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Futa House


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Chris decided to feign sleep for a while longer. The slow, luxurious ass-fuck was too damn good to interrupt. If he was obviously awake, he was pretty sure he wouldn't get such delicate treatment.

A little while later, he felt the delicious spasm and flood inside his butt that meant he'd received another creamy filling. Strangely, after the girl pulled out, she nestled against his bottom and there was the faint click of a picture being taken.

Chris waited until it was just him and Ashley in the room before stirring. "What was that picture about?"

Ashley glanced down at him and smiled. "Oh, you're awake. You were pretty much dead to the world there for a while."

"So the girls decided to just fuck me anyway?"

"Well... yeah. They weren't about to leave without saying goodbye. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not." Chris wiggled a bit and felt the cum slosh around inside him. "Would have been nice to say goodbye too, is all."

Ashley nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, I get that. But anyway, to answer your question, the girls started taking selfies with your butthole after they finished fucking it."

"My butthole? Not my face or anything?"

"No. I guess they probably remember that part of you more fondly."

Chris frowned, but then had to concede that it made sense. "Fair enough. I know what parts of them I'll miss most, too."

Ashley giggled and ruffled his hair. "You silly little boy-slut. You really can't get enough girlcock, can you?"

Chris smiled unselfconsciously. "I really, really can't."

He pretended to be asleep as the next girl came in, and the ones after her too. He noted who it was through lidded eyes, however, so he'd know whose final fuck he was enjoying. Since they all went slow and easy on him, he got the nicest and most delightful goodbye fucks he could have ever asked for.


The house was so empty with all the girls gone. Chris wandered the halls one last time, feeling empty both emotionally and physically. It wouldn't just be weeks this time, it'd be months. A full summer break before he could come back and be a boytoy fuck-slut for a couple dozen horny futas. It was a depressing thought.

Ashley sensed his mood and slipped in beside him to hold his hand the rest of the way. She intertwined her fingers with his and squeezed reassuringly. They traveled down the main staircase to the ground floor together, though even her presence didn't help his wistful mood all that much.

Chris perked up a little upon finding his and Natalie's moms busy downstairs. Natalie and Sasha were 'entertaining' them while they waited.

Molly had Sasha bent over one of the couches to fuck her sweet butt, and Dia likewise had Natalie impaled on her motherly cock. The two older futas were having a lovely chat while the younger girls rolled their eyes back and panted in sheer anal pleasure.

"Is that how I look when I'm getting pounded?" Chris asked quietly.

Ashley leaned close. "Kinda. 'Cept your tits aren't as nice, and your 'getting fucked' expression's usually cuter."

"Oh sure."

Molly smiled broadly when she caught sight of Chris and Ashley. "Ah, there's my baby boy. Finally!"

She pulled out of Sasha with a slurping sound, and cum immediately leaked out from Sasha's gaping ass. Clearly they'd been at it a while. What with getting gentle 'sleepy' fucks and cleaning up afterward, Chris hadn't had a chance to get downstairs until now, so he had no real idea how long his mom had been there, except for the physical evidence Sasha presented.

Molly enfolded Chris in a big hug. Her boobs and cock pressed against him in a mix of maternal love and unrestrained lust. He buried his head in her soft cleavage for a moment, then sank to his knees without even being prompted.

Chris looked up and made confident eye contact with his mother as he licked and sucked her cock clean. It tasted mostly like her cum, but also carried the distinct flavour of Sasha's bum.

Molly let her son suck her off a bit, then bodily repositioned him next to Natalie and slid her cock up his butt. Ashley helpfully assisted in lubing him up when she couldn't quite manage the feat unaided. The problem with cleaning up was that he tended to lose all that excellent natural lubrication that girl-cum provided.

Once Molly got settled into a nice rhythm, she picked her conversation right back up with Dia like there'd been no break at all. It was amazing the way the two mothers could casually fuck their children right next to each other like it was the most ordinary thing in the world.

Natalie smiled at Chris through a slightly stunned and messy visage. He had no idea how long she'd been getting her ass totally destroyed, but she seemed to have gone quite limp, if that was any indicator.

Chris leaned over and kissed Natalie. She kissed back, her tongue slick with copious unswallowed spit.

Chris sank into the pleasant, comforting abyss of being his mommy's fucktoy. His ass got stretched to its limit and pounded without any mercy at all. He knew he wouldn't be going anywhere until Molly came at least once. Probably more.

In fact, it was her third orgasm that did the trick. Molly dumped two loads of mommy-cum in Chris's butt, then finished off her final one in his mouth. She gazed deep into his eyes as he tried desperately to swallow everything, and laughed softly as some trickled back out his nose and the corners of his lips.

Natalie was pretty well comatose by the time everyone else was ready to leave. Chris helped carry her out to Dia's car and get her all settled in, then gave her a final peck on the cheek.

He got a big, nakey hug and kiss from Sasha before she climbed in with Natalie. Dia, too, got in a hug and quick grope before winking and taking off.

Chris, Molly, and Ashley were the very last to depart. They made sure everything was packed away in Molly's car, then got themselves settled.

Chris sat on Ashley's lap, snugly impaled on her cock. She idly fondled him as they got on the road, but mostly they just enjoyed cuddling with each other in such an intimate and risky way.

Molly reached over to play with Chris a bit when they hit red lights, or once they were cruising on the highway. Mostly she just smiled at seeing the two teenagers so happy together.

They switched seating about halfway through the journey. Ashley took over driving, and Molly sat Chris down on her cock instead. She was an even cozier seat since she filled Chris up more with her mommy-cock, and had softer curves for him to rest against.

Chris settled back happily against his mom's breasts and rubbed the bulge in his tummy where her cock was making itself known. He felt so full and loved in her lap.

"Hey, Mom?" he said.

Molly kissed his neck. 'Yes, baby?"

"I was just wondering, like, it's ok if I go back again next year, right?"

"Well... yeah, of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?" Molly sounded concerned. "Did somebody say something?"

"No, no. I just thought, like, maybe it was silly for you to be spending money on my education when basically all I did all year was take cocks up my butt. I mean, I guess I learned some stuff, but-"

"You silly boy," Molly said. "It's all paid for. Futa House isn't going to not take care of its boys."

"Yeah, for real," Ashley said. "You didn't know that?"

"How would I?" Chris said. "No one ever told me."

Molly laughed and nuzzled at him from behind. "Baby boy, you're free to pursue your education as much or as little as you want. As long as you keep the girls happy, you've pretty well got the world in the palm of your hand."

"So, like, I could choose just to be an inanimate fucktoy all day every day and that'd be fine?"

"If that's what you want. I'd like it if you were a tiny bit more ambitious than that, but I will love and support as long as you're doing what you want to do."

"And as long as you get a piece of that sweet ass every now and then?" Ashley suggested with an impish grin.

"Yes. That too," Molly agreed.


They eventually made it home. All three of them were horny messes by that point. Chris would have been content being carried off to bed and fucked wantonly for the rest of the day. Molly, however, insisted that they needed to unpack first. She was clearly tempted to skip that step, judging by the way she looked at both Chris and Ashley, and the way precum drooled from her steely hard cock.

Chris didn't remember to be embarrassed about their collective lack of proper clothing until he returned to the car to grab a second load of stuff. He flushed red as he realized they were all walking around outside partly or fully naked, with three stiff erections carelessly bouncing around.

"Shit," he said.

"What's that?" Molly asked as she came out the door behind him.

"We're not dressed."

"Yeah. So?"

A car cruised down the street past their driveway, and across the road Chris could see someone watching from their window. He had no idea how many people had already seen the three of them. And yet, his mother didn't seem the least bit concerned.

Chris frowned. "Mom? I may not want to know the answer to this question, but how many of our neighbours have you had sex with?"

Molly tilted her head innocently. "Total? Or recently?"

"Yeah, nevermind. I should have guessed."

No wonder she didn't care and no one else seemed to either. For all he knew, he was the last person on the block to figure out Molly's secret.

"You're not mad about that, are you?" Molly asked. "Just 'cause your mommy's a bit... slutty."

Chris shook his head. "No, of course I'm not mad about that. I'm just as slutty. Maybe sluttier."

"Mmm, and I'm so proud of you."

Molly pulled him in for a lingering kiss. Chris fidgeted a bit knowing that at least one person was watching, and he truly had no idea how many eyes were on them. Still, he couldn't resist his mom's luscious body and loving embrace.

"It just would have been nice if I wasn't the last to know," he whispered a little sulkily.

"I know, baby. Trust me, I know. But I really think it's better that you discovered yourself with some friends your own age. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I'd tried something you didn't want."

"That's fair. It sucks, is all." Chris patted Molly's butt as he broke away and grabbed another bag from the car. "You'll just have to make it up to me."

Molly's eyes were smoldering as he turned to face her again. "Believe me, I will."


Much to Chris's delight, Molly wasted no time fulfilling her promise. He'd only just started unpacking in his room when she came in and threw him on his bed. She jumped on top of him and ravaged his butthole without even waiting to see if he was ready.

Ashley took over unpacking, having decided that she'd be sharing Chris's room. She rearranged his things to make room for hers as well. Only once everything was put away to her satisfaction did she come lie next to Chris and stick her ass wantonly up in the air.

Molly alternated fucking the two horny, teenage butt sluts for a while. Eventually Chris got up and stuck his cock in Ashley's face to give her the double fucking that she enjoyed so much. Naturally, he took his turn getting fucked by both her and Molly afterward.

They moved out to the backyard toward the early evening, once their hunger got the better of them. Molly set up some burgers on the barbecue and they rotated turns watching the food while the other two fucked around.

Chris was once again slightly embarrassed when Mrs. Lynn from next door poked her head over the fence. He was riding Molly's cock as she lay on her back in a lounger at the time. His anxiety faded when he realized that Mrs. Lynn wasn't even fazed. Presumably she'd taken similar rides before.

Goddamn his mom was a slut. Neither of them could help themselves, it seemed.

After Mrs. Lynn was finished chatting with Molly, and once the burgers were done, the fucking was put on hold for a bit. Though the girls did surprise Chris by cumming all over him and his food just as he was about to eat. He rolled his eyes at their childish antics, but didn't let it stop him consuming his now cum-drenched meal.

Chris lazily rode Molly's cock once he was done eating. Then, after getting her cum-load up his butt, spent some time riding Ashley. The girls sunbathed in the last of the evening light while getting some excellent anal servicing, and only reluctantly gave in and went inside when it started to cool down.

The three of them stayed up watching a movie and snuggling on the couch. Chris rode Molly and Ashley a few more times each, but eventually was all worn out, and the girls weren't even horny enough to make him keep going. They were sated for the time being.

Molly sat in the middle of the two younger ones, holding them cozily against her soft, luscious body. She stroked their hair and lulled them into deeply relaxed states. She smiled when Chris started sucking on her nipple without really being aware of what he was doing.

Eventually, she had to lead Chris and Ashley up to bed and get them all tucked in. Since she knew her son so well, she made sure to lube Ashley up and delicately slide her into his butt so he could get a nice, restful sleep.


Chris woke up the next morning to a cock poking his butt, and another pressing against his lips. Without even thinking about it, he opened his mouth wide enough to suck on the tip of the offered erection. The one at his asshole slowly spread him open and made its way slowly and deliciously deeper inside him.

He initially assumed that it was his mom and Ashley giving him a lovely wake up call. It made sense, given that they were the only other two in the house. He frowned as he realized that neither cock felt quite right.

He cracked his eyes, and was puzzled to find Natalie smiling down at him as he suckled on her cock head.

"The hell?" Chris said. "I thought... am I imagining things?"

"Nope," Natalie said. "It's really us."

"But... we all just went home."

"Yeah, we did." Natalie shrugged. "But your mom mighta kinda extended an open invitation for any of us to come visit whenever we wanted, so long as we took good care of you while we were here."

"As if she needed to specify," Sasha added. "I mean, that was basically a given."

Chris let a broad smile cross his lips. "Missed me already, huh?"

"You know it," Natalie said as she fed him her cock again, this time pushing it halfway into his mouth. "Just can't get enough."

Chris let himself be face-fucked a bit, then pulled his mouth clear again. "I assume Mom and Ashley know you're here."

"Of course," Natalie said. "Your mom and mine were double-teaming Ashley when we left them. That girl has serious potential. She's almost as stretchy and slutty as you, seems like."

"Yeah, she's pretty great," Chris agreed. "You think any of the other girls are gonna show up too?"

"Most of 'em sooner or later, I imagine," Natalie said. "We made sure to get in early, get some private time with our favourite boy."

Sasha punctuated Natalie's sentence by thrusting the rest of the way into Chris's butt, bottoming out with a slap of her balls against his skin. He groaned and rolled his eyes back at the feeling of being filled. Natalie waited for him to adjust, then slid her cock smoothly down his throat until she too was all the way inside.

Chris happily took his double-fucking while imagining Ashley doing the same elsewhere in the house. He would have been content spending the summer with his mom and girlfriend, but anticipating visits from the other girls too was quite exciting. He truly couldn't get enough girlcock.

Natalie and Sasha took their time and fucked him as long as they wanted, as many times as they wanted. This morning, at least, they didn't have to worry about sharing or being considerate the way they usually did. He was their fucktoy for as long as they wanted.

He was quite a mess afterward, as he often was following sessions of such length. He cleaned up in the shower and debated whether or not to get some breakfast since he'd swallowed quite a bit of cum already that morning. It turned out not to really be a relevant decision.

Molly and Dia had worn Ashley out and came looking for Chris before he could get to the kitchen anyway. He let himself be dragged back to his room for a second round of heavenly fucking.

Dia was more of a stretch than either Natalie or Sasha had been, but he was all warmed up so she had an easy enough time getting going on his ass. He stopped Molly before she could shove her cock down his throat.

"Hey, Mom?" he said.

"Yes, baby?"

"I just wanted to say thanks for everything. Like, helping me figure out who I really am, and making sure I have lots of girlcocks keeping me busy."

Molly smiled with pure motherly love. "I'm so happy you figured it out too." She ruffled his hair fondly. "Now be a good boy and suck Mommy off, yeah?"

Chris obediently opened his mouth and throat up for her, relaxing his body as much as possible to accommodate the two big cocks pushing their way inside from either end. He was, of course, perfectly happy to be his mom's fucktoy whenever she wanted, as well as any other futa who wanted to use him.

That was his life and who he wanted to be. Nothing else had ever felt so right.

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awyldsideawyldside6 days ago

I loved a lot of the sex scenes, but it was a lot of repetition. I love that he had a girlfriend with Ashley but hate that he was raped by Sasha and Ms. C. So why did his mother/father send him to Futa house? Was he caught wearing panties, watching gay porn, watching tranny porn? Why would she subject her son to that originally being raped and nothing more than a cum dump. I find it hard to believe that he didn’t know his mother/father had a cock. Basically way too long I think just gonna wrapped up in three or four pages and then just as exciting less disturbing. I guess I’m glad poop wasn’t mentioned at all in this just a lot of eating ass and no fecal matter.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Wish I was him and a Lil bit more dress as girl

Client8Client820 days ago

This story is every young man's dream, that is: perpetually used for sex by a perpetually horned up army of beauties sporting big rods!

I have to admit that when I first saw this story was 19 pages, I said to myself, "Self: Looks interesting, but how am I going to wade through a near score of pages? This has got to be one of those that goes on forever, until the second to last page, when we finally get to the sex parts."

Boy, am I glad how wrong I was! Just on page 2, I immediately marked this as a Favorite. The action gets going almost immediately, and keeps going, getting further depraved along the way.

Granted, there were a few word glitches, but otherwise well composed. Thank you, Xarth!

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Agreed with another comment it's pretty disappointing to just have the protagonist give in and become little more than a self warming sex toy. Another irritating aspect that goes into the basic premise itself, NONE of the girls are actually futas, that would require them having fully functioning sets of male AND female genitals, no sign of that. Wouldn't have mattered anyway their 'unique' in actually bullshit, preferences would make it a moot point anyway, pretty much all of them are selfish sexual partners, it's a stretch to even call them that let alone lovers. Somehow there's a futa culture that just made the way things work futas should fuck, specifically boys only(?), and masturbating like any rational human being doesn't work? Neither does fucking each other feel as good as a boy or just you know a girl that has the proper complementary anatomy? Their biology honestly from the sound of things is just a dead end they're little better than animals in terms of self control, it even being stated by a character that a futa that doesn't think with her dick is rare. How then weren't they simply rounded up and isolated, or frankly mandated to take Libido suppressants, so you know they can function and engage in society instead of forcing others to act as receptacles for their desires. Addressing another comment about them not being 'standard folk' that's a bit too fucking bad isn't it? If they want to continue participating with the larger majority of regular people maybe, crazy thought, don't act like deviants and find a real way to address their issues instead of some half assed 'oh we just have to turn some people into sex chattel that helps things run smoothly!' I get it's a sex story but the lazy world building that was attempted just feels insulting, if there's enough of them to have a good population at a college, they wouldn't escape notice by the wider world and that would come with being forced to ahere to proper societal rules like decent fucking human beings. Rant over, like this overly long story that just frankly was a disappointment compared to actually making an engaging subset of humans instead of what we know.

clarissacdscatclarissacdscatabout 1 month ago

Add a little scat and Im ready to live Chris life.

Wonderfull story, love it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This... was beautiful.

Insanely sexy, searingly romantic, atmospheric, just plain magnificent.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Greatest Sex Story EVER!!!!

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImagination2 months ago

This story is a favorite of mine. I like to hear a character thinking and experiencing much more than just hearing actions described. Thanks for giving us that.

The Futa House setting and scene are well used to expand the story beyond the basic. The relationship that develops with Ashley also gives depth to the overall.

Because most of us want our sex to be consensual (honestly that's a huge assumption on my part - I don't have stats or anything), I understand how some commenters feel uncomfortable with Chris being led, eased, seduced, and persuaded into becoming quite the boytoy butt-slut. For me, you do an excellent job of sharing his thoughts on the matter, which, for me, put the matter to rest. These are Futa, not standard folk, and Chris frequently thinks of this as he adapts & adjusts. I hope readers will remember this and not think themselves too much into uncomfortable roles.

Anyway, sorry to run on at the mouth. I do really like your stories and your writing. I hope you enjoy writing the stories as much (or more) than I've enjoyed (repeatedly) reading them.

onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader2 months ago

this story could have been so great with respecting boundaries, and a male mc that actually respects himself to admit what he does or doesn't want... the rare moments when he spoke, and was heard and respected, was wholesome... definitely a fan of his relationship with Ashley, but all the others? nah that toxic objectification just ruined a story, that like so many others, showed promise that hardly delivered. what is it with so many Futa stories, involving a main character that is more a sentient Cock sleeve than a breathing, thinking living being? kind of resent the inferiority complex that gets associated with males interested in Futa's... because it implies that a man cant be confident and assertive is he enjoys Butt stuff.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I want to love the story so much, but the girls can be such assholes. From treating him like an object, forcing him to dress like a girl, calling him names when he says he doesn't like it, making him do public stuff, not listening to "no" in general, like jeez.

Lord PhoenixLord Phoenix3 months ago

Would be cool to have a continuation of the story.

tonylynch1960tonylynch19603 months ago

Third or fourth time reading, loved every bit of it.

BlueRidgeViewBlueRidgeView3 months ago

Lordy, Xarth. This was a marathon from meet-cute to wholesale cum exchange. I felt a wee bad for Chris at the outset; he’s just a fucktoy sinking deeper into anal submission. Gave me an interesting bit of thought about turnabout being fair play—so many girls are little more than cum dumpsters in porn and erotica. So, yeah, thanks to you I have more to think about.

That said, I had a great ride with my fav writer imagining wet, sticky fun to excess in this one. Thanks, as always.

newaccnewacc4 months ago

Not a great fan of the incest, but otherwise a great story. Sexy with a plot!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Sasha and mrs. C are both rapists. Also, not a fan of how they treat him in general like calling him a boytoy when he doesn't like it, inviting other people (like the girl with the strapon?! Wtf she's not even a futa), basically ruining his entire future outside of being a sex slave because he's not actually learning any of his schoolwork and probably has videos out there of him being treated as a public sex slave. Like, how is he supposed to find work with no qualifications, and with his reputation destroyed?

Paul_old_guyPaul_old_guy4 months ago

Wish this was real would have loved to be Chris, may have killed me but what a great way to go

WoodwiseWoodwise5 months ago

a long story but well worth the read, hope we get more stories about Chris,Ashley and his mom

JennaAntillesJennaAntilles5 months ago

A story that describes heaven. Loved those girls

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I hope that you have a series for this or even a short story of what happens next please and thank you

SubbyPansexualBottomBoySubbyPansexualBottomBoy8 months ago

This is one of the best stories I have ever read. Seriously I'm mad that it's not longer. I love every character and subplot and wish more chapters and/or spinoffs come from this story. Made me cum so many times and made me feel wholesome and happy.

Person94Person948 months ago

On all levels this story is simply legendary. If only such a place existed in real life. I wouldnt mind a continuation of this story on some level. I think my favorite thing was how long and elaborate the story was. Didnt want it to end!

GGCxEpimetheusGGCxEpimetheus8 months ago

I just wish there had been details of how large their girth was. Were all the girlcocks the same length? Or a better description of what each girl looked like, and same with Miss C’s cock size. We got one of Chris’s but no one else

PhilipInzaghiPhilipInzaghi9 months ago

I have a quick story I hope I can get a reply from. The part where the futa girls watch a movie and "grind in each others laps" what does it mean? They fucked? Or blowjobs? Or hands?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Rape and incest, really? Trash! Not for me.

Pethair63Pethair6310 months ago

I loved the tale as well, to be in the emotions an feelings with Chris, feeling everything he went through the pain, confusion, the desire, the love an the joy the bond of everything an everyone.

That's a life that would be the sweetest.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

ВНИМАНИЕ! Данный комментарий является неприемлемым для мужчины, который считает себя равным Высшей Красоте и тем более БОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ КРАСОТЕ ( FUTA( GODDESS).

Охранительная история! Жаль что такие БОГИНИ не существуют в реальности ( shemele, lediboy и т. д. не считаются ), ну или Высшие Женщины, которые способны просто заполнить тебя их красотой, но неспособны наградить тебя за то удовольствие, которое ты им доставил. Я хотел бы быть на месте Криса, потому-что, я считаю что Красота которая имеет Могущество, а уж тем более БОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ КРАСОТА рождается для того чтобы - Жить и Наслаждаться Жизнью, а мы мужчины, которые по статусу являемся ниже ЕЁ, не просто должны, а даже ОБЯЗАНЫ ДАТЬ ЕЙ ТО УДОВОЛЬСТВИЕ, КОТОРОЕ ОНА ПОЖЕЛАЕТ!!! Так что, Крис находится там где должен находиться мужчина, хотя не всегда, ведь такой КРАСОТЕ нужно обслуживание не только в постели, но и в бытовых делах, как и во всём остальном что ОНА ПОЖЕЛАЕТ, а мужчина будет способен ИСПОЛНИТЬ. Завидую тебе Крис, ведь ты находишься в РАЮ который называется ♥️GODDESSES HOUSE!♥️

Biandbi52Biandbi52about 1 year ago

Loved the story and so jealous that I'm not a Futa fuck toy. Being fucked and fed cum by so many girls every day all day would be the ultimate. I do love eating cum.

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