrong house. Turned round and went to the bottom of the path. Looking round to make it seem I was at the wrong house. He was still in the window. I did a double take on him.

I went straight to the police station. Asking for the detectives. I told them I had seen the man who did the killing and the address he was at. I also told them there was a possibility that my ex-wife Mary and her husband Tom Blake could be held as captives by him. Please be careful.

The police wasted no time. A dozen police were at the house. They knocked at the door and Tom Blake answered. The police walked in straight past him. Mary and this man were sitting drinking a glass of wine watching TV. The man jumped up and was heading for the back door. It was no use if they were waiting for him.

They slammed him down on the ground and handcuffed him. Then marched him off to a police car. Bringing him back to the station. It was now nine and the police wanted me to indemnify him as the killer. They asked the men passing by if they would please take part in a line up. Ten of them did so. There they were in a straight line. I walked up and down the line twice. I pointed out the killer. The police thanked the men, and they left.

As I was walking through the station, I saw my ex-wife Mary and her husband Tom Blake. I asked the officer what they were doing here. His reply was helping us with our enquiries?

It was late so I went home to my castle, a one-bedroom flat. For the next two days, I went to work. I was wondering why Mary had not rung me. I called off at the house. Nobody was at home. So, I went back to the blue boar inn for a drink. Fred turned on the TV and there was a news report. They had arrested the man who killed the woman. And two other people are helping them with their enquiries.

The following day it was announced the killer's name was David Blake. Tom Blake's brother and his wife Mary Blake (my ex) were charged with hiding him in their home.

The court case came up and David Blake got sixteen years. Tom Blake got six years. He would be out in four years. My ex-wife got twelve months and will be out in less than six months.

David Blake was a robber. His brother Tom Blake sold the goods splitting their ill-gotten gains. Mary had no Idea what they had been doing. But she had accepted the robber's money that was why she got twelve months.

I visited Mary in jail. It was the least I could do for her. She was sharp at first and after each visit she changed. She told me the real reason for her cheating on me. It was only money. Tom Blake could give her new expensive clothes, and so on. She even told me she was getting a divorce from him and wanted us to get back together. When I left the prison that day, I had to get away somehow. I did not want her back, not for a million.

I went to work and asked for a transfer to one of the other sites. Three were out of the question, but one was on the coast. That was the one I wanted. My boss arranged it, but he told me he did not want to lose me. But he told me because I was good at my job, promotion would come thick and fast where I was moving too.

I found a nice flat with a balcony overlooking the sea. I now had to get my life back on track.

I left my old place of work and went to live on the coast. I went into my new place of work to see my new boss. I was thinking he was going to show me the ropes. Well, I got a surprise. Promotion on the first day and I hadn't picked up a pen. He told me about all the reports about me, and he had decided my old job was not good enough for me. I was a manager but I had to do some travelling, a week at a time once a month. I would get a 50% rise if I wanted the post. The answer was yes.

The first thing I did was to stop drinking and eat better food. Going for a new style haircut then headed for the tailors and bought two new suits, shirts, ties, and shoes. I used my old clothes to go to work. On Friday nights and over the weekends I went out looking for the girl of my dreams. I went to bed with a few single girls, but nothing came of it. The married women always seemed to get my attention.

I was the same old thing. We stripped and I would fuck them in missionary position then a doggie style fuck. Some of them wanted oral sex. One or two of them wanted me to blow my spunk over their face or tits.

But there were two others. The first one wanted to be in control. She would ride my cowgirl then switch to reverse cowgirl holding on to my ankles. We finished off with a doggie style. She wasn't half a good fuck.

The other one was into part bondage. The room we used in the hotel had a headboard with what you would call two poles sticking up at the sides. She always had spare panties with her in her bag. What we did was twist one panties leg that made a loop. That loop went on her wrist with the other leg loop twist that made a loop. That loop went onto the headboard pole. We did the same with another pair of panties. So, she tied to the bed in a missionary position.

I would fuck her twice in that position. I would have a pair of her panties wrapped round my dick soaking up both our juices. Then release her and she would turn round and I would put her pantie loops back on the headboard poles. I would give her a three-finger fuck and then fuck her doggie style. The panties round my dick would be soaking wet. But she wiped herself down with them and put them on before going home. Her other clean panties went back in her bag. A bit odd but that is what she wanted. Her husband must have been a bit of an oddball as well.

The problem was they were all married and they had removed their wedding rings. All they wanted that extra extramarital sex. I was not happy with it because I did not want to break up someone else's marriage due to her cheating. With my new look it seemed I was a magnet for all the married women. I screwed around for about three months and decided to go to the next town looking for the girl of my dreams.


I was in a shopping area and I fancied a coffee for some reason. I walked into this posh looking café and ordered a coffee and a beef and onion sandwich. You know when you are married you always sit facing your wife. Well now I was facing out, able to look around at the women coming and going.

I must say there were some good-looking ones. I was wetting my lips to have hold of one or two of them. I must say my mind was running wild and my dick was ten streets in front of my mind. God I was hard.

This town looked like the most likely place to find the girl of my dreams. I went out in the town at night looking for my girl club after club, dance hall after dance hall. I was hitting a blank wall every time. On the weekends I went back to that posh looking café.

It was a Saturday. Married women were there showing off their wedding rings but there were single girls as well. I tried a few but I got the same answer. I am waiting for my boyfriend to come. Then this woman walked in while I was looking at my paper. The only free seat in the place was opposite me. She came over to me and asked if this seat was taken. No reply, please sit down. I looked at this woman, and she looked familiar. And she looked at me. After a few minutes I spoke to her.

"Have we met before?"

She looked at me straight in the face saying," I think we have met somewhere before. I recognized her voice as Jane. She was drinking her coffee.

I burst out laughing and went on to say "it's me, James, James Turner, Mary's ex-husband. You look like a million dollars."

She coughs and splutters her eyes open wide reaching for a handkerchief to dry her mouth.

"James, I never ever thought I would see you ever again. What are you doing here?"

Jane was smiling at me, and I was smiling at her.

"I work in the next town. I've been here for four months now. How long have you been here?"

"I moved here right after we were divorced and when Tom and Mary were wed. Where are you working now?"

I told Jane what I was doing and what my job prospects were since I had moved. Where I was living and even got a decent second-hand car. We talked and talked about me. Then I wanted to know all about her. I sat there listening to her and looking at that angelic face of hers. Gazing into those bright blue eyes. Her auburn hair touched her shoulders. Then looking at her full lips, I wanted to kiss her. But not like I used to do a peck on the cheek, but a long passionate kiss is what I wanted. She was wearing a white blouse partly open but not showing off her bust. I had no Idea if she was wearing a skirt or a pair of trousers. To me she was a dream woman.

Time was getting on so I asked her out for dinner that Saturday night at seven thirty. And to my delight we were dining out. We were going to meet outside an Italian restaurant. I remember Jane liked Italian food. Arriving early, I wanted a parking place looking at my watch every minute. The time was dragging by. Pacing up and down the pavement thinking she has changed her mind, and I don't even know where she lives. What a fool I am. I forgot to ask her. Getting up tight then Jane turned up ten minutes late. I gasped with relief. Let it go you fool. She has come to see you thinking to myself and smiling for god's sake.

We went to an Italian restaurant, and the waiter asked us for our coats. Joan removed her coat and what a voluptuous site stood there before me. I went weak at the knees. Sitting down opposite each other the light was on her what a picture she looked. We pondered over the menu. I picked a bottle of wine, and Jane said, "could, she has the one she liked so much."

It was eight before we ordered our food. It did not matter to us. We had two bottles of red wine. It went down well considering I like beer. We had a prawn cocktail as a starter. I was hoping it was not going to be a pizza. We both had a rump steak. I asked the waiter for brandy. All through the meal we talked and talked. She did most of it. I gazed into her eyes only half listening.

"James, why are you gazing into my eyes all the time?

It was my time to cough and splutter. No time to think it came out in one burst.

"Jane, you stole my heart and my soul years ago. You knew that when you came to see Mary at our house. I had to go into another room. I wanted you. Your smile and my simile said it all. I loved you there no to get away from it."

Picking up my glass of wine I had to stop the swelling in the back of my throat. Staring at her face, drinking my wine slowly. Jane was shocked at what I had just said. She left the table in a rush. Hell was she upset with me or glad. I had to wait until she came back to the table? Dropping the brandy, I ordered earlier.

I ordered two large brandies and my nerves were on end. The brandies came picking up one of them. I dropped a double in one swallow asking for another one. That was a long thirty minutes. I fidgeted, staring into my glass of brandy.

A woman came from the direction Jane had gone. She was sitting close by, and I overheard her say what she said to her friend. There is a woman in tears in the toilet saying all the time "I LOVE HIM WHAT WILL I DO."

Two other women had told her to marry him if you have any sense. And take him to bed then you will know for sure.

My eyes open wide staring at where Jane had been sitting. Thinking it is Jane, the woman, is talking about. No, it cannot be Jane who would have told me she is so honest. Staring at my drink looking in the direction Jane had gone second by second.

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