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Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 22

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Stuck in Slut's life, Ellen looks for a way to fight back.
12.2k words

Part 22 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/13/2018
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Warning, this sexy, swappy, chapter includes truly massive tits, mating presses, mass swaps, relationship advice, libraries, horse dongs, dog collars, lusty stares, dick swaps, head swaps, body swaps, breakfast, blind old ladies, futanari amazons, dream sequences, noisy vibrators, voice swaps, musky precum, casual blowjobs, traps, fashionable strap-ons, man-tits, girl bulges, bimbo speak, wise cheerleaders, breast inflation, dick inflation, auto-erotic tit fuckery, deep philosophical musings, relationship advice, lactation, complete physical swaps, and one horny girl desperately fighting back in a world gone mad!

Girlfriend with Testing Device

- A Smutty Fanfiction, of Sorts -

= Part 22 -- Fighting Back! =

By Razmagurk

I let out a long desperate moan as my dick plunged into the warmth of Evan's impossibly, perfectly tight pussy.

I thrust harder as he wrapped his long, slender legs firmly around my hips, sinking me and my hot sex deeper into him, refusing to ever let us go. Our enormous, sensitive tits mashed together in a frenzied, grinding embrace as his hands clung tightly around my back. The grunting and mewling of his soft, sexy voice was lost beneath a torrent of my own passionate cries.

I could feel rising, primal heat echo with my own as I drove my dick deeper and deeper, faster and faster, our mutual pleasure rising to a desperate chorus of gasps and grunts as we climbed rapidly towards our climactic, otherworldly, crescendo.

And then, right on the cusp, right on the edge, when the pleasure was an overwhelming ocean of sensation, but still just one drop away from that raging orgasmic flood, Evan fell away from me. I reached out, trying to grab him, but he just kept slipping through my arms as he fell into the void.

I gave chase, running after him. I couldn't let him go. Not again.

But I was still impossibly horny, still frantic with a yearning need. My throbbing hot dick ached hungrily with every step and my body was flushed and hot and panting. I tried to ignore it, tried to focus on Evan, but with every step I took, he seemed to drift two steps further away. Soon, all I could see was his smile, his perfect, beautiful smile, shining like a star in the darkness.

He seemed so far away now. I tried to keep running, but that mewling need within me grew louder and soon, far too soon, it was an overwhelming roar resonating through every inch of my body. Not stopping, not slowing, not giving upon Evan, I reached one hand down to pump along the hard shaft of my slick, aching member while I groped and fondled at my tits with the other. It was a pale imitation of the rapture that was Evan's wonderful, perfect body, but it was all I could do to bring any sort of relief.

In the distance, lightning struck, bringing with it a deep, rolling Zzzzttttt.

Suddenly, with each pump of my hand it seemed like my dick was growing bigger and more demanding, swelling up inch by horny inch. My tits were doing the same -- every grope, every squeeze, every caress just seemed to cause them to spill forth that little much more, and as they grew so too did my pleasure and my need. Gasps and panting cries dripped from my lips. Before long I could handle neither my tits or my dick with a single hand, and had to start using both.

I tried to keep running, but my dick was too big, my tits were too huge. I tripped over my own massive balls and collapsed into a heap of quivering, cooing flesh. My dick, now as large as my arm and still growing with every thrust, stuck up now through the enormous mass of my tits, eye level with me as it pulsed and twitched and oozed a steady, heady-smelling stream of precum.

At this point I was more sex than girl, yet still I couldn't stop. It wasn't enough. I wrapped my dick in a tight embrace, squishing my tits around it and somehow finding the range of motion to thrust and pump, fucking my cock with my own massive tits as I drew closer and closer to a screaming mind shattering orgasm.

Lightning struck again. I heard laughter, familiar laughter, Elizabeth's laughter. I looked around for the source, but couldn't see it.

Where had Evan gone? I couldn't see his smile anymore.

I tried to stand, tried to move, tried to run again in some desperate hope that maybe I could find him, but I didn't have the strength.

Hot tears rolled down my eyes and onto my tits, mingling with the precum and sweat that was acting as lube while the overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation of my own massive and sensitive dick thrust again and again, harder and harder between my even more massive and sensitive tits, bringing me inch by hard, growing inch closer to orgasm with each thrusting pump.

The laughter grew louder. It was near now, so near. I knew I had to move, had to get away. I didn't know why, just that I did, that something terrible was about to happen, that I needed to get away, to hide. I felt a presence behind me, looming over me, ready to strike.

But I was so close, I couldn't stop.

I heard one last Zzzzttttt and screamed.

I woke up panting and sweating and with my body screaming out in sexual pleasure. Something was buzzing and something was hot and heavy between my tits and between my legs. I rolled over in surprise and frustration, kicking out the pillow I had been grinding my hot wet crotch against and the one that had become entangled between my tits. The room reeked of my naked arousal.

I tried to roll over to find a comfortable position, but the buzzing just kept growing louder. I slapped at it to turn it off, but my hand slammed down on something hard and phallic instead. I pulled away in shock and frustration as it started buzzing too. I slapped at whatever it was, but that just knocked it off the bedside table and onto the floor, its gentle purring quickly turning into a hornet's screech as it made contact with the cold hard ground.

I growled and swore internally. Eyes still shut, I pulled the blanket over my head and considered if I could just ignore the noise entirely and go back to sleep, but after several increasingly uncomfortable minutes it became clear that I could not. I sighed and took a deep breath before finally rolling over to the edge of the bed and reaching an arm down out of my warm blankets to slap off my buzzing alarm and to grab the escaped vibrator. My heart, still pounding with half remembered arousal, beat even harder as I wrapped a hand around the shaft and fumbled for the off button.

Jesus, what the hell had I been dreaming? It had been terrifying and yet... and yet my whole body was pounding with sexual need. I squirmed a little, just revelling in the sensation of the warm blankets rubbing sensuously against my naked skin. I blushed a little as I realized I was still holding the vibrator.

Slowly, it came back to me. Most of it anyway. I'd been dreaming about Evan, hadn't I? But then even in my dreams I'd lost him. I frowned. I had hoped that I'd be able to escape all this weird shit in my sleep at least, that I'd be able to dodge this crazy fucking nightmare for the briefest of black, empty, hours, but it seemed that was not the case. I let out a heated breath. Despite all that horror, the dream had been so... so hot.

I was breathing more rapidly now. One of my hands had snuck up to my breast and was gently plucking at one of my stiff nipples. I jerked it away as soon as I realized what I was doing. Fuck, now was not the time for this. Why was I so goddamn horny? I looked down at the vibrator in my hand and sighed. Right. Of course. Slut masturbated first thing in the morning. I may not have her mind, but I sure as hell had her body, and it was a needy little thing that wanted its morning exercise.

It's not even as though this was the only time Slut masturbated, -- on the contrary, it was her go-to activity whenever she was alone and frequently when she wasn't -- but she had always considered that series of soft cooing orgasms first thing upon waking to be a special little morning ritual.

I growled and threw the vibrator away. I don't care how lusty her body was, I had more important things to do. The phallic thing crashed against the wall then clicked on as it rolled to the ground, buzzing again against the floor in protest at this rough treatment. I groaned and worked up the courage to pull off the covers, ripping away the warmth and safety of my blanket for the cold uncaring air of the world beyond.

Let me tell you, moving around in this ridiculous sex-pot body was a very unique experience. I hadn't really had the time to dwell on it last night while I was running home in the rain, but now, first thing in the morning, sitting up for the first time, I couldn't help but notice that even the slightest shift of weight, even the slightest movement, seemed to be enough to set the damn thing off in an a whole erotic avalanche of dancing flesh.

I sighed as I stood up, my body taking its time to settle even from that.

I don't think Slut had ever really realized how completely bonkers her tits were. Why would she? To her this was normal. They somehow conspired to be both simultaneously stupidly enormous and gravity-defyingly perky. I couldn't even begin to guess at what size bra she wore. Well, okay, trick question -- she didn't wear a bra at all. Though it was a little less obvious from where I was looking, her ass was no better. The damn thing was like a perfectly formed peach jutting out like some kind of shelf. You could balance a drink on either end of me and the only reason it would spill is because even the slightest of motions seemed to set off a cartoonish cascade of quivering girlflesh.

Needless to say, this all made actually walking anywhere a tremendous act of coordination. I had been amazed, back when I had first started playing around with the device, at how it seemed to adjust a person's stride to take a new shape into consideration. Some sort of safety system or something, I figured. Well, however it had been doing that, the technology used to restore my brain apparently did not do the same.

My natural inclination was to just walk normally, like I've always done. That's what I sort of kept defaulting to, but in this body, well, that was simply not an option. I had mass now - momentum. If I tried to walk normally the bouncing would spiral out of control. No, I had to walk slowly, swaying my hips and chest just so to mind the swing of my enormous, heavy assets. Honestly it was a little, well, slutty, but it was how Slut had walked all the time. She hadn't even considered it all that sexy. She could crank it up a whole extra level when she wanted to strut. It took a little concentration at first, but I think it was baked into the body's muscle memory or something because before too long I could get into it without much concentration, thank god.

I walked over to the vibrator and sighed. At least I could choose to bend at the knees rather than the waist. I reached down and grabbed the stupid thing and put it back in its cradle on the nightstand, then walked back over to the bed and sat down. The top half of me continued to move long after the bottom half of me was done.

I was more awake now. Or at least, more alert. I could focus on things besides drifting back into oblivion. I shook my head as I tried to wring the last vestiges of sleep from my brain. It hadn't been an especially restful night.

Honestly, when I'd left that cafe, I'd been so high on the idea of being me again, so angry and spurred to action that I'd seriously considered just going straight to confront Elizabeth then and there. I wanted my device back, damnit, I wanted my life back, I wanted Evan back. But it was late, and despite all the coffee and despite all the nervous angry energy, I was tired. I'm not a freshman, I know better than to think that any idea I come up with at two in the morning is worth acting on without some sleep first. What I needed was some rest and to formulate a plan. Maybe, I had hoped, the latter would come to me in search of the former, but of course it had not.

"Fuck." I said, to no one in particular. "What the hell am I going to do?"

Okay, I shook my head, first thing first. Lying around here moping about it wasn't going to get me anywhere. I needed to get ready and I needed to get out there.

I stood up and jiggled my way over to the bathroom, turning on the shower and inspecting myself in the mirror while I waited for it to heat up. Back when I'd been me, I'd always hated how I looked first thing in the morning. I always had these dark rings under my eyes and my hair was a perpetual mess. Somehow though, Slut's features just contrived to make her look all the sexier first thing in the morning. Right now, I had this perfectly inviting bed-head thing going on that probably would have taken hours for a stylist to get just right, and my half-lidded eyes looked sultry and seductive rather than tired and frumpy. Slut spent a lot of time on her makeup, but honestly, giving her face, I don't think she really needed it. That was good at least. One less thing to have to worry about.

I chuckled a little. I was sure Evan would disagree. Everyone needs makeup, he'd say. I frowned suddenly. No, wait, I had done that to him, hadn't it? Made him obsessed with the stuff? I hadn't even asked his permission or explained what I was doing I just changed him. Why had I done that? But... I guess it wasn't so bad, was it? He'd enjoyed the results, hadn't he? That didn't make it right though. Slut had enjoyed being herself, but that didn't make her being forced upon me any better.

Fuck, what was I going to do? Even if I could get the device back, there were so many things that needed to be changed back. If I had time, maybe I could track down and swap back all the major stuff, but I had less than a day. What even did I focus on? How was I supposed to prioritize all that?

I sighed as I stepped into the shower, allowing the warmth of the rolling water wash away the sweat and the pain and the nightmares. I did my best to ignore the three eager dildos suction-cup mounted to the shower walls.

My nipples stiffened as the hot water cascaded over them. I bit my lip. Fuck, my body was still completely worked up. It took every ounce of willpower I had to keep from playing with it, but it was a downhill struggle. Every caress of soapy lather just seemed to feel so damn good. No wonder that girl masturbated all the goddamn time, her whole stupid sexuality was on a hair trigger.

I sighed. Maybe... maybe a little pleasure wasn't so bad. Maybe it would take the edge off.

Honestly... now that I was getting a good look at it, I really wouldn't mind it so much - Slut's body, that is - if it wasn't for all the baggage attached. What it represented was terrible, but Elizabeth had mostly just exaggerated elements I had chosen myself that first night at the bar. If it wasn't for it being her handiwork, I wouldn't have minded so much. It was still strictly better than my old mousy body, that's for sure.

The truth of the matter was that I was hot now. Sure, I was maybe lacking in elegance, but no matter how you looked at it I was still stunning. Wasn't that what I had wanted when I first set out with the device? Isn't this what I'd wanted all along? I sighed. I'd never intended to go quite this far though, had I? I grabbed at my boobs for emphasis, but that just caused me to let out a moan. Look at me, I was practically a sex toy. Who could take me seriously like this?

Not that I had much choice. I sighed again. My original body was scattered across half the football team right now and half of those changes had been so subtle that there was no telling who had what. Oh geez, what a weird thought - the football team stole my body. In any other context it would be funny.

I rinsed myself down. Oh how I wished I could have stayed in the shower forever, but there was no time for that. I had a boyfriend to save, I had a life to get back.

I toweled off and made my way into the bedroom to grab some clothes, but every drawer I opened just seemed to be full of all manner of weird sex toys instead. One of them was literally overflowing with condoms. The only one that came even close to clothing was a small drawer containing a section of little hair bows and two older looking collars that bore the name Slut in fancy letters on little metal

I growled in frustration. Right. Somehow, I had managed to forget the whole nudity thing. I looked over at the hamper I'd thrown last night's clothes in. They were still mostly wet from the rain. There was no way I could wear them, could I?

Wait, why the hell did Slut own a fucking hamper if she didn't own any fucking clothes?

I sighed. I honestly didn't know what was worse: being naked and no one seeming to care, or wearing clothes and having everyone laugh at me. It was looking like I didn't have much of a choice.

I reached out to pick up one of the dog collars, then stopped. No, I shook my head. Not yet. The moment I stepped outside I was going to have to pretend to be her. For now, at least, I was free to be me just a little longer.

I fixed myself a quick breakfast. Frankly, I couldn't even remember the last time I had done that. Evan prided himself on making breakfast for the both of us. He always jumped at the chance to be domestic. I was honestly a little surprised to find that nothing had changed in regards to the contents of my fridge. It seemed Slut had the same taste in food that I did. For a brief moment I considered that maybe we weren't so different after all, then gagged a little at the memory of how delicious Slut had found that one football player's pussy. I didn't even want to think of what that implied.

Okay, okay, I needed to focus. I sat down with my cereal and toast and considered my plan. Obviously, a direct confrontation with Elizabeth wasn't the best choice. She had the upper hand in any kind of physical confrontation and the moment she realized something weird was going on she could use the device to completely shut me down. Right now the element of surprise was basically the one thing I had over her, and that was only going to help me once. I needed to get the device away from her somehow. Once I had that, then I could afford the luxury of actually confronting her.

I thought back to when I'd lost the device, when that girl - when Emma - had somehow dodged the thing and tackled me and grabbed it. God, how could I have let that happen? Uhg, and then she and Slut had made friends and she had actually turned out to be pretty cool. I sighed. Hers was another life I had to fix. She and Sam had been cute together, before... well, before whatever Elizabeth had done to them to make her treat him like a pet.

I thought back to the collars in my closet. What was it with you and dogs, Elizabeth? I hadn't even realized the device could work on animals, had never even tried. What a massive can of worms. Thank god she hadn't gone overboard with that. I could just imagine some girl walking around with the bottom half of a zebra or something, completely oblivious to why her enormous equine butt couldn't fit into her miniskirt anymore as she prepared for a hot date.

I shook my head again. This was getting me nowhere. I had too much nervous energy and too much emotion flowing through me right now. It was distracting. I needed a clear head. I needed to focus. I needed to get out of here. A walk around campus. That's what I I needed. I always did my best thinking there. Whenever I was struggling with school work, that always helped.

Today was Friday. Neither Evan nor I had classes on Friday, so normally we'd spend the day settled into the library catching up on whatever major assignments we had gotten over the past week. We weren't in any of the same classes or anything, so its not like we were ever working on the same project together or anything, but we could share each other's company and it was nice. I tried not to think about how there was a very real chance that we may never spend that kind of time together ever again.

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