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Granny's Little Girl


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Her thighs were smooth beneath his fingers, but not so smooth as the exquisite area fringed by silky hair. Terry stroked, caressed, and fondled her there until Christy arched against his hand. He slipped a fingertip into the moist separation and touched the ripples of secret skin. Christy groaned and reached for him. Inexperience caused her to fumble; experience came quickly and she learned well.

As Terry slipped his finger lower and deeper, Christy instinctively raised her thighs. Terry felt warm wetness and ventured further. His fingertip entered her and Christy moaned at the sensation before caused only by her own hand. She reached for his wrist and pulled the fingers higher.

“There, Terry…, oh…, yes, there.”

She pulled his face to her breast, and Terry circled her nipple with his lips. Christy shivered at the wave that raced from her nipple to deep in her belly. The tightening sensation was wonderful. Terry sucked gently, and the wave was stronger. Her hips lifted from the feather tick and Terry’s finger slipped into her passage. Christy cried out as he slowly rubbed from her entrance back to the little soft nub that peeked from the folds. She cried out again when Terry touched it, and thrust herself into his hand again.

She began pulling at him, leading him to kneel between her thighs, pulling him to the center of her passion. At the touch of his hardness, she stopped, pulled his lips to hers and kissed him.

“I want you, Terry.”

He pressed forward, found he was in the wrong place, then lowered his position, and slipped into her entrance. There was resistance. He withdrew, then pressed in again. The resistance yielded a little and Christy yelped.


“Am I hurting you?”

“A little. Granny said it would hurt some the first time.”

“Want me to stop? We could try again later.”

“No. Just do it. Then the next time will be better.”

Terry was cautious. He pushed gently, withdrew at her grunt, then pushed forward again. Suddenly, he slipped past the resistance and deep inside her body. Christy shuddered and hugged him close.

“OK, now?”

“Yes, it doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Evelyn told me something. I…, just go ahead. You’ll see.”

He felt her hand moving between them, and then the rhythmic motion of her knuckles against his belly. Christy caught her breath when he withdrew and then pushed himself back inside her. The rhythm of her fingers increased and Christy began to shake. The sensation of her body moving around him was more than he could control. With a groan, he thrust deep and felt the surge race from his loins. He thrust in again, then again and sagged, panting, against his arms. In another moment, Christy cried out and shuddered beneath him. When Terry rolled to her side, Christy put her arm around him and snuggled her body into his chest.

“Now, I’m really a woman. I love you, Terry.”

“I love you, too, Christy.”

They stayed in the little cabin for Christmas Eve. The snow in the pines and the blaze of the cardinals that flew past the little windows were too beautiful to leave. They also enjoyed the seclusion, and the intimacy it afforded. In four short days, they learned as much about themselves as about each other. On Christmas day, they walked down the mountain and joined Christy’s family for dinner. Terry drove them back to Nashville, and a life together, the next morning.

Christy and Terry retired from performing a year later. Their first child was on the way, and for Christy, just as for all the people around May’s Peak, family is everything. Now, she, Terry, and their three daughters live in the big cabin he built on that same mountain. Together, she and Terry write songs, and as Harry once said, for a singer and a bass player, they’re pretty good songwriters. Their work is usually somewhere on the charts.

Granny’s cabin is still there. Terry keeps it up, just like Granny would have wanted. They don’t use it much anymore. Somehow, it seems as if it still belongs to Granny. Their wedding anniversary will usually find them there, though, a fire in the stove, and candles on the table. They don’t think she’d mind once a year, since that’s where they found each other.

Christy does still sing, sometimes, although she can never fill all the requests. Her last appearance was in Bar’s Ford. James Wilson’s grandson was getting married, and James asked if she’d sing with them at the service.

Then there’s the revival at the May’s Peak Church of Christ. They still have it, every year, and every year, Christy is there. Her daughters will represent the church at the next one. They’re still small, but Angie, the oldest, has quite a voice for an eight-year-old, and Rachael and Autumn are pretty good too, for only being five and seven. Pastor Jackson says people will enjoy hearing them. They’re going to sing Rock of Ages.

The Crestwood Quartet will be there, too. Christy will just be a proud parent until the kids go to bed. Then, she and the Quartet will entertain the attendees until bedtime. Just like every year, their last song will be “Amazing Grace”, and just like every year, James will whisper to her to, “Sing right out, ‘cause your Momma and Granny are listenin’.” Christy will close her eyes and see them both, hankies in hand, and smiling for all they’re worth.


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dawg997dawg9975 months ago

Truly a gifted author, yes you are.

Thanks for sharing your imagination with us.

DadieODadieO6 months ago

Dang u write some good stuff. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Our second or third read. A beautiful and enduring romantic love story for the ages. We share some misty moments as two hearts and souls become one forever and ever To The Moon And Back - in a small cabin float to heaven on top of the mountain.

Thank you for sharing your heartfelt words with us.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Just fantastic so moving thankyou love all your stories

ca_daveca_dave6 months ago

Wonderful. Well done thank you for sharing.5*

Richard1940Richard19407 months ago

Thank you, Ronde, another great story. 5 * again.

Well done Peapod41, only one error this time. I assume you meant "abjure" for "abdure"!

Peapod41Peapod417 months ago

This really is your metier! Telling plainsong stories about downcountry folk.

I loved the simplicity of it. You captured the ethos of a community with which

I have no experience. However, through your writing skills you brought it

vividly alive. And I was there. The humility which brought your main characters

to abdure the standard "fame-'n'-fortune conclusion was wholly believable.

A small literal on page 2 - '"adz" instead of "adze" was forgiveable and I still

gave you five stars, because four stars were somhow inadequate.

MaultascheMaultasche8 months ago

A wonderful story, thank you very much!

FandeborisFandeboris10 months ago

Pass the box of tissues, think I'm going to need more than one.

Heartwarming, well written, and lovely ending.


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wonderful story.......loved it!

Thank you for sharing it with us.

wwaldripwwaldrip11 months ago

A very heart warming story of how important family is and can be. As long as greed and jealousy doesn’t get in the way and creates an internal family feud.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy11 months ago

Heart warming story!


linnearlinnear11 months ago

I still believe this is one of your best, it led me to your story page and I have been enjoying your writing ever since.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

What a superbly crafted story. Brought more than one tear to my eyes.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

What more can be said? It is about as perfect a romance as possible.

texlootexlooabout 1 year ago

This is a sweet, heartfelt treat.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 year ago

Had tears running down my cheeks in a couple parts. Great story from beginning to end! 5.0*

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 1 year ago

Good story although, as usual, this author feels obligated to include a final scene of gratuitous sex. What else do people do on their wedding night? I have read enough of this author's stories so I knew it was coming and there it was. One time perhaps he/she will slip into the epilog directly and tidy up the long term details without the huffing and puffing. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ronde - fantastic - way better than 'good'. Your romantic skills just shined here.

-Dreaded Anonymous

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story. Second or third time reading and it was just as good as the first.

KinPAKinPAover 1 year ago

Hallmark needs to option this.

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 1 year ago

Perfect. Thank you.

linnearlinnearover 1 year ago

A very beautiful and moving story

jlg07jlg07over 1 year ago

Beautiful story. Nicely done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story was written twenty years ago and tells a beautiful story that could only have happened fifty years ago. Thank you for the trip back in time and a truly wonderful experience!

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53over 2 years ago

Another 5 star performance.

Cracker270Cracker270over 2 years ago

Damn dust, can’t see the keyboard

Crissy4uCrissy4uabout 3 years ago

Love is the most powerful thing

xtchrxtchrover 3 years ago
Thank You!

Thank You for a real Love Story. I'm actually a 'city boy' but I just loved your descriptions of the Mountain Cabin and the small community. Again Thank you for such an entertaining and loving story...about people with morals and values.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Too rushed

Once Granny died the story was too rushed. Their relationship should have been described in more detail.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
time gone by

true old fashioned values much missed today a real family

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Saccharine sweet but who cares. Really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

it may be pure American hokum but I loved it and cried, along with many I suspect

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
One of the best

Great story, keep writing stories in this fashion

OverJackOverJackabout 7 years ago
Well Done

The story takes on the liquid pace that allows the reader to absorb the characters and the story. It reassert's the love of family and how music is intertwined in our lives. You captured it well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Absolutely loved this

david2908david2908over 7 years ago

Just Amazing!

HansTrimbleHansTrimbleover 8 years ago
Always great!

The sweet simplicity of this story keeps drawing me back. I first read it three years ago, and I go back to it when I want, or need, to be reminded that life doesn’t need to be exciting or dangerous to be meaningful.

At every reading I seem to focus on a different scene. This time, it was the night she first sang with James Wilson and the quartet that got me choked me up.

This is truly a masterpiece, and again I thank you for it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
At this rate

I'll probably end up reading all of your stories... Scotty

computermadcomputermadabout 9 years ago

A truly precious love story. You have such a gentle touch with your characters and their emotions. It makes me wish I could live where they came from.

lilchocobabylilchocobabyover 9 years ago

Very beautiful, brought tears to my eyes…everything this girl ever wanted but never had. Thank you for briefly fulfilling a grown little girls dreams.

HansTrimbleHansTrimblealmost 10 years ago
Even better the second time around

The first time, I read this at a normal pace. This time, knowing how special it is, I made sure I didn't have to hurry, and I took my time and enjoyed the little touches you put into it here and there. Terry's interest in the way the little cabin had been built and his appreciation of the grandfather's craftsmanship, which foreshadowed his appreciation of the wonderful granddaughter who descended from him. James Wilson telling Christy to sing out because her momma's listening. And that amazing passage, "...the tentative kiss of a man afraid to do more, but unable to do less."

Thank you for posting this little jewel of a story, and leaving it here for ten years so I could enjoy it.

Pokey42Pokey42almost 10 years ago
The Best

i absolutely love your work but this stands heads and shoulders above everything else you've written. The poignancy and the purity of her love and the reverence of she and Terry had for their family and faith brought tears to my eyes, I applaud you. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I'd leave a more detailed comment...

if I could see through the tears.

Read it before and I'll read it again and again.

Thank you.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

In a way, it could be your best. It isn't very erotic, so it seems a little out of place on literotica, but I'm glad it is. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
that is just a brilliant simple story of family love

it was so tender and the love was just tender and just shows how family is all important when it projects so much love......a beautiful tender story.....loved it

HansTrimbleHansTrimbleover 11 years ago
The simple stories are the best

What a sweet, wonderful story! Sometimes we get so wrapped up in complicated plots and action that we can lose sight of what an amazing thing love can be, and if you've got love, hardly anything else matters very much. Thank you for the gift of this tale, so haunting in its sweet simplicity, and so delicately told.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great, Great, Great

Your wonderful ability to create such a wonderful Love story has been shown so many times in your other Great stories. You are the only Author that I will read ALL of your stories. I am a 70 yr old man and you brought a tear to my eye, Thank You.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
BEautiful Story

a very touching and realistic story. made me tear up !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I hope you have stock in

Kimberly-Clark because the use of Kleenex while reading this story has to be off the charts. Thank you...marvelous.

nitenursenitenursealmost 13 years ago
great writing

I absoloutly loved this one. As I said before u really are versatile.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Deja Vu

I know these people. I grew up in a rural Alabama farming community with a large component of church and music and then on to a career as a professional musician. I could actually picture people from my past as I read this beautiful story. Several times my reading was interrupted by tears as something in the story resonated in my memories. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Observations on your story.

I know this site is known for its sexual content, but this story is so well written and its characters so engaging that it stands on its own merit. I sincerely hope you write some actuall novels. You have a serious gift and need to let the rest of the world get to know it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Just lovely

A sweet gentle story reminding me of times long ago, when life seemed simpler.

LolitasLegacyLolitasLegacyover 17 years ago
I liked it but...

You seem to have put so much time and effort into finding out about Christy, her family and how she came to be. And then, it feels like someone else started writing or you got bored because it became this weird step-by-step process. 1)Terry finds Christy, 2) Out of no where Terry says I love you, 3) Suddenly Christy says it back 4) They get married, 5) They have sex. Ta-da! I just thought it seemed so rushed. You could have drawn out the romance between Terry and Christy and the story would have been delicious. However, I still liked it. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
why is this story here?

an inspirational sort that needs a hardbound cover, not into such literotic site. Ronde's best collection of selection-->>try this for a book cover. Best quality.:)

I love your classical way.

rgraham666rgraham666almost 20 years ago
The quality…

of your work is constant source of joy and envy.

Very sweet story with lovely characterizations and settings.

Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
From A Granny's girl

As a granny's girl myself....Yes a grandmother infuences and revels in their grandchildrens success....May this story find every little girl for whom Grandma was their inspiration.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

Its so wonderful to read a story with a moral backing. I was engulfed from the moment I began to read. I will also be partial to the story due to the fact I live in the Mountains of Tennessee. Its almost like I knew these people and am one of them. Please continue with your writting for it would be a loss to readers if you stop. You have true talent.

jon.hayworthjon.hayworthover 20 years ago
A Ballad of Love

A very polished romance. From the very first paragraph I was "grabbed" by it - I could not stop reading.

A veritable song of love.

Thank you Ronde!


will.ohwill.ohover 20 years ago
Ronde's usual excellence.

Thanks for a believable story with normal moral people. Excellent wotk.

ruely1ruely1over 20 years ago
Amazing Grace

Beautiful Story. WOW! So well written and thoughtful.

You are a very good writer. Thank you. I am glad I

got to read it. In my opinion it is good enough to

publish. Thank you again.


AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
More High Quality Writing

Morfe of Ronde's best. However, what's in a name? I almost didn't read it because of the title. At first glance I thought it was grandparent/grandchild incest. I took a chance when I saw "Romance" and knew I was good to go when I saw "ronde"

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

It's so rare to find such a well written story on here..can't wait to read more from you :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

What a beautiful, beautiful story. Written with such grace and style, kept me on the soft edge waiting to see what comes next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Thank you for this blessing of a story

You have wrote a story that is honest and telling about people that have great a love and peace. This is one of the best stories I have read in many years. I was reduced to tears by the memories that it recalled for me. I come from simple roots and many times feel lost in the todays unfeeling material world. Thank you from the bottum of my heart for this story. Please keep more like this coming!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

A lovely, touching story. I enjoyed it a great deal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Amazing Story

Supurb story.....having visited the Great Smokey Mountains nurmerous times your words created a vivid picture in my mind of the many memories I have of the area. The characters were very real and the story line touching. Refreshing change from the usual stories in Literotica. Amazing Grace just happens to be one of the most moving songs I know. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Loved this story

Thanks for your stories...they are wonderful to read.

Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Wonderful Story

This story was so sweet, innocent...the way times used to be. Each had saved themselves for marriage...just a wonderful concept in todays world! The simplicty was wonderful...The good Lord was first, then the family...the way it should be...keep up the good work!!!

jaycee1000jaycee1000over 20 years ago
A wonderful romantic story

A very well crafted and emotional story, so much more than the erotic stories on this site. Loved it

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