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Future's Past Ch. 01 - Past Perfect


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Frantic, she pushed at the squishy material, which yielded to her touch. Whereas before it had been distended, filled with some kind of liquid, now it was flat against her skull. With terror, she could feel a small depression. A hole.

Whatever it was had... injected itself into her brain!

Her head... buzzed, as if it was alive with random activity. "What's happening?" she gasped, her limbs thrashing.


The sonorous thought bounced through her brain pan, scattering all other thoughts to oblivion. It was so thick, so true, that for a moment she was unable to dispute it.

Groaning in distress, she sat up, hands flopping to the ground, which was strangely spongy. She desperately tried to sort out what was going on.

A gentle hand reached out to massage her shoulder. "Take your time," a familiar voice said. "At first, it is disorientating, but in a little bit, you'll feel absolutely wonderful."

She wasn't sure how the other woman could say that, as a pounding headache had set up shop in her temples. One fact stood out to her, however. She had been captured.

She wouldn't cooperate. *Instead, she would tell them everything she knew.*

It wasn't just the contradiction that caught her off guard - the thought that had bounced through her brain had been in her own voice.

Her shoulders shivered in fear. Her mind wasn't her own! *In fact, it was much better.*

"What did you do to me?" she asked, her voice wavering.

Some thing had been in the egg attached to her skull, and now it was in her brain! *It was an improvement. She was being made more suitable for this mission.*

Hot lips pressed against her cheek, giving her a wet kiss. "It's simple enough. I stalled as long as I could, waiting for your egg to hatch. Now that it has, everything is going to be fine. For both of us."

The woman's warm hands wrapped around her shoulder, helping her to stand. "Tell me truly, how do you feel?"

Kate pressed her hands to her temples. "Awful!" *Wonderful!*

The woman patted her on the back. "It will pass. Once you accept this new state of being, the cognitive dissonance will fade, along with the pain. As it did for me."

Her voice sent tingles down Kate's spine. It sounded so familiar! Her head jerked, looking at the scientist who had claimed to be Katy. "Who are you?"

The woman's face broke into a wide grin, spooking her. Through the damaged blotchy purple skin, she recognized this woman. She saw her every morning in the mirror. She was her!

"You... what?" Her breath came in sharp gasps, her head spinning. *You are fine,* commanded her own voice in her head.

"You figured it out," said the doppelganger in her own voice. "That's right. I am you. Well, not the you now, but the you then."

Kate's mind exploded with a sudden realization. That's how this woman had used tranquilizer darts on her - she had used her darts on herself! "If what you're saying is true, why would I betray... myself?"

'Katy' moved her arms wide. "Why do you think? You've been subverted. Well, I've been subverted - but you have, too. She told me how to do it, and I did it. Not that I had a choice. I'm you, just as much as you are me. Or will be me, for that matter."

*And it feels good!*

Kate shook her head, the pounding pain increasing further. Now that she knew what to look for, it was obvious to see that the other woman had the same mannerisms as her. Her physical differences could easily be explained - although her hair was a mess, it was the same dark color as hers, only shorter. She could easily believe that this was her. *Did believe.*

"What was the point of all this, then?" she asked, her throat threatening to close up. "Why did you convince me to overload the Gate? To attack this... worm thing?" She pointed at the giant purplish worm, which was watching both of them calmly, it's tubular mouth flexing.

"Oh no, not at all," replied Katy, still grinning. "The engineers designed the Gate to operate at maximum capacity. The scientists are a little mad, but they aren't crazy. There's no such thing as 'overloading the power.' It was simply a neat fiction to keep you moving down the correct path. While you were distracted in the server room, it was child's play to slap an egg on the back of your head. You didn't even notice!"

Kate reflexively reached behind her head, feeling the bump where the egg had sat. The sac had inflated again with some kind of fluid, the membrane flexing under her soft touch. *The interface is ready.*

Katy clapped her hands with excitement. "Once I had it in place, all I had to do was distract you long enough for it to hatch. I had hoped that it would happen before we made our attack, but you moved so quickly I'm afraid I had to use more force."

"Oh." Kate's face dropped. "I feel like an idiot."

Katy rolled her shoulders. "I don't know why. You simply outsmarted yourself, with knowledge that you currently aren't privy to. Don't feel bad about it. You're going to love being controlled. I know I do."

She sighed, her cheeks becoming flushed. "Now that you're here, infested, I have to say, it's hard to keep it in my pants. I have needs." She mashed her breasts against her chest, breathing a soft sigh of pleasure. "But I know my place. You must be made ready."

Kate frowned. "Ready for what?" *Ready to obey.*

"To go back, of course," replied Katy. "The Gate can not only traverse space, but it can also traverse time - but only at maximum power. After a few... alterations have been made to you, you will be sent back, as me, to convince yourself to take the same steps you just took. The time loop will collapse, making what has already happened, happen again. Just as it should." *Just as it would.*

"What if I don't want to?" Kate asked, stamping her foot against the ground. Her anger was rising at the realization that she had been completely misled.

Katy rolled her eyes. "You already know you gave in, so why bother resisting? Look at me, I am your inevitability. Your future is my past."

She ran her hand over her crotch, squeezing hard. "Believe me, it's going to feel amazing betraying yourself. You'll never see it coming. I'm already incredibly hot just thinking about it."

Stopping her self pleasuring, she took a step forward. "Now, you must accept your new state. You will be made to serve, as I have. It's inevitable."

"What if I don't want to?" she asked, the pain increasing in her brain pain. *But you do.*

She ignored the thoughts that were increasingly replacing hers, taking a step back. There must be some kind of plan she could execute, some way to escape. She was an agent, damnit! She could make amazing things happen with nothing.

Clawed hands wrapped around her shoulders, holding her in place. Startled, she tried to duck and twist to one side, but the hands gripped even tighter. A chuckle hissed in her ear, as she struggled uselessly. A warm tail wrapped around her neck, cinching tight until she was forced to gasp for air.

"There's no escape," grinned Katy, her own smile glaring back at her. "I might not remember each exact detail, but I already know everything you're going to do. I've planned out all the details. I am you." *You will become her.*

Become. Become. *Become.*

The thoughts rattled around in her head like peas. She was so confused. Even if she was being lied to, it didn't matter. That thing was in her brain. *And she would learn to love it.*

Hot breath misted on her neck. She choked, her neck being squeezed by the alien.

It was all so futile. She would be forced to remain here until the alien *delightfully* took over her brain. Fighting against herself was impossible, but she couldn't just give in. Could she? *Wouldn't she?*

Was it just that easy? Give in, give up, become?

The pain in her skull began to ease. Was that because these were good thoughts? *Good*

Quite frankly, it was incomprehensible to her. Her body ached, her head hurt, and there was no reason for any of this. *Good*

It was highly unlikely she would receive the proper medical care in time, and what could they really do for her, anyway? *Nothing. Joining is permanent.*

"It won't be long now," declared Katy, taking a step forward and raising her hands. I wasn't able to resist that long, and she is me, so she won't, either." *She is right.*

Katy pulled aside her lab coat, grabbing the pull on the zip of her shirt. "Besides, how long can you remain as you are when you're being pleasured... by yourself?"

As she pulled down, cool air tingled over Kate's skin. All that protected her from being ravished was a plain white bra which tightly covered her modest assets.

This didn't prove to be much of an obstacle for Katy, who ran her fingers under the middle notch of the fabric, pulling it taut. Grabbing it with her other hand, she flexed her muscles, the fabric creaking. "See how strong the broodling can make you? Relish the changes, like I do."

Soon, her cold hands were wrapped around Kate's breasts, fondling them mercilessly. "Normally, this wouldn't arouse you much," explained Katy clinically. "However, the new connections the broodling has made in your brain have enhanced your tactile sensations. All I have to do is this..." she trailed off, rolling her thumb over one of Kate's nipples.

Kate hissed, her eyes rolling. Why did it feel so damn good? *She wanted more. She wanted all

of it.*

"...and you're helpless before me. Just as we're helpless before it. You love it. You love being infected by it. You love being changed by it. Belonging to it." She pressed her hands under Kate's breasts, pushing them back and up into her chest, squeezing as she did so.

A dam broke, pleasure sweeping everything before it as it rolled through her memories. Everything about her shitty life was being swept up with it, removed and cast away. It felt good. Too good. *In the end, there was no reason to resist at all.*

Katy hummed to herself. "I wish I could feel what you're feeling, but we're not linked in that way. I know, though. I know exactly how you feel. You want more of it. You want to feel this way again."

Her grip shifted as she groped Kate more quickly. "Give in to yourself. Let your thoughts become its thoughts. Let its thoughts become your thoughts.The broodling is not a separate being. There is just you, merged with it. A part of it. A servant of Mother."

Moaning nonstop, Kate bucked her hips, reaching down to undo her pants. Slipping her panties down, she desperately planted her fingers in her snatch, rubbing as fast as she could to match what her doppleganger was doing to her breasts. Being infested was the most pleasurable experience of her life.

Katy squeezed hard, pressing the tops of her thumbs against Kate's nipples. A spark of lightning quick pleasure shot from her nipples up her neck into her addled brain. Her hips bucked, fingers wet with her own juices.

The orgasm, when it came, was short and sweet, but the newfound knowledge of her submission was lasting. With this change came a low thrum of pleasure that stroked her pussy, her reward for accepting its presence. *Her string of obedience.*

She realized her headache was gone. There was no difference between her and the parasite. Its thoughts were hers, and her thoughts were its. They were indistinguishable from each other. *They were one.*

The alien hands let go of her, somehow knowing they weren't needed. She leaned forward, wrapping her hands around the back of Katy's head, pulling her in close. The afterglow of sex still hummed through her body, and she wished to share.

Leaning in close, she pressed her lips over Katy's mouth, giving her a long, slow kiss. The other woman accepted the advance, extending her tongue so that they tangled with each other. The tickling sensation turned her on, her breasts throbbing with need.

And why not? At the moment, there was no one she loved more than herself.

The parasite had changed her thinking. Removed her inhibitions. Increased her libido. *It was so satisfying, and she loved it for showing her the path to pleasure.*

Eventually, the kiss came to an end, and regretfully, her doppelganger drew back. "I'd love to stay and do this with you more, but you have things to do. As me."

Kate nodded eagerly. "What's next? I can't wait to experience more."

Katy looked at her critically, resting her hand on her chin, just as Kate would have done in a similar situation. "We need to make you... look like me. Remember, if you recognize me when I first meet you, this won't work. You can disguise your voice by using a lower pitch, but you can't disguise your clothing."

"Therefore, you'll need to use these." She grabbed a tattered lab coat, blouse, and loose fitting top that were folded neatly on an angled computer desk. "Strip!"

Kate did as she was told, discarding her belongings onto the spongy ground around her. She was quickly nude, but found herself unconcerned. She had seen herself without clothing plenty of times, and this was no different. Whatever embarrassment she might have felt had been removed during her merger with the parasite. *Nudity is natural.*

She quickly put on the clothing handed to her, dressing up to look like Katy. There was no bra included with the new clothing, but that was okay - she needed to be dressed differently to fool her past self.

"That's almost correct," stated Katy. "There's just a few more things."

She made a hand gesture, and her hair was suddenly seized by the creature behind her. There came a quick whizzing sound, and locks of her black hair floated to the ground in an ungainly mess.

Yes, this was necessary, too. Her hairstyle needed to match her future self as well. Nothing could be out of place. Everything must happen as it was meant to be. As it had already happened.

Katy took a lock of her hair and spread it out. "Yes, this will do. There's more, however. Let me introduce you to some of our more... integrated forms of life."

She took Kate by the shoulder and turned her to face the female humanoid who had accosted her. She was surprised to find another figure standing next to her as well, almost identical to the first.

She had noted most of their features from a distance earlier - fluorescent purple skin, rubbery knobs on their shoulders, and fleshy heels, talons tipping their fingers and toes. However, up close, the details were far more apparent.

They had piercing green eyes, with black, slitted pupils. Their skin had been altered, some kind of black material growing down from their ears to cover their mouth and neck in a semicircle. One of them opened her mouth, revealing the utterly dark hole within.

It would have been horrifying, just a short hour ago, but now it seemed wonderful. *They had taken a step up to the next level. She was envious.*

"These two creatures are wardens, blessed with Mother's favor, transcending their former lives," explained Katy. "They have been altered to carry Mother's favor to others, complete with temporary homes for some of Her brood."

Katy stepped in, running her fingers down the side of one of the creature's breasts, which were circled by dark cavernous holes that tunneled into their flesh. She reached inside one of the holes, pulling out a beetle-like creature, which walked calmly out onto her arm.

"See here?" she asked, pointing at its bulbous abdomen. She poked the green liquid filled sac, and it parted for her fingers as if it was made of jelly. "They don't grow the eggs inside themselves; they simply store them."

Pressing her hand inside, she wrapped her fingers around the egg, extracting it gently. The white oval was smaller than Kate had expected. Unlike a hen's egg, one side was flat.

She waved her other hand lazily towards the giant worm. "Our broodmother lays these eggs. These creatures pick them up from her and encapsulate them within their bodies."

She picked up the beetle creature by its leg, turning it over, revealing a circular maw hidden underneath, filled with sharp teeth. "These creatures are quite capable of implantation, but ultimately, they aren't necessary. The eggs themselves can bore into a host body well enough, if they are implanted in the right spot."

Turning to Kate, she handed her the flat oval of the egg. "This is yours. Was yours. Will be yours again. Your special egg. Take care of it."

Kate briefly examined the rubbery form, noting that the flat side appeared a bit red, but it was otherwise unremarkable. It was amazing that this tiny bit of life had changed her so much. *Great things come in small packages.*

She slipped the egg into her lab coat's pocket, careful not to damage it. *Life is precious, in all its forms.*

"Next, we must do a knowledge transfer." Katy took the hand of one of the wardens, pulling her closer. The tail between her legs waved back and forth lazily, the alien sitting on her ass throbbing.

"This one was formerly a scientist, who has the knowledge we need to run the Gate. Quite convenient, if you ask me. Mother knows, and Mother provides."

She took Kate by the arm, positioning her behind the converted woman. "Stand still, this will hurt, but it's for the best."

Kate was no stranger to pain, but she disliked being unable to see what was happening. It made her nervous. *Everything would be fine.*

If she thought it, it was true. She closed her eyes and braced herself as something tickled against her upper back. It nosed between her shoulder blades, pausing momentarily before jabbing into her.

The sharp, grinding pain wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Her muscles clenched involuntarily, and she ground her teeth. After a few moments, the pain dulled, replaced by a cool, twisting sensation, which actually felt worse than the pain.

It was as though something was screwing itself into her, and for all she knew, it literally was. *This was okay, too. All in service of the Mother.*

Who or what the Mother was, she didn't know yet, but clearly She was an important entity, and her parasitic half was beholden to Her. Not that she was separate from the parasite, any more. They were inextricably entwined, and she *loved it.*

A rush of endorphins exploded in her mind, followed by a cool river of knowledge. Calculations, formulas, power cut offs, programming languages - they burst inside her head like sweet grapes, nuggets of knowledge embedding themselves into the wrinkles of her brain.

She had taken a bachelor's, no, a master's, no, she was a graduated PhD student, with a major in electrical engineering and a minor in computer science. She had spent many years in study, and many more designing equipment for Expedient Tech. She loved apples, and the smell of grass after a good rain. *She loved Mother.*

Instantly, she knew exactly how to operate the Gate. How many scientists were on staff in the department. When security checked the hallways, and where the cameras were. Everything she needed to know to navigate the lab flowed into her, filling her up as if she was a lake.

After the initial rush, the flow slowed to a trickle, then reversed. Her life, her name, her skills as an agent - they were all being transferred back down the pipe, over to the other woman. This memory transfer was uniquely transcendent, beyond the realm of anything a human would ever know. *It was glorious, and she loved Mother for having her experience it.*

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