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From Mom to Toy

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Friends make a plan so Jenny can score with her son.
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"... -id you even hear me? Do you want ...?" Jenny was saying as she opened the door to her son's room, but his shout of "Mom! Close the door" stopped her cold.

The scene she was greeted with was her 18 year old son Zach standing, dick in hand, his other hand raised to block her eye line (but it wasn't working). His computer screen was a frozen image of some porn video. Thanks to it being paused she couldn't tell what exactly was happening and she might have not know for sure it was porn if the logo of the site and all of the surrounding ads not been so explicit.

"I' sorry!" she muttered, but she didn't retreat. Not right away. She found herself as frozen as the couple on Zach's screen, staring at the cock her son was holding.

Damn, he's big! The thought came unbidden to Jenny's mind before she could stop it. Eww! He's your son! Quit looking, weirdo!

"So sorry!" she said again, and fled the scene.

Back downstairs she must have looked shell shocked. "Everything ok?" her husband Roy asked.

"Yeah... yeah! Totally!" She shook herself and then laughed. "I umm, interrupted a private moment."

"Oh? Oh!" Roy got it and laughed. "Poor guy! I told you that you had to start knocking and letting him do his own laundry. For all our sakes!"

They shared another laugh and neither were surprised when Zach chose to take the bus to school, avoiding them entirely by slipping out the front door with a "love you, bye."


"Oh no!" Amber, Jenny's best friend, said when Jenny told her. "He's probably so embarrassed. How are you? Traumatized?"

"No! I mean he's younger than I wanted him to be before he started using porn. I'd rather he be 90! But I'm not surprised. Kids these days get their sex ed online before we ever think to tell them the old birds and bees."

"But it's something you can't unsee."

Oh, girl! More than you realize! The truth was Jenny had been replaying the image of her young son holding his big cock, over and over. She didn't dare tell her friend that detail, let alone how she felt a tingle of excitement when she imagined it. It was gross, but Jenny rationalized it as her mammalian instincts fighting with her maternal ethics and briefly winning. No big deal. Purely biological.

"I don't think I'll ever forget, that's for sure," is all she said about it. "But anyway, that's what I get for not knocking. I guess I'm glad I already make him do his laundry."

"Oh, yeah," Amber said, "because of the panties."

This silenced Jenny for a moment. "Excuse me? Panties?"

Amber looked at her like it was obvious and why was Jenny making her say it out loud. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "In case he's stealing your panties?" Like, duh?

"Amber! What? What is that?"

"Oh, come on. Boys do that! I know my brothers stole mine and my mom's. They use them know?" She made a whacking off gesture, complete with open hand splooge and a sound effect raspberry. Jenny broke out in giggles.

"Jesus! What? I didn't have brothers. That's a thing? I just meant I'd find his jerk off sock!"

"Oh, they don't wash the jerk off sock. They use it until it's too stiff and then throw it away."

This doubled Jenny over with laughter. "Holy shit! I'm not ready to be a teen boy mom! Not at all!"

"Here's a tip then: Double check you panties drawer."


Zach is not stealing my panties! I do not have to check my panties drawer!

This was Jenny's mantra for hours while she did chores around the house. And it had nearly kept her from going through her underwear until she started wondering which pair a boy his age would pick? Surely something impractical--one of her lacier thongs or complicated string get-ups. She rarely wore those so they'd likely be buried at the bottom of the drawer. She'd never miss them unless she checked.

Minutes later Jenny was sitting amid a mound of clean panties on her bed. Once uncompressed, the contents of the drawer made quite a large pile. But at the bottom she'd found all of her lacier, racier, most enticing panties undisturbed.

She wrestled with a little disappointment when she found them and inwardly chastised herself for being let down by her son not being a perv.

She made herself feel relieved. Zach was jerking off but he wasn't doing it with his mom's underwear. That was a good thing.

Jenny began stuffing her underwear back in the drawer. "Oh! I forgot I had these! They're so cute!" She stopped stuffing and started browsing. Before long she was holding pairs up and looking at herself in the mirror. She had so many she'd forgotten.

"Oh, why not?" she says aloud as she started shucking off her jeans and underwear and started trying on long-forgotten pairs.

She pulled on a pair of turquoise thongs with just the cutest strappy back! She bought them back when low rise pants were a thing and she used to love how the thin satin straps showed above her low belt line.

They still looked great! Jenny made a note to put them back into rotation.

She found another pair, thong as well, with cherry blossoms embroidered on their lace front and faux pearls along the straps that hugged her hip and ran up her crack.

These are so needlessly sexy! she thought. They weren't part of a set. Just daintily slutty panties that for some reason she'd bought.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her white t-shirt on top adding to the casual sexiness of the panties. She did the Houdini trick and slid her bra out from under her shirt, then looked again. Pinched her nipples hard, then looked yet again.

This little getup was working! It was giving "woke up sexy" meets "secretly seductive." She thought of what Roy would think of her in this, coming out of the en suite for cuddle time.

In the mirror she turned this way and that. "Oh, do you like these?" she asked no one, since she was alone. She feigned a giggle and touched her hair. "You think they're sexy? I forgot I had these on ..." She liked how she sounded, playing the innocent, naive tease. "What do you mean they're pretty little? They cover everything!"

She was turning herself on now! She forgot sometimes that she was a hot woman -- still petite and tight, even into her 40s. She turned heads when she wasn't made up and dressed to impress, but that paradoxically didn't make her feel attractive. It just convinced her men would look at anything.

But seeing herself and hearing herself now, she felt really hot!

"Oh, what's that? You want to see the back? Don't laugh. They don't cover much..." She turned her back to the mirror to check out her round ass swallowing the string of pearls...

And caught sight of Zach. The was staring at her from the hall.


Roy couldn't stop laughing. "He was just ... just standing there ... and you were ..." He lost it again, peals of laughter doubling him over.

"Stop!" She couldn't stop herself from laughing, though. How could she expect him to?

It was her turn to be embarrassed. But in the grand scheme of things, her son seeing her in her underwear wasn't a huge deal. She had left out the part of talking to herself and rehearsing her seductive persona.

"What made you start trying on panties anyway?" he asked.

So she told him what Amber had said and he laughed some more. "You were looking in the wrong place anyway," he said, wiping tears. "He wouldn't take them out of your drawer. He'd swipe them from your hamper."


The next day, Jenny just happened to have a partial load of laundry to run and had the bright idea to check if Zach had anything he needed washed. Just good mom stuff.

Taking her basket into his room, she realized that he was using the typical, teen boy "clean pile/dirty pile" method. A quick look clued her into which pile was which and she started gathering up the dirty pile. Piece by piece.


Not that she expected to find her panties in his room! She definitely had not been hoping to!

Come on, Jennifer! What are you thinking? You don't want to be part of your son's masturbation routine, dummy!

She was just about to leave his room with her basket when she saw a familiar shade of purple stuffed under Zach's bed. She pulled the exposed fabric and out slithered her purple-with-black-polka dots satin thong. And it was more than a little stiff.

Tuesday -- I wore these on Tuesday. He must have stole them off the top of her hamper and stashed them. She wouldn't have missed them yet.

She held up the abused little garment. It had definitely been used rough. And put away wet, from the looks of the stains.

She felt gross, holding them. They had her son's teenage wank all over them. So why didn't she just wash them? She eyed the basket. She was going to run a load anyway ...

She left the basket and took them to her room. She got in her closet and looked for the shoebox with her toys. When she opened it, the big blue dildo Roy had bought her seemed to jump out at her. She hadn't liked the thing -- too big, too cold. Nothing like the real thing.

But now it brought to mind the image that had haunted her -- her son's big cock, hard in his hand.

She took the big hunk of silicone out and examined it for the first time in years. She closed her hand around it, gauging it against her memory.

About the same.

She shook her head clear of dirty thoughts, looked once more into the box, then dropped in the used panties and put it back in the closet.


"See? I told you. Boys are all the same. I bet seeing you modeling your fuck-me panties isn't helping..."


"Oh whatever he has a hot mom. Not his fault. Not your fault. I bet his friends are obsessed with you. Have been for years. With them saying stuff, how can he not think stuff?"

"Wait, you don't think he's thinking of me, do you?"

"Only if you give him a reason to..."


This is crazy, Jenny! Go put on pants, Jenny!

The voice in her head wouldn't stop yelling at her to pull out of this ridiculous plan, but every time she thought it, she put her head down and kept baking.

When Zach walked in, he saw rows of cooling cookies ... and his mom's nearly naked ass.

Jenny had taken off her pants and put on some soft, comfy, yet super cute cotton thongs. Then she'd put on her apron to bake for the PTO bake sale. But, oops! She'd forgotten to put her pants back on before Zach got home!

"Z! You're home!" Jenny threw a smile over her shoulder at him and popped her hip. She felt her ass jiggle fetchingly and she almost blushed at how out of control stupid she was being.

"Oh!" she said, and turned toward him as if she was hiding her bare bottom. Now facing him, the apron hid her panties, but it made her look like she had nothing on bottom. The apron fell right at the top of her thighs. "I got hot so I took my pants off." She turned slightly to illustrate her point, mooning him briefly again. She giggled and heard notes of her the spacey bimbo voice she had used in front of the mirror.

Zach was frozen but he had a smile lifting the corners of his mouth while he gazed at his mom's nearly naked ass.

"I'm almost finished," she continued. "You don't care if I finish like this, right? I mean it's not like you haven't already seen me." She wrinkled her nose at him to let him know she was not mad about that.

"Uh, no. No! I mean go ahead mom. It's cool."

Jenny giggled and clapped (like an idiot, but it looked cute) and then proceeded to try her damnedest to ignore his gaze while she bopped around in the kitchen. She pretended to be busy "checking" the cooling cookies, swaying to a song in her head and almost blushing when she could feel her ass jiggling.

Almost an hour later Zach was still sitting at the table, homework out but with his eyes tracking her every move.


"I don't know, baby! You might be too big for me. Let's just see." She slowly sat back and gasped when the hardness began to fill her. "Oh god! Zach! Go slow baby! You're so big!"

She rocked back and forth and felt it slide farther into her. "Fuck!" she gasped when it went past the deepest place she'd ever had a cock, but still there was more.

"Oh fuck you're so big, Z! So big! Uhnnnnn, god! Baby you're bigger than your dad!" She giggled breathily while bouncing softly to work the big thing deeper into her pussy.

She looked under, still seeing a couple inches of blue silicone not inside her. She was full to the brim! No way Zach was really this big, right?

After dinner she'd gone to "take a shower" and stripped off her clothes, placing them on top of the hamper. As an afterthought, she grabbed the panties she'd been wearing and showing off to Zach earlier and left them right one top.

She'd gotten her toy and some waterproof lube, and now she was kneeling in the tub, the blue pseudo-cock suctioned to the bottom, and she was fucking herself into a frenzy thinking of her young son.

"Yes! Yes! Ohhhhhh god it's big! Fuck it feels so good baby!" She bit her lip and made herself relax, then pushed down until the last two inches were inside her.

"Fuckkkk, baby, you're so big I'm gonna cum! Yes! Zach, make me cum!" She couldn't believe her own dirty talk and wondered where her filthy fantasies were even coming from. But every time she said her son's name, thought of his face looking up at her, or noticed how much fucking bigger this damned toy was than what she was used to, it sent bright streams of horny pleasure to her loins and made her bounce even more.

"I'm close! So close! Zach ... baby ... fuck!!!!" She slammed down on the dildo and felt her pussy gush inside. Her whole body was awash in color, heat, and the most exquisite pleasure. She rocked her hips and moaned loudly, milking every sensation out of her orgasm that she could, urging it along until she felt her breath catch. She held still and watched her vision swim, unable to take a breath in from how incredibly hard she came.

Jenny laid in the tub, recovering and recolllecting until she could stand, then dried herself off and went back to the bedroom.

When she looked at her hamper, the panties were gone.


It was the middle of the night when Jenny woke up to pee. She headed for the en suite, but something made her feel like using the one down the hall. When she got out of her room, the hall was lit by a blueish glow, and Jenny saw Zach's door was cracked.

She crept closer, careful not to let the old wood floor creak as she peered around the door frame. Sure enough, Zach was at his computer, headphones on and a raunchy video playing.

And just as she had hoped, his cock was out and he had her cotton thong from earlier wrapped around it.

Again she marveled over how big his cock was! She didn't know where that had come from -- her husband Roy certainly wasn't anything special. She loved him and enjoyed the sex, but his cock size wasn't the best part, certainly.

Zach, on the other hand, had the kind of cock that made girls stay with shitty men for too damn long. The kind of cock that made your girlfriends say, "Girl, I get it, but buy a vibrator and move on." The kind that made perfectly faithful wives and girlfriends cheat with some stranger after a night out with the girls where you had too many drinks and not enough sex for the past goddamn month and so what happens when some hot Brazilian guy tells you he's in town for one night and you feel it press against your ass and there's no way that's all him and ...

Jenny almost moaned and realized she was rubbing herself under her pajama shorts while she watched her son stroke. Shit, she hadn't even done that on purpose!

She slowed her rubbing but didn't stop, not now. She peered in and watched her hung, young son slide her tiny cotton thong around his huge cock. He stroked it up and down a few times and then rubbed it around on the bulbous head of his prick, like he was polishing it. He repeated this, over and over.

Jenny touched her clit and shuddered, feeling spicy pleasure and then immediate shame. You pervert! You're hiding out and watching your own son masturbate, you little sicko! Get therapy! But no matter how much the little voice of sanity in her brain screamed, she couldn't make herself move. Not when she was 10 feet away from the biggest cock she'd ever seen in real life. The fact that it was attached to her son made it taboo, sure. But the cock that Zach was sporting was too perfect not to admire. And, yes, rub one's neglected little pussy to.

As close as she was, Jenny could see everything. She could see the short, fuzzy nest of hair at his base and she wondered if he manscaped it yet or if it just grew in soft and thin? But erupting from his smooth tummy and fuzzy pubis was an angry, purple trunk of male flesh that didn't make sense on the boy's otherwise immature body. His balls were similarly big, bouncing to the rhythm of his strokes in a pendulous, hairless sack.

Jenny touched her chin and imagined feeling his balls spilling down her cheeks and she kissed and licked that soft pouch. Fuckkkk!

She held onto the doorframe and bit her lip hard enough to taste blood, but it was worth it to stop the scream she would have made. Her knees nearly failed her and she pinched them together when she came, trapping her hand between her thighs until the orgasm subsided.

She opened her eyes and saw Zach was still fixated on the screen. Seeing his cock now, through the haze of orgasm, changed her. Her brain and body were awash in hormones and as she gazed at her son's magnificent cock, she began to slip into a mindset she hadn't gone to before.

God, his cock is amazing! He made me cum with it and I haven't even touched it!

The thought of living with Zach under her roof while he was carrying around this specimen of manhood made Jenny feel inexplicably sexy.

Zach, quiet up until now, started making little noises and Jenny knew he was getting close. She was risking a lot by staying until he finished but she really wanted to see him cum.

He started taking more strokes up and down, still with her worn panties in his hand. She could see his cock twitching and pulsing, the fat purple head swelling. At the last possible moment Zach slid her panties over the tip of his cock and let out a groan like he'd been punched.

Jenny was transfixed. She watched him hold the small wad of fabric like a seal over the tip of his cock, the vast length of veined shaft exposed. He was holding it so tightly she could see the outline of his piss slit, the stretchy fabric making the tip of his cock faintly heart shaped.

Then he erupted, and Jenny saw mini geysers of cum shoot out of the tip ... through her panties! He was shooting so hard and so much, spurts were rising an inch above his tip, landing, and coating the outside of the underwear-turned-cumrag. Jenny was, in a word, impressed.

She shied away from the door and back to the shadows when it looked like he was done shooting. She could see, from farther away, him mopping up the seed that had escaped with my panties, then sitting back relieved.

Glad I could help, big boy!


Jenny called Amber in the morning, sobbing and in the depths of shame. She dared not tell her husband about what she saw! Not when she'd stayed for so long and seen so much. Not when she couldn't stop getting herself off to it.

"Girl, trust me, you are not alone. Believe it or not, incest happens all the time and people have to deal with this part in the beginning."

The word incest pulled Jenny out of her sobs. "Wait! What? Incest?!?"

Amber sighed and Jenny could hear her eye roll. "Isn't that what we're talking about? Jenny... Your son has a massive cock that you are dying to ride, and he's been stealing mommy's panties to jerk that monster off. There are legions of people who do nothing but jerk off while roleplaying this exact scenario online. Legions of people who wouldn't judge you at all if you went for it."

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