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Further Depravity in Rhode Island

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Pepper continues to dom Libby and her fiancee.
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Chapter One

Libby grimaced as the burning cigarette sizzled against her left nipple. As she bit her lip, Pepper grinned at Kerrigan.

"You see? She's such a good girl, she's been trained to hold still while I use her boobie as an ashtray." Pepper snickered, and cracked her gum.

Kerrigan was just amazed! The night before, after he'd asked Libby to marry him, she'd said, "There's something you need to know about me and my roommate, Pepper."

Libby had breathed heavily, fiddling with the diamond ring Kerrigan had just given her, and, dropping her eyes, she'd said:

"Possibly you'll change your mind about marrying me, Kerrigan, but you have to know!"

Kerrigan couldn't believe there was anything that could upset or dissuade him from marrying the beautiful, auburn haired Libby, but the present situation was very unusual.

Libby was naked, kneeling on the floor with her hands locked behind her back, and her roommate Pepper, Libby's antithesis in class and demeanor, was burning Libby's breast with a Lucky Strike!

Earlier this afternoon, Libby had been trying to negotiate with Pepper, while Kerrigan stood there, puzzled. "I-I want Kerrigan to understand the complexities of our relationship, can explain it to him."

Pepper had looked up lazily at them, admittedly rather enchanting in her pink crotcheted crop top with black bra underneath...and then returned to her fashion magazine.

Libby had looked at her with pleading eyes

Kerrigan couldn't understand why Libby would even associate with someone as vulgar as Pepper.

As an assistant prosecutor, Kerrigan had tried an embezzlement case against Maurice "Buddy" Cistulli, manager of a local café, who claimed Pepper, a waitress had "forced" him to steal nearly twenty thousand dollars over a thirteen month period.

Although Kerrigan had thought this excuse of Cistulli's ridiculous, he had interviewed Pepper as a material witness, and knew she was no damn good.

Discovering later that she was involved with his fiancée, was really a disappointment.

And Libby begging this cheap bitch to "tell all" was a puzzle!

"You want me to tell him everything, Libby?" Pepper had asked genially. "Show him everything?"

Libby blanched, but she nodded. "I-I really function more honestly the way things are, Pepper, and I-I accept it as my lifestyle."

As Kerrigan gaped, Pepper had stood up lazily. "Aaw...but what about your therapist? Didn't he tell you to leave me, because I wasn't good for you?"

Libby's eyes had filled with tears. "N-no, I know that Dr. Malread was wrong, Pepper, and-and I—"

Kerrigan had taken Libby's arm protectively. "Libby, honey, I don't know what this is about, but—" Pepper's harsh laugh had interrupted him.

"What your precious little girlfriend doesn't want to say is that she's a fat lazy slug, and she needs me to pound her ass into shape, to let her know what a worm she is."

Libby had then begun crying, and nodding. "That's right, Pepper—I just want Kerrigan to understand—my needs---"

At this point, Pepper had grinned and snapped her fingers. "So take your rags off and lets show him what a putrid pile of pus you really are, Elizabeth. Get naked!"

Libby had protested briefly, "K-Kerrigan hasn't seen me without clothing yet, Pepper..we're not at that place—" But Pepper had narrowed her eyes, and Libby had, amazingly stripped naked, kneeling in front of her roommate.

Now Libby was cuffed and kneeling, and Pepper was using Libby's beautiful brown areola as a cruel ashtray...and Libby was taking it!

And my God, Kerrigan thought, she has "PEPPER" tattooed on her left breast!

Chapter Two

"This is—this is what you want, Libby?" Kerrigan asked as Pepper, now having put out her cigarette on Libby's breast, was torturing it with a knitting needle.

"It's what --ow!-I need, Kerrigan" Libby said, tears rolling from her eyes as the cruel needle punched her nipple again and again.

How awful this was, Libby kept trying to tell herself, but her clitoris was soaking in juice.

Oh, lord. H. Kerrigan Garnier was quite a catch. Handsome, successful, and from what her mother had told her, from old money as well.

"Much better for you, dear than that awful Scarnella girl you were spending time with" Mother had said. But Libby couldn't stay away!

Pepper had walked out cheerfully when Libby had told her she "needed space", and when Libby begged Pepper to come back, a year later, Pepper had given her a vicious caning...

But the leaving was so much more painful for Libby! OW! Oh, that damned needle.

It was humiliating having her fiancée watch this subjugation, but Libby knew that at some point, Kerrigan would have to take over her domination, as there was nothing else that sexually satisfied her.

That had been the real reason that Libby had never allowed Kerrigan to take her clothes off—she wasn't interested in regular sex. (Also, the PEPPER tattoo would have been much too hard to explain).

But now, would Kerrigan be aroused by what Pepper was putting Libby through? Would he want to become Libby's Master? OW! The needle had gone directly through the nipple again!

As fascinated by Pepper's torture of Libby's heavy breasts as he could be, Kerrigan was much more aroused for different reasons.

Kerrigan's attention was distracted by a curious thing on the dining room table—a long piece of thin metal wire with the end rolled in the sort of black tape that Kerrigan and his brothers had used for their hockey sticks.

"My God, is that-that a straightened coat hanger?" Kerrigan asked curiously. Pepper looked up, and, much to Libby's relief, dropped the knitting needle for a moment.

Standing up, Pepper went to the dining room table and picked up the wire from the tape end.

"Yup, this is my Reminder...I use it to keep Libby's mind on her chores. Wanna see?" Pepper looked over at Libby, who clearly had a fear of the Reminder.

Crooking her finger and smiling evilly, Pepper smiled. "Come on precious baby" she said in honeyed tones. "It's time for some reminding, to show Mr. Garnier..."

"N-not the Reminder, Pepper." Libby said hesitantly. "I-I did all my chores today, ma'am." Libby could barely catch her breath in terror.

The Reminder was indeed a cruel instrument of torture. Could she get out of this unpleasantness?

Libby could handle the paddle, the cane, even the Scottish tawse, and that horrible leather scourge that Pepper had bought at the flea market last month, the one that had opened a vicious welt on Libby's thigh.

But the Reminder had a terrible effect on Libby, the pain was just unbearable!

"P-please, Pepper, don't-don't use the Reminder on me, I-I-" But Pepper was tapping the Reminder in one manicured hand, and crooking her finger. Oh that nasty smile.

"Come on, Sugar. You know it'll be worse for you if Momma has to come and get you."

Oh, God. Libby and Pepper used to play together as children, and when Mother had gotten "miffed" at Libby, and brought out the hairbrush, that was what she'd say, and Pepper remembered!

Libby began crying heavily, but she staggered over to Pepper, who smiled at Kerrigan.

"My little princess can take the Reminder on her boobies and then also on her tushie...what would you like to see, Kerrigan?"

Libby looked at Kerrigan, the white flag flying in her eyes. Please, take me out of here, Kerrigan! I'll get therapy, and give up this masochist nonsense! Rescue me!

Kerrigan, though was fascinated. "The breasts first, please." Libby dropped her auburn head.

"No, no, shoulders back, Elizabeth!" Pepper said solemnly. "Arch your back and show us your honeys...they've been primed by the cigarettes and the knitting needles, let's go!"

Libby gritted her teeth, and shut her streaming eyes and jutted out her breasts desperately, her hands still manacled behind her back. Can I do it! Oh, help me bear the...

WHACK! A thin stream of red hell slashed both nipples at the same time, and Libby, her sensitive breasts on fire, nearly buckled over.

As she was to fall, Pepper helpfully grabbed Libby's scalp and held her up.

"Now, then, girlie...ready for another?" Ignoring Libby's desperate head shaking, Pepper swung again, this time with true vigor.

WHACK! Libby was dizzy with pain. "What do you say to Momma, darling?"

Libby gritted her teeth, breathed heavy, and then spoke. "Th-thank you for the Reminder, Miss Pepper. May I have another?"

WHACK! WHACK! Oh, Jeez....Libby's breasts felt as if they were being attacked by rabid vultures.

"Now we'll demonstrate on the buttocks, I think." Pepper said. "Elizabeth if you will, bend over the—" But Kerrigan held up his hand.

"No, Kerrigan, this is good for her, and—" But Kerrigan waved his hand again.

"I've no doubt it's good for her, Pepper—Miss Pepper. But I was wondering how it would feel—this coat hanger thing—on me. Just curious, of course."

Libby gasped, but Pepper just snapped her fingers, and Kerrigan began swiftly removing his clothes.

Chapter Three

Damn, there's another one. Flying miniskirt, pink legs, dashing across the street.

These damn high schoolers! OUCH! The Fun Pouch was doing its job.

Kerrigan's penis swelled against the needles as he steered the Lexus. Almost home.

It was impossible to ignore all the cute girls, or his random thoughts, even though he'd replaced his cute receptionist with a fat old hag, and fired his hot paralegal...

Even the gay guy who was taking his depositions now kinda turned Kerrigan on a bit.

And every erection he had these days of course was quelled by the tiny leather bag he wore locked round his crotch, the needle filled Fun Pouch that Pepper had given him.

"Well, Buddy Cistulli doesn't need it any more" she'd said right before locking it on.

Then Pepper had impulsively flashed her breasts at Kerrigan, pulling down her tube top, and he'd gotten so excited that the pain had bowled him over.

Fourteen months later, you'd think Kerrigan would be able to control his erections, but it never quite worked out that way.

The last time Miss Pepper had allowed him to jerk off to orgasm, 83 days ago, it had been quite painful with all the sores and blisters on his wee-wee.

As Kerrigan mounted the porch steps to their Tudor, a gift from Libby's rich grandparents, he noted a brown package from the Little Shop in New Hampshire.

God I wonder what this is...the Fun Pouch is bad enough!

Kerrigan let himself in the house, locking the door behind him. Quickly he signed in, recording his time getting home on the wall chart, Pepper would be checking.

He also noted that he'd had a bowel movement at three p.m., so there hopefully would be no need for an enema...hopefully.

He heard some snuffling and whining, what was that?

Oh Jesus, there was a bald, welted figure sobbing on her knees in the corner. Naked as the day she was born.

"I just can't get it right" the figure sobbed. "Why am I such a pig?"

What had Libby done this time?

Yes, Pepper had freshly shaved Libby's head—Libby's hair was a terrible conceit—and slightly injured her, either with the hazel cane or with the Reminder.

Libby's shoulders, back, buttocks and upper thighs looked as if a lawn mower had run over her!

For a moment, Libby turned around to see who was there, but she was blind of course—Pepper made Libby wear horrible opaque contact lenses that prevented her seeing anything when she was in the house.

"Kerry? Honey? Is that you?" Kerrigan said nothing, noting that Libby's nipples were cruelly clamped with heavy rat-traps.

"Kerrigan? Are you there?"

Damn, those lenses really do keep her blind. "Yes, Libby, and you'd better turn around before Miss Pepper catches you."

Giles was harsh, but he didn't want to see Libby get in trouble. Amazing how she could sense him with her temporarily blinded eyes.

Libby had learned to do the housework rather effectively, even with the lenses!

"Shitty dusting job, Elizabeth!" SLASH! WHACK! SMACK! The Reminder seemed to work even more effectively when Libby couldn't avoid it...

Pepper had seen the movie "A Patch of Blue" and had been aroused and fascinated that the blind girl kept house for her abusive she took action with Libby!

And there was no Sidney Poitier to save Libby, either!

Even if Kerrigan could have helped Libby out, he really had little regard for her...all his love was for Pepper. Libby was just a bothersome sibling.

The phone rang. Kerrigan picked it up. "Yes, Mother." Kerrigan said, and paused.

"The wedding gifts were fabulous. Libby is quite happy. Yes, her roommate moved here with us. She's a-a tenant now."

What a laugh! Kerrigan thought as he bid Mother goodbye. Pepper slept in the master bedroom and her two slaves on the floor around the bed, except when they were locked in closets or cages in the basement "dungeon."

Suddenly the kitchen door opened, and Pepper came out, dressed in a bathrobe.

Kerrigan suddenly began undressing, throwing his clothes in a heap by the door. Dropping to his knees, he bowed his head before Miss Pepper.

"I got home on time, Miss Pepper." Kerrigan said quickly. "And-and Libby didn't keep perfect posture in the corner...just thought you should know."

Kerrigan never thought he would turn into a snitch, he'd been the toughest kid in the group he ran around with in high school, and also was a Desert Storm combat veteran, but Pepper had made him into a little girl, a tattletale, shame.

By offering little favors, Pepper had Libby and Kerrigan tattling on each other all the time!

"Well now" Pepper said pleasantly. "Pig One is in her proper corner, and Pig Two is home. My cup runneth over."

As she chuckled, she kicked Kerrigan in the groin. This slammed the needles of the Fun Pouch right into the sensitive area.

From practice, Kerrigan gritted his teeth and stayed kneeling He looked up with tears in his eyes.

Pepper stepped out of her bathrobe and Kerrigan noted she was wearing French bikini underwear, her heavy breasts swinging.

"Stand up, Kellyanne" she said, using Kerrigan's in-house nickname.

Kerrigan got to his feet gingerly. His cock began inflating, stimulated by the light ruffles around Pepper's cleavage.

Suddenly Pepper took Kerrigan in her arms and gave him a deep tongue kiss, grinding her breasts and crotch against him.

Kerrigan's crotch felt like it was on fire, as his penis became fully erect. The Fun Pouch would have been painful enough without needles, as it was small enough to crush his balls against his penis quite painfully when erect...

But the thousand needles...or at least it felt like a thousand—that punctured Kerrigan's penis and scrotum when he became aroused made his lower area feel like a Bermuda Triangle.

Pepper continued slurpily kissing Kerrigan's mouth, face and neck. She was wearing shiny red lip gloss,and her boobs, in the push-up bra, were driving him crazy...

And his downward extremities were in holocaust...such pain.

Finally, he broke away from her and dropped to his knees, with his hands on his Fun Pouch, weeping and crying desperately.

Pepper pretended to look hurt. "What's wrong, baby...don't you like it when I kiss you?"

"No, no, Miss Pepper, I love you, but the Pouch..." Kerrigan's eyes pleaded with her.

"Please, can I take it off...oh please, Miss Pepper!" Kerrigan was in total pain.

Now Pepper looked annoyed. "You don't like the Fun Pouch I gave you? And it's your little present?" KICK! Pepper's high heel punched the Fun Pouch into Kerrigan's groin again, and he fell over, groaning.

Bored, Pepper turned to Libby in the corner. "Elizabeth! Scum-slut! Let's get it together...come to Momma..."

Libby, sniffling, got up carefully, feeling her way up the wall with her nose (as her hands were cuffed), and turned walking hesitantly towards Pepper's voice.

From his position on the floor, Kerrigan saw the opaque eyeballs, and felt sorry for the senior slave, Libby got much worse treatment from Miss Pepper!

"P-Pepper?" Libby said haltingly. "I-I'm so sorry I did a bad job cleaning the might've helped if I could've used my hands...are you still mad?"

Pepper looked down at Kerrigan and put a finger to her lips. Stealthily, she reached behind the couch and picked up the New Reminder.

"No-no honey...Pepper's not mad at you" Such a soft voice. "I just want you to come here and have a nice hug, from Pepper."

Kerrigan felt a lump in his throat. The New Reminder was three straightened coat hangers bound together by stitched leather, instead of the clumsy hockey tape.

Libby smiled beneath the blank eyes as she continued to walk slowly towards Pepper's soothing tones. "Oh, Pepper, it's been so long since you gave me a hug...I can't believe it!"

Pepper came a little closer and lifted the New Reminder. Kerrigan closed his eyes.

The slashing and Libby's betrayed screams over the next three minutes were deplorable.

Especially when one of the mousetraps was knocked off Libby's breast and hit Kerrigan on the head.

Soon, Kerrigan and Libby were kneeling side by side, both now cuffed and lensed. Kerrigan could see nothing through the opaque lenses, and took little comfort that Libby had been wearing hers all day.

From the sounds of it, Pepper had opened the package from the Little Shop.

"Ah yes, my Chest Buzzers!" Pepper said happily. Kerrigan wished he could exchange a glance with Libby, or at least see what a Chest Buzzer was.

"Hmm...these instructions...yes, yes, pierced nipples are helpful, both of you have pierced nipples" Pepper was mumbling in a businesslike way.

Kerrigan tried to strain his eyes against the opaque lenses, but it was impossible—he might as well have been Stevie Wonder. What was going on?

A scream from Libby told him that something had happened, and all of a sudden there was a pinch at his right nipple, and then his left...

Oh, that hurt.

Something heavy was hanging on Kerrigan's nipples. But that wasn't abnormal.

Pepper often hung all sorts of heavy weights through fish line looped through his nipples...this wasn't that heavy, thank goodness.

But what was it?

"And now for the control panel" came Pepper's voice. "All right, kids, now for the fun."

BZZZZZZZZZZZzzt!!! Searing pain shot through Kerrigan's nipples, and from Libby's screams, her Chest Buzzer was working as well.

"Get on your feet and dance, my blind mice!" came Pepper's cheerful voice. "Go it, and go it fast!"

But it was almost impossible to get on your feet when you had no balance because your hands were manacled, Kerrigan found, and felt himself falling clumsily into Libby's body.

BZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzt! A disciplinary buzz from the Chest Buzzer had Kerrigan on his feet in no time, and he began dancing desperately....

He felt himself knocking into a table as the dance continued, his nipples were burning, but now the buzzing receded, just for a moment...

He heard Pepper's laughter as she pressed the buzzer again!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I live in Rhode Island

I’d love to experience some kicks to the groin once in a a while by pepper

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Needs more

I'm going to be less harsh than the other commenters. The torture isn't a problem itself. The problem is that's all there is. Stories need some balance to the torture. It needs to demonstrate the intimacy and lust/love that keeps the sub there (or some reason why it's involuntary if that's your thing). Without that it loses something ... including some realism.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
was sickened

This was not a very good story. Anytime you have someone contiuously torture some one just because they can is not what BDSM is about. It is about reaching sexual enlightment by letting go of your own inhabitions without feeling guilt because someone else is in control. YOU REALLY NEED A HUG!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Even more sick is to read these stroies you don't

like ass w/o a name. Just go away you sick fucking freak! None of us are impressed with your ravings!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Only a sicko would write a story about dominating someone AND the person that they plan to marry. Pathetic.

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