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Future World's A Stage

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Father/Daughter actors in stage play cast as couple.
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The very best part of my day begins with the question "Are you good men and true?" That line from the actor playing Dogberry was my cue to push into my costar playing Margaret and make her moan out loud while Claudio and Don Pedro looked on in horror. On one side of the stage Dogberry and Verges and the watchmen were having their meeting while on the other side myself as Borachio slid my dick in and out of a wet pussy in full view of the audience.

I'd been playing Borachio for about 15 years now. This was the seventh actress to play Margaret in that time and I was going to miss her when she was gone just as I missed the others. Most people didn't know this since most people don't go around doing the sex like a caveman but when you actually go balls deep into a woman and fill her with cum somehow it touches your heart and I find that I begin to really care about them and their well being. Of course I could never tell her that I cared about her or even hint at it. That kind of talk was totally illegal and it could land me with a rape charge quick. The only woman I was officially allowed to have any feelings for that was more than the general level of respect I was supposed to have for every one of the nine hundred million citizens of the Earth was my daughter.

I always thought it was strange that I had a daughter instead of a son. I remembered growing up with my dad and how much of a great father he was to me. He was totally devoted to seeing me excel in life and become something more than him. Honestly I never saw anything wrong with the life he had. He was just like everyone else, perpetually looking for a job that he would never get and living off the company dividends that everyone received. It wasn't like we ever had to struggle since the cost of everything we could ever want was practically zero.

My father wanted me to be better and by the time I had turned 20 I had changed from a moody teenager who didn't understand or accept the rules of the world around me to a responsible adult trying to get my first real paying job. Of nine hundred million people on the planet only about 400 had any actual real job so the chances were slim but I put myself through the interview process to make my father proud. And proud he was when I got my first job reading poetry on stage. I didn't understand what it was all about but I didn't need to. I stood there and read the lines while the audience looked on. I had a job.

Then things didn't go so well. You would not imagine the amount of money that was paid even for a stupid job like that. It was about a hundred years worth of dividend that I received all at once. It was more money than I knew how to spend. That was when I found out that while all of the normal stuff that everyone needed was a couple a cents for a year the real things that people with jobs bought were super extra astronomically expensive. My father told me not to get involved in all of that but I was stupid and I did and I got in trouble. I was all the way over on the other side of the planet when I was supposed to be on stage doing my job. Well that didn't go over well and I was fired. As great as it is to have a job, it sucked a thousand times worse to be fired. I had had what so many people around me hoped and dreamed about and I had pissed it away like an idiot.

I was back to being just another guy pretending to look for a job so I could stay on the dividend recipient list. There would be no more private jets to the moon or luxury meals prepared by actual human chefs. I was back to taking cabs to get around town and eating whatever the kitchen robot prepared. But that was nothing compared to the disappointment my father felt in me.

Not long after I had lost the first job of mine the Federal Child Welfare Department informed me that my DNA had been used to make two children, one of which would be cared for by the biological mother (whose identity would never be revealed to me) and the other would be cared for by me. I expected to have a son but instead I had a daughter. It was then that my father sat me down and told me that I had to give up my dreams and ambitions and just be there for my child. I had had my chance and I had blown it so now it was time to put my efforts into the next generation.

Well, that wasn't how things had turned out for me. Once I had that child in my arms something in me popped. It took time and effort and even burning through some money I had left over but when my daughter was about 4 I had a job again.

The director AI was using government money earmarked for promoting the arts to put on a production of Shakespeare. I don't know how it was that I was selected but I got the part of Borachio. I thought it was too good to be true but it was real. I had a job again and with it the potential for another job level of income. And this time I wasn't going to waste it.

I remember when I first got the script and instantly started to read it over and over again to memorize my lines and NEVER be fired again in my life. NEVER. N.E.V.E.R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so focused on my lines that I hadn't noticed the blocking instructions. There was a scene were I didn't actually have any lines but I had to be there on stage and ... do the sex with an actress. ... Huh? Um ... What? Sex? Huh?

It had to be wrong. ... Didn't. Sex wasn't something that anyone engaged in anymore. Before birth all children are set by the FCWD to not be able to ever have children naturally. Therefore sex, and the relationships that brought sex about were no longer necessary. There were no such things as marriages anymore, or boyfriends or girlfriends or fiances or booty calls. Nothing. There was no more animal copulation among the human population. That was something that dogs and cats and I guessed insects did but not people.

I read the BFOQ over and over again and it was right there in black and white. In order to have this job I had to be able to get a hard on, sustain it for the duration of the scene, insert it inside of an actress, like actually put it in her, and ... do sex with her until the scene was over. I was scratching my head on that one. I just couldn't even imagine it. Every now and then we would see news of some deviants or perverts who were doing the sex and they would be busted. The man would be charged with rape and the woman would be sent off to be healed at some hospital. I couldn't do that and be like them. But then I looked at my little girl playing with her toys and I knew in my heart that I was not going to disappoint her or my father ever again.

I had three weeks of rehearsal with my costars before I was asked to perform the scene for the first time. I was so nervous. The girl I was rehearsing with was named Lacy and if I hadn't known better I'd say she was trying to get into my head about it. She asked me if I would be able to get hard. She asked me if I was thinking about doing it. She had to have known that it was illegal for a man to think about doing the sex with a woman so of course I wasn't thinking about it but I was thinking about doing a good job and not getting fired.

"I mean, he was such a great writer, all on another level and everything. He knew one day audiences wouldn't be able to understand what he was writing anymore so he put in these kinds of things like actually demonstrating the sex to the audience so they could understand." Lacy said.

"Ahead of his time, yeah." I responded as I looked around at everyone looking at me and the director AI's camera lowering down and zooming in at my face.

"Of course you know during his actual lifetime there were no women in theater. Men had to play all the parts, even the girl characters. So some guy was getting it in the ass."

"Well, I read that ancients used to do that. The Romans and all were all doing every everyone in the ass all the time. They had a patron client kind of thing and two guys doing each other was all part of it."

"Maybe next year you'll get cast as Margaret and I'll be Borachio and I'll do you in the ass."

That was a trap if I ever heard one. "Let's just get this scene over with so we're prepared for opening night."

Well getting prepared for opening night didn't happen. She had been trying to get me to back out of the scene so I would be fired. Then once I was replaced it would be rehearsals again until the new actor was up to speed and then the scene would be attempted again. Well, I was not fired. I was determined to do the scene and keep my job, even if I had to take it in the ass. Well, instead Lacy was the one who panicked and chickened out and ran off the stage instead of doing the scene. She was the one who got fired and I kept my job. A new actress was hired named Nona. After three weeks of new rehearsals with her it was time to prove tot he AI that I could do the scene.

And then my entire perspective on life changed. She looked scared of me and I think I was just as scared of her. We got into the position that the computer was telling us to get into and then it happened. The tip of my thing started to go into her and my world has never been the same. In an instant I started to have this kind of spasm and stuff started to flow through me and out of me into her. It all happened so fast. It was the most amazing feeling of my entire life. So that was sex? Really? Why the hell wasn't everyone just doing that all the time everyday? Why ever do anything else?

After my euphoria I was worried that I hadn't performed well enough for the AI's liking. But I was still erect and I was able to move in and out. The girl had to adjust to get used to me being in there and in about four or five minutes I was having another of those involuntary fits of ... whatever that was. The AI said that we'd done a good job but probably we would need to rehearse that part of the scene a bit more before opening night could happen. The Caloric Intake Manager AI informed us that we were dehydrated and so we got some water and took a break.

While I was in the break room doing video chat on my slate with my father and daughter Nona came and sat next to me. To my surprise she put her head on my shoulder and her fingers reached for my free hand. When my called ended there was this very strange conversation that happened.

"We did a good job." she said.

"Yes. I good job."

"I feel that ... you know, you are ..." she started to say as she tried to get me to look at her. I was looking right in her eyes for some time in silence before she gave up on what she wanted to say and then instead pulled me over to a part of the break room that wasn't under camera surveillance. In that tiny bit of secret place she suddenly forced her lips onto mine as she put her hands around my head and pulled me to her.

No sooner had it happened then it had to stop happening because someone walked in and myself feeling like maybe the actor playing Don Jon had seen something and might be thinking that I was in the process of raping the beautiful Nona I jumped back from her and blurted "So do you think Borachio and Margaret would do something like that or not?"

"Oh, I think they would. We better see about adding it in." Nona said, smart girl that she was.

"You are so right. I'm so glad we can work well together."

"You know, we should do some overtime rehearsal on the weekend." she said.

"Are we allowed to do that?" I asked.

Don Jon piped in, "Oh, yeah. You just have to log in that it's rehearsal and you get overtime pay. But there a limit of 60 hours a week. I found that out the hard way."

Nona had been looking at him and then she spun to look at me with a gleam in her eye and biting her lip. "So, rehearsal. Your place or mine?"

"Not here?"

She was silent and she did a shallow shake of her head and gave me a look like I was supposed to know something.

We elected to rehearse that weekend at her place which she shared with her mother. We rehearsed the special scene about ten times or so.

Things went well with Nona. We got good at doing that scene and our first actual performance with an audience was nerve racking we got through it which meant we would be getting paid. This was the first time for Nona to have so much money and it sort of went to her head like it had done to me. All of these people claiming hardship or claiming to be long lost relatives showed up to ask her for money. Before we could even get to our second live performance she was asking me for some of my money. I told her no and that didn't go well. She seemed to think that I owed her. She fully expected me to share my income with her. What? NO. I didn't care how many times she kissed me like she had feelings for me or secretly held my hand (because that was illegal) or wanted to tenderly hug me and make me feel special. Her money was her money and my money was my money and as a point of fact and law it was illegal for me to share my money with her. Those kinds of relationships didn't exist anymore. Just because we had a funny working relationship did not give us an excuse to break the law.

So in about one month Nona was fired and a new actress had to be hired to replace her which meant more rehearsals until we could open again. After Nona was fired she showed up at my daughter's school demanding to see me. That was not cool of her and it set off panic alarms in me for my child's safety. I ended up moving to this ridiculously expensive place and putting my daughter in this ridiculously expensive school with security. And that was my new life. Instead of a regular AI cab I rode in an armored security vehicle to rehearsal at the theater.

The next girl was Patricia. Before rehearsal even started I found myself looking at her and knowing that I was going to put my dick into her. I tried to stifle my smile as I checked out her body. She'd be some good sexing. I really tried not to let it slip what was on my mind but I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was like having sex with Nona had awoken some dormant machinery inside of me that now that the system was up and running it couldn't be easily shut down.

I thought that since I was going to sex this girl Patricia I sort of wanted to get to know her a bit. Part of it was me wanting to know if she was going to be like Nona but another part of it was I knew that if I did the sex with her I was afraid I'd start to care about her, the way I had started to care about Nona before she pulled her stupid stunt. It was so funny the first time I was out having dinner with Patricia after rehearsal. We hadn't done our scene together yet and she seemed appreciative of the opportunity to know what kind of guy I was. We were in a restaurant that had an actual human chef and having a good time when some police robots came up to our table and wanted to know if we were on a date. They asked Patricia over and over again a hundred different ways if I had coerced her or paid her to be there with me. Patricia explained over and over again that we were coworkers with actual paying jobs and we just wanted to do some overtime over dinner while we talked about WORK and nothing more.

Patricia was so uneasy after that encounter that she quit the theater. A new actress would have to be hired. Lacy was the new actress who was hired but again when it was time to do the scene in rehearsal she quit and then demanded to be paid for the two weeks of work she'd put in. She knew she couldn't get it from the theater because of her contract so she was contacting me personally to get it. So I had to pay for more security.

The next girl's name was Liquid. I know, it sounds stupid. She was stupid. She hadn't been given that name, it was something she changed her name to. I never knew her original hair color because she dyed it blue and cut it into a mohawk. Still, she played Margaret well enough and knew her lines. When it came time for our special scene together she suffered through it and to my surprise she seemed to change from very stand offish and angry to much more pleasant to be around, at least for me. Liquid played Margaret for five year. Four nights a week for nine months of the year I was fucking her on stage for the audience's enjoyment.

I have to say, I was happy with her as a costar. When I first met her I thought it would just be drama at every turn but she was cool and professional about the whole sex part. She wanted her job and she had her job. She understood that we weren't dating and she wasn't going to be a mom to my daughter and that I was never going to give her money. We hung out outside of work as sort of friends a bit but not too much. We even had the occasional rehearsal outside of work but not too much and usually only I the off months.

Liquid lost her job as Margaret when everyone in the cast was fired and all of us had to re-audition for our roles again. I was the only one who made it back. I had actually been aiming to play Don Padro or even Benedict but in the end I was cast again as Borachio. Secretly I was very happy about this because it meant I could do more of the sex.

I really suffered keeping the secret of just how much I enjoyed doing it. I wanted to tell everyone from the rooftops that sex was amazing and for everyone to start doing it but I couldn't do that. I loved my life. I loved my job. I loved my daughter. I wasn't going to do anything to jeopardize them again. Life without money wasn't bad but it was nothing compared to life with money.

My next costar was Amy. Then after a year or so it was Julia. Then after a while the actress was changed again but still I stayed in the role and I had no complaints.

So here I was 15 years later with my dick inside of Eve's pussy. It was her last night to play Margaret because when the show wrapped up for this season she already knew she wouldn't be coming back.

I grabbed onto her love handles and plowed into her from behind as the wedding dress costume was bunched up onto the top of her ass. It always amazed me that with all this extra fluffy costume material that the audience could get a really good view of my dick going into her pussy. The audience really loved it when I finally let out all my white stuff and then some of it leaked out of the girl. That always got a cheer but I was usually mentally occupied with trying to savor and enjoy the moment while I had it because it wasn't something I could just go do any time I wanted and this was the last time for the next three months and since Eve wouldn't be continuing next season we couldn't rehearse over break.

I let out my load into Eve as I called her "Hero" just as Dogberry was saying "be vigilant."

Of course no matter how much I wanted to just be in that pussy and stay there until I died I couldn't do that. I had lines in the very next scene where I would be telling Conrad about my evil plan and then get arrested. It was an illusion of real life that having sex would see you being put in handcuffs. That would certainly be what would happen to me or anyone else who tried to do monkey copulation like our primitive caveman ancestors outside of this one special exception. Again Shakespeare predicted the future.

Usually when you're on stage the lights are so bright locally and the audience is in darkness that you can't see anyone out there. Thought I couldn't see her, just as I was being hauled off to jail I heard my 19 year old daughter yell out "Bravo, Daddy." I could never tell when she would come to see one of my shows.

After the play that night we had our wrap up party and I officially said goodbye to Eve, never to do the sex with her ever again. It was a shame because I really liked her ass and her tits. She was nice to kiss to which we did a lot of during the masquerade part of the play.

"Have you heard?" said the actress playing Beatrice as she came and cut into our conversation.

"What?" I asked.

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