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Fuck Buddy Mom Pt. 01

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Scott gets a surprising new fuck buddy.
13.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/15/2023
Created 07/16/2020
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Fuck Buddy Mom

Part 1

(Author's note: this story is a sequel to the "Fuck Buddy Sister" stories I posted in two parts in the preceding weeks. This particular story can stand on its own, but I strongly suggest you read the two-part story that laid the groundwork for the events relayed within to fully appreciate the story and all of its nuances.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are at least 18 years of age.)

Scott found it difficult to concentrate for the first few weeks after he returned to college when the summer break was over. Considering the summer he'd had with his younger sister, Lizzy, that was totally understandable. He and his sister had, at her suggestion, become "fuck buddies" and had spent most of the summer fucking each other silly. He had also discovered that at 19 years of age Lizzy had a nearly insatiable appetite for sex and was open to experimentation. She would try just about anything when it came to sex, something that she demonstrated to Scott all summer long. They discovered that Lizzy loved rough sex and to be man-handled when she was having sex; she also loved to be face-fucked hard and fast, and to have the man cum on her face. She was a veritable tigress, and Scott was counting the days until the Thanksgiving break when he would be going home for ten days. He was sure that he and Lizzy would be in bed fucking their brains out at every opportunity; he just had to be careful not to let them get carried away and get caught by one or both of their parents.

He and Lizzy had been in constant communication since he returned back to college, texting each other several times a day and calling each other once a week. Lizzy had sent him several nude pictures of herself, and he had sent her a couple of "dick pics" at her request. They had "sexted" a couple of times when one or both of them were extremely horny and didn't have a date, but that was only a stopgap measure that didn't go very far. Both of them were anxious for the Thanksgiving break, and both of them were counting the days.

November and the Thanksgiving break finally rolled around, and Scott couldn't pack his bags and get out of town fast enough. His school was on the other side of the state so it took him most of the day to get there, and when he did the first thing Lizzy did was take him up to her room and fuck the living crap out of him. Their parents were both out with their dad being at work and their mom out shopping, and since their mom had left no more than five minutes before Scott rolled up Lizzy knew they had about an hour to themselves. So she took advantage of it as soon as Scott got in the door.

When it was all over they lay on Lizzy's bed in a tangled, sweaty mess, their clothes strewn all over the floor around the bed. They were both lying there trying to catch their breath, and Scott was the first one to speak.

"And hello to you, too, Lizzy!" he said, making her laugh. She rolled over and put her arms around him, hugging him and then giving his a quick kiss.

"I'm sorry, Scotty, but it's been so long since I saw you and I've been so terribly horny for you that I just couldn't help myself!" she said, looking into his eyes. "I just had to bring you up to my room and fuck you before I lost my mind!"

"Yeah, it has been a long three months, hasn't it?" he said, running his hand along the side of her face.

"Yes, it has, and now that you're here I'm going to take advantage of you and fuck you every chance I get!" she said, grinning at him. "If that's okay with you, that is!" she said, teasing him.

"Of course it's okay with me!" he replied. "But don't you have a boyfriend by now?" he asked, and Lizzy shook her head.

"Nope, and I haven't been looking. I've been out on a few dates, sure, but that's about it. Right now I don't want any man other than you in my life, and I'm willing to wait for you for as long as it takes!" she said proudly. "I know it won't always be that way, that sooner or later both of us will find someone else and fall in love with them and then our 'fuck buddy' agreement will be over, but it's that way right now and I'm happy with it just as it is!"

"You mean you haven't had sex with anybody since..." he began, and Lizzy finished for him.

"Since the last time I had sex with you," she said. "What about you?" she asked, the look in her eyes hopeful and scared at the same time. Scott smiled as he replied.

"I haven't been with anyone since the last time I was with you," he said, and Lizzy broke out into a big grin.

"I love you, Scotty!" she said, kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you too, Lizzy," he replied, smiling at her. "And now I think we'd better put our clothes back on before Mom comes home and catches us!"

"Good idea!" Lizzy said, hopping up from the bed with Scott following her. After he got dressed he went outside and got his bags out of his car, then took them up to his room to unpack.

"This is gonna be a great break, I can feel it now!" he said to himself, grinning as he unpacked.

* * * * * *

His first full day at home was uneventful for the most part, much to Lizzy's chagrin. Their mom stayed home all day long which didn't give them a chance to get together, and while it only bothered Scott a little bit it frustrated the hell out of Lizzy. Around one o'clock in the afternoon while he was lying on his bed in his room watching TV, he got a text message from Lizzy that said, "IF I DON'T FUCK YOU SOON I'M GUNNA GO NUTS!" He chuckled and sent her a reply which said, "Patience, Lizzy, patience -- it'll happen soon, I promise!" He got a frowny face emoji in return, which caused him to laugh again.

But it didn't happen that day or that night, and halfway through the second day it looked like it wasn't going to happen then either. Their mom had plans to go shopping with a female friend of hers, but the friend got up sick that morning and had to cancel. So while her mom was happy to be able to stay home and spend time with both of her children, Lizzy was so frustrated she could hardly think straight. Early in the afternoon she announced that she was going to go out for a few hours with some friends of hers and would be back by dinnertime. Scott thought that was a good idea, that keeping her mind occupied and distracted from her frustrations with not being able to fuck him would do her a world of good.

It would also give him some time to spend with their mom, something for which he was grateful. He loved his mom very much and was looking forward to spending the afternoon with her. In a way it would be like spending the afternoon with Lizzy because the two of them looked so much alike that sometimes when they went out together they were mistaken for sisters. His mom was an older version of Lizzy, with the only differences being that her hair was shorter, only coming down to her shoulders, and she was a little thicker in the body. This was to be expected considering that she was in her early 40's and had two kids, but Scott -- and most of the men in the neighborhood, from what he had heard -- thought that she was incredibly sexy. One look at her and you could tell where Lizzy got her looks from, including her bustline. His mom's tits were actually a little bit bigger than Lizzie's, something he attributed to having had two kids. But she was a stunner and a fox any way you look at it, that was for sure.

About an hour after Lizzy had left Scott was sitting at the desk in his room, drinking a soft drink and checking out the news on his laptop when his mother appeared in the doorway to his room. She was wearing a flowered sundress with spaghetti shoulder straps and a skirt length that stopped just above her knees and showcased her figure, and Scott thought she looked downright sexy as hell in it. He couldn't help but notice that her big tits were swaying from side to side inside the sundress as she moved, and Scott had a thought that he felt all the way down to his ball sack.

'Is she braless?' he wondered to himself as she walked closer to him.

"Hi, honey," she said as she stood in the doorway, her hands behind her back. Scott thought that she was nervous and had no idea why.

"Hi, Mom," he said, smiling at her. "What's up?" he asked, closing the laptop lid.

"Are you busy, honey? If so I can come back later," she said, "I just need to talk to you about something, ask you a question -- a couple of questions, actually. If you don't mind, that is," she said.

"No, Mom, I'm not busy, just checking out the news on the internet," he said, motioning to his laptop. "What's going on?"

'Is she blushing?' he thought to himself as he noticed that her cheeks were flushed. 'What the hell is going on here?'

"I have a question about something that, well, that I found in your sister's closet a few days ago," she said, and Scott's heart skipped a beat.

"I was in there looking for a pair of shoes that I wanted to wear -- we wear the same size shoes, you know -- and since Lizzy wasn't here I went looking for them myself," she explained, obviously nervous now. "I'd never go snooping around in her room, I've always respected my children's privacy, but I really needed the shoes and she wasn't here, so I went looking for them myself and I found...well, I found these!" she said, bringing her hand around from behind her back and holding what she found out in front of him.

She was holding the black leather bondage cuffs he'd used on Lizzy last summer.

'OH, SHIT!' he thought to himself. He tried to keep a poker face as he spoke.

"Wow...okay, so what's your question, Mom?" he asked, dreading what she was going to ask. She bit her bottom lip nervously before replying.

"Are these...are these what I think they are?" she asked, her voice quiet as if she didn't want anyone to overhear her.

"What do you think they are, Mom?" he asked, hoping for a way out of this.

"I think...well, I think..." she paused and took a breath before finishing. "I think they're some kind of bondage cuffs! Is that what they are, Scott?" Scott nodded as he replied.

"That's exactly what they are, Mom," he said quietly, being careful not to say too much lest he blow his chance at getting out of this and accidentally reveal something to her in the process.

"That's what I thought," she said, her voice low, "I just wasn't sure. I thought you might know, so I wanted to ask you." She looked at him like she was a schoolgirl with a secret, and Scott was positive that something else was going on.

"You said you had a couple of questions to ask me," he said, trying to take control of the situation so he could get out of it as cleanly as possible. "What's the other question?" he asked. His mom's nervousness increased noticeably at this. She averted her eyes from his for a moment as if to gather her courage, then looked back at him again.

"Would you...would you show they work?" she asked timidly, her voice nearly a whisper.

Scott was stunned at her question, and it took him a moment to gather his wits before he could speak again. "How am I supposed to do that?" he asked quietly, not wanting to upset her. "I can't very well put them on myself, you know," he said. She glanced away from him again before looking into his eyes as she replied.

"I thought...well, I thought you could put them...on me," she said, her voice a whisper.

Scott was stunned at her answer. He sat in his chair for a few moments, trying to comprehend what she had just said, when he noticed that her nipples were hard -- VERY hard, and were poking out against the thin cotton of her sundress. He also noticed that her breathing had changed and she was breathing a little faster than she was when she first came into his room. And was that a trace of feminine musk he detected?

Then he suddenly realized what was going on, why she was there, and it hit him like a bolt out of the blue that he felt all the way down to his ball sack. He felt his cock start to swell as the realization sunk in.

"Mom, do you realize what you're asking?" he said softly, looking into her eyes. She nodded as she replied.

"Yes, honey, I do," she said, her voice a whisper. "I want this -- I need this -- so badly, baby, you have no idea!" she said. She dropped her head down and looked at the floor as she spoke, her hands down in front of her at her crotch, the cuffs dangling from one hand as she continued.

"I haven't had a man touch me in so long I can't remember when!" she said, her voice little more than a whisper. "Your father...well, your father is always so busy with work and things, I don't know what it is or what happened, all I know is that he hasn't so much as touched me in longer than I can remember!" She paused for a moment and took several deep breaths to regain her composure before continuing.

"I mean, I still love your father and I know he loves me -- at least I think he still loves me -- but I can't take it any longer! I'm a woman with needs, and your father is ignoring me and my needs, and well...I know you're my son and all, but...but I trust you, I love you, and please, Scott, would you do this for me? Please?" she pleaded with him, her eyes filled with so much despair that it broke Scott's heart.

He got up from his chair and reached out to her, putting his arms around her and holding her close. She did the same, putting her arms around him under his arms, clinging to him for several long moments. He could feel her large breasts pressing against him, and his cock swelled a little more. Then she stepped back, keeping her hands on his sides, the leather cuffs dangling from one hand. She looked up at him with hopeful eyes as she spoke again, and when she spoke her voice was a whisper.

"Will you do this for me, Scott?" she asked.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Mom?" he asked in return, still not believing what he was hearing. "I mean, once we do this we can never go back. It will change everything, you know? So, are you absolutely sure this is what you want?" She nodded as she replied.

"Yes, Scott, I'm sure," she said quietly, looking up into his eyes. "I want you to put these on me, and then I... I want you to..." she paused and took a breath before continuing, "I want you to use me, to...fuck me," she said, finally getting enough courage to say the words. "I want you to fuck me, Scott!" she said, her voice a whisper.

Scott looked in his mom's eyes for a few moments, seeing despair turn to hope with a little bit of desire showing through, and he was momentarily at odds with himself on whether to do this or not. But he loved his mother immensely and would do anything to make her happy, including this. After all, he'd been fucking his own sister so why should this be a big deal? He gave his mom a smile as he replied.

"Okay, Mom, I'll do it," he said softly, running his hand along the side of her face. She broke out into a big smile and put her hand on the back of his, holding it to her face, then turned her head to the side and kissed the palm of his hand.

"Thank you, Scott, thank you so much!" she said, smiling at him. "I love you, honey!"

"I love you, too, Mom," he replied. He took a step back from her and turned his chair to face her, then sat down. He hoped the lump in his shorts from his growing cock wasn't as visible as he thought it was, but when he caught the look on his mom's face when she got a glimpse of it, he knew it was.

"Give them to me," he said, holding out his hand. His mom held them out and he took them from her hand, unhooking the snap link and placing it and one of the cuffs on the desk.

"Turn around," he said, and his mom turned around so her back was to him. "Now give me your hands."

She nodded and put her hands behind her back, and Scott heard her gasp when he took one of her hands and put the cuff around her wrist, cinching it tight and fastening the buckle. His first thought was to take it easy with her and be gentle, but he decided not to because this is what she asked for. She wanted to be subdued and treated rough, so that's what he was going to do. He put the second cuff on her other wrist, cinching it tight and fastening the buckle again, then put the snap link in place connecting the two cuffs. He heard her breathing change as he jostled her around while securing her, and he felt his cock growing quickly.

"They're so tight," she breathed, her excitement obvious in her voice.

"They're supposed to be tight," Scott replied, pulling down on the snap link to both check that it was secure and to show his mom that she was helpless and in his control. She gasped when he jerked her arms down, her mouth open slightly. "Now turn around and face me," he said, and his mom did.

The first thing he noticed was that her nipples were both very hard and erect, pressing firmly against the fabric of her sun dress. The second thing he noticed was the look on his mom's face -- it was pure desire. Her eyes were hooded and her mouth was slightly open, her chest rising and falling quickly as she breathed through her open mouth. She moved her hands around behind her back, twisting against the cuffs, her shoulders moving and her big tits swaying with her motions.

"You've got a great pair of tits, Mom," he said, looking at them as he spoke. "Nice and big, and I just love big tits!"

"Thank you!" she breathed, and Scott could swear her breathing quickened just a bit. When he reached up and took the huge mounds in his hands she gasped loudly, and the gasp was followed by a quiet moan that she tried to stifle but failed. He squeezed his mom's huge mounds in her hands, massaging and kneading them with his fingers, feeling the hard nipples beneath the palms of his hands. He looked up and saw that she was standing there with her eyes closed, her mouth open, breathing quickly as he fondled her big breasts. He reached up and slid the spaghetti straps from her shoulders and then pulled the top of her sun dress down, revealing her big breasts to him and making her gasp. Her eyes flew open and she looked down at Scott as he looked up into her eyes. Her desire was burning bright, and after looking at her eyes for a moment he turned his gaze back to her breasts. They looked exactly like Lizzy's, only they were a little bigger and sagged a little more due to her age and having had two children.

"Beautiful, just beautiful!" he said, taking her naked breasts in his hands and squeezing them hard.

"OH!" she gasped, looking down at his hands gripping her breasts. She strained at the cuffs just a bit, and Scott figured it was from desire rather than regret. He could also tell from the increasing aroma of her musk filling the room that she was wet as hell, something that he intended to find out -- but not quite yet. He lifted her breasts in her hands, marveling at their weight and firmness, then rolled her nipples between his fingers and making her jump.

"AH!" she gasped, biting her bottom lip as Scott tugged on the sensitive nubs. She moaned loudly, tossing her head back and closing her eyes when Scott put his lips around one of her nipples and sucked it into his mouth. He sucked firmly, flicking his tongue over her nipple while tugging on the other one with his fingers. Then he switched to the other nipple and repeated the process, making his mother moan and squirm, pulling against the cuffs restraining her.

"Oh my God, that feels so good!" she moaned, her head back and her eyes closed. "It's been so long since a man touched me like this! Please don't stop!" she begged, looking down at him as he sucked on her nipple. He released her nipple from his mouth and looked up at her as he replied, squeezing her breasts in his hands as he spoke.

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