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Golden Birthday Ch. 05

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He moves in and she gives him her ass.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/01/2018
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Our lips press together and there is a thrill in the awkwardness of how she is keeping her head. In this, she is every bit as lacking in experience as everything else. My tongue presses into her mouth and starts to explore as our hands search out our bodies. Becky's hands reach for my ass and I sigh into her mouth, while my hands explore the same area on her.

My shaft is hardening between her legs as my fingers tighten on her cheeks a little. Her fingers squeeze to mimic mine and we both start to lose ourselves. My knees are weakening from this wonderful kiss and we are holding each other to keep our balance.

I feel her golden river start to flow over my shaft and this is the first time there has been any sign of control. My fingers start to move towards the base of her firm cheeks as the sensation on my dick is wonderful. The scent is reaching my nostrils, which causes me to kiss her a little harder. I start to move my hips back and forth for better coverage as my hands spread her apart just a little.

She is no longer flooding over me as we break our embrace and I pull my hardness away from the touch of her lips. My bladder releases onto her stomach and her eyes show great pleasure at the sensation of the powerful stream hitting her flesh. Her hands reach down to my shaft and she starts to move the origin of gold across new parts of her body.

She licks her lips seductively as her hands start to move up and down my shaft. "I want it in my ass."

I smile at the sound of her words and think this is the beginning of some new game. "What's that, Becky? My piss?"

I am starting to drip and one hand releases my shaft to capture what it can. "No, dad, not your piss. I want to give you my ass, the way she never did."

I smile at the love she has for me and try to find something to let her down gently. "I don't want to hurt you, Becky."

Her face turns steadfast as her hands start to caress my shaft. "I know anal hurts, but that's why I want you to have it. I know you'll be gentle, dad, and I need you to know there is nothing that will be refused."

I say the only words that I can at a moment like this. "I love you, Becky. God knows I love you more than anyone else I've ever loved."

Tears start to roll down her cheeks at the sound of my words. "I love you, dad."

Our lips are pressing together and it is a little less awkward as our hands reach out to hold each other. I am laying her down on the plastic beneath us and fight to keep my balance. The feel of her body beneath me is every bit as wonderful as the feel of piss on our stomachs and manage to position myself without losing contact with her lips.

I press myself into her wet hole and she feels incredible. Our moans are muffled as I slowly enter further and her hands move to my ass. A perfect rhythm is starting to build as my hips move for her and our bodies are being lost to each other completely. Her hard nipples feel wonderful as our bodies move with the building pleasure and her fingers are starting to dig in the way I like.

Her tongue is starting to move as it searches to press into my mouth and she is a wonderfully quick study. I allow her access and she explores my mouth the way I have explored hers. There is nothing awkward about this kiss and the sensations it is adding to our lovemaking is tremendous. Becky's fingers are squeezing in perfect timing with my thrusts and we are both close to the edge.

My head pulls back and my eyes close tightly as I push myself all the way inside of her. Her moans change to screams as we both start to release our shared orgasms. Her pink hole is tightening around my twitching shaft in perfect rhythm and her fingers are digging in. There is only pleasure to be found and we continue to lose ourselves completely. Our bodies are one as I fill her and she is forced past my shaft.

Once the last of us is given to each other, my lips press down on hers and I maintain my shaft inside of her. Her fingers relax and her tongue meets mine as we lose ourselves to the aftermath of what we just shared. There is no sense of shame or guilt, but only this perfect love we share for each other.

I am slowly being forced out by forces beyond our control and our lips part. My face hovers over hers and her face is perfect. There is nothing that needs to be said that can properly convey what I am feeling and never want to lose this moment. Not that it can last forever, but I can burn it into my mind and hold it like picture that will not degrade over time.

Her lips part and her words echo wonderfully in my ears. "I love you, dad. I love you so much." Her lips raise just a little. "I still want you inside my ass."

My lips raise to match hers and I know she will not be deterred. "Do you have any lube?"

She shakes her head and her eyes sparkle at the victory. "No, dad, but you do."

I let out a soft laugh at the sight before me. "Not with me. Guess we'll just have to wait."

The expectation is for her to back down for the moment, but she won't be deterred. "Guess we're taking a road trip."

I shake my head with a broad smile and admit my defeat. "I guess so. Probably should take a shower first."

On the drive to my house, she is silent for many miles and I am content to let her be. There is a lot on our minds and neither one of us can fully process everything that has happened. I should feel some guilt about being with my daughter, but I can find nothing close to that. Incest is supposed to be something that everyone should naturally find revolting, but there is nothing revolting about what we have. I love her deeply and wonder if I would feel this way if she were not my daughter.

She breaks the silence and her voice has a hidden nervousness to the candor. "Move in with me, dad."

I don't answer right away and she gives me the time to contemplate her request. It does make a great deal of sense to do it. After all, I hate living in the city and the solitude would be a pleasant change. My ex still wants the house, but she was the one that got caught screwing around and was awarded nothing. Perhaps, if she had not wanted me to continue paying the mortgage, I would have given it to her. I can always sign it over and let her take over the payments. A hell of a lot of positives and I can't think of a single reason not to do it.

I nod my agreement to what she has proposed. "Alright."

I can feel her eyes on me. "You mean it?"

I smile and nod as we start to fight traffic. "I mean it, Becky. I can't think of a single reason not to."

I can tell she is fighting back tears. "Thank you, dad. I can't tell you how much this means."

I pull down the street to my house and see my ex-wife's car in the driveway. Pulling up behind it to park, I can see the back of someone's head and know it isn't my wife. We get out to start the process of clearing out the few items I need and both of us see exactly what my wife is doing at the same time.

Becky gets a look of disgust on her face as she sees her mother sucking some guys dick and both are oblivious to anything around them. I watch her head bob up and down on the shaft and wonder what she's up to. She hates giving blowjobs and I know from experience, that she only does it when she wants something. I get a closer look at the man receiving her attention and realize I have seen that bastard's face before. Her lawyer is a real scumbag and had no problem lying through his teeth in court.

His eyes are just starting to open as I tap on the window and both freeze for a moment. He glances over and realizes he's been caught and there is fear in his eyes. I smirk as my ex pulls her head up and see the white around her lips. I motion for her lawyer to roll down the window, which he does after putting his dick away.

There is no anger over what I just witnessed and I simply shake my head. "I figured you would have learned to keep things a little more private after the hearing. What the hell do you want?"

Her attorney stutters over his words. "I'm sorry, Mr. Winthrop."

I glance over at Becky and she is red in the face, but it isn't from embarrassment. She is shaking a little from the anger that is threatening to spill out and I look at her mother. There is a sense of embarrassment, but just a little and I know she really doesn't give a damn about much of anything.

I hold up my hand and move my eyes to meet his awkward face. "Save it. She still wants the house and wants me to go on paying the mortgage. Tell your client, she can have it, but she's taking over the payments. Stay right there. I've got the Quit Claim Deed in the house and I'll sign it right now."

There is stunned silence from the car as I start to walk and know Becky is right behind me. I pack a few bags quickly and make certain the lube is in place with my toiletries. Neither of us says a word as I go through the legal papers and find the right one. I sign it with very little thought behind the loss of my house and shove the paper into the window of her car as I pass by.

As soon as we start to pull away, Becky finds her voice. "Can you believe that bitch."

I nod in agreement, but don't show the same anger my daughter has. "I can, but it's OK."

The words show her anger. "No, dad, it isn't. After all the hell she put you threw, she doesn't deserve a damn thing."

I smile a little as I focus on the road before me. "I know, but I'm glad to be done with that house. I'm not about to let her ruin one more moment of my life."

The rest of the ride remains silent and there is not doubt she is still angry about what she witnessed. We reach the wonderful seclusion of her house and I call my lawyer to update him about the situation. Becky waits without saying a word and I end the call with a smile, since he'll ensure I won't have to make another payment on that place of misery ever again.

We get out of the car and I look into her eyes as I search the words. "Becky, don't let her ruin this moment. I am moving in to be with you. I let her destroy far too much already and won't allow this moment of our lives to be reminded of her. We are together and that's all that matters."

Tears are welling in her eyes and I bring her close to my body. Her arms wrap around my and we become one in that moment. I can feel her start to let go of her anger as her hands start to explore my body and I move my hands to her cheeks. All thoughts of my ex slip away from me and it is just the two of us.

She jumps up and wraps her legs around my waste and pulls her head back. Becky smiles as I feel the moisture start to spread across my body. I grin at the sensation of her piss pressing through our clothing and join her in relieving myself with her. Our piss presses through our clothing to join with each other and our eyes remain locked in the perfection of this moment.

Her lips press to mine as my hands grip her cheeks hard to keep her from falling. The moisture continues to spread as we release the last of what our bladders contain. Her tongue presses into my mouth and I put up a little fight, but give in quickly.

Our embrace ends after countless minutes and I place her feet on the ground. There is something rather pleasant about the sensation of the wet clothes pressed against my body and I see a large wet spot on her. The smell is not as strong as I prefer, but it is still there and mixes wonderfully with the smell of nature all around us.

I bring the bags into our house and she closes the door behind. My feet lead me to our bed and start to unpack. Her eyes glow at the sight of the lube and she is starting to remove her wet clothing from her body. My hands do the same and release my hard dick from the confines of my clothing.

She reaches for the lube and I stop her. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

She smiles broadly and there is determination in her voice. "Yes, dad, I'm sure. I want this day to be special. I'd give you my virginity again, but that can't happen. I want you to have the only part of me still untouched by anyone."

I let her continue and say, "Alright, Becky, but we'll take this really slow."

She is on her knees and her hands start to work the lube over the entirety of my manhood. Her hands feel wonderful as we stare into each other. Her brown eyes show tremendous desire and I know she will not be stopped from having me inside of her asshole.

Once satisfied there is more than enough for what is required, she gets up and lays on our bed with a seductive look on her face. She brings her knees up to reveal her asshole and I get into position. I look down at the impossibly small hole between her ridges and place the head of my dick against it. This is the closest I have ever been to experiencing anal and search her eyes for some sign that she has changed her mind.

I press slowly inside and she hisses out from the intrusion. It is painfully tight around the head of my dick, but I don't pul back. I am waiting for her to tell me to stop. She lets out several deep breaths and nods for more, which causes me to press an inch inside. She groans out and the pressure no longer feels like it is cutting off the circulation. She feels impossibly tight and I don't know if she can take any more.

Her eyes are starting to well up and I let her know we can stop right now. "Becky, I know this hurts. Let's stop."

She grits her teeth and shows the determination in her voice. "No, dad, I don't want to stop. The pain's not that bad. As long as we go slow like this, I'll be OK."

I slowly press in and her breathing becomes a little ragged. She is fighting off the tears with each movement and stop to let her rest. The few inches that are inside are being pressed by a hot vice and feel a little discomfort. I know it is nothing compared to what she is feeling and her face tells me a great deal.

Through gritted teeth and determination on her face, she nods for me to continue. Slowly another inch is given and I am a little over half way inside of her. It takes several breaths before she is ready, but I hesitate to go any further. The pain is clearly getting worse with every inch and I don't want to be responsible for any more.

Her voice hides her pain. "How far in are you?"

I look into her brown eyes and the tears are starting to stream out of them. "Four inches, Becky. Let's stop."

She takes a deep breath and her face tightens. "No, dad, don't stop. Only three more to go."

I shake my head and can't believe she is willing to continue. "We have to stop."

Her determination is very clear. "I don't want to. Don't stop again."

She can't possibly mean what I think she said. "Becky, you can't possibly mean that."

She nods her head and there is no denying what is in her voice. "Yes, I do. I want all of you inside of me."

I slowly press and watch her face as more of my shaft enters into something far too tight. Her eyes remain locked on my face as I continue to press forward very slowly. Her breathing is very deep as she wills her body through this ordeal. The last of me enters and she allows a groan to escape her lips. The tightness of the vice is complete and it is an uncomfortable pressure on every inch of my shaft.

My voice is filled with concern over the pain that must be beyond anything I can imagine. "I'm all the way in."

She takes several breaths before she can answer. "Not so bad, dad."

We both know she is lying through her gritted teeth. "I can pull out."

Despite the pain, her determination is still very clear. "Not until you finish."

I start to move slowly back and forth in timing with her nods, which is not particularly quick. The sensation of the vice is starting to feel much better on my shaft and any sense of discomfort is gone. With every movement of my body, I am getting closer to what she desires and she is showing no signs of wanting me to stop.

I press myself slowly to maximum depth and my eyes tighten. She groans out as I start to twitch and feel my white release start to enter her a little deeper than I can reach. Despite the urge to move my hips between each wonderful wave, I manage to hold myself in place throughout my amazing experience. The waves of pleasure are crashing hard over my body and I have never felt anything like this before.

My eyes open and I can see something akin to victory on her face. As I slowly withdraw from the hole that is still impossibly tight, I press my lips to hers. She does not fight my tongue as I enter and she is sighing into my mouth. The last of me is pushed out and I feel a little bit of my remnant follow closely behind.

Her legs press next to mine and her hands are caressing my back. The aftermath of my orgasm is very strong and her touch is sending chills through my body. There is no doubt that we will share everything imaginable with each other and my love for her is growing with each moment. I am happier with her than I have ever been and nothing can ruin what we have.

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