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Frivolous Fantasy Diaries - Sister

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The Frivolous Fantasy app makes all your dreams come true...
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The Frivolous Fantasy Diaries

The FrivolousFantasy app was a simple idea. Download and create an account then choose to be either a host or a provider.

Hosts paid good money for an anonymous provider to meet with them to deliver whatever sordid fantasy their mind could create. The address, date and time of meeting, along with any special requirements, appeared on the provider's account allowing them to select one that appealed to them. Then all they needed to do was arrive, as per the request, to fulfil the host's lustful desires.

And the hefty price tag made sure to attract only the most affluent and sordid customers...


Joey lifted the pebble by the bird bath and took the front door key exactly as instructed. He let himself in, made his way upstairs and slipped off his coat, laying it on the chair in the corner of the landing. Following the request to the letter, he kicked off his shoes and removed his socks, jumper and trousers, leaving on his silky, maroon shorts.

Second on the left, he reminded himself before moving along the hallway and slowly edging down the handle. The spring made several soft pings, which was to be expected in the silence.

He squinted into the darkened room, identifying the corner of the bed in the gentle glow from the hallway light, then he stepped in carefully and edged the door closed behind him.

He led with his toes as he crept blindly towards where the bed had been, reaching out with his hand as he neared. The soft purr of his sleeping host grew louder until his foot found the throw spilling off the bed and onto the floor. He peeled back the sheets and slid between them, hoping not to wake her.

He lay still for several moments appreciating her lulling breaths and the warmth radiating from her body.

After allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness, he held his breath and caressed his finger down her bare spine. There was no response from the first few attempts, then she suddenly twitched awake and arched her back before stretching out her arms and legs.

'I can't sleep,' he whispered.

'I was having an amazing dream then,' she grumbled.

'I can't sleep, sis,' he repeated.

'Have you tried the sheep counting thing?'


'Warm drink?'

'That never works.'

'Read your book then.'

'Come on.' He poked her playfully in the back. 'You know I get nervous when I've got exams.'

'And you get horny when you get nervous.'

'Come on, sis. Don't tease. You know it helps me relax.'

'That's why you need a girlfriend.'

'It's not my fault coach won't let us date. Pleeease! It'll help me sleep.'

She took his arm and pulled it in front of her then wrapped hers around it tightly. Her breasts were ample and enveloped his sinewy forearm. She slid his hand underneath her cheek, and they lay spooning together for several silent minutes, the only movement their slow, synchronised breaths.

'Tell me the story again,' he whispered.

She didn't flinch.

'Tell me about the first time that we...'

'Promise you'll go back to bed if I do?'


'We went on holiday,' she began. 'To the caravan.'

'I used to love it there.' He played along nicely.

'We went swimming on the first day. Tina was there. The girl from two vans down.'

'I remember Tina. How could I not remember Tina? She had the most beautiful rear.'

'Mmm!' she groaned in approval. 'And her eyes...'

'I wanked over her so many times.'

'I know. I felt the duvet rustle and the quiet groan when you came.'

He squirmed a little from the embarrassment.

'You were jumping in the pool. Messing around with those other boys.'

'They were older than me.'

'But you were the only one with tight abs.'

'All that training.'

'You wore those little black swim shorts.'

'I used to like those.'

'So did Tina.'

'Did she?'

'We lay on those sun-loungers chatting about...girl stuff...'

'We used to jump in and splash you both.'

'...and boys. Tina said she liked you. Said she liked your shoulders. The way your muscles rippled down your arms as you moved. Your firm thighs. Your large cock bulging through your shorts.'

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'You wouldn't have understood.'

'I do now.'

'I know.' Her hips squirmed slightly as the words came out. 'She kept telling me how much she wanted to touch your body. Wanted to feel each curve of your ripped chest. To squeeze your tight rear. It is so damn firm. She liked your hair. Long and slightly wavy. Told me how she wanted you to sit on the floor in front of her so that she could run her fingers through it. It's so soft and thick. Told me she would spin you around and pull her bikini bottoms to the side so that you could lap at her pussy while she stroked you.'

'I bet she tastes sweet.'

'She does,' she breathed. 'But that story's for another time. She told me how stiff your cock would be when you stood up, bursting out of your tight shorts. She would grab you and pull you on top of her so that you could fuck her. Your huge cock tearing her apart.'

'She was three years older than me.'

'The same age as me. But she'd never been fucked. Not like that. She still had a tight little virgin pussy.'

'Like you had.'

'Like I had. I got so horny that day watching you as Tina described every detail of how she wanted to make you a man. Every inch of your tight body. Your huge cock. You were so much bigger than all the other boys.'

'The older boys.'

'I guess that's what made me so wet. Knowing how wrong it was to be thinking about you in that way. I often admired your tight body as you got changed. Felt how firm it was, pressing myself against you when you won a match. But I'd never thought about... We got in the pool.'

'You fooled around with us.'

'You kept grabbing me. Holding me. Your arms wrapped around me, hands glancing against my breasts, your cock brushing against my thighs.'

'You wore...'

'...that pink bikini. It was so small. It kept riding up my rear.'

'It kept riding up to expose your soft, sweet flesh.'

'I watched you with Tina. Playing together. Touching each other. Laughing. The way she looked at you. Knowing she wanted to be your first. Knowing the sordid acts she wanted to perform with you. But I couldn't let her. I needed to protect my little brother from her dirty mind. I wanted your first time to be so special.'

'It was.'

'To give you something sensual you'd always remember.'

'I'll never forget it. I'll never forget any of them. I remember every single time.'

'We got out the pool. Got showered. I watched the lather running down Tina's body, over her tan lines. I imagined it was you sliding your hands over her glistening flesh, her words from earlier spinning around my head. The way she described your body. The things she wanted to do to you. I was so turned on. I thought about touching her. About fucking her in the shower. I knew she would. We'd fooled around a couple of times already, trying moves on each other that we'd heard about. Experimenting. But it wasn't her that I wanted then. We got ready and went out that night. I couldn't stop watching you, thinking about you as you danced with Tina. We went back to the van. We shared a bed.'

'We had done since we were six.'

'I got in. You took your shirt off to reveal your curves glowing in the pale light just like Tina had described. I should have fingered myself before then. I should have gone to the bathroom and made myself come. Got it out of my system.'

'I got into bed.'

'In those silk shorts.'

'They were so comfy.'

'You rolled over and placed your arm on my shoulder.'

'You took it, as always, and slipped it in front of you to cuddle it.'

'You whispered goodnight. Your breath...'

'Keep going.'

'Your breath, so gentle on my neck. We lay for several moments. Tina's words flooding my head. Confusing me. I couldn't get her out. I couldn't get you out of my head. What if you didn't want to? What if you ended up hating me forever?'

'I could never hate you.'

'I waited until I thought you were asleep. Then I took your hand and moved it onto my breast.'

'It felt so nice. So soft and warm. Comforting.'

'You didn't move.'

'I thought it was an accident. I thought you just wanted to cuddle. I never imagined you wanted...'

'I was aching in my head, and between my legs. I didn't know whether to make another move or just tell you what I wanted.'

'Touching your breast made my cock start to stiffen. I tried to hide it. Tried to pretend I was asleep. I'd never even kissed a girl.'

'Apart from Janine Clark in Year three.'

'Apart from Janine Clark. But that was just a peck at the disco.'

'I brushed your finger across my nipple.'

'It went stiff.'

'I was so horny.'

'They always looked so soft. Your nipples. Ripe and puffy like giant Marshmallows. That night, they were different. Stiff nubs of flesh sucked tight into your breasts. I liked it. I really liked it. I liked watching your body change as we grew up. When you got dressed in your bedroom and left the door open just a crack. I stuffed the lock in the bathroom with tissue so that I could watch you taking a shower. It always made me so stiff watching you sliding your hands over your soapy body. And then, after seeing you step out and wrap your towel around you, I ran to my room and made myself come.'

'You naughty little boy.'

'I'm sorry, sis.'

'You don't need to do that anymore.'

'I don't do that anymore.'

She took his hand and moved it to her other breast, pressing it into her large dome, soft flesh spilling out between his fingers. She brushed the tips across her stiffened nipple. 'See what you do to me?'

He shifted his hips and dug his arousal into her rear. 'And this is what you do to me.'

She reached round and took hold of his thick flesh. 'There it is.'

She began to stroke his length, the silk of his shorts allowing her to glide so easily.

'You seduced me that night.'

'You let me.'

'I didn't know any better.'

'You knew exactly what was happening. And you liked it.'

'I still do.'

'I took your hand. Slid it down my body.'

'I thought you wanted me to rub your tummy. Then you...'

'Say it.'

'I can't.'

'Say it. Remind me what I did.'

'You placed my hand between your legs.'

'Show me,' she breathed. It was almost a plea.

He caressed his fingertips over her stomach, pausing at the band of her panties.

'Show me,' she repeated.

He ran his fingers along the edge, circling her hip bone as he found it.

'Please show me. Be a good little brother.'

His fingertip dipped under the material, but she shifted her hips to release it.

'I want to feel how wet you are.'

'That's not how it happened.'

'I want to. I like feeling how wet and smooth it is.'

'Remember what I taught you? It's not polite to call it an it.'

'I'm sorry.'

'What is it called?'

'A pussy.'

'Good boy. It's my pussy. And it's very precious to me.'

'I know. I have to ask permission if I want to touch it.'

'And do you?'

'You know I do, sis. Don't be a tease.'

'You'd better do as you're told then.'

'Can I touch it? Can I feel your bare pussy, sis? Pleeease!'

'Shh! Mum'll hear you.'

'Sorry,' he whispered. 'But can I?'

'What have we just discussed?' She let go of his arousal.

'Don't stop.'

'You have to do as you're told. You have to promise to be good or we won't be able to do it anymore.'

'I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to touch you.'

'I know. But that's not how it happened.' She took his hand and placed it between her legs, holding it against her panties.

'I want to feel your pussy, sis. See how hard I am. I'm ready. I'm really ready.' He pressed his arousal into her back.

'But I'm not. Remember what I taught you? Your cock gets stiff really easily. That's because little boys are naughty. Always looking at girls and imagining themselves fucking them.'

'I can't help it. I like doing it.'

'I know. But girls don't work like that. It's like when Mum makes Sunday dinner. She puts the oven on and lets it warm up before putting the chicken in.'

'And then we have to wait ages while it cooks.'

'But it tastes so much better when it's been given time to get ready, doesn't it?'


'Just like my pussy. Doesn't it taste so much better when we've given it time to get ready.'

'Yes,' he sounded almost disheartened.

'Good boy. The oven is starting to warm up now, but it needs so much more before you can put the chicken in.'

'I know.'

She took his hand and began to circle her mound, slipping it down between her legs before drawing it back up slowly. 'Show me.' She let go. 'Show me that you know how to warm the oven properly.'

He repeated the move that she made.

'Show me you know how to treat a pussy.'

She reached round and took hold of his arousal again and began to stroke.

'I like it when you do that.'

'I know.'

'Especially at the end.'

'Here?' She ran her thumb over his softened head.

'Mmm!' he groaned. 'Let me feel your pussy. Pleeease, sis. I'll be good. I won't rush.'



She took his wrist and brought his arm up in front of her then began to suck on his fingers. ' I...taught you.' She moved his arm back down and pushed his fingers into her panties.

He throbbed as he combed through her mat of hair. 'You were bald the first time I touched it.'

'I know. But I'm all grown up now. I can make it smooth for you again if you'd like?'

'Maybe. But I like stroking it like this.' He made slow circles over her mound before pushing his hand in further, brushing against her soft flesh.

'That's nice,' she said. 'Now, don't rush. I know you can't wait to push your fingers inside me, to feel how wet my pussy is, but I need you to take your time. Touch each part. Feel every bit of my flesh.'

'Until you start to squirm.'

'That's it.'

'And beg for me to fuck you.'

'Good boy.'

His fingertips gave every fold the delicate attention that she craved.

'And don't forget my clit. Do you remember where my clit is?'

'It's here.' He slid his fingers over the raised nub, forcing her to moan.

'Mmm! That's right. That's the most important part, remember?'

'That's where it feels good. Like the end of my cock.'

'Exactly! If you want to make me really happy, you have to give my clit lots of attention.'

He moved his hand down and pushed the tip of his middle finger into her opening.

'You just can't wait to feel how wet I am, can you?'

'I'm sorry, sis. It just feels... Your pussy just feels so good.'

'It's okay. You've made me nice and wet. You can put your fingers in me now.'

'Yay!' He pushed inside and ran his finger around several times before slipping it out and circling her clit. She moaned and arched her back, so he repeated the move, pushing his arousal against her rear.

'That feels so good,' she groaned. 'You've remembered what I showed you.'

'I want to make you happy. So that you'll let me fuck you.'

He sensed her head turn. 'Now remember.' Her voice had a sudden sternness. 'That's only for special occasions. You don't get to fuck me every time.'

'I know.'

'I have to be really turned on for that.'

'Like that day in the caravan.'

'Yes, but we shouldn't do it really.'

'We shouldn't do this.'

'I know but this is just playing. Experimenting. Fucking is different. That's even more special.'

'I hope I get to fuck you.'

'We'll see.'

He pushed a second finger inside causing her to groan.

'Things like that will certainly bring you closer to fucking me.'

He rubbed the pad of his palm against her clit as he drew his fingers along her sweet spot. She took hold of his wrist and thrust slowly, matching his movements, her breaths deepening.

'Your pussy is getting wetter.'

'That's're treating it right.'

'Can I fuck you now, sis?'

'Not yet. Keep doing that.' She groaned. 'It feels so...nice.'

'Can I kiss you?'

'We've talked about that.'


'You know we can't. It's forbidden.'

'But why?'

'I've told you. That's for people who are in love. It makes them more intimate. Shows how much they love each other.'

'Do we not love each other?'

'Not like that. A brother and sister love each other in a different way to adults. We're just practicing things so that we will be better when we do fall in love.'

'I wish Tina still visited the caravan park. I'd like to practice on her.'

'Don't you prefer practicing with your sister.'

'Yes. It's just that...I could kiss Tina.'

'Tina's very pretty. Her lips are thick. Nice to kiss.'

'You're so lucky getting to kiss Tina.'

'She was so soft and sensual.'

'I want to kiss Tina. And touch her pussy. I want to feel how it compares to yours.'

'Would you like to taste her?'

'You know I would.'

'I'll let you taste mine again, if you'd like.'

'Yes, please!'

'Shh! Go on then.'

He shuffled under the sheets and removed her panties. She rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide. His arousal was stiffer than he could ever remember, and he thought about just driving it into her to satisfy his carnal throbbing, or at least rubbing himself against the mattress as he delivered.

He always found it easy to get into the role of the provider, but this one seemed to appeal to him much more than he could imagine. He didn't know her name, he hadn't even seen her face, but the deeply forbidden fantasy they were creating was such a delicious turn on.

He had an actual sister who was also slightly older than him, and she lay in bed once when they were younger and asked him to join her. They lay for several moments before she took his hand and placed it on her developing breasts. They were just curious kids experimenting. He squeezed them rather awkwardly through her pyjamas, and the thing in his trousers suddenly stiffened and lit up with a most delicious tingling sensation. An indescribable itch that begged to be scratched. His sister reached down and took hold of him through his trousers curious as to what had happened. She hardly moved her hand before he throbbed and spurted out a sticky liquid.

Their mother immediately called out to them as she made her way upstairs and he panicked and threw himself under the duvet, his head resting on her warm stomach. His heart pounded, his chest rapid as his mother walked in and spoke to his sister. His body rippled with goosebumps at the thought of getting caught. He didn't actually know what the had done, but somehow, he knew that it was wrong. His memory of that moment was vivid, as if it had happened only moments ago. The shock of his arousal. The indescribable pleasure as he came. The fear of their mother catching them. The aroma under the duvet. There was something about that smell. Heady and intriguing. Like nothing he had experienced. Captivating and provocative.

He had had his first ever orgasm that day, and the magical surge of pleasure his sister had given him remained in his mind ever since. He had, of course, done his best to push his feelings deep down, but she had awoken something within him.

The day after, he began masturbating and never looked back. He never spoke of that day to anyone, including his sister, and neither did she. But he was undeniably grateful for the pleasurable road that she had sent him down.

She took hold of his hair and pulled him into her, his face pressing into her folds. The air was thick from the heat of their bodies, and her musky arousal enticed him to kiss and lap at her sweet flesh, yet somehow, he became awash with immense guilt. Like he was suddenly part of something deeply sinful and corrupt. His sister's face flashed into the darkness, his mother's voice joining it, and he cursed at how powerful his mind could be. But the thought only spurred him on, encouraging him to suck at every burning nub and force his tongue deeper into her arousal-fuelled opening. The smell. The warm musky smell. It was just like that day under the duvet. His head lay on his sister's stomach and his deep breaths drew her in, his body begging him to investigate, to search for the source of the aroma. He could see it. He could see the curve of her mound pushing through her soft pyjamas in the soft light. That's where the delicious scent was coming from. He wanted to reach out. To touch it curiously. Unwrap it from its tormenting covering.


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