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Going to the Beach Pt. 06

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Eric, Lana and Hanna go back to the pub and have some fun.
6.2k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 02/16/2024
Created 09/10/2022
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If you haven't read parts 1-5, you might want to. This part will (hopefully) make a lot more sense that way. As always, this is fiction, and all characters are of legal age. Please comment with constructive criticism or suggestions for future installments.

As we approached the door, I could see that Aspen was still manning the hostess station. She greeted us with, "Welcome back from your adventure. Krystal said that she hoped we'd see y'all again today. I already let her know you were here when I saw y'all getting out of the car. Who's our new friend?"

"That's Bethany. We met her while we were shopping, and we hit it off really quickly. She's joining us for some drinks and whatever." I replied.

Just then, Krystal came out of what I must assume was her office. "Hi there! I am certainly glad to see y'all again. And you seem to have gained a member of your group."

She extended her hand to Bethany, who shook it, saying, "I'm Bethany. I met them at The Body Shoppe at the mall. They seemed like really fun people, so I thought I'd hang with them for a while. I've never been in here before; it looks like a cool place."

"Thanks. Let me show you around." Krystal took Bethany by the hand and led us out to the deck, which overlooked the marina. "I love the view from here. Sometimes, late at night, you can see some very interesting things. It's amazing what people will do out in public when the circumstances are right." She looked around at all four of us and winked. "Let me show you the rest."

As we walked around, she pointed out some memorabilia from some of the celebrities who had stopped in. She also told us a few stories about funny things that had happened over the years that she'd owned the place. As we walked and talked, I turned the girls vibrators back on to about 20%. They tried to listen, but were obviously having a hard time of it. By the time we made it back around to Krystal's office door, the girls were both looking a bit unsteady, flushed, and glassy-eyed.

Krystal said, "Since y'all are the only ones here, how about I close for an hour or so of 'maintenance' and we get to know each other better? A lot better." "Aspen, put out the 'Back in an hour' sign and meet us in my private office."

Krystal opened the door to her office and ushered us in. Aspen caught the door just as it was closing and followed us in. For all we could see, this was just an ordinary pub office. Then Krystal reached under her desk and must have pressed a button, because one of the wall panels silently slid aside and revealed a staircase leading upward. She led the way, followed by Bethany, Hanna, Lana, me, and Aspen.

At the top of the stairs was a modest-sized room with two black brick walls, black carpet, a black ceiling, and two long walls covered in black draperies. There was very dim lighting coming from the edges of the ceiling, but our eyes were not accustomed to the darkness, so it just appeared to be a very dark, empty room. As our eyes got used to the dark, details of the furnishings started to come into focus: a dark wooden wet bar along one of the brick walls; a large, black sectional sofa, which surrounded a low, black bench with very sturdy legs; several oddly shaped, cushioned, black benches; and a small, wooden platform with a wooden box in the center, positioned in the middle of one of the curtained walls.

Krystal turned and said, "This is my private office. We (she nodded toward Aspen) come up here to relax after work sometimes. Aspen, would you be a dear and bring up the new bottle of Don Roberto Extra Anejo and glasses for us all?"

Aspen nodded and headed back down the stairs.

"Why don't y'all make yourself comfortable on the sofa? Or at least as comfortable as you can!"

I positioned myself in the middle of the longer section of the sectional; Lana took my right side, and Hanna took the left. Bethany took her place on an adjacent section that was at a right angle to the longer one. As we got settled, Krystal walked over to the bar and flicked a switch. The wall of curtains in front of us began to part, revealing a wall of plate-glass windows facing the harbor and the condos on the opposite side.

"Beautiful view, isn't it? The coolest thing is, we can see out, but unless I turn up the lights in here, no one can see in." Krystal asked.

I spoke first, "From where I'm sitting, it is most definitely a fabulous view!" and motioned at all the women.

Aspen came to the top of the stairs and said, "I've got tequila!" That garnered a round of applause. "I'll pour the first round. After that, you're on your own." She then poured six small portions of the sweet, brown liquor and gave one to each of us.

Krystal spoke up next: "I know this is a sipping tequila, but I say we do the first one as a shot. Bottoms up." She tilted her head back and downed the Mexican liquor.

We all followed suit. There were a couple of coughs and gasps from Hanna and Bethany, but everyone was smiling afterwards.

"Wow! That's delicious! I'll pour us another round. But you are most certainly right; it deserves sipping." Bethany said as she stood and made her way to the bar to get the bottle. She made the rounds, pouring each of us a generous shot this time. She sat down on the sofa and set the bottle on the floor next to her.

Krystal and Aspen took their seats on the sofa opposite Bethany. Aspen asked, "So, how was your day? Did you have fun with your naughty secret?" looking at Hanna, Lana, and me.

"You see, Bethany, we stopped in here before we headed to the mall. That's when we met Aspen and Krystal. Krystal caught on to what was going on, offered us some encouragement, and invited us back here. So, Hanna and Lana, why don't you tell Bethany, Krystal, and Aspen about our first stop at the mall?" I replied. I pulled out my phone and turned their vibrators up to nearly 50%. They both shifted noticeably in their seats.

As Hanna began to speak, I increased their vibes by about 10%. "We, uh, oooooh, my god, went to some shoe store. We had this really hot salesgirl. She helped us try on some shoes."

I gave them both a quick pulse of 100% on their vibrators, causing both of them to let out sexy moans. I said, "Lana, you finish telling them about the shoe store."

She began, "Well, uh, I saw the salesgirl sneaking a peek under our skirts. By the time we were done trying on shoes, she had felt us both up and had buzzed our pussies with the app on Eric's phone. It was so fucking hot, but neither of us could cum. We'd be so fucking close, but not quite able to make it all the way. My mind is a blur about whatever else may have happened in there. God, I'm about to go crazy. I need to cum."

Hanna chimed in with her own sexy, "Me, too. I have never been this close without cumming before. I don't know what's going on with me. God, it's driving me insane!"

Bethany, Krystal, and Aspen all gave me an inquisitive look, but I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

I spoke up then, "OK, ok, girls. I think you'll both be able to cum real soon. Bethany, why don't you tell Aspen and Krystal about The Body Shoppe?"

She started, "Well, I was in there to find a new suit for the beach when I saw these two hot babes, dressed almost like hookers, come in. I kind of followed them around the store, at a distance. After they had picked out some suits to try on and headed to the changing area with him (gesturing at me), I had to know what was going on. So, I grabbed the nearest suit in my size and headed back there, too. When I got there, the curtains to the fitting area were open, they had already changed into matching suits, and they were getting up on the little mirror platform thing. They looked so hot. I just stood and watched. So did the clerk at the desk. They went back into the changing room and, in a few minutes, came out in matching white bikinis."

"That's when I noticed the toys in their pussies. They modeled those, then went back to change again. I couldn't help myself, but my vag was so hot and wet that I needed some relief. I saw the clerk already stroking her gash, so I figured what the heck and started rubbing my clit. When those two came back out, OMG, it was fucking hot! The suits they had on barely covered anything and were so erotic. I stopped frigging myself and just watched as they started making out on the platform."

"Then, Mister Spoil-Sport over there, told them it was enough and to go change. I didn't get off, but I'm pretty sure the salesclerk did. I walked up to them and kissed them both. I went into the changing room to "help them change." We started kissing again as soon as the doors swung shut. They led me over to the bench and sat me down. Hanna started fingering me and licking my clit, Lana worked over my tits. All of a sudden, they went at me like they were possessed and I came like a firehose. They kept right on. I had to beg them to stop. Retelling this is making me all horny again. After that, I just went with whatever they said. And now here we are."

I had an idea, so I said, "Great job with the stories. I think I know just how to cum to the conclusion. I'll be right back." I got up from the couch and headed for the stairs. As I reached the doorway, I cranked the girls vibrators up to 75%. I walked down the stairs and out to the car. I grabbed the bags from The Body Shoppe and headed back up the stairs. As I entered the "private office," I could hear Hanna and Lana moaning. Aspen and Bethany were on their knees in front of them, pressing the vibes up against their clits.

I shut down the vibrators, heard two long, sexy "Nooooo"s from the girls, and got "what the fuck"s from the two on their knees. They looked around and saw me standing at the top of the stairs, holding my phone. All four pouted.

"Sorry, ladies. But I have a great idea of how to finish our adventure today. Let's show Krystal and Aspen your new, special swimsuits. That includes you, Bethany. Come on over here; y'all can change on the landing at the top of the stairs. We promise, no peeking."

Lana and Hanna got up unsteadily and began to work their way to my position. Bethany looked a bit uncertain. I held out her bag and nodded toward the stairs. Lana and Hanna looked over their shoulders and motioned for her to come along.

Krystal piped up, "Come on, Bethany, it'll be fun. Like a high-fashion show. Aspen, why don't you get us all another round, too?"

"Sure thing, boss lady!" and she grabbed the bottle and glasses for the girls. She headed over to where they had gathered on the landing, handed each a glass, and poured them each a good-sized shot. She then made her way back to Krystal and me, filled our glasses, and took her position next to Krystal.

I told Krystal and Aspen, "If you two like mostly naked, erotic women, I think you are going to enjoy this show."

They looked at each other, back at me, and licked their lips before saying, in unison, "Oh, yeah."

We had time to sit for a moment and just enjoy the view of the harbor. It was late afternoon, and some of the boat owners were out cleaning the decks while their significant others sunned themselves in quite skimpy bikinis on the bows of their boats. Krystal got out her phone and after a few clicks, some soft music began to fill the room. I could see why Krystal came up here to relax. About then, I heard Lana clear her throat from the stair landing.

"All righty, then. Let's get this show started. Ladies, our first model is Hanna. She's wearing, well, not much at all." I said and laughed.

Hanna came around the couch and into view. She looked even sexier than earlier, if that was even possible. The bright orange bits of material almost glowed in the darkened room. I motioned for her to step up onto the platform by the window. She did her best model spin. I then started her vibrator at about 25% and said, "OK. Hanna, do your sexiest dance for us."

To call her dance sexy was a gross understatement! I'm not sure any of us had ever seen a dance that was more like her making love to the music itself. The three of us just watched her with rapt attention for a minute or two. The way her hips undulated and slithered around, combined with her near-nudity, made it nearly impossible to break eye contact with the dance.

"Bethany, would you please join Hanna on stage?" I called out. Bethany slowly came around the couch from the landing. She, too, was mezmerized by the dance in front of her.

This was my first time to get a good look at her nearly naked form, too. It was everything I'd imagined and more. Her build was slim, but curvy in all the right places. Her suit was like Hanna's, only in iridescent green: a tiny strip of material around her neck, widening to just cover her nipples, then narrowing down as it trailed down her taut belly, widening and joining into one piece to barely cover her pussy, before ending with a kind of hook that was wedged up between the delicious-looking cheeks of her nicely toned ass.

She stepped up on the platform, did the obligatory "model turn," and began to dance. She was timid at first, but Hanna's sensuality warmed her up, and soon they were intertwined and dancing together. They stroked each other's bodies from thighs to breasts to backs. It was quite the show.

"And now, Lana, please join the girls on stage."

I'm not sure what I noticed first--Lana's near nakedness or the lusty expression on her face. I started her vibrator up at 25%, too. As the vibrations sank in, I could see her hips sway a bit more and her walk get a little shaky. She stepped up on the stage and immediately joined the others in their sexy dance. I let this go on for a few minutes before motioning to Krystal to turn the music off.

When the music had quieted down, I said, "OK. I know two girls who really want to cum after a long day of teasing. But I bet there are probably three more who would like that as well. Am I right?" With that, I turned up the vibes to 50%.

There was a chorus of five "I sure would"s, "Oh yeah"s, and just "Unnnnhhhhh"s.

"OK. Here's the plan to make everyone happy:. Lana, you make Bethany cum. Y'all can decide how, etc. Hanna, you make Aspen cum. When you have both done that, they will return the favor."

Krystal pleaded, "Hey, what about me!?"

"I didn't forget you. When they are done, you decide who gets to help you out. Any or all of them. Or me. And finally, y'all will choose who gets to make me cum. Does that work for everyone?" I nudged the vibrators up to about 60%, and Lana and Hanna began to really squirm.

"Yes, please. I just need to cum. Soon!" pleaded Hanna.

"Yeah, me too!" from Lana.

"I know I'm a mess and need some relief, that's for sure," said Bethanuy.

"I've been hoping for something like this all day," said Aspen.

"So have I. So have I." from Krystal.

"OK, then. Let the orgasms begin!" was the best way I could come up with to get this debauchery started.

Lana led Bethany over to the sectional and sat her down. Lana gently pushed her knees apart and knelt between them. She used her hands to trace down from Bethany's earlobes to her neck, to her shoulders, down her sides, then down the outside of her legs to her feet. Bethany responded with a low purr. Lana then began to trace back up the front of Bethany's legs, past her pubic mound, up her belly, gently grazing over her breasts and distended nipples, up to her cheeks, and ending nestled in her hair. Lana pulled Bethany forward and began a sensual kiss with lots of tongue action.

They kept at this for a couple of minutes until Lana pulled Bethany's head back and began trailing her lips down her neck and into her cleavage. She kept one hand in Bethany's hair while the other moved the two triangles of fabric away from Bethany's hard, swollen, bright pink nipples. Lana's lips found one, just as her free hand found the other. This elicited a loud moan from Bethany.

Lana stood while keeping up the pleasuring of Bethany's nipples. She straddled one of Bethany's legs, bringing her barely covered crotch and therefore her vibrator into firm contact with Bethany's likewise scantily covered pubis. The two began grinding their mounds against one another. I cranked up Lana's vibe to 75%. It didn't take long for Bethany to begin panting and getting vocal.

"I need more, More. Eat my cunt. Make me cum, slut. I need to cum."

Lana slid back down to the floor, moving her other hand from Bethany's hair down to the now-vacant nipple. She gave them both a good squeeze while using her lips to move the tiny triangle of green cloth off of Bethany's sopping quim. As her lips made contact with Bethany's swollen clit, she gave her nipples a good, strong tug. Bethany arched her back, which thrust her cunt right into Lana's waiting mouth.

Lana began licking and sucking with abandon. She released Bethany's nipples and moved her hands to her pussy. She began to rapidly thrust two, then three fingers into the younger girl's twat. Bethany then grabbed her own nipples and began to pinch and tug on them. Her back remained arched as she writhed and moaned beneath Lana's assault. Lana must have sensed she was nearing her climax and began to go at her in double-time.

"I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm..." was all Bethany could scream.

Then, Lana lubed up her free hand with some of Bethany's copious fluids and inserted her index finger and then her middle finger into Bethany's tight asshole. That sent her over the edge. "CUMMING! OH GOD! OH GOD! Ohhhhhhhhh." and she squirted again. I wondered if she squirted every time she came. It seemed worth investigating. Lana kept her mouth and fingers going, albeit more slowly and gently, as Bethany came down from her climax.

But before the moment was gone, she returned to full speed, eliciting, "Oh. My. God. I'm gonna cum again. I'm cumming again. Aaaaarrrrhhhhh." She squirted again, almost as much as the previous time. And with that, Bethany collapsed down on the couch, trembling with aftershocks from her massive orgasms. Lana got up and sat next to her with her arm around her, stroking her hair and face.

Meanwhile, Hanna and Aspen had their own mission to accomplish. Aspen led Hanna over to the low black bench. Hanna began removing Aspen's shirt while caressing her bare skin beneath it. Once that was safely on the floor, the lacy black bra was next. As her perky, young tits came into view, they were quickly covered by Hanna's mouth and hands. Her hands then continued downward, taking Aspen's skirt and panties with them. Now that her subject was suitably naked, Hanna laid her down on her back on the bench with her feet on either side. Aspen scooted down, so her butt was near the end. Hanna stood over her and lowered her still-slightly-covered crotch onto Aspen's naked one.

As Hanna leaned forward to kiss Aspen, I ramped up Hanna's vibrator to 75%. They lay like that for a couple of minutes, ravenously kissing each other. Hanna's hands were all over the parts of Aspen that she could reach: her face, her hair, her sides, and, with some effort, her tits. Aspen was beginning to writhe and squirm a bit, so Hanna moved down to orally pleasure her delightful breasts. She alternated teasing, twisting, pinching, and pulling with sucking, nibbling, and biting on each. This position pressed her vibrating cunt down a bit harder onto Aspen's, too.

Aspen's hips were beginning to make those telltale, small, thrusting movements. Hanna picked up on this and began humping her puss and vibrator into Aspen's thrusts, causing Aspen's thrusts to become more insistent. She pleaded, "Eat me, Hanna. I want you to eat me till I cum. I need to cum so badly. I've been fantasizing about this all day."

Hanna slid down to a seated position between Aspen's spread knees. She began licking her way up Aspen's calves, stopping just short of her pouty vaginal lips. This was frustrating for Aspen, who continued to whine and plead to be eaten. She also continued to thrust her pussy toward Hanna's mouth. Then Hanna began to lick up and down the dripping folds of Aspen's cunt. She was still avoiding her clit, as if to prolong her pleasure.


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