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Grandpa's Angel

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Angel becomes her Grandfather's toy.
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I had hopes, dreams, and ideas.

I wanted to do so many things with my life but my parents and so many others had another plan.

My name is Angel, I'm 26 years old and curvy.

I never considered myself a bad girl but apparently it wasn't up to me.

My regular life was school during the day studying on a school night then school activities with friends on the weekends.

No drugs, no alcohol; my down time is always filled with reading. I love to read.

But one bad day was what changed my fate forever.

I was at the football game with my friends and one of the let me drink her soda, but whatever happened I don't remember because the next thing I know I am waking up in jail with my parents and our lawyer arguing with the police.

I sat in our kitchen as my parents yelled at me.

"I thought you were more responsible than this Angel." My father screamed.

"I am. I don't understand what happened I just shared a drink with my friend." I tried to explain.

"Yeah we know your blood test confirmed it." My mother screamed.

"We have to nip this in the butt before it gets too bad." My father said.

"Agreed. I think she should go stay with your father." She said.

"Isn't grandpa living in a retirement home?" I asked.

"Yes and the wisdom will help keep you in line." Dad said.

And that was that. Right after school got out my father came to pick me up and drove me an hour away to the retirement home where my Grandpa lives.

I only needed to grab my suitcase and step out of the car and then he left me, no kiss goodbye or loving words.

I walked into the large facility and was greeted by a nurse.

"Who are you here for?" She asked in her bored tone while looking at her computer..

"Jay Lovington." I said.

"Ok." She said before she pulled out a paper and began writing down an address.

"Here. Enjoy your stay." She said before she went back to looking at her computer.

"Thanks." I replied before walking off.

The paper was set of instructions, I followed it to a bus where I rode it a mile to another building that read "Lovington's court."

It was the building that they named after my family when we donated a million dollars when my grandpa retired.

I entered the building and was met with another receptionist.

"Name please?" This one asked while she too played on her computer.

"Jay Lovington." I answered.

She didn't look up at all or even flinch.

"Top floor." She replied.

I walked up to the elevator and pressed the 7th floor.

The entire 7th floor was dedicated to my grandpa, it was a well decorated apartment suite.

It was the royal suite and I was awestruck.

"Can I help you?" I head looking to find a maid.

"Yes I am Angel..." I said but she cut me off before I could finish.

"Oh we have been expecting you." She said grabbing my hand and pulled me along.

She was quick to take my suit case and throw it in a room before she ushered me into a bathroom.

I could barely get a word out before she had me undressed and pushed me in an in ground bathtub.

She scrubbed my skin and then shaved me until I was smooth leaving my brows, lashes, and my hair.

She dressed me in a simple white shift-like dress, and and brushed my silky hair.

"Why am I dressed like this?" I asked as I looked in the mirror and seeing a bride.

"Part of your punishment." She said.

"What?" I asked looking at her as she pulled me out of the room.

"Time to meet the master." She said as she led me to an office where my grandfather sat.

He was still the handsome man he always has been, perfectly coiffed salt and pepper hair, no beard, and a muscular body with his 6.5 stature.

"Ah there you are Angel." He exclaimed.

"Its good to see you again Grandpa." I said as he came up to me.

"Oh yes my Angel." He said before he pulled me in to kiss my lips.

I began struggling.

"Oh so that's how your going to play? Fine I love playing with my Angels." he said before he pulled me along.

I tried struggling but he pulled me close and wrapped his arms around my chest keeping my arms pinned.

He dragged me along to the room that was things were thrown in earlier and come to find it was his bedroom. and in it was 2 other older handsome men.

"No Grandpa stop." I struggled and screamed.

"Please someone help me." I cried out but I was silenced by his hand.

"Im enjoying our little game Angel." He said as he pushed me down on the bed, I tried to crawl away but he grasped my hips and yanked me back to him as the other men came up and grabbed my arms.

"Grandpa please its me Angel." I cried as tears were running down my cheeks.

He pushed my legs up for the other men to grab.

I screamed some more but I was silenced as a gag with little holes in it was pushed into my mouth then it was strapped around my head.

I tried screaming around it but it only came out as a breath through the breathing holes.

"Now then." He said as he undid his pants and let them fall revealing his erect purple headed thick monster of a cock.

The other men opened my dress to release my bouncy breasts each taking hold of one and leaning down to pull a diamond tipped nipple in their mouths.

Grandpa leaned down to my pussy taking a whiff and then diving in latching his mouth on my clit and gave a vacuum powered suction. I screamed and struggled but was held down easily. I felt my grandfathers tongue lick me and fuck me and sadly it felt amazing.

I screamed in my gag releasing a silent breath, grandpa stood back up and rubbed the thick purple head of his cock along my slit pressing against to my clit before gently pressing forward.

"Oh yes a virgin." He said as he felt my hymen.

He pulled out then pushed himself in all the way breaking my hymen and having his thick cock fill me to the brim and stretching my cervix wall.

I groaned in pain and pleasure as the sucking of my nipples brought on waves of intense pleasure.

Grandpa picked up his pace and began rutting me, the men kept up their sucking but lead my hands to their penises and used my hands to rub them.

"Oh yes my Angel." Grandpa cried out with joy as his cock was being squeezed by my stretched walls, my body was betraying me as the pain eased into sweet pleasure he held my legs and kept repositioning them to get a better angle each one filling me differently and giving me different waves of pleasure.

"Ready to get pregnant with my baby?" He asked rhetorically, I instantly began to thrash against them I was too young and I didn't want to get pregnant but they were strong for older men and I could do nothing as my Grandfather held my legs open and he easily went still controlling his release, I could feel his balls contracting against my anus as liquid fire was pooled in my lower tummy.

He aided in his release by swatting my ass making me squeeze him rhythmically just like milking him.

I groaned at the feeling of a pleasure wave over taking me it wasn't an orgasm just intense pleasure but sadly it felt incredible.

Grandpa removed himself from me and let me rest for only a second until I felt another column of flesh enter me, I looked up to find one of the other men now entering me.

"Oh yes, my Angel. Jay your cum is a great lubricant." He said as he filled me whole then instantly began to rut against me, he pushed my legs to the side filling me up as my grandfather went to my now free other breast and used the cum from his no longer purple dick to rub onto my mound of milk making flesh.

I moaned and groaned against my gag only coming out as a breath of air, waves of pleasure overcame me with each thrust until he too stilled then sighed filing my womb with his own sperm adding to the race while he also spanked me getting me to milk his dick of everything he had to offer my womb which naturally drank it all up.

My pleasure was still high but had yet to overflow as the man removed himself and the final older man the one with the biggest dick filled me up quickly with a powerful thrust, I screamed and bucked my legs as he instantly began to rut fast and furiously.

"Oh such a tight pussy." He moaned out loving the way I felt struggling against him, he just grasped my hips and fucked me hard sometimes slowing down to hold out for the ultimate release while my breasts were getting cum massages.

My pleasure was to the brim when the man finally came filling me up from his blue balls to the point my womb stretched and a slight bump was noticeable on my tummy.

"Very good my Angel." He said as he swatted my butt cheeks aiding his sperms flight inside of me go faster by making me milk him with squeezes. My butt red and raw already intensified his spanks.

He let me go immediately I still had yet to cum but my ordeal was not over with yet,

Grandpa returned to my legs as the other man came back to my breast.

"Do you still say that your my granddaughter?" He asked looking down at my red swollen pussy that was dripping my lubricant as most of the cum is now trapped within my womb.

I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head yes.

"Very well then." He said before he widened my legs again and pushed them up to reveal my virgin anus I began to fight again but was held down easily.

"This will teach you who your grandpa is." He said as he lined up his well lubricated dick to the hole then carefully and slowly pushed himself in.

I groaned in pain and pleasure, he went slow until I was filled with him, he started off with a slow rut then gradually picked up speed, he knew how to torture a woman keeping me on the edge, he filled my anus with his spunk spanking me some more to have me milk him.

"And now." He said as I felt his dick soften halfway, then I felt an even hotter liquid begin to fill my bowls.

I squirmed as much as I could but could do nothing as he filled me up with his urine.

He was careful in removing himself still spanking me to keep me squeezing the hole such so that when he pulled himself free only a drop was released.

But he was soon replaced with the 2nd guy who was harder at the spanking but still as gentle in going inside, he rutting me good wanting to release quickly and I found out why as he too filled my bowls with an immense amount of urine that he really needed to release, my belly descended out more.

Then the final man came up to take his place, but he wasn't as soft, he spanked me hard and good then thrusted himself inside fully and fast giving me pain with my pleasure.

I groaned and cried as my breasts were licked sucked an massaged while my anus was filled up again and rutted with the biggest dick of all three of them, I felt him cum as he swatted me making me milk him, then he sighed as the hottest urine filled me up to the brim and the hardest spanks lit up my swollen butt cheeks.

"Such a naughty girl. Calling yourself my Granddaughter." My grandpa said as he came around just as his friend swatted me closed as he removed himself.

He quickly plugged my anus with a pacifier with a huge nipple. I groaned and cried needing to be released.

"And one more." He said before he took an even bigger pacifier with a larger nipple that he unceremoniously shoved into my pussy stretching me out but my body slowly adjusted around its shape and size.

"These will help to keep everything in my Angel so that you will get pregnant." Grandpa explained.

I settled and groaned at the feeling with my consciousness slowly slipping until I felt my butt being lifted then looked to find my grandfather setting me inside of an adult diaper.

"And this will keep you clean." He said with a wicked smirk.

I cried out and struggled without any sign of freedom, he easily wrapped the diaper around my waist then pulled out duct tape which he easily wrapped around the diaper very tightly squishing the pacifiers inside of me without any room to move around.

Then to add insult to injury he pulled on and locked a chastity belt over the diaper squeezing the diaper and pacifiers the tightest they can be, giving me no room whatsoever to be able to walk at all.

They each carefully replaced my dress before grandfather lifted me just like a bride, he laid me down on the bed then handcuffed me to the headboard

"Now you just lay there and rest and we will be back after your nap Angel." Grandpa said before he pulled out a device and made a few clicks which instantly set the pacifiers in on high vibration.

I screamed and scrambled around but my efforts were effortless.

My clit getting the most of vibration and it only took a few minutes before the biggest orgasm I have ever had over took me,

I screamed silently into my gag and my strength failed me and my orgasm was prolonged by the continuous vibration, while the three older men watched in satisfaction at my torture as I slowly slipped out of consciousness.

At the end of the summer my parents came to visit to see how my visiting with my Grandpa was faring before I was to return to school.

To their shock they found me strapped in a bed a baby bottle shaped pump inside of my pussy with the nipple inside of my cervix as a pump was continuously pushing the mens sperm through the bottle and right up into my womb.

While my already heavily pregnant belly was descended and showing.

A gag pump was in my mouth as food was being pumped through for me to eat, and my breasts were being pumped by the 2 other men using theirs hands and mouths drinking their fill of my milk.

My grandfather was arrested and taken to a mental facility for the elderly insane along with his friends.

I had to be hospitalized because of the 8 babies I was carrying at once not to mention the enormous amounts of sperm my belly was carrying which turned into 3 more babies.

I had refused abortion because the chances of problems for future pregnancies was too great so is stayed in the hospital going through therapy until I gave birth to most of the babies and I was well enough to go home until I gave birth to the rest.

My parents never accused me of being a bad girl again because they were accused of being bad parents.

My grandfather died 5 years later apparently his time in the asylum went well considering he and his friends left everything in their wills to me and the children they forced me to carry.

So now I have 10 children a great job and a great life, and luckily only 3 years after my babies were born I met a great guy that is a great father to my babies.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I'm going to assume the author is American

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story sucked….I have read handful of stories in this site but this has to be the worst one so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Child, this made no damn sense. Not a lick of it. You need to go back to school to learn about how babies are made.

dikupinyadikupinyaover 5 years ago

and also other men not family wrong category should have been reluctance/non-consent

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The fuck?

Honestly the whole time I was reading it I was wanting to beat the fuck out of her Grandpa and her friends I wasn't turned on at all

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Just plain fucking Bull Shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Y'all need Jesus

This didn't make much sense.

And the way she introduced herself wasn't very realistic either. She might as well have said "My name is Angel, I'm 26 and my shoe size is 8". Nobody talks like that and it was kinda awkward.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
hot stuff

the beginning with the guys fking her and peeing in her was super hot

then putting her in a diaper with vibrators was super sexy

then the end got a bit weird and uncomfortable

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Worse story ever

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
just stupid

maybe the stupidest story I have ever read here

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Wish I was her

Yes wish that was me having all that fun love being grandpa angel but put rubber pants on me over diaper tho have his babies all the time.starting out 14 of age have 6 other guys fill me too.mmmmmmm

shewolf13shewolf13over 6 years ago
Just don't.

This was incredibly stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Was this weird? Yes. Is it "factual"? No. Was it sick? Hell yeah.

I read a lot of stories on here and most of them are so boring. It's the same things over and over. This one was so different! you really get in the fantasy mind.

I love that it was so sick but had a super happy ending. It's my style. Keep writing! Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Waste of Time

Horrible, stupid, and useless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Wow... I don't realy know what to say other then plz just stop writing stories... And if you have to take it to the deep web... as much as I like messed up stories I think this one went way too far

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

The writer has no idea how human reproduction works.....

HtslHtslalmost 7 years ago
Brain garbage

Nothing more to say than SICK SHIT!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Really bad writing and the end made no sense. Funny read though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Great job

Keep up the Great work I think you have a Wonderful Imagination

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
If you get really stoned...

You’ll forget you’re reading it. Worked for me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Not good

how was this even published?? I'm still trying to figure this out. this can get published, but the one I wrote can't??? smh not good...

divergurldivergurlalmost 7 years ago
So bad and fake not even fantasy

You know nothing of sex or getting pregnant. Nothing here could happen. From the fake nursing home and only the men getting in trouble to a virgin taking sick like that in any hole with no preparation. To the joke that sperm goied directly in the womb or a cervix has walls. Cervix can not be open while pregnant as that is what cause labor. Can get pregnant like she did or have multiple births like she did. Cocks aren't purple and balls aren't blue. So are they aliens on a different planet or what?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
That’s how not how any of this works

The pregnancy portion is so unbelievable and impossible, read a 9th grade biology book

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