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Fucking My In-Residence Bull

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A premium service for a discerning lady.
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I smiled inwardly watching him squirm at my sight. It wasn't very fair of me because Ashley couldn't possibly know that I was the real owner of Escape Club and therefore his employer. He composed himself, faked a reasonable measure of confidence and smiled at me.

"Your husband would freak out if he knew you were here Mrs. Barclay."

"Oh, I doubt that he will ever find out, Ashley. Would you tell Richard I visited?"

"Only once it was time to resign and move on."

He made light of my appearance at his workplace while it was closed, but I knew he was anxious. I meandered past empty plush leather sofa's, trailing my finger along their backs until I reached him at the bar.

"A few hours ago these sofa's were full of women being fucked."

"Yes, men get fucked here too, but now we're closed."

"Were you fucking anyone last night, Ashley?"

"It's my job, so yes."

I stared at him long enough to register my interest, undressing the only garment he wore, a pair of simple boxer briefs.

"Look Mrs. Barclay, your husband left standing orders to inform him if you came here."

"This is a private members' club and, if I recall correctly Ashley, I'm enrolled."

"Yes. It's also a fetish club and you are the wife of its owner visiting out of hours, meeting with the in-residence bull."

"Quite right my dear. You received my email, then?"

"Yes. It's why I came."

"Are you intrigued by the danger or simply obeying someone you aren't quite sure of?"

"I don't obey, Mrs. Barclay. I follow sometimes but only if I choose."

I'd always had a penchant for younger men. I don't mean too young, because that wouldn't be much fun in the teasing and seduction stage, nor would they make effective lovers. I like men around thirty years old, very fit and crammed full of testosterone, with an appreciation of the finer things in life.

Ashley definitely impressed in all areas, and since my husband had fucked every whore he wished for our entire marriage, it seemed fair for me to succumb to sins of the flesh and enjoy what I most desired for my fiftieth birthday celebration.

"I didn't come here to fuck you, Ashley."

"Okay, why are you here then, Mrs. Barclay?"

"Won't you call me Celia please?"

He relaxed somewhat, tried to eyeball me, blinked and smiled, knowing I wasn't going away until my goals were met.

"Of course. Won't you sit?"

"This will be my first time in such an exquisitely designed bar stool although I've heard all about them from friends."

"Would you like a spritzer, Celia?"

"Only if you'll join me."

"How could I not, since it is your birthday."

"Oh, you knew?"

"I make it my business to know these things."

I enjoyed watching Ashley move around, bend over, tend bar and serve me almost as an art connoisseur appreciates a well-chiseled statue. There were no romantic feelings involved in my mission, because I'd lost that capacity years ago to a tragic marriage.

The in-residence fuck toy at Escape Club, available to discerning ladies like me, but not actually me, was a delightful man.

Ashley was built like a Greek god and hung considerably according to my friend's who could afford and partook of his services. I had not enjoyed the prime cut of beef others spoke highly of... yet, hence my visit to arrange a tryst that would change that unfortunate oversight.

"Why did you come here today Mrs. Barclay?"

"We'll get to that soon enough, Ashley. Are you an impatient man?"

"Not ordinarily."

He slid a chilled spritzer across the highly polished wooden bar counter separating us, smiling broadly. I checked him out noticing flared nostrils, pupils deliciously dilated, cheeks flushed and a bulge in his crotch that almost poked through the boxer brief he wore.

"There now, you're relaxing nicely."

"I love confident women."

"Do you ever feel objectified Ashley?"

"All of the time... and I fucking love it."

"All those young women, with pussies leaking like faucets, brushing up against you, feeling your ass and rubbing your cock, desperate to be fucked. It can't be easy."

"It's my living and I enjoy it. Mostly, it doesn't feel like a chore. I take bookings as they come, but I much prefer older women."

He'd turned the sexual tension tables around, eyeballing me again, winning because I blinked this time. I crossed my legs, desperate to generate some friction between two swollen pussy lips that were desperate to be released on him.

"Oh, now you're just being fucking naughty, Ashley."

"I'm not the one out of bounds, seducing a bull."

"Am I seducing you?"

"Are you Celia?"

I sipped an excellent spritzer while studying my fuck buddy prospect. He'd fully set aside my husband's rule about me not visiting unaccompanied, figuring opportunity beckoned.

He also looked mightily aroused and no longer afraid of Richard.

"I've heard you are an expert with your tongue. My friends' claim you are the most accomplished cunnilingus practitioner they ever enjoyed."

"I'm glad they appreciate my work."

I studied him carefully, noticing his outrageous desire for me. Having kept myself fit, enjoyed the care and style afforded by a billion dollar fortune built by me in my own company, it felt uplifting that one so considerably virulent might genuinely desire me.

"Do you want to fuck me, Ashley?"

"I can't."

"That isn't what I asked. Answer my question please."

"Yes, I do. Not fuck... perhaps something else."

"You want to make love to me?"

"Yes, that's closer to it, although I'm not in love with you. You deserve to be treasured and savored."

"I'm incapable of love my dear. Mr. Barclay has exorcised that aspect of my soul although my passion and libido is unchanged from my youth."

"If not to fuck, but to seduce me, where are you going with this?"

"Do you realize my husbands' wealth is an allowance granted by me?"

"I didn't know."

He looked shocked and I felt the power exchange. Ashley suddenly realized I was the power behind the throne and had claimed that exalted seat for myself.

"I've amassed a huge fortune."

"Do you own Escape Club now, Celia?"

"Mr. Barclay will be moving on soon. It's all very amicable between us and I've agreed a divorce settlement. This club now belongs to me and I wish for its in-residence bull to become mine alone."

"Where would my new role be discharged?"

"As deeply inside me as you can reach dear."

"I mean-."

"I'm playing with you Ashley. A term of my divorce agreement is for Mr. Barclay to watch me being fucked. A small repayment for all the whores he's enjoyed over the years."

"Am I a whore, Celia?"

"I fucking hope so. I certainly intend to be one once sat on that giant cock of yours."

"And how will this be done?"

"At my home tonight, in my marital bed."

"Okay. I'll go now and prepare myself to be enjoyed."

"Before you leave know this. I shall pay you well enough to last for years without working."

"I thought you wanted a personal in-residence bull, Celia?"

His counter offer suggested Ashley wanted more than one night with me. I guessed it was probably the allure of money, but I'd take that over a disloyal whoremonger any day.

"Would you agree to become the property of a lady, Ashley?"

"So long as I'm a free man, you treat me well and respect the responsibilities of owning a thoroughbred, yes."

"Oh Ashley, I shall treat you like a prince if your loyalty is genuine and your cock is everything they say it is."

"I really must leave now to bathe and prepare Celia."

"Ah, ah... just a minute please."

I lifted my skirt and opened both legs wide apart, exposing a pussy bare of all underwear. His nose twitched because I was very obviously aroused. The bar stools at Escape Club have gorgeously carved oval cutouts where a head could easily fit, accessing a ladies pussy perfectly while she sat enjoying cunnilingus while talking with friends or being otherwise engaged.

"So you did come here to fuck me?"

"No. I came to book our arrangements for this evening and enjoy your tongue if you'd care to service my needs. Fucking is quite something different dear."

He stared at my pussy, then glanced up at my face smiling like it was Christmas. I felt a dribble of shame drip tantalizingly down a drenched slit, pooling somewhere in my perineum before leaking onto the stool.

When Ashley slid off his stool and descended onto both knees, I saw a stunning lion rampant, hunting its in-season mate.

I sipped the spritzer he mixed, delighting in its fresh, tangy flavor while my soon-to-be lover, sought his own tasty treat between my legs.

When he kneeled in front, Ashley's neck and head nestled perfectly into a smoothly carved out front edge of my bar stool. I was surprised when his lips collided so perfectly with mine, such was the excellent size, shaping and exquisite carpentry of the wooden hole designed to facilitate the delectation of my pouting hole.

When Ashley dove his tongue into my drenched slit, I knew immediately he was absolutely the right bull for me. He danced a soft, wet tongue along my creamy furrow, licking diligently amid every swollen fold of skin, harvesting and swallowing methodically.

I gasped when his tongue poked gently inside my pussy hole where he released juices that pooled there. He was patient, took his time and was so gentle, my pussy might have been massaged by the finest silk.

I gripped Ashley's head, sliding my fingers deep into his thick hair, pulling his mouth closer into my cunt while he licked, sucked and swallowed every drop of nectar.

I shuddered, imagining the delightful humiliation if the room were full of my friends. My pussy was being opened wide and celebrated, enjoyed like a fine wine by a tongue sommelier gifted in his craft.

Ashley used his fingers to prise my swollen labia apart, popping an engorged throbbing clitoris free of its protective skin pouch. When he sucked gently, flicking my tip, I slid forwards an inch and he chewed lightly on my fleshy pacifier.

When I orgasmed, Ashley managed that perfectly too, making sure not a drop of my ejaculate was spilled. He didn't pull away while I rode wave after wave of pleasure, nor did he press too hard causing my discomfort or finish early.

He waited until my orgasm was almost complete, enjoying the sweet milky dew from my Skene's gland, a precious treat many men never stay long enough to enjoy.

I patted him on the head while finishing my drink, as he had done me.

"That was the best performance I ever enjoyed, Ashley."

"I'm very glad to be of service Celia. Did I pass the interview?"

"You were never in doubt my dear. Shall I see you at 8 pm?"

"Will a car collect me?"

"From the front door of your accommodation. Bring an overnight bag in case you stay over."

He looked excited and I felt the same way too. Ashley had given me the best cunnilingus I ever enjoyed, but more importantly he'd sparked life inside the essential woman. I had great plans for he and I once my husband was properly dealt with.

Before I left Escape Club my lover kissed me on the cheek as though we were a couple, at least one in lust rather than love.

When I reached home, Richard waited for me, suddenly rendered timid, finally realizing the impending financial ruin waiting at his door.

"You look upset, husband."

"You went to Escape Club, Celia."

"Yes dear, and I enjoyed a damn fine pussy licking from my in-residence bull. Your example of indulging in endless infidelity for all these years is something I should have enjoyed much sooner."

"So, you're going ahead with the plan?"

"Divorce isn't a plan Richard, it's a marital status. I should have done this years ago."

"Can I talk you out of it?"

"Definitely not and remember, you only get an adequate financial settlement if you witness my infidelity tonight with a very special bull I've arranged to service me."

"In the sanctuary?"

"No dear. Ashley will fuck me in our marital bed."

"And then I can leave with my dignity and a settlement?"

"Yes for the second, hardly likely for the first once everyone knows you were a willing cuckold."

"You'll ruin me."

"Absolutely I shall, but at least you'll be moderately wealthy. The alternative is poverty and you'll have been an unwilling cuckold anyway."

"Why are you doing this Celia?"

"Come now Richard, you know why. All that remains between us is for you to witness me being defiled."

"I'll do it."

"I never doubted it."

With all legal agreements signed off and notarized, I showered and pampered myself, shaving everything, carefully exfoliating myself before moisturizing and styling. By the time Ashley arrived, I was dressed in Dior, having chosen an ankle length formal dress with two slits from the floor to my waist running down the center line of both legs.

When I strolled downstairs to meet my bull, both silken legs replete with six-inch heels, his eyes were transfixed as I descended thirty four marble steps circling the three-storey foyer while he salivated.

He stepped close to me, smiled affectionately, bowed when lifting my hand, kissing its back.

"It's a lovely Tuxedo, Ashley."

"Thank you for sending it over."

"Would you like a tour of the house before we make love?"

"Yes, please."

He linked an arm through mine and I strolled feeling ascendent, happy and aroused with my prospective bull lover doting on every whim and my words like a man who really cared. I pointed this way and that into rooms that made my home, chatting to my lover as though Richard were not following a few yards behind.

"We have a ballroom that's rarely used. The kids organized club nights there when they were young."

I walked him through an indoor gymnasium, the swimming pool and spa and eventually into my massive bedroom where a stage was set for his performance.

"This house is my home Ashley. Below it is our sanctuary."

"Why is the bedroom so enormous?"

"I'll show you."

I pressed a button on the wall. A huge door in the marble floor slid sideways and an elevator popped up.

"Come, follow me into the sanctuary."

We stepped into my elevator, and I selected a button for us to descend into the heart of my sanctuary. Ashley gasped when the door opened and a marble floor room in front stretched endlessly.

The football pitch size room held my entire collection of sixty-two cars, some rare, others just favorites I'd picked up through my life.

An enormous kitchen, wine cellar, and an entertainment room with bar, pool table, jukebox, and pinball machines were set off to one side. I pointed those out with art galleries, statues, a culinary kitchen showpiece and my jewelry vault, currently empty.

"You have another swimming pool down here?"

"It's a complete spa with gym and everything you'd need for a home."

"Is there sleeping accommodation?"

"Two rooms with marble beds."


"This is Richards and my crypt."

"Do you mean like a burial tomb?"

"Yes. When we die, the marble slab in each bedroom is where each of us shall be interred."

"That's a massive tomb."

"The sanctuary will be sealed and security is provided to ensure there will be no intrusion or robbery for a thousand years."

"It's eery and lonely. Just the two of you down here alone for eternity feels wrong especially given your disdain for Richard."

"Everything Richard values is already down here. My belongings are currently being catalogued to join his."

"It's a little saddening Celia."

"My tomb upsets you Ashley?"

"No. The thoughts of you dying are unpleasant."

He surprised me. The young bull had genuine affection writ large on his face. Ashley was no besotted child, but he felt warm and authentic.

"Shall we return upstairs, Ashley? I'm sure Richard is already there waiting to enjoy my revenge."

He followed me to the elevator, completely enthralled by the sanctuary I had meticulously planned and constructed. It was my pride and joy and a place where I could rest after a weary, boisterous life with a cheating husband.

Back above ground my husband paced the room seeming disconsolate.

"Hello Richard, please sit in your favorite chair and watch how a real man fucks an ordinarily decent woman."

Ashley stripped naked in front of me and I couldn't help but smile inwardly at how jealous my husband looked, especially when eyeing his rival's cock size.

When my lover circled me a few times, obviously enjoying the prospect of having me by the look in his eyes, he unzipped a figure hugging dress that tumbled softly to the floor in a puddle of beautifully layered waves.

Ashley kneeled before me, thumbing pink lace French knickers down my legs, over both knees and off my ankles as I stepped out of them gracefully. I enjoyed his lewd smile before my lover appreciated the pussy he'd already devoured with a soft, lingering kiss on each pouting lip.

He gripped my ass cheeks gently opening a tiny pink anal whorl, before turning me around, then bending me over so he could unashamedly rim what my husband never had while I locked Richard in a tractor beam stare.

It was as though my husband were not in the room when Ashley lifted, carried then lay me gently down on the bed. I was impressed by his soft, patient touch when he stroked a finger tantalizingly around each breast in ever decreasing circles until squeezing both nipples between forefinger and thumb.

I arched my back and moaned with delight, electrified when Ashley tweaked both nipples while kissing and licking my stomach, eliciting explosions of butterflies that ascended through my body like rainbows aflame.

Ashley crawled up my body, carefully spreading the bulk of his weight on knees and palms, all planted firmly on my bed. When he kissed me, I felt his kiss coming from the rapid increase to his heart rate while holding my fingers to his left breast.

His lips brushed against mine with a stickiness that felt like a luxuriant seduction. His breath was fresh, alive and a vibrant tongue excited, felt youthful and trembled with promise, thrilling me.

Ashley searched for my sexual feminine being, awakening her after years of slumber, demanding nothing, yielding finally to her will like a knight to his queen when my tongue darted forward.

When I gripped Ashley's cock, it shocked me being the longest, thickest and hardest I had ever enjoyed. I stroked his shaft, feeling every gnarl twice, then thrice before thumbing a bulging urethra with one hand while gently wanking Ashley off with the other.

When I gazed into his eyes, I saw a flicker of excitement. It wasn't love, rather the step prior to that where lust consumes a man like a fire races through parched fields of grain.

"You have a lovely cock."

"It's in very good hands."

"Shall we put it in something else?"

"Yes, please sweetheart."

"Sweetheart now am I Ashley?"

He leaned closer to whisper.

"Yes, you are."

Ashley nudged his glans past both swollen labia, nestling it in the hole he was about to plunder.

"Take me now darling."

"It really is my pleasure Celia. You are incredibly beautiful and desirable."

"Thank you dear. Flattery will get you everywhere, now please fuck me."

I was certain my eyes widened as large as saucers when Ashley slid his rock hard cock deep inside my pussy. My legs splayed wider as my body yearned more of his flesh, wrapping around his waist until he finally bottomed out inside my pussy.

I gasped like a steam train leaving the station platform, struggling to contain such an immense cock.

"It's fucking huge."

"And it's all yours until you fire me."

"Do you mean exclusive mine, Ashley?"

"Yeah... I guessed being the in-residence bull here meant fidelity was expected."

"Fuck me now, then we'll discuss."

When he withdrew his immense cock, I felt relief mixed with a wanton desire for more. He must have seen that in my eyes because Ashley began fucking me harder, gripping behind both knees, breaking my ankle lock before gently but firmly raising my knees until each calf rested on one of his shoulders.


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