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Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys Ch. 22

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Is this a booty call?
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Part 22 of the 46 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 08/16/2021
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Chapter Twenty-Two -- Is This Really A Booty Call?

The kitchen definitely felt a lot smaller with the two of them in it, and Jonathan realized quickly that he would have a hard time focusing on cooking, no matter how skilled he was at it. Not because Maddox was so damned sexy, but because he had such a focused expression on his face while cutting an onion that Jonathan worried he might burst into laughter at any moment.

"Like this," he explained and because of lack of space, he positioned himself behind Maddox and showed him with his hands.

"Cooking is fucking sexy," Maddox said and pressed against Jonathan's chest, making him shudder with sudden pleasure. "I'll cook everything myself if you stay like this and rub against me."

"I'd say that's the recipe for not getting anything done, actually." Jonathan moved away. If they stood so close they risked combusting.

"Ah, I think I cut myself," Maddox complained, and Jonathan hurriedly turned back to him in alarm.


Maddox snickered and showed him his middle finger. Jonathan took revenge by biting on it, not too hard, but enough to make a point. His unruly guest began to pant exaggeratedly, forcing him to release the finger.

"Stop being a joker if you want us to eat tonight."

"All right, all right. I didn't peg you for a biter, though."

"What? Did you think you were the only one?" Jonathan rubbed the side of his neck. Tomorrow, he would have to opt for a high collar. It was a good thing that the weather was getting chilly and he could easily wear a turtleneck. Without any need to check, he was pretty certain Maddox had given him a hickey.

Maddox grinned and pushed the tip of his tongue through his teeth, just to show him how naughty he could get. "I also like to lick and suck a lot."

Jonathan rolled his eyes. His cheeks would hurt from smiling and laughing so much while in Maddox's presence. He turned to his work, shaking his head.


Who said he couldn't be domestic if he wanted? And boy, he wanted it so much, now that he had a chance to spend time with Jonathan and do things together. Maddox examined his host from the corner of one eye. That precious smile had never left his lips since Maddox had teased him earlier. A sense of pride made his chest swell. Only he could do that. All right, so maybe, just maybe, there were other situations in which Jonathan smiled like that, but none that he knew of. He would watch him like a hawk and notice if the guy offered his genuine smiles just as easily to other people.

Ray walked in and smacked his lips at that very moment. "Ah, it smells so good. JJ, Hanna is about to drop by. Do you think she can have dinner with us? It's okay if you two want to spend time by yourselves. We can always go out."

"Nonsense," Jonathan replied. "All I have to do is bring an extra plate to the table."

He turned toward his roommate and gave him a fond smile. Yes, that smile was different. Maddox wanted to go round and round the small table for a victory dance, but the place was really tiny. He might cause a disaster if he did that.

Someone knocked on the door, so Ray turned on his heels at the speed of light. "That's her. Thank you, JJ!"

"So, you have no problem with Hanna knowing?" Maddox asked. Jonathan wanted them to maintain the status quo about their month together. Secrecy appeared to be still high on the list.

"Well, she's Ray's girlfriend and apparently the owner of a frightening thing called female intuition. She already knows. Does that bother you?"

Maddox shrugged. "Not at all." Hell, he'd scream it from the top of his lungs that he'd landed a dude like Jonathan, but they were still doing that play-pretend where all they were doing was hooking up and nothing else. Like hookups meant sleepovers and cooking together.

However, Maddox was willing to indulge his prey since Jonathan was so skittish. As time passed, he would corner him slowly until there was no room to run.

Hanna walked in and kissed Jonathan on both cheeks. Then she turned toward Maddox with an all-knowing smile. Like that wasn't enough, she winked at him. "Howdy, stranger," she drawled.

"Who's a stranger?" He opened his arms and Hanna hugged him briefly.

"Well, not to me, but the word on campus is that you're taken."

"Then it must be true," Maddox said promptly.

He tried to catch Jonathan's eye as he said that but there was no chance of that. All he could see was a turned back while their obliging host slash cook filled the plates.

"Ah, we only have three chairs in here," Ray said like he had just realized that. "Hanna will have to sit in my lap."

That was pretty shrewd of him. "No way, Jonathan will sit in my lap," Maddox said right away.

"No need for any of that. I'll go bring an extra chair from my room," Jonathan said.

Maddox deflated, but he was pleased to see that Ray was just as disappointed as he was. Hanna laughed and hugged her boyfriend tightly. "If you keep acting like that, Maddox might end up thinking that I'm holding you at arm's length or something."

"I just want to hold you in my lap while we're eating, is all," Ray argued. "We haven't done that, yet."

Maddox observed the two lovebirds with increasing warmth. So, he had played the part of matchmaker well after all.

"Let's just be civilized when there are other people present," Hanna recommended and smooched him loudly, probably to ease his disappointment.

Jonathan was back with the chair, and Hanna sat on it while thanking him. Maddox couldn't tear his eyes away from his so-called hookup. He was just so well-mannered, like he was from a different movie, but Maddox loved that to pieces about him.


"So, is Maddox behaving?" Hanna asked in a conspiratorial whisper as she helped him with the dishes after dinner.

"Are you asking me if he's a good boy?" Jonathan whispered back and smiled.

Hanna threw a surreptitious look over her shoulder. Maddox and Ray were engaged in a debate over some sci-fi movie that Jonathan hadn't watched yet.

"I don't think I need an answer to that, though," Hanna continued. "It's clear as day that the mighty Mad Dawg is totally smitten."

"It's not like that," Jonathan argued. "Wait, do you know why he's called that?"

"Mad Dawg?"


Hanna pondered for a moment. "Now that I think about it, I don't. I've always supposed that it's nothing but a crazy nickname with an equally crazy story behind it."

"Crazy like in illegal fights?"

Hanna chortled. "Nah, no way. Maddox would not hurt a fly."

He had punched his best friend, according to Dex, and not so long ago, but Jonathan didn't have the heart to contradict her.

"How are things with Ray?" Jonathan asked politely. While he had eyes and could clearly see that the two lovebirds couldn't live one without the other, he needed to steer the conversation away from him and Maddox. Right now, he needed at least ten hours by himself to cool down, slow the beating of his heart and try to make sense of all that was happening. The thing was, they were doing this booty call thing, and that meant he wouldn't have any time for introspection and clarification of feelings and the sensations that threatened to take him over completely. A simple look at Maddox made his throat dry and his palms sweaty even now, after getting so intimate with each other.

"Ray is an awesome guy. I'm happy," Hanna said directly. Then she poked him gently in the shoulder. "The question is: what's keeping you from feeling the same?"

"I'm happy with Ray, too," Jonathan joked.

That earned him a small huff from her. "You two don't need to sneak around. I mean, I respect your decision, but no one would think anything bad. Well, if they did, tough luck for them."

"It's a bit complicated," Jonathan started.

Hanna placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to justify yourself to me. And sorry for being pushy. I just think that you have all the right in the world to feel and be happy with Maddox."

"Don't worry, you're not pushy. Ray has made me immune to that kind of thing," Jonathan replied.

"What are you two conspiring about there?" Maddox asked out loud, making their hushed conversation stop.

"I was just asking Jonathan something about cooking," Hanna said airily and then winked at Jonathan, all the while making sure that her gesture had been noticed. "Keep him on his toes," she whispered, again, loud enough for Maddox and Ray to hear it.

"Hey, whose side are you on, Hanna?" Maddox protested. "What's this keeping me on my toes thing?"

Hanna offered him an innocent look and a small gasp of surprise like she had just been judged unfairly. "How do you know we weren't talking about someone else?"

Maddox rolled his eyes, said something under his breath, and got to his feet. "You see, Hanna, that's why boys don't like you. You're a bit too sneaky and shrewd."

"One does," Hanna chirped happily. "All the others don't matter." She plopped down on Ray's lap and kissed him loudly on the cheek.

Jonathan took Maddox's hand. "Let's go to the bedroom," he said hastily. He didn't want Maddox to pump up the charm and force who knew what truths out of Hanna.

"Let's," Maddox replied and wrapped one arm around his waist. "Nighty-night, nerds," he addressed Ray and Hanna while pulling Jonathan along, like he could barely wait to be out of there.

It was funny when he suggested walking a foot Maddox was immediately willing to walk a mile.

Not that it took them that long to reach the bedroom.

Or kiss again, as soon as they were inside.


Hanna and Jonathan couldn't fool him. Maddox was pretty sure the girl had a good opinion of him, but right now, he felt a bit unsure. What could she possibly have told Jonathan about him? Hopefully, only good things, although now he felt the need to take a long critical look at himself and identify all his faults so he could eliminate them and become the perfect man for Jonathan.

Because, sure as hell, Jonathan was the perfect guy for him. He loved pressing against the other and humping against him while pushing him against the door. Jonathan let out the sweetest whimpers, clearly fighting the need to moan out loud for fear of being heard by the other two people in the suite.

"What did Hanna tell you about me?" Maddox questioned.

Jonathan looked away. "Nothing."

That sounded so guilty, it made Maddox want to rush out of the room and ask Hanna again. "C'mon," he pleaded, "I saw you two exchanging glances like there was something going on. Whatever she told you, it's not true."

The amber eyes flickered with amusement as they settled on him. "Oh, all right."

Maddox narrowed his. "Wait, you're agreeing way too fast. Does that mean that she said something nice about me?"

Jonathan blinked lazily, and Maddox could swear the guy was checking out his lips and thinking of something funny. "Nice, maybe."

"C'mon, Hamilton, you're not the kind to play," Maddox insisted. He caressed Jonathan's neck, running his fingers along the perfect jawline that begged to be peppered with kisses. Such distracting thoughts had to be kept at bay, at least for a bit, until he squeezed out whatever dubious information Jonathan had on his person, courtesy of Hanna's meddling.

"I know, only lately, a certain bad boy has been challenging me to play with him," Jonathan replied.

Maddox could detect that the other was swallowing with some difficulty. It had to be because of their proximity, and how their crotches touched in this position. Jonathan was leaning against the door slightly, so their midsections were at the same level. Plus, the sweatpants proved to be no armor between them, which meant that he could perfectly feel that unmistakable hardness pressing against his cock. They began to move, albeit still needing to have that conversation, and his cock hardened considerably.

"Who's a bad boy?" he asked. Wow, his voice sounded different, deeper and rougher. Only Jonathan had that effect on him, and no one else. "I'm totally a good boy if you kiss me and tell me the truth."

Jonathan angled his head just right and allowed their lips to connect slowly. He kept saying he loved Maddox's kisses, but he was one hell of a kisser himself.

"Wow," Maddox pulled back, "you really know how to use that wicked tongue, Hamilton." He might still be joking, but the warmth invading his chest and the things happening south of his belt were a bit too much to handle. "Now, come on, spit it. What did Hanna tell you about me that you're not willing to share? The rumors aren't true, just for the record. I've never been in a threesome--"

"Threesome? Such as in with a man and a woman?" Jonathan questioned.

Maddox scowled. "With two girls, and that was just something Xpress pulled out of their butts. And you know I haven't had a guy before you. Stop trying to derail me."

Jonathan laughed softly. "I don't recall ever hearing a guy protesting so much against his prowess in bedroom affairs being highly praised."

"I don't have that kind of prowess," Maddox shot back.

Jonathan caressed his cheek slowly. "I wouldn't share you, Maddox, but as far as your prowess is concerned, I think it keeps poking me in the crotch with too much purpose to ignore it for long."

"Then don't ignore it," Maddox suggested.

Jonathan smiled and began to drop to his knees, but Maddox stopped him. He was crazy to say 'no' to a blowjob right now, but he wanted Jonathan more where he was, eye-level with him, talking. He couldn't get enough of looking at that handsome face. Not that he had never noticed good-looking dudes, but this was different. Jonathan was the only one he wanted to look at, his eyes all misty and wanting, his lips parted and asking, and his entire body turned into a hot furnace, ready to welcome him.

Jonathan blushed. "You don't want me to take care of that?"

All that insecurity, rushing in. Maddox was dying to know more about it. No, not more, everything. That was the only way he'd be able to blast it out of Jonathan's mind forever. He surprised even himself as he took Jonathan's hands, brought them to his lips and kissed the knuckles. "I totally want you to, but I'm not here just to play the role of a horny dog."

The amber eyes hooded with a new kind of desire. "What else are you here for?" Hope, restrained and unwilling, shone through those words.

"I'm here to hear you talking," Maddox said.

Jonathan laughed softly. "Talking? What about?"

"Anything. I want to know you," Maddox replied and pulled Jonathan toward the bed. "Although I don't mind if we do that naked."


Maddox was a skillful assailant, finding all his vulnerable spots and poking at them. As long as it was simply a booty call, and they were just hooking up, all was fine. He was supposed to walk into this knowing that was all it was. But no, Maddox wanted more, and Jonathan wanted it, too; the sole problem was that one of them was afraid of that kind of intimacy, while the other wasn't.

Such were the privileges those who had never been hurt could enjoy. Still, he allowed Maddox to get him out of his clothes and undress himself, too, then sneak under the blanket and face each other while lying on one side.

"Is this really a booty call?" he asked, his voice a bit lost. "Truth be told, I have no experience with such a thing, so forgive my lack of knowledge of the protocol," he said, attempting to lighten the mood by making a small joke.

Maddox's gaze was so intense that it forced him to close his eyes only so that his soul could shield itself from what it meant.

"You're doing great so far," Maddox praised him. "Jonathan," he began, and his voice was serious, "why do you hate straight boys?"

Jonathan opened his eyes. "I don't hate straight boys. I just don't want to get involved with them."

"But you're getting involved with me," Maddox insisted. "Why?"

"Do you really have to ask that? I can name a thousand reasons."

"Such as?" There was a challenge there, and it felt as if they hadn't been dry humping only minutes earlier, against the bedroom door, with two other people only feet away from them on the other side.

Jonathan breathed deeply. Then he moved one hand and began to trace Maddox's features with the tips of his fingers. "You're beautiful, funny, intelligent. You make me want you with just a look."

"You make it sound like I'm fooling you somehow," Maddox said and pouted.

Jonathan couldn't help but kiss him. "You're not, or if you are, I'm a willing victim, knowing all too well what it means."

"What does it mean?" Maddox asked.

To have my heart broken once you move on. He chose not to say the words out loud. "It means that I might actually like straight boys a bit too much. And that I tend to ignore my brain, since other parts of me choose something else."

"Wow, I've never heard someone rationalizing sex thoughts like that."

Rationalizing, right. Yes, he was trying to do exactly that. Not that he could fool Maddox so easily. Maybe an abbreviated version of the truth was needed. Maddox was too precious to be left confused.

"That straight guy--" he started after a brief moment of hesitation.

"The asshole," Maddox hurried to confirm.

Jonathan laughed. "His name is Drew."

"Asshole," Maddox said again, matter-of-factly.

"Well, he was the biggest mistake of my life to date," Jonathan said in one go.

"Hmm. How so?"

He took one deep breath. "Something bad happened, and he chose to blame everything on me."

"Were you to blame?"

"Of trusting him, yes."

"Were drugs involved? I remember you jumping ten feet in the air when I approached you in the cafeteria that first day like I was about to ply you with cocaine and hookers."

"Only drugs, not women," Jonathan hurried to correct him. "Yes, it was because of my past experiences. Please, forgive me. I was too strung out at the time."

A smirk came as a reply. "You look quite strung out to me right now." Maddox reached for his crotch under the blanket, and Jonathan grunted.

"Thing is," he said hurriedly, decided to say it quickly, "he betrayed my trust and not only. I became a joke. To everyone."

"Because of the drugs?"

"No," Jonathan replied. "Because I was sucking his cock." He hoped that the vulgarity of that statement would prevent Maddox from asking more questions.

However, his temporary bed partner didn't appear in the least phased by it. "Let me get this straight. He wasn't sucking your cock?"

"No. It was perfectly, utterly one-sided. I had to wake up to the realization that a straight guy used me for blowjobs and then blamed it all on me when he got caught with drugs. I suddenly became vice incarnate in everyone's eyes." He stopped, unwilling to revisit all that shame again.

"Good thing you got away from him," Maddox said promptly. "And this 'everyone' you're talking about. I'm not Drew, Jonathan, okay?"

He nodded. He knew as much. So why wasn't he letting go already? Why was he so afraid? Maybe the exposure had been the most shocking, his very soul turned inside out and stripped bare before everyone and their sneers, like dirty laundry. That had hurt in ways he had yet to learn how to deal with.

"So," Maddox continued, "just so you know. We'll take it easy. For the record, just so you know, I'm not happy that we're a secret, but I get you. You need time to get to know me and, trust me, you'll get to know me whether you like it or not."

"Is this the part where I start shaking in my boots?" Jonathan joked, trying to play it cool.

"No." Maddox leaned in. "This is the part where we stop talking and pick it up from where we left off."

Jonathan was fine with that. Yes, he was totally fine with that, he thought as Maddox kissed him sweetly.


So, it hadn't been an unreciprocated fling, but something more serious than that. Maddox wanted to learn the whole truth, only so that he could ease Jonathan's worries, but he would not press more than necessary. Being so close to Jonathan, he had noticed right away how his face had become paler as he recalled those trying times, and how his beautiful eyes had filled with shadows. Healing took time, as he well knew from what his mom had told him.


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