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Gail and Don Pt. 01

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Older Neighbor's Wife and Young Man Next Door.
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Our family lived in a rural area north of the small town where we lived. It was only 7 miles north of town but back in the fifties and sixties that was a long way. In those days people tended to spend a lot more time visiting and being friendly with their neighbors, visiting and helping out when help was needed. My mom and dad had a few friends in the area and they were like an extended family to me. Most of the people though were my parents age, like in their mid fifties.There was one couple though who owned a vacation home across the road from us. They were from the big city but came out on weekends and enjoyed the country. They called it a vacation home but it was actually just a getaway for them. Harold and Maggie were their names and they lived there off and on from about 1960 to the mid 80s. Maggie got sick though and passed away and after some time Harold remarried a lady named Gail and the visits continued. They got married around 1965 or thereabouts. Harold and Maggie were a bit older than my parents, both around sixty years old. but Gail was younger when she married Harold and would be in her early forties.

I used to cut their lawn over there in my spare time for them and I'd get paid $2.00 for doing it and sometimes it would be a few weeks before I saw them so once in a while I had to go over and collect $6.00 or $8.00, depending on how long it had been since they last came out from the city. Moving ahead now to late summer of 1970 I was nineteen now and working full time and didn't need the money for lawn cutting but since I had been cutting grass for a few years I just continued it. Gail was always sitting out in the sun getting a tan, wearing a bikini top and shorts. Nothing too revealing but exciting to see for me. Even at that age she looked pretty good. She was about 5' 5" tall with dark brown hair that she wore just above the shoulder and weighed, I'm guessing here, about 125 pounds. She had a very nice body still with a nice, narrow waist and smallish breasts but from what I could see when she was wearing the bikini top, big enough to cause me to dream about them. Like I said, I was nineteen at the time and why I paid her any attention at all I don't know but I did. She was always very nice to me and always liked to talk. Not the talk of an older person to a younger guy but someone who was interested in knowing about them. I guess I liked that because none of mom and dad's other friends were that friendly or inquisitive about me personally, at least not the women. 

Harold was kind of a bully and condescending towards Gail at times. He never hit her or anything like that but talked down to her from time to time and embarrassed her in front of us. They stayed married as long as they both lived but they drifted apart and were not that close. After a few years Gail seemed to drink more than she did before. It was always a social drink now and then but by this time she would be visibly tipsy at times during their visits to the country. Still she always talked to me but now she would come over and talk and not wait for me to go over there. I tended not to go over unless Harold owed me money or he wanted me to do some work for him on the property. Over the years Harold started treating us country folk more like peons who served the mighty city folk rather than friends. Gail was always pleasant and I think she used her visits to the country and to me to escape Harold, even if only for an hour or two.

So I started to think it was pretty nice, this woman who was around twenty-five years older than me wanting to spend time with me and I began to look forward to when they would visit. She never failed me and at least once per weekend on their visits she would come over and we would sit and talk. She was always dressed impeccably too. I loved how she wore white, silky tops that she would leave unbuttoned slightly lower than she might have had to. Pretty sheer stuff and if it weren't for her bra a person could have seen through them and seen her tits. Most times her talks with me involved her complaining about Harold and how he wasn't the same person any more. On more than one occasion too she was more than a little drunk but always able to make her way over and back home. When we weren't talking about her husband she would ask me about how I was doing and things I liked and what I was into in those days. It was nice. 

A few times when she came over I was home alone. Mom and dad might have been in town shopping or whatever and my brother out for some reason or another, and I particularly looked forward to those visits from her because it was just the two of us visiting. I was starting to get more of an interest in her sexually as well and would wonder what it would be like with her. Up to this point in life I had only a couple experiences with sex so I was by no means an expert in seduction. One or more times she would get so upset with something that Harold had done or said that she would cry a little and it was with her that I first learned that a woman in that frame of mind could use a hug. We hugged a few times during our visits as she regained herself.  I did enjoy her company and being so close to her.

I remember one time when she came over and I was alone. It was a Sunday afternoon and Harold and her had just arrived and I saw them go in their driveway. I was sitting out by the side of the  house in the shade. They must have been arguing in the car because Gail came over within a half hour. Of course she had been drinking again. You know I think Harold was on her about her drinking more than anything and she just drank more when he confronted her about it. She was upset at Harold too because she said he was returning to the city right away because he had forgotten some tools he needed later in the week as they were going to be staying for the week this time. She said he would be back sometime Wednesday though. Why the extra days was really bothering her. She felt he was dumping her to get away from her and was using the tools as an excuse. She did say that it would be good for a break for a day or two though.

We sat in the shade and talked and she asked me what kind of music I liked. I told her that she had probably never heard of the things I listened to at the time. Jethro Tull, Grateful Dead, Neil Young. She wanted to know what they were like and wanted me to play her some songs so I told her to sit by my bedroom window and I would put some on. My record player was in my bedroom. She said she would just come in with me so in we went and I found a record to put on. She sat on the side of my bed and we listened and she had her eyes closed and was swaying to the music, which she said she liked. We both heard Harold honk as he was leaving for the city. He very rarely came over and when he did it was to borrow a tool or something so his honking wasn't unusual.

She started talking about what Harold had done this last drive out and what he had been saying to her and she started to cry again and I sat beside her and put my arm around her shoulder and she placed her head on my shoulder. Okay, this was going really well when I think back about it but to a guy around 19 who has had only limited sexual experience with anyone, let alone a sexy older woman like this it was overload! Oh, everything was working perfectly. My cock was rock hard and we were sitting on my bed and I had a pretty unobstructed view down her top as she had her buttons undone more than she should have, but there was uncertainty as to what would happen if I put my other arm around her and pulled her down to lay beside me. I froze I guess and just cuddled her in my one arm while she cried with her face next to my cheek. Then she did it, she kissed me. Not rough or forceful but a nice meeting of the lips, soft and sensuous, and then I took her in my arms and held her tight. I think that's what did it. She felt for my cock and when she felt how hard I was she said she knew what I wanted but she wasn't for that, or at least not right now. So all I got was a kiss and she brushed my hard cock through my pants and told me that someday she might be ready for the next thing, but not that day, or at least at that moment. She also didn't want to risk any discovery of the two of us doing anything hard to explain. So we listened to a few more songs and she said she should get back across the street. As she left though she asked if I could come over later, sometime after dinner so we could continue our chat. I told her it would be hard to come over that afternoon but tomorrow I could as I was going to be alone again that evening. I said I could come over earlier if I didn't have to work but she said that the evening would be fine. My parents and brother bowled three nights a week so I knew they would be out in the evening for three hours or more so I said I could come over after 6:00 PM and she said she would look forward to it.

It was a hard day at work knowing that I had an invitation to visit Gail. I got home and showered and then we had dinner and then the rest of the family headed to town for their bowling. Shortly after 6:00 I went over to her place not expecting much more than some more conversation but when I knocked on her door she came and greeted me with a hug and invited me in. She was wearing only a thin robe, or at least that's what I thought. It wasn't the soft, plush ones that one would think of as being warm on a cool evening but thin and more of just a cover than anything. It was white and wrapped around her and was open almost down to the tie belt above her waist. No visible indication of breasts except for her erect nipples poking at the thin material but not much restricting further exploration if that was to be. Yes, Hard again! Actually, hard from the moment I was walking down her long driveway.

Their cabin was small. It comprised a kitchen and eating area on one side with a kitchen door to the small patio on the side of the house. There was a living room of sorts on the other. with a small mudroom at the front door connecting to both the kitchen and living room plus two bedrooms at the back of the house. The main bedroom had a small bathroom attached and the second bedroom was more of an after thought and was very tiny. Gail invited me to the living room area and we sat down on the sofa to talk.

She told me that she was sorry that she may have led me on yesterday when she brushed her hand against my cock. She apologized for doing that because I must have felt like she was wanting me for more than just a chat at the time. She said she was so close to succumbing to the urge to have something more pleasurable to remember than the argument with Harold. She wanted time to think about whether she wanted to go to a place there was no coming back from. She also said that if anything were to progress she would rather have it happen over here, in her own comfort area. She told me that with Harold it was seeming like she was alone in the marriage and if he did anything with her it was pretty much to tell her off and argue. She couldn't remember the last time that they had screwed and sometimes she really needed that and that over in my bedroom I was looking to her as a way of getting herself some intimacy. I could see a tear start to run down her cheek. I moved close to her and gave her a tight hug and she melted into my embrace. We held each other for a few minutes and her head nestled again into my shoulder.

I wanted to kiss her but didn't want to scare her away so I lightly kissed her on her neck just below her ear and then kissed upwards to her ear itself and kissed and nibbled on her earlobe. I kissed downwards again to her shoulder and covered her with my bare kisses. Under her chin and upwards towards her mouth where I kissed her lips lightly then back to her neck. I felt her shudder at my reaching her neck. Then she reached, searching for my cock again but this time she felt it and closed her hand around it through my pants. I let her explore and kissed back down from her neck to the slit between the two sides of her robe and then over to her covered left nipple. I brushed my lips against it and gave it a little lick through the robe.

"We're gonna do this, aren't we?" She whispered. Her hand was groping my cock now and it was laid straight down my pant leg towards my knee. "My god you feel enormous. Way bigger than Harold and bigger than any man I have had before him. How big is it?"

"Well, It's about 71/2 to almost 8" inches long" I told her "And measured around, close to 6 1/2. As to being big, I don't know. I haven't had it out to compare it to others"

"Oh my!" she cooed. "We'll have to take it slow so I can accept you. Come with me, let's go to the bedroom." She let her gip go and she led me to her bedroom and nodded towards the bed. "You go and get yourself ready and in there and I'll be right back." I watched as she went into their small ensuite. I took off my clothes and sat on the bed with my head propped against the old metal frame headboard. The bed was older and with a spring and not a box spring under the mattress and the thought of the noises it was about to make made me hornier still. I was laying there, stroking my cock when Gail emerged from the bathroom still wearing the robe but it was open now and I could see her breasts and her hairy pussy exposed. She was carrying something when she came out. Her eyes grew wide when she saw me. "Let me spread this out on the bed because I imagine that cock is going to hold a lot of sperm and I don't want it getting the sheets and mattress all gooey." She spread out a vinyl tablecloth, upside down, on the bed and then a towel and then climbed on beside me. "Let me try that for you" as she reached to replace my hand with hers on my shaft.

With her hand wrapped around my cock I shifted over to her and onto the bed cover and put my arm around her and reached into the robe to feel her breasts. Those nipples were so hard. Her breasts weren't overly large but still a handful. Nice and soft and she pressed against my hand. "One thing you have to know" she said "is I haven't had any babies so my vagina hasn't stretched at all and is going to be tight, especially for someone like you. I haven't had many men at all so not even stretched from use either. They do grow things big out here in the country! Would you mind if I put a little vaseline on you? I don't have any KY or anything like that out here.

"No, I don't mind" I said. "You do what you have to to enjoy this." With that she reached for her night table and had a small jar of vaseline right there. She opened it and dabbed her finger into it and came out with a small amount of jelly and started to rub it onto my knob and then a little way down my shaft. Any remnants of the gel she spread on her pussy.

"There" she said, "we'll let the rest spread itself around as you penetrate me. Hold on for a sec though, I have to get rid of this robe." She pulled away and pulled off the robe and threw it on the floor. "Okay sweetie pie, I'm assuming you know what to do with that tool of yours. Let's try this!"

I moved above her and between her legs and felt for her pussy. She was a little wet by now and I found her hole and slipped a finger into her. She spread herself wide under me and a second finger slipped in. She gripped my shaft near the base and guided me to her love canal and was pulling me to her. I was in about an inch and was feeling just how tight she really was. Her hand still pulling at me and sliding up and down a little and I felt the urge to cum building. Gail, stop for a sec. I am going to cum if you keep working your hand like that" I said.

"Maybe we should make you cum first so you won't be so prone to losing it quickly," she said.

"No, let's just stop trying so hard and I'll calm down." I told her. With that we relaxed and left me slightly penetrating her until my urge to cum subsided. "Okay, let's try again but slower. I want to feel myself deeper."

She gripped me again and started working me in and out a little at a time and I could feel myself getting deeper up her tight pussy. With ever thrust towards her I could hear the bed spring squeak. with the movement. I guess about half way inside her though I started to feel myself ready to go off again and I told her. She lessened her grip but with her other hand she went down to the top of her pussy and started to massage herself. I later found out it was her clit she was rubbing. "If you're close, I want to cum too." she whispered to me. "I want to share the fun with you."

She massaged herself and I pressed deeper with more short strokes and felt my cum rising up through my cock until I could feel myself losing my load inside her. Oh, it felt so good. She was moaning now too with her rubbing herself and I knew she had cum almost at the same time. "Well, that was intense!" she panted. "Can you go again soon?" I assured her that, yes, I would recover in no time at all. "Here, pull out and let's clean up a little before we do it again."

I pulled myself free of her and heard the suction break and then my jism was leaking from her. She reached for the towel and caught most of it coming from her and the silky thread of cum between my cock snd her love hole. She then kissed me. Not one of our usual, familiar little kisses but full on with her tongue now exploring my mouth. It's like our tongues were doing their own little love making exercises. I was still hard and she was not going to give me any chance of losing my erection.

"Are you ready for sloppy seconds?" she asked. "I think it will be a lot easier this time because we are both well lubed. I want to ride you this time." I laid back and she threw a leg over me and held my slick cock and lowered herself onto me. She was still tight but I was well lubed and I slipped slowly up her as she lowered herself. She started to bounce on me, the bed making a wonderful noise, and then told me "You know where I was rubbing? Massage me there, at the top. It's a little nub, sort of like my own tiny penis. That will make it so intense and make me feel so good." I reached between us and felt for her clit and then fingered it and pressed against it as she rose and fell on me. I couldn't believe how good she felt as I was encased in her hot flesh.

She was riding me and her tits were bouncing as she rocked back and forth on me. I strained upwards into her and then I leaned up and sucked on her nipples. "Hold my ass" she begged. "Pull me onto you. I'm going to cum." Gail was an animal and she rode me harder than ever and I felt her tighten around me and fall down all the way on my cock so it was embedded deep inside when she climaxed. I was still holding her bum as she slowly settle down against me and I pulled and pulled at her with my cock moving in and out of her.

It felt so good, with the heat from her body encasing my cock and feeling her muscles as they gripped and relaxed over and over.It didn't take more than a dozen more thrusts up her and I felt myself losing another load inside her, this time almost balls deep. Oh the sensation of doing that so deep inside her. "God, Gail, that was the most incredible moment of my life." I panted. "I think I love you!"

I love you too," she said, "or, I love what you do to me. I really needed that. It took my mind from all my troubles. Want to be lovers?"

"You mean, do this again and again?" I asked. I couldn't believe what she had said. "I am open to being with you any time."

This is going to be a fantastic summer and who knows how long after" she said. We better get cleaned up though for now so you can get yourself home. It was getting close to 8:30 so I still had an hour or so before I had better be home when everyone got back.

I reluctantly pulled free from her and she got up and towelled herself off again and then cleaned my shaft for me. I didn't want to but I dressed and she walked me to the kitchen door still naked. At the door, one final kiss and a hug and she walked me out onto the patio. "When can you come over again," she asked. "Soon I hope."


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