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From Straight Virgin to Gay Bitch

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His first time made him a submissive.
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I was 18 when I lost my cherry. Not in the normal way, not in the boy meets girl kind of way. That didn't happen until I was 22, and was a total let down compared to my real first. His name was Scott, he was tall, dark and had a tight firm body. My first girl was chubby and drunk and I didn't quite catch her name. Still before I met Scott I was very straight and have never been with a guy since, maybe I never will but I really hope I do again, as I rate my first sexual relationship as the best sex I have ever had.

My house was always empty after school, my parents worked late and I was often on my own. Most days I invited Scott round to watch TV, as he live around the corner. Things were pretty normal, two guys hanging out having a laugh, as young men do. But it was when Scott brought round a few videos one day things started to get a bit more fun. He had borrowed them from his brother, and he guaranteed me that they were top class porn. I had by 18 already seen more porn than is good for a young man, but never had I watched any with another guy. This at first made me feel just a bit odd, but hell, I thought, why not, I'm not gay, and I don't think Scott is. So we put in one of the tapes and sat back to see women sucking on huge dicks and such, I had to give it to Scott the videos were grade A filth.

As any teenage boy seeing sexual images on screen, I soon got hard, and could not stop myself from touching it. It felt so good, and by now was so hard that it was pushing against my jeans. Scott spotted this straight away. He was clearly turned on too, and not shy about showing it. He just sat back in his chair, hands behind head with a massive tent pole in the shorts he was wearing. Scott then asked me if I wanted to see how big his dick was to compare it to mine. I could see from his bulge that he had a much bigger one than me. I knew this was getting a little bit gay, but still very quickly said 'yes O.K'. My, you seem a bit too keen, Scott replied, as he pulled his member out. It was enormous 8 or 9 inches at least and thick, really thick. 'now yours' Scott said. I didn't hesitate to present mine to him. It was a lot smaller but still a good 6 inch. He looked at it for a few moments, then held out his own and said 'touch it'. 'what' I cried. 'Go on feel it, its nice' he commanded. So needless to say I grabbed it full palm, and he was right it was real nice. 'that's it' he muttered 'go on jerk it for me'. I wasted no time in getting stuck in and wanking him off. But soon I felt his hands press firmly on my shoulders. I quite naturally knew this was my que to move the next step, and after giving him a very dirty and sexual look in the eye I dropped to my knees.

His large cock head was pressed on to my lips, as I had a few second thoughts. This lasted about 2 seconds before I opened my mouth wide and forced myself on to his rock hard cock. Any doubts I might have had fell straight away as his throbbing shaft slid in and out of my more than willing mouth. The taste and feel of this perfect male member was divine, heaven on my tongue, I still to this day can not understand why more men straight or not don't try giving a blow job, its so nice. While I was reaching a state of total bliss from sucking his dick, Scott was getting ready to blow his load. I could feel his rod stiffen and twitch and I could taste his pre cum. He looked down at me and just about stuttered ' Oh god, I'm going to cum'. He reached down to pull his pulsing meat from my face but I stopped him and mumbled 'no! cum in my mouth. I want it in my mouth' I surprised my self with just how gay I was being, but this was way to much fun to stop and if I was going to please him I might as well do it good and dirty. As I wrapped my lips hungrily back round his beautiful shaft he let it go, it flooded my mouth and ran down my chin. I swallowed all I could and scooped up what was on my chin. I couldn't get enough, the salty taste was fantastic.

He sat back in his chair looking spent, as I wiped the last drops of his seaman from my face. He got his breath back and said 'that was so fucking good. How far are you willing to go for me' he said in a very dominant manner. I curled in to the chair with him and I told him all the way. 'so how about I take you up stairs and fuck your ass' he said with the sort of tone that let you know its an order, not a request. I, in a rather weak act of defiance asked if he was going to return the oral pleasure that I had just given him. I was quickly put in my place as he said 'no way! I'm not sucking you off. That's never going to happen, I'm not gay. This is the deal, you play the girls roll and I'm the man, got it'. I got it alright. He then shouted 'well get up them stairs and get naked on your bed'.

So, I wasn't going to be getting sucked off, or so it seemed going to cum at all, I was expected to play the submissive receiver and let Scott have his way with me. He was going to be the man and put me in my place and make me his whore for his sexual pleasure and needs. This thought put me off for less than a second, as I rushed up to my room an threw my clothes on the floor. Ok, Scott was clearly being gay wanting to fuck me and it was totally unfair that he wasn't going to suck me off, but 2 things had gotten me hot for him. First I was over come with lust for him his hot body had my mouth watering and he was so strong and forceful it was making me want to beg for his sex. Second, the thought of being this alpha males sex toy was now my dream come true, to hell with my pleasure, he was with out doubt the dominant one, so it would be best for us both if I just took my rightful place as a bottom. My pleasure was to let a more dominant man use my body for sex, and this felt rather natural to me. I had become ok with this pretty quickly and knew it was my place in this situation and really wanted it to be this way.

Scott came in to the room after me. He had gotten a tub of Vaseline from my bathroom and pushed me on to the bed on my back. With my knees bent and my ass exposed he quickly greased up my hole. Fingering me and stretching my anus. It felt nice and I moaned in pleasure. He pulled my legs apart and moved in between them. 'your snach is nice and lubed. You had better be ready for this bitch' he snarled. He then pushed the tip of his cock against my now loosened hole and slowly forced the head in me. I cried out in pain and tried to pull away from him, but he held me down. Slowly he inched the rest of his massive cock into me and stopped. He moved his body down on to mine so we were face to face and kissed me with real passion. He then moved on to kissing my neck and as he did he whispered to me 'I'm going to fuck your tight little pussy hard. Its going to hurt a bit but by the end you will be loving it and just want more'. With that he started moving his hips, his cock was going almost to the ball in me then all the way to the tip out. And he was right it hurt, at one point so much that I asked him to stop. NO. came the answer. He just kept on fucking me at the same pace. As Scott had not long came he took a very long time to cum again, almost 45 minutes. This was brilliant for me as after about 10 minutes of forceful fucking I was begging Scott to go faster, push harder, go deeper and was loving it more than I could ever have dreamed. I felt the most lucky guy in the world, nothing could top the truly wonderful feeling I felt ( and nothing has, no amount of straight sex is ever going to feel better). Scott after 45 minutes was almost ready to fire another load, this time in to my ass. He quickened the pace a bit and at the point of ejaculation thrust as far in to me as he could, making shore he came deep inside me.

As he pulled out my ass felt empty and I begged him to put it back. He just laughed and said 'I told you you'll love it'. He told me I'll be doing the same for him tomorrow and lots of times after that. Scott kept his word and every day after school was spent with me being fucked like a girl and Scott being my man. This was my place and I quickly came to love it, I don't think after that day I would have wanted to change rolls, mine was by far the best and deep in my heart knew it was what I wanted.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I am female but I find gay sex so fucking hot and it's even more hot when they are dominated!!!I hope you add to this story it was fucktastic!!!

Lovem2msexLovem2msexabout 7 years ago

I know just how he feels. I miss getting fucked in my tight ass!

Blk_CuckoldBlk_Cuckoldalmost 9 years ago

I loved the story, there is nothing sexier and hotter then a weaker male submit to the dominant, stronger male. I have always been the submissive guy and I love it. Its not always the sex too. Its the power, the masculinity and the strength my lover has over me. I enjoy rubbing and kissing on his body while he fucks me. I want to be his submissive bitch. As he slowly fucks me Im whimpering and moaning like the bitch boi I am. My sounds of pleasure only heightens my lover's lust. He fucks me into complete oblivion. My new dominant male lover has passed the test. Now its time to introduce him to my wife. I am hoping that she will agree that he is the one to breed her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
OMG... so hott...

OMG... i feel absolutely the same as you. There is NO better feeling that being completely subservient, submissive and totally girly for a strong alpha man. I've had fun with guys that were dominate, verbally abusive and wham - bam its over. And it was fun but about a year ago I met a gorgeous, tall, muscular black stud that really brought passion along with his dominance. He really knew when it was lovemaking time or when I needed to get fucked like a dog. He got totally into my mind and now I will do anything he wants. When we're at home I'm 110% the woman and he's 120% the man and I would not change anything.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

You got owned, straight-up. As it should be for us. My best friend figured out I had a small cock in highschool, and he capitaliized. As it should be. He would slap the fuck out of me when school, I was getting laughed at. Totally deserved it. He fucked my throat, ass And my girlfriend and sister, got them both pregnant. My parents love him though. They know he's the reason for my black eyes, But hell, like Scott, he is a real man, who should take privileges as he see's fit. My family loves Ricky and sticks up for him when I come home with bruises. They say he must have put them their for s reason and they wouldn't have to worry about my tragedy if they had a real son...amen, right??? Just take it, you're gay. Give the man what he are less. Real guys are awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Would have loved to have my best friend dominate me like that! I did get to suck his oversized cock but only once :-( Would have done it over and over and over again and given up my cherry to him without complaint. Good story!


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wish I was you ;)

Wow would love to have a guy fuck me raw mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

my wife loves to see me being used by men and i love it as well we find guys in a lott of places to use me some times she will suck them or let them fuck her but i always have to do as they want. and it makes me so hot and

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I've never sucked a cock before but that is my biggest dream. To suck him off and then have him fuck my ass and fill me full of his cum.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

This was a brilliant story, so true to life, well, my life at any rate. It reminds me of my first time with my school friend when I was young. Despite many normal encounters following our debut, we eventually progressed to living together and have been together ever since. People think we're brothers. We're both getting old now but we still make out perfectly and probably rather more regularly than I can always handle. I think, as in the story, sometimes two people just fit together regardless of gender. I enjoyed reading sissyboi and I hope the author will come up with chapter two.I'd like to hear what else they got up to.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I hope my first time feels good too

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

It was really hot it made my but twitch I felt like my chest would explode

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

WoW! Scott really dominated him with his cock, didn't he? That was great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Been there, done that

I remember my first real time. I was 19, he was 40ish, and we were at a porn theater. I had gotten overly horny, as it was the first time I had been to such a place. I went to the bathroom to take a leak. There was a long, narrow corridor from the door to the toilet. He was coming in as I was leaving. When we passed, it was so narrow that we had to brush each other. He forced his forearm against my collarbone and rubbed me with his free hand. I almost shot off in my pants! He said he wanted to know where I was staying, and all I could do was show him my motel key (I was actually in town on business and had no intention of doing anything).

When he got me there, he taught me EVERYTHING. He left me begging for him to send over some friends, as I didn't want to quit, but he just walked off and left me like a used whore. I couldn't get rid of my woodie all night.

Now that I'm older, I dream of the chance to take a young virgin like that and train him. Now, where to find one?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
i agree

I had always dreamed of sucking cock and especially getting fucked when I was just a kid. I didn't taste my first cock until I was in my thirties. I agree with the line about not understanding why any guy wouldn't try it. I still remember that first time, it was amazing. We kissed and I felt his long thick cock thru his boxer's. He sat on the couch and the feeling of just getting on my knees in front of him almost made me cum. When I had his cock in my hand, it felt so right. The taste was incredible....

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