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Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 07

Story Info
Trisha decides to take Britney's advice.
6.6k words

Part 7 of the 19 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/30/2008
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***All characters are over 18***

Trisha threw her backpack and her gym bag into the trunk of her mother's car. Her mom worked from home on Fridays, so she let Trisha drive herself to school. Cheerleading practice had run longer than usual, and the sun was already dipping down below the horizon as Trisha pulled out of the school parking lot. She turned on the radio as she drove and began to softly hum along with the song, but almost immediately, her mind started to drift, just as it always did these days.

It had been three days since Britney had invited Trisha into the air duct to watch her torture Principal Johnson. But it had been Britney's words afterwards that had stuck so deeply in Trisha's mind. Being completely willing to be yourself was one thing for Britney, but...Trisha had friends to consider.What would they think of me if I started acting like Britney? If I started dressing up in tube tops and miniskirts? They would never talk to me again!As much as she hated their cattiness, and the way they always judged other girls for the way they acted, she couldn't abandon her friends. She couldn't face the shame of their disapproval.

This was the same conclusion that she came to every other day, but just like every other day, it never seemed to satisfy her. No matter how sure she was that she was right, she couldn't get Britney's words out of her head. Trisha turned on her headlights; it had gotten dark pretty quickly. Something about Britney's outlook on life was so intriguing to her. The head cheerleader seemed to live through life completely free, open about whatever she thought. A trait like that was something Trisha could only admire in her other people...I don't want to be a slut, she thought to herself, but I do wish I could be a little more true to myself like Britney. Sometimes I just can't stand all these expectations about what's right or wrong for a girl to do. I wish none of them existed! Trisha shook her head as she drove on in the dark.No...that's not it. It's not that they don't exist for Britney...it's just that she doesn't care about them. I wish I had the power to not care like she does. I wish I could just listen to myself, and my desires, and whatever I want –


The car lurched forward and Trisha did as well, in her seat, her brown hair spilling over as she jolted into the steering wheel. There was a loud, metalliccrunchas the cheerleader's foot eased on the pedal. Pulling her hair out of her face, Trisha looked up, and gasped in terror. She had just slammed right into the back of a car.Where did it come from???The back bumper of the car was completely ruined. Her mouth still open in shock, Trisha quickly shifted to reverse and backed up, wincing at the sound of broken glass as her car rolled backwards. Two seconds later though, she slammed to a halt, her hand at her mouth, her eyes round and wide with fear. The blue and white stripes on the car were unmistakable; the lights and siren on the top couldn't have been more obvious.I just...I just ran into a police car!

"Oh no...oh no..." Near-panicked, Trisha frantically continued to back up. Were there people in the car? It was dark, so she couldn't really see...then, a shadow moved. Then another. The two front doors opened, and a pair of policemen stepped out into the night. Trisha's heart plummeted.

One of them, the one who was in the driver's seat, looked incredibly angry. He glared straight at Trisha, then gestured at her to get out of the car. Nervous and close to tears, Trisha unsteadily opened her door and stepped out. Immediately, she shivered in the cold night air. It had been an uncommonly warm day, so she had worn a sundress, one of her favorites, thin and comfy, that stopped above her knees and had a halter top, held up by a single bow-knotted string tied around her neck. In a particularly brave move, she had bought the same pair of heels that she had seen Britney wear, and felt proud as she teetered her way through the halls to each class. Now, though, the night breeze cut straight through the dress's thin fabric. She didn't have a jacket, either, so all she could do was stand by her car in her heels, and shiver.

As she risked a tentative glance at the officers, she saw that both of their expressions had changed. The one in the driver's seat, the smaller one, still looked angry, but his face was mixed partially with surprise now. The one on the right, the bigger one, didn't even look remotely unhappy. Instead, he seemed to be admiring Trisha's body. The petite cheerleader's figure was unmistakable, even in the darkness, cleanly framed by her silky thin dress. She was barely over five feet, but he could see every one of her curves; her perky, ample chest, her tiny, taut waist, her slightly flared hips, her slender legs.

"Little lady, what the hell do you think you're doing?" That was the smaller one.

"I...I'm sorry, officer," Trisha stammered. "I must have just spaced out or..."

"Spaced out?? While driving??"

"Please...I'm so sorry!"

"Look here...this is a construction zone. You're supposed to be driving at 10 miles an hour!"

Trisha glanced around. It was nighttime...there wasn't a construction worker in sight. "But..."

"Not only did you damage my cruiser, but I think it's pretty obvious from the damage you've done that you were going over the limit."

With those words, the officer yanked out a notepad and a pencil from his back pocket, and began to write.

"But, officer..."

"What's your name?"


"Well then, Trisha, I would advise you to stay quiet."

The cheerleader clamped her mouth shut, frightened and frustrated, averting her gaze away from him. The bigger officer was eyeing her up and down, and he wasn't even trying to hide it. Trisha blushed. The wind was strong tonight, blowing the skirt of her dress against her slender, bare legs, the thin fabric fluttering in the wind. As she shivered in the glare from her headlights, Trisha tucked her hair behind her ear, out of the wind, and desperately wished she had worn something more practical today. She hadn't ever thought until now how flimsy the dress was, how the subtle pull of her breasts were secured only by a single bow-tie in a single strap. The bigger officer was still staring – now right at her chest. In the chilly evening air, the shape of Trisha's hard, round nipples were plainly visible through the thin fabric.

"She's a pretty little thing, ain't she, Mike."

The smaller officer looked up in shock. "Jesus Christ, Todd. She's just a girl. She's probably not even in college."

The bigger officer shrugged, looking unconcerned. "Nah, I bet she's not that young. How old are you, Trisha?"

Trisha shifted her weight, wobbling a bit on her heels before answering. "Um, I'm eighteen."

"There you go, Mike. She's legal."

Mike shook his head. "Stop talking like that, Jim. This isn't appropriate for being on duty."

"Hey, I'm not saying anything inappropriate. I'm just sayin' she's pretty. I'm not making her uncomfortable. Am I?" He directed the last question to Trisha, and took a step forward, grinning at her.

"Cut it out, Todd."

"Hey, Mike, maybe we can cut her some slack. Let her off with a warning." This time, both Mike and Trisha looked up in surprise. The cheerleader's heart leapt.Yes! Please! I'll let him hit on me as much as he wants if they just let me go!

"Are you kidding me? She trashed my cruiser! Look at my bumper!"

"Well, yeah. I know. But look at her, Mike. She's shivering, she's so scared. She must be cold."

Mike turned to look at Trisha, whose teeth were starting to chatter. Even as cold as she was, though, she couldn't help noticing Mike eyeing her body, just as Todd had, passing ever-so-quickly over her bare legs, the arc of her slender hips clearly visible in her dress, the curve of her perky breasts pulling against the dress's flimsy top. But he quickly averted his eyes in shame, looking back down at his notepad.

"Well, give her your jacket, then. She broke the law, Todd. No warning tonight."

Todd shrugged, then took off his jacket and moved forward to drape it around Trisha's slender shoulders. He towered over her, and the petite cheerleader felt even smaller than usual next to his bulky frame. She didn't resist, but instead watched him closely; as he moved forward, she saw his eyes flicker down once more, and this time she knew that he was glancing down at her chest, at the slightest hint of her boobs that were peeking out of the top of her dress. Usually whenever a guy checked her out, Trisha felt indignant and annoyed, and tried to ignore it. But Britney's words, always at the front of her mind these days, suddenly raced into her thoughts. "Sex is power" she had said. "Use it, enjoy it, don't be afraid of it."

Sex is power...Trisha mused over the words in her mind. And in a way, it was true. She had a power over this policeman; he was under her influence. Even though she knew it was shameless, Trisha couldn't help trying something out. She said nothing, accepting his jacket, pulling it around herself and crossing her arms. As she did it, she ever-so-slightly pressed her forearms into the sides of her chest, and she knew that the subtle motion was pushing her boobs together, making them plump up and bulge against the thin fabric of her dress. The effect was immediate: Todd, who had just managed to tear his eyes away from her petite body, had zoomed back to her chest so quickly that his head actually swung down slightly to stare. He lingered for a moment, still in front of her, looking down at her.

"Feel better?" he asked absently, still staring.

Trisha nodded slightly, watching him. "Yes. Thank you." At last, the policeman seemed to gain control of himself, and he stepped backwards again, to a more acceptable distance from Trisha. The cheerleader blinked in the glare of the headlights, watching as Todd tried to compose himself.I've never thought about this before, but...I really do have a power. I seduced Mr. Braun. I could definitely seduce this Todd guy.She glanced at the other policeman, who was still busy writing.I could probably seduce him too. Couldn't I?

"Trisha, I'll need to see your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance."

"Yes, sir." Trisha nodded and began to rummage through her purse for her license, but her mind was still elsewhere.Yes...I could probably seduce them both...but what would it be like? Would it really be like Britney said? It's so hard to believe, but...

"Hurry up, Trisha."

The cheerleader nodded, and pulled out her wallet.What would it be like?She asked herself the question again. The two policemen were watching as she stepped forward to hand Mike her license, then turned back around to retrieve her other documents. As she did it, a voice rang out in her head:It would be...it would be...fun....

And with that, she turned back around, and walked straight towards Mike, stopping only when she was one pace away from him. She looked up at him with her brown eyes big and sweet, her mouth slightly pouty but confident, and she spoke in a soft, low tone.

"Please...won't you give me a warning?"

"Excuse me?" Mike turned to look at her, his eyebrows raised. It was one thing for his partner to suggest giving a warning, but for the person who just crashed into his car to request it was out of line.

"No, I mean...I just meant..." Trisha stammered, but even as she spoke, she took a step forward, her heels clacking against the pavement.

"Listen here, Ms. Trisha, if you think-"

Trisha took another step forward, and now she was right in front of Mike. She spoke very quietly, her soft eyes looking into his angry ones, but even so he let her interrupt him.

"I just meant I would really appreciate it."

And then, all of a sudden, without even thinking, her hand was on his crotch. Mike let out an audible gasp, and Todd's jaw dropped open. For a moment, even Trisha was shocked, barely believing what she had just done, but she recovered quickly. Slowly, she began to massage him through his pants.

"Jesus, what the hell do you – "

"Please," Trisha said, interrupting him again. "Please, I would really like a warning."

"Now look, you've got to-"

"Please," Trisha repeated, and then she sank to her knees on the pavement, still massaging his crotch, keeping her sweet brown eyes on his bulging ones. For some reason, he couldn't seem to tear his gaze away from hers.

"Trisha...Jesus, Trisha, I'm married..."

"Oh please, please, officer!" Trisha was laying it on thick now, in full pouting mode, on her knees in front of him. Slowly, gently, she felt for the zipper of his fly. "I would doanything." She pulled down the zipper and slid two fingers into the open crotch of his pants.


"Anything," she repeated, now smiling at him. "Anything at all." Her prowling fingers found what they were looking for inside his pants; his dick, half-hard. She snaked it through the slit in his boxers and out of his fly, into the open, where she gently caressed it with her fingers, still smiling sweetly up at him.

"Hey, hey, let me in on this too." Todd had stepped forward, and was hastily, almost clumsily, unzipping his fly as he stood to Trisha's side.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Mike held his hand up, and both Todd and Trisha froze.Oh no...the cheerleader thought.I was wrong...He's going to back out!Still, she kept up the act.

"Yes?" She pouted up at him, smiling sweetly. "Is something wrong?"

"Ah..." He hesitated for a moment. "Let's...let's get in my car..."

Yes!Try as he might, even the nobler policeman couldn't resist this chance, a gorgeous little sweet eighteen-year-old, offering to do whatever they wanted.I knew it would work!Trisha grinned up at him as she got to her feet, and followed Mike to his cruiser, Todd behind her. Now, the cheerleader was in the middle seat, flanked by the two policemen, both leering at her. They were both frantically unzipping their pants, while at the same time hands roamed across Trisha's petite body, gently squeezing her smooth, creamy thighs and her ample, 32C chest, caressing her slender waist and smoothly curved hips. They were both staring at her figure, their eyes filled with lust, and the cheerleader knew what they expected.

She scooted off of the middle seat, and turned around, kneeling in the cramped foot space of the back seat, facing them both. Their cocks were both out, hard and upright. She leaned forward, grasping each in one hand, gently stroking them.Who should I start with?Mike was the one who was more reluctant, so maybe she should blow him first. She leaned to her left and softly slipped the head of Mike's meat into her lips.

"Ohhh, Jesus..."

Trisha sucked him in a little further, letting the tip push into her mouth, rubbing against it with her tongue. She felt Todd's hand on her arm, and realized that she had forgotten to keep jacking him off.Two guys at once isn't easy!Now, though, she made sure to slide her hand up and down on his hard shaft, while continuing to suck gently at Mike's meat.

"How's it feel, Mike? How's her mouth feel?"

"So good...oh man...she's so good."

Trisha kept sucking, bobbing her head up and down, soaking his shaft, letting it slide in and out of her warm, wet mouth. Her soft slurps were the only sound in the empty night, and Trisha knew that both of the policemen's eyes were on her, intently watching her give Mike head. For some reason, that knowledge sent a tiny thrill of excitement through her. She pushed a bit deeper, and listened to him groan as more of his shaft sank into her saliva-soaked lips.

"Oh man...wow..."

"Come on, man, let me feel her."

Trisha smirked at Todd's words as she sucked; he was like a little boy, demanding his turn. But she listened to him, slipping Mike's dick out of her mouth with a slobberypop,leaning over towards Todd, and gulping his dick into her wet lips.

"Oh shit...fuck yeah..."

As soon as her mouth touched his throbbing meat, his hips jutted upwards, pushing half of his shaft into her mouth. It was unexpected, but Trisha accepted it, letting him slide into her mouth. Her own chest was rising with excitement and energy, and she kept one hand on each dick, making sure to gently stroke them. Mike's shaft was slick with her slobber, making it easier to slide her hand up and down him, and both men were groaning now. She continued to suck on Todd's meat, slurping softly, letting him gently jam his hips into her face. Her tongue snuck out of her mouth, licking eagerly at the thick, muscular ridge of his shaft, and she gently puckered her cheeks as she sucked his dick deeper into her wet mouth. Still jacking off Mike, Trisha let her hand slip off of Todd's cock, resting it on his thigh instead for support as she dipped up and down on his thick rod, inhaling deeply as she tasted his meat.

She continued like this for a while, bobbing, slurping, her saliva slithering out of her lips and coating Todd's shaft. Then, she felt Mike's hand on her slender shoulder, tugging at her, and she knew that he wanted another turn. So she switched back, letting Todd's meat slowly glide out of her lips, and leaning back to her left to gulp down Mike's little soldier. She could feel his lust throbbing through his cock as she gently thrust her lips down his shaft, swallowing him, slurping and licking with enthusiasm. She guided his meat in and out of her mouth several times before sliding it out completely, raising his cock up to let her lick at his balls and run her tongue up and down his shaft. She kept her gaze on Mike's face, and delighted in the expression of complete ecstasy spread across it. He was breathing hard, and his eyes were fixated on Trisha, unable to look away even if he had wanted to. The cheerleader's other hand was firm on Todd's meat, stroking it, feeling the blood pulsating in its hardness.

A hand snaked across Trisha's back; it was Todd's, feeling the smooth skin of her body, the skin that had looked so gorgeous as she had stood in her dress and her heels in the night. The cheerleader silently let him fondle her as she continued to lick at Mike's cock. Todd's hand slowly made its way up to her neck, and then she felt him fumbling with the knot of her dress. As the cheerleader plunged her lips down Mike's dick, she felt the string of the dress's halter top loosen, and the fabric silently fell. Now, Trisha's breasts were revealed; soft, round and ample, her nipples hard in the cold, darkened backseat of the police car. A moment later, she felt Todd's hand groping her tit, gently squeezing the tender, round globe in the darkness. She let him feel both her boobs as she continued to lick and suck at Mike's meat. Several more times, she slurped her way up and down Mike's shaft before switching again, jacking off Mike and guzzling down Todd's meat.

"Jesus Christ. Fuck, her tits are amazing."

"Yeah? Man, she can really suck some cock."

Topless, her breasts being fondled and groped by both men now, squeezed into the foot space of the back seat, listening to them talk about her, Trisha continued to blow the two officers. The only sounds were the groans of the two men and the slick, slobberysmacks andpopsof Trisha slurping on both of their cocks. She was careful to jack off whoever she wasn't giving head to, and made sure to switch back and forth to keep them both occupied.

She couldn't deny it either: the entire experience was incredibly thrilling to her. To keep both of them in her sway, to watch them beg for a turn to plunge into her wet lips, to see their looks of delight as she licked up and down their meat and of disappointment as she switched back to the other one; all of this filled her with excitement. She began to relish the feeling of their meat in her mouth, the stiff yet soft flesh rubbing against her tongue, the hard throbbing warmth that moved against the insides of her cheeks. She even began to let out soft moans of her own, enjoying the feeling of them straining against her mouth, enthusiastically thrusting her face against their hips as she sucked and impatiently pulling her hair back from her face to get better access.


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