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Fred's Whore

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Sometimes it doesn't pay to fuck another man's wife.
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"You know your choices Bess. Stop your whining and get ready to do it or get your ass out of here." My wife Bess gave me a nasty look, but then she turned and went upstairs to get ready for the evening.

My marriage to Bess was pretty much a sham, but it hadn't always been that way. For almost ten years it had been what I would have called a model marriage and indeed people had pointed at us and said, "That's what a marriage should be like." Not anymore! Six months ago the wheels had come off and the marriage had cratered. That Bess and I are still together is because Bess won't give up on trying to win me back. I don't think it is possible, but if she wants to try I'll let her. There is a price that she has to pay for being able to stay with me while she tries work things out with me and she's not happy that she has to pay it, but pay it she does.

It all started when Bess and my brother's wife Ann went to a bachelorette party for my cousin Myra. Bess likes to sip the sauce so I expected her to come home smashed, but I wasn't worried because Ann doesn't drink and she would act as the designated driver. I also expected that she would come home late so I didn't wait up for her. I woke up at four in the morning needing to go to the bathroom and I noticed that Bess wasn't in the bed with me. I took my whiz and then checked the living room couch and then the rest of the house, but Bess wasn't there. I wasn't too worried because I knew she was with Ann.

I got up at my regular time at seven and still no Bess. I made coffee, took my shower, got dressed and at eight o'clock I called my brother's house. He answered and I asked him if Ann was there and he said she was and I asked him to have her come to the phone. There was a long pause and in the background I heard Ann say, "I don't want to talk to him" and then my brother say, "You have to talk to him. It's not your fault and he'll know that." When Ann came to the phone I told her that Bess wasn't at home, "She was riding with you Ann, what's going on?" Ann hemmed and hawed and finally said, "I don't know what to tell you Fred."

"Well at least tell me if I should be calling the cops."

"I don't know Fred, I don't think so, but I really don't know."

"What's going on Ann? What is it you're not telling me?"

There was hesitation on her end of the line and I said, "Tell me now on the phone Ann or I'm coming over there and I will sit on your couch and stare at you until you tell me in person."

There were several seconds of silence and then the story poured out of her.

The girls had been having a good time and Bess was drinking like she always did. One of the girls had hired some entertainment in the form of three - not one, but three - male strippers and things had gotten pretty raunchy when the three of them had done their routines. The strippers were invited to stay and party and they did. There were several single girls there and they pretty much went after the strippers and a couple of the married women felt that wasn't fair and they started a friendly competition. Bess wasn't taking part in the competition, but Bess is an extremely sexy looking lady so even though she showed no interest in the strippers they showed an interest in her.

Ann had noticed the three men feeding Bess booze and she thought it was funny. "They thought they were going to hustle Bess; they didn't know that I was keeping an eye on her and that I would be the one she left with."

When Ann decided that it was time to go she decided that she should hit the restroom first before getting in the car to drive home. She was third in line to use the facilities and when she was done she went looking for Bess. When she couldn't find her she asked if anyone had seen her and one of the girls said she thought that Bess had stepped outside for some fresh air. Ann went outside just in time to see the three strippers hustle Bess into a car. Ann ran back in the house to get her purse and car keys, ran back outside, got in her car and tried to follow them, but got caught at a light and lost them.

"You're saying that somewhere three guys have Bess?"

Ann was silent for a couple of seconds and then she said "yes."

"And you don't think I should call the cops?"

"I didn't say that Fred. What I said was that I didn't know, but I didn't think so."

"How do you figure that?"

"Because Fred, everyone saw Bess leave with them. If anything bad happened to Bess all that you would have to do is tell the cops what agency they worked for and the cops would have them in no time and those guys know it. No, we both know what happened Fred and the cops can't do anything now that it's done unless Bess cries rape. As drunk as she was the rape charge would never stick. All the three guys would have to do is say Bess consented and Bess wouldn't honestly be able to remember if she had said yes or not. She'll call Fred, you just have to wait for it. She didn't know what she was doing Fred. Whatever happened she didn't know and she had no control. I'm sorry Fred, I really and truly am, but it wasn't my fault and it really wasn't hers either."

As I hung up the phone all I could think about was what the three guys had done or were doing to Bess. They'd had her all night and for all I knew they still had her. Three guys gangbanging my wife all night long and maybe all day long too. The more I thought about it the madder I got and I called Ann again and asked her who had hired the strippers. She gave me the name and I called Shirley and found out whom she had hired the strippers from. Then I called The Fantasy Agency and asked to speak to the owner. He wasn't in so I was put through to the day manager. I told him that I wanted the names and addresses of the three men who had worked Myra's party and he refused to give them to me. Then I told him what had happened and told him he either give me the names or he could give them to the police and that I would make damn sure that a newspaper reporter would just happen to be in the neighborhood when the cops arrived. He told me he would call the owner and get back to me. I told him he had one hour and then I was going to the cops. He called me back in twenty minutes and gave me the information and then he told me that the three didn't work for the agency any more as of the time of his conversation with his boss.

Before I could do anything with the information the phone rang and it was Ann. "Bess just called me. She's in a motel on the other side of town and she wants me to come and pick her up."

"Why didn't she call me?"

"She's afraid to. She was alone when she woke up, but could tell what had happened to her. She's afraid to face you."

"Tell me where it is, I'll go and get her."

"No Fred, let me do it. I'll give her a shoulder to cry on and try to ease her mind about having to face you."

"Ann, if the story you told me is true she doesn't have to worry about me."

"You and I know that Fred, she doesn't."

Bess spent three days crying and begging me for forgiveness and I must have told her fifty times that I did. Eventually she accepted my assertions that I forgave her and that I wanted to forget that it ever happened. I couldn't of course, there was no way I could ever forget that my wife had been gangbanged, but I had to try and convince her that I had. I was affectionate and loving and I tried to show that nothing had changed between us, but things had. Before Bess had her 'lost night' we had enjoyed a rather robust sex life - five and sometimes six nights a week. Suddenly we were down to one or maybe two and only then if I refused to take no for an answer. I told myself it was natural for her to want to avoid sex for a while after what had happened to her and I thought that after a time things would go back to normal.

Three months went by and things didn't get any better and I suggested that maybe we needed to seek some professional help. Bess told me that there wasn't any way she was going to see a shrink and that nothing was wrong with her. I was right on the edge of insisting when something happened that changed everything. I had gone for almost a month without sex and I was feeling extremely horny. I came home from work early one day and I pulled into the drive just as Bess was getting out of her car. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels and her long legs looked magnificent. I got an immediate hard on and when she opened the trunk of her car and bent forward to get some shopping bags out of the trunk I wanted to walk up behind her and take her from behind right then and there.

I helped her carry her bags into the house and when we had put them down I swept her up in my arms and headed for the bedroom.

"What are you doing Fred?"

"I'm going to ravish you my dear."

"No Fred, put me down. I don't want to."

"You never want to anymore Bess, but I do and tonight the drought ends."

"Damn it Fred, I said no! Now put me down."

I put her down - right on the bed - and then because she was determined to fight me off I decided not to waste anymore time.

"I've put up with this shit ever since your night out with the boys and I've just decided that I'm not putting up with it any more. You are either going to be a wife to me Bess or you can go and find yourself a divorce lawyer."

And then I pushed the crotch band of her panties aside and pushed my hard cock into her. I slid right in and immediately realized that Bess had been freshly fucked. There is no sensation quite like that of sliding your cock into a pussy full of cum and once you have done it you never forget the feeling. In college I had taken part in a gangbang or three and I was well aquatinted with what my cock was experiencing at that moment. I tried to keep my face neutral as I fucked Bess and looked down into her blazing eyes. Was this why she had not been having sex with me? To hide the fact that she was fucking someone else? I didn't know, but I was damned sure going to find out.

When it was over Bess said, "I can't believe that you just raped me."

"Yeah? Well you heard what I said. Either get back to being a wife to me or get yourself a lawyer and end the marriage. You won't let me get you professional help and I'm through waiting for you to get back to being your old self. It's your choice, at least for now."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that it is your choice now but that if you don't hurry up and make it maybe I'll be the one making the choice."

The next day I hired a private detective. He followed Bess for a week and that was long enough. He had pictures, he had names and addresses and he had places, times and dates. I paid him off and started going through his report. The names and addresses jogged my memory and I went looking for the list I had made when I had called The Fantasy Agency. Bess was cheating on me with the three assholes that had taken her away from Myra's party. I didn't waste any of my time wondering how much of Ann's and Bess's story of that night was true and how much of it was bullshit. The fact was that Bess was willingly seeing those three almost every day of the week. Sometimes only one of them, sometimes all three, but not her husband, oh no, God forbid she should take care of him.

It took me a week to learn what I needed to know and then to set things up and then things started to happen. At 9:15 on Thursday night James Weeks heard his car alarm go off. He looked outside of his apartment and saw the glow of a fire underneath his car. He came running down the steps from his second floor apartment and as he stepped off the bottom step he felt a blinding pain as a baseball bat crushed his right knee and as he fell to the ground the same thing happened to his left knee. Forty minutes later and eleven miles away the same thing happened to Steve Goddard. At 11:35 that same evening Jason Demming stepped out into the alley behind Angelina's Restaurant for his smoke break. When Jose Gonzales came out to dump the trash at 12:10 he found Jason rolling in pain on the ground with two smashed knees.

For the next two days I carefully watched Bess and I could tell she was nervous and upset about something, but even knowing what caused it I stayed quiet and just watched. Then I took a day off work and followed Bess. Her first stop was at St. Anthony's Hospital which was where they had Demming. Next she went to County General where Weeks and Goddard were occupying beds. I headed home, stopping at a florist to send flowers to all three men in Bess's name on the card. The next day I took half a day off work and was sitting at the kitchen table when Bess came home. She knew - she knew as soon as she visited and saw the flowers with her name on the card, and she knew as soon as she saw me sitting and waiting for her.

She stood there and stared at me for almost a minute and I just sat there and looked back at her. Finally she said, "Why?"

"Just my way of letting you know how upset I was when I found out that you wouldn't fuck me while all the time you were fucking them. Also it shows them what can happen when they mess with another man's wife."

"They know it was you."

"Of course they do, but they can't prove a thing and the next time you visit them you can tell them that there is more waiting if I ever lay eyes on them again."

"I don't know you anymore. You're not the man I married."

"And you my dear are not the woman that I married. That woman was not a fucking whore. But you are a whore Bess and I've decided that since I'm married to a whore I might as well get some benefit out of it."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, I'll show you" and I grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind me and led her to the bedroom. There, sitting naked on the side of the bed was my boss. "You know Stan Bess. Stan has always had the hots for you so I told him you would take care of him."

"You're joking."

"Not one bit my little whore. I've told Stan he can do anything he wants with you for as long as he wants. You don't have to do it of course, but if you don't you need to be out of this house within five minutes of saying no. The only thing you will be taking with you is a copy of the report and the pictures that I got from the detective I had following you. Have fun you two" and I turned and went back downstairs.

It was six in the morning when Stan came downstairs. I told him I would see him at the office and then I went on up to the bedroom. Bess was still lying on the bed and she looked up at me, "I suppose it's your turn now?"

"No thanks, I don't fuck whores."

"That's not fair Fred, you have no idea what I've been going through."

"And just whose fault is that? I forgave you and tried to forget; I offered you love and understanding and a shoulder to cry on and what did you do? You cut me off from sex so you could give it to those three assholes. I don't believe you were drunk that night when they took you out of the party and I don't believe that you didn't know what was going on. All I know is that you are a whore and that from now on, as long as you live under my roof anyway, you will fuck whomever I tell you to. You will be taking care of Stan and any of my customers that I want to take special care of. I'll make sure that you get plenty of cock Bess. I'll see to it that you won't miss those three assholes."

And I did. For the next three weeks I don't think Bess got dressed as I ran a steady stream of men through the bedroom. One morning Bess asked, "How long is this going to go on?"

"Until you get tired of it and leave."

"Are you telling me that there is no chance of us fixing up things between us?"

"I don't see how Bess. Honesty up front might have helped. I probably could have lived with it if you had come home and told me something like after your gangbang you found out that you liked lots of cock. That I wasn't enough for you anymore and you needed some on the side to supplement what you got from me. But that's not what happened is it? You stopped being a wife to me and became a whore for them."

"Fred, I love you. I'm sorry for what happened and I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was confused, I was mixed up and I wasn't thinking straight. Give me a chance Fred and I'll prove it to you."

"You can try Bess. I don't think it will work, but as long as you are living in this house you can try."

That was six months ago and Bess is trying. She hasn't made any progress yet, but she tries and as long as she fucks the men I bring home she can keep on trying.

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miket0422miket0422about 2 months ago

Ann shouldn't have gotten off without consequences.

She was the designated driver and was supposed to be keeping an eye on Bess because everyone knew she liked to drink and would get herself into trouble.

Instead she sat by and thought it was funny as the strippers force fed drinks to Bess. Then she goes to the bathroom, taking her eyes off Bess and leaving her unattended even though she knew Bess was hammered.

Then she goes home and doesn't let Fred know what happened.

The cheating afterwards is all on Bess. What happened the night of the bachelorette party is totally on Ann.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Anne was actively complicit. Where are her severe consequences?

RuttweilerRuttweiler7 months ago
The JPB random story generator strikes again!

Word salad with diarrhea dressing.

orion2bear2orion2bear28 months ago

If he was mad she cheated how did it help to bcome her pimp no man worthy of the name would act like th mc

fredbrownfredbrown8 months ago

I like a lot of JPB's work but this one started out bad and went downhill in a hurry! Sorry........

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