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Futa Queen: Manager's Special

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The owner of Futa Queen needs to speak to the manager...
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Diana walked in, her suit cut to fit her tall well defined physique, the satisfied little smile she always wore when she saw the wide-eyed glances to the pant leg fitted to hold her very large cock. She looked around the restaurant, one of her few expansions of Futa Queen, and by far the most successful of her new locations. Her eyes scanned the area, the public dining area in full view, with smiling and laughing guests who hadn't noticed her arrival, suitably distracted by the waitstaff, all a variety of beautiful women and futas alike.

Her eyes were drawn to the stairs that led to the Private Dining area, several rooms where many sordid activities were to be experienced. Her gaze was intent there for a moment before she was drawn to the woman walking to her with confidence. Confidence clearly borne from her own beauty, less greek goddess like Diana, more well proportioned model, but no less desirable to be sure.

The woman idly flipped some of her red hair from eyes, the bob cut with long bangs and shaved around the sides of her head, she smiled on her approach. "Diana? What a surprise, we weren't expecting you. How are you?"

Diana gave her a smile, appreciating the simple long sleeved shirt and custom jeans she wore, the cut also showing off her own respectable equipment down her pant leg, "Lauren, I'm doing well, thank you. This was meant to be a surprise visit, I wanted to check up on things here and congratulate you. You've done very well for yourself based on the reports I've been receiving."

"Well it was only possible with the opportunity you gave me. And everything you've done for the sex work industry? You're literally a heroine for so many people!" Lauren gushed.

"Small steps. Being able to conduct work in the Futa Queen establishments is only a starting point. I have much greater ambitions than that, but thank you. Everyone has tried to do their part and I've been rewarding them as best I can. You're the last one, in fact."

Lauren seemed piqued, "Whatever do you mean?"

Diana smiled as she came to stand right in front of Lauren, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "It's never been a secret that you've had a, shall we say, interest in me. I've always preferred to be dominant in the bedroom, but, if you're willing to have some fun. I think an excellent reward for you would be control of round two... and three, four, five, however many you can manage in a night after I've had my way with you," Diana smirked at the noticeable uptick in Lauren's breathing as she spoke. "Does that sound like an acceptable reward for your efforts in spreading the love and carnal pleasures that Futa Queen provides, Lauren? As well as the handsome bonus for the end of the year."

Lauren was flushed, as she lightly coughed and took a small step back, "O-oh, Diana this is, wow. I would love nothing more. This is more than I deserve."

Diana placed her hands on Lauren's arms and lightly rubbed up and down from shoulders to elbows, "Oh, Lauren. You have no idea how much you deserve this. I've even set up a special suite for us." she held out a slip of paper, "Come to this address after you've closed up for the night, and don't do any early celebrating. I want you all to myself tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day, Lauren." Diana took one more glance around the room, focused on the private dining again before she left the building. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect for the evening.


Later that night, Diana was just finishing her hair, a luxurious bathrobe covering her evening wear as Lauren was led in by one of Diana's assistants. The door closed behind Lauren who was in a trench coat and had a large duffel in her hand.

Diana lifted her brow, "I hope you have the stamina to use everything in that bag tonight. Is it all for me?" Lauren smirked as she quietly took the bag to the end of the four post king-sized bed near the back of the room and put it down.

"Don't worry, Diana. Since you haven't had the pleasure yet, I'm known to need several girls some nights, all of whom leave quite satisfied," the pride in her tone bordering on being arrogant to Diana's ear, all in due time though...

"Well," Diana poured two glasses with a healthy amount of scotch in them before she rose and approached Lauren, handing her a glass. "I look forward to seeing if you can match me once it's your turn."

Both women smiled at each other as they downed the glasses and placed them to the side, "Lauren, you are a little overdressed for what I have planned. Let's rectify that, hmm?"

Lauren obeyed without question, the trench coat fell to the ground to show a wonderful set of lingerie, baby blue brassiere and crotchless boyshorts with an almost adorable cock sock fitted around her girth as it swayed and grew to hardness.

Diana smiled as she leaned in for a kiss, their tongues fighting for dominance the whole time, Diana might've frowned but she held it back, "Let's get you into bed. It's time for your reward, Lauren."

Guiding her onto the mattress, Diana had Lauren on her back, passing her hands over Lauren's body never quite touching her breasts or cock as she first took a hand and gently moved it up to the direction of the nearest bedpost and pulled a hidden strap which she used to firmly strap the limb in place. She started on the next hand shortly after."

"Oh, I'm going to have fun when it's my turn huh, Diana?" Lauren said, biting her lip teasingly while Diana moved on to her legs next.

"This will be a night you'll never forget, Lauren," Lauren didn't catch a change of tone but the last strap was cinched as she spoke. "I'll make sure of it." She stood from her position over Lauren and finally removed her robe to reveal black leather of her dominatrix suit, her cock rock hard and held to her stomach by a strap that she undid and let the huge cock bounce in the air as she grasped Lauren's dick and began stroking.

"Oh, fuck. That feels good." Lauren sighed, eyes closed tugging at her restraints.

Diana grinned to herself, "Just tell me when you're close. I think I want a taste," Diana reached for an item tucked away in the straps of her outfit.

This went on for several minutes, Diana edging Lauren more and more. Her hands like magic on Lauren's cock, until finally, "Shit, shit I'm so fucking close!"

"Good," Diana then grabbed the item she'd had hidden, a long string of thick sounding beads. Lauren gasped as Diana spread her tip open and steadily shoved the entire length of beads into her straining dick until all that was left was the large end that powered the built-in vibrator.

"Ow, fuck, what the hell is going on, Diana? Hey, leave that alone!" Lauren sounded angry. Good. Diana ignored her as she crawled over to Lauren's duffel.

Opening the bag, Diana wished she could be surprised by what she found. A number of toys identical to ones she herself had used to punish individuals who broke her rules. As well as a camera, tripod, and what appeared to be a plethora of different drugs. Recreational and enhancement. "I see you had some last minute schemes in mind. You truly are a disgusting thing, Lauren. I only regret not knowing sooner. You're smart, Lauren, but you think with your cock far too much to be my match."

"Okay, games over now, Diana. Ha ha, now how about we just call this off and call it a night?" Lauren's anger from before melted away and a veneer of jests and diplomacy came forward, but it wouldn't help her now.

Diana stopped rummaging through the bag and moved back to her desk where the scotch and other items she used for tonight lay. She grabbed the scotch and a remote, taking a swig of the alcohol and looked back at Lauren, "I have some music to set the mood for you."

A click could be heard as the remote was used, and what sounded like dead air for a moment before Diana's voice came from the speakers hidden around the room. "First off, thank you for coming to see me. I'm recording this for legal reasons. Is that alright?"

A voice, timid, "Yes. Miss, um, uh."

"It's okay, you can just call me Diana, sweetie. Take all the time you need. "

Lauren was struggling against her restraints now, her cock waving around held up by the mass of metal crammed down her cock "Ah, what the hell is this, Diana! Huh? Some little girl decided she didn't have a good time and came crying to you about it? She's a lying cunt is what she is!"

Diana didn't say anything for a bit, she just listened as the girl in the recording described how Lauren had treated her, how she wouldn't make it anywhere if she didn't let Lauren show her what it means to be loved by a futa. Eventually, Diana stopped the audio and stepped to the end of the bed, hands on her hips as she stared down Lauren.


"Nine, what?" Lauren scoffed.

"That is how many people I know of that came out of the woodwork of your degenerate scheming. I know there are more, but I can't find them, or they are too scared to talk. Then I started surveilling the Futa Queen under your management. On the surface, everything is an excellent establishment. But certain irregularities began to make themselves known. Funds with no explanation, and other such things, too many. Many that I don't care to mention because you already know what you've done: I know what you've done and you cannot hide from me!" The crash of the scotch bottle crashing against the far wall as Diana threw it all her might.

Diana stalked back to the bed and pulled a ball gag from the bag Lauren herself had brought. The struggles were useless as Diana straddled Lauren and put the gag in her mouth, her cries falling on deaf ears. "You already know what's going to happen here, Lauren. You have known the rules better than most would, the punishments for the horrible things people like you do in my fucking house!"

"But dear Lauren, you are going to get something special. A Managers Special." Diana went back to Lauren and twisted the top of the beads, causing a loud humming to start up as the length started vibrating from Lauren's tip all the way to the base and deeper still as the beads went very far in. Lauren could feel the sensation in her prostate; it was so strong.

"Now, I saw some interesting pills in that bag. Very experimental one to increase cum production, were you hoping to bloat me like a balloon, Lauren?" The woman clearly wasn't in a position to answer, she was gasping in desperate pleasure, flailing in her bindings as her cock twitched and bounced almost painfully, she must've been coming with nowhere for it to go, plugged up as she was.

Diana came forward, "You already know how prodigious I am. So obviously they weren't for me. So, how many are you supposed to take? One, two?" Diana grinned at the bottle as she straddled Lauren's chest, "What do you think would happen if I gave you the whole bottle?"

Lauren's eyes got wide at Diana's' words, "Oh, so the whole bottle would be bad? Would your poor little balls swell until they popped? That might be fun to watch as a punishment. But I'm not that cruel. We'll just start with three then." She opened the bottle and took out the pills and held Lauren's nose until she was forced to breathe. It took a couple minutes of her struggling, but Lauren finally swallowed the pills. Diana laughed as the woman clearly came again.

Diana kept chuckling as she got off the bed and retrieved her robe, making her way to the door.

"H-hey, where are you going!?" Lauren was panicked.

"Well I'm going to go for a small snack, maybe fuck someone who deserves my attentions. I haven't decided how long I'll be gone but I'm interested in what state you'll be in when I get back. I told you, I'd make sure you never forget this. Have fun! Those batteries will last for at least a couple hours." Lauren's screams of frustration were muffled as the door closed behind Diana, a cold smile on her face as she walked away, "You earned this, you monster." she said quietly to herself.


Diana gave a sigh of pleasure as she stretched her neck walking back to the room she'd left Lauren in. She hadn't bothered to keep track of the time, it didn't matter anyways, Lauren would be hers as long as she desired. Opening the door to the room, it was quite the sight.

Lauren laid back on the bed, wide eyed staring at the ceiling, her cock held aloft by the still vibrating beads despite its now flaccid state. The tip of her cock had a small stream of cum leaking around the beads, the trail leading down to the massively swollen testicles that sat heavy on the bed. Swollen to the size of massive grapefruits, the skin stretched taut around them.

"Holy shit, look at the size of those things!" she laughed as she approached the bed and stared at them appreciatively. "They'd be beautiful if they weren't attached to such scum, though." Diana gave Lauren a glance when she got no response.

The woman just lay there, eyes open but not looking at anything. Her cock twitching almost constantly, that dull thrum of the beads still going. Then suddenly, the sound stopped as the bead batteries died and the woman let out a small sigh, her eyes nearly closing in joy.

"Now, now you aren't done yet." Diana leaned down and gave those bulbous balls a firm open palmed smack. Lauren gasped out in pain and a spurt of cum oozed out of her tip around the beads again.

"My, you really need to cum now, don't you? Tell me, Lauren, what are you willing to do to cum for me?" Diana gave those balls a small caress.

"Please, I'll do anything, just let me cum. My balls ache so badly, please let me cum!"

"And where do you want to cum?"

"Anywhere! It doesn't matter just let me cum!" she begged.

Diana smiled, "Well, you said it. Just give me a moment and you can cum all you like." She walked over to the cabinet at the side of the room, and pulled out a large bag and brought it back to the bed. She pulled a large tube from the bag. Attached to one side was a large buttplug with a hole in it that fed to the tube, On the other end was a large penis pump, which she plugged into the wall by the bed.

Humming to herself, she caught Lauren's eyes and grinned, "What? You said you'd cum anywhere. Your own stuck up ass seemed as good a spot as any. Now hold on, this part is going to sting a bit." Hopping on the bed between Lauren's legs, Diana lifted Lauren's heavy balls with one hand and lined up the buttplug with her ass. The woman gasped in pain as her balls were pulled up, and the plug was forced in her ass. "There we go, not much longer and we can get all the nasty jizz out of you. Well, out of your balls at least," she chuckled.

Lauren was sweating and breathing heavily, "You, you're as sick as me you fucking bitch! You always have been!"

Diana stopped as she was about to pull the beads out and put the pump in place, "Hmm. Yes. You're right Lauren. I am a sick, twisted bitch. I look at all the beautiful women in the world and think to myself: Yes, I could just fuck her into oblivion. And it would be so fucking good."

Diana grasped Lauren's cock and squeezed, "But I know that's wrong, no matter how much I would like to do that. So I decided that I wouldn't, unless they were sick fucks like me. The kind of monsters who do that to innocent people. Monsters that know it's wrong and do it anyway. I may be a monster too. But at least I only hurt other monsters."

She then dragged the beads out of Lauren, cum spurting out involuntarily. The pump was then placed over Lauren's cock and she looked Lauren in the eyes, "I don't know if you've ever been filled like one of our cum tanks, but you're going to find out." She flipped the switch and simply sat and watched while stroking her own cock.

The pump began to whirl up, bringing Lauren back to hardness and literally starting to suck the built up cum out of her cock and down the tube into her ass. Diana cupped those huge balls, "I bet this hurts right now, but it's going to feel good when you cum. But then, it's going to be bad again because I'm not going to stop this pump for a good long while." She patted the woman's belly, "You are going to be so bloated that I could roll you down a hall. I wonder if I can fill you up enough to make it come out the other end? I've never tried that before, and I still have so many of your wonder cum pills. We'll find out in a few more hours I suppose."

"Fuck you." Lauren gasped.

"Such a foul mouth. Be careful or I might fill it with something else," waving her cock in warning.

"Try it bitch, I'll bite that fuckstick off and swallow it whole!"

Diana quirked her brow, "Really? Well I guess I'll just gag you first, I was truly enjoying the back and forth, but you leave me no choice, I suppose," she got up to rummage through her gear and found a ring gag big enough to fit her cock through. Then she forced it into Lauren's mouth, the bound woman glaring the whole time.

"You brought this on yourself. What did you expect would happen after a statement like that? Oh well, time to feed you some more pills." Diana grabbed the bottle and pulled out a few more and dropped them into Lauren's mouth.

"Now, will you swallow like a good girl, or do I force them down your throat?" Lauren stared back at her defiantly, "Alright, force fed it is." Diana forced Lauren's head back and got on top of her, then she lined up her cock and pushed herself in until she saw her cockhead bulge out near Lauren's sternum. She gave a few hard thrusts and pulled out to make sure the pills went down.

"There, that'll keep you churning-" she was cut off as Lauren spasmed and moaned as cum blasted out of her cock and down through the tube, her belly ever so slightly beginning to bulge.

"-churning for a while." Diana finished with a smile.

This went on for another ten minutes, slowly pulling more cum out, slowly filling until she came again and she filled again with another large blast of jizz. And the cycle continued, Lauren was taking longer to cum as she went on but that didn't matter. It would take as long as it took, and frankly, the longer the better in Diana's mind.

Lauren started to groan as her stomach started swelling more and more. She seemed to be in less pain since her balls had shrunk down a bit after being drained, but they clearly were bigger than they were before they had started tonight, likely a very permanent reminder of this night.

"Okay, Lauren. I'm going to step out for a little while, see how much you've grown as a person once I come back." Diana chuckled at her little joke. "And don't worry, the pump should stop if there is too much pressure trying to force more cum up your ass."

She ignored Lauren's more panicked response to the 'should' in her statement, as she walked out again, very excited to see what she'll be coming back to.


She wasn't gone as long as she'd been the first time, but the results were still fantastic. Groaning in the bed, Lauren looked like she could be carrying triplets with how massive her stomach was. The stretch marks on her stomach from the rapid expansion are very prominent.

Diana walked up and ghosted her hand over the belly then gave it a light, swift smack. It was taut like a drum and she thought she heard the gurgle of liquid shifting, then Lauren coughed and a little cum came out her mouth.

"Well I'll be damned, I didn't think it would actually happen. I'm almost proud of you! This is something I won't be able to see often, thank you for the opportunity." Lauren only groaned in discomfort.

"Now, do you think you've learned your lesson about how to treat innocent people, Lauren?" The bloated woman nodded vigorously, her stomach shifting around as she moved.

"Is that so. Well, I guess I just need to give you a parting gift before we're done for the night. I haven't cum yet." Diana took up position at LAuern's mouth, "Will you be a good girl and suck my cock?" Another quick nod.


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