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Growing Up With Mum Ch. 03

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Taking Mum for The First Time and Shes So Tight.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/03/2023
Created 10/05/2023
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All people having sexual activity in this story are eighteen and over.

I am looking for someone to Edit and Proof Read my works, if you are interested, please contact me through literotica. This story is unedited so there will be errors and I apologise for this, but I hope you enjoy.

We decided to walk to the Steak House, I was happy that we had kissed and during the kisses that we had just before we left the house, mum was trying to suck my tongue deep into her mouth and I'd never expected that. As we walked, I put my hand on mum's waist and said, "Mum, you have such a slim waist, it's amazing that you've got it back and it feels firm too."

Mum smiled and said, "Barry, when we're out in public please call me Babs, that way I can kid on that I've got a fabulous date, I love it when you touch me it feels so good and natural and just going out for a meal is a big thing for me, your father hardly ever took me out."

We arrived at the restaurant and the waiter gave us the menus and wine list, I said, "Babs, shall we stick with the Chablis as they have a Premier Cru from an excellent vineyard on their list?"

Mum smiled and said, "Barry, I feel safe in your hands, you decide for me."

I ordered the Chablis and we both ordered Filet Steaks medium-rare, mum said, "Barry, I haven't had a good life, at twenty-two I had four children under the age of five, at twenty-seven I had four children under the age of ten, at thirty-two I had four children under the age of fifteen and at thirty-seven I had four children under the age of twenty, I had so much work to do, I had a couple of housekeepers but it was still a lot of work."

Mum had never spoken so openly as this to me in my life before, I knew mum had had a tough life but as she had just put it to me, it really brought it all home to me just how tough it had been for her and on top of it all, she had dad treating her like shit. When we'd finished our steaks, I leaned over and took her hand and as I squeezed it so gently, I said, "Mum, your marriage is over and you are free from all that shit that you had to put up with, the main thing to understand is that you're now divorced and dad is no longer controlling your life, you can now start your life over again and that's what I think you should do."

Mum smiled at me, squeezed my hand and said, "Barry, I'm so happy that you are with me, I feel that I've got to change but I don't know how to, in the past when I've shown affection, it's always been rejected and I honestly believe that I've lost all confidence in myself and that's not a nice feeling, let's go home I've thoroughly enjoyed going out with you so much."

As we walked home so many thoughts were running through my head, Kay had been right, I couldn't and didn't want to use mum for a quick fuck, I then thought of her as 'Forbidden Fruit' though I enjoyed our French Kisses and touching her gorgeous body. I wanted to show mum affection but didn't want it to get out of hand, only a few months ago I was a virgin but with Pam and Kay's help, I learned how to use my monster cock and how to give incredible intimate pleasure to a woman. The last thing I wanted to do was to use this knowledge to make mum do naughty things with me.

We got home and mum went to the fridge, mum looked at the bottle of Chablis and said, "Barry, there's half a glass left for each of us in the bottle, let's finish it?"

Mum poured the wine, and we went into the lounge and sat on the sofa, mum said, "Tomorrow is Sunday, do you have anything planned Barry, Monday you start at university?"

I smiled at mum and said, "I'm prepared for Monday and I'm looking forward to it but tomorrow I want to spend time on my latest game, it's close to being able to be published but I need to run a lot of bug checks on it, then I can submit it for publication."

We finished our wine and mum carried the two glasses into the kitchen and said, "Barry, what time would you like breakfast?"

I smiled and said, "Mum, is eight too early for you or do you want a long lie?"

Mum laughed and said, "Barry, I'll have it on the table at eight for you and thank you for a lovely evening, I've enjoyed tonight so much, give mummy a goodnight kiss and let me use the bathroom first, I've drunk a lot of wine tonight."

The kiss was a French Kiss with so much passion, mum didn't break away and we kissed with our tongues dancing in each other's mouths for some time before mum broke off and went to the bathroom. I went to my room and stripped to my boxers, I heard mum say, "Barry, the bathroom is free, sleep well and I'll see you in the morning."

I went to the bathroom and was surprised to see my tooth brush had toothpaste on it, mum had never done that for me before and that little gesture meant so much to me. Our goodnight kiss lingered in my mind as I fell asleep, but I didn't feel aroused even though I could still feel her tongue in my mouth.

The next morning, I showered at six-thirty, as I went to leave the bathroom mum was still in bed, so I put some toothpaste on mum's toothbrush and left. I heard mum get up at seven as I was working on my programme, and shortly after the shower running and wondered if she'd seen her toothbrush. I worked until ten to eight then went into the kitchen, mum was working at the hot plate with a big frying pan, I immediately noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra and her big melons looked incredible, mum saw me and smiled saying, "Good morning Barry, thanks for the toothbrush that was so thoughtful of you, let me get these sausages into the frying pan then give me my good morning kiss."

We were getting into a routine with our kisses, I went behind mum and moved her hair away from her right ear and then as I squeezed her waist, I sucked on her earlobe, mum gasped and said, "Barry, that feels so good, you make me feel like a woman."

I seized the moment and slipped the tip of my tongue inside mum's ear and cupped both her massive meaty breasts with both my hands and whispered to mum, "Mum, you have a beautiful pair of breasts, they feel so good."

Mum finished with the sausages and turned around in my arms, just before our mouths met, mum said, "Barry, thank you for the compliment as I lay in bed with your father, he'd tell me to shake my big fat tits for him as he rode me, I hated that, Barry."

Sunday flew in, I was getting prepared for Monday morning and starting at university and I also spent time on my programme. I did a lot on Sunday and I got a surprise when mum called me for dinner, she was braless and the first time she'd been braless in the evening and her massive melons bounced beautifully as she served dinner. After dinner we sat in the lounge watching television as we sat so close together on the couch nervously, I put my arm around mum and started to fondle her massive left breast I was happy that mum didn't stop me. It was now after ten and mum said, "Barry, tomorrow is a big day for you it's maybe better if you go to your bed now and get a good night's sleep."

I had done a lot of work today and was a bit tired and the both of us went upstairs to our bedrooms as mum was about to go into her bedroom, I took her in my arms and we tongue kissed as I fondled both of her massive meaty milkers and my cock was stiffening as I felt them, I broke away and said, "Mum, I hope that you feel as comfortable around me as I feel around you."

Mum pulled me close and kissed me so lovingly and said, "Barry, I've never felt as close to anyone in my life as I feel towards you, breakfast will be on the table at seven-thirty, good night darling."

The next morning, I went into the kitchen at seven-twenty-five mum was there only wearing a silk dressing gown, she was naked underneath and she'd put tooth paste on my tooth brush, we French Kissed for a couple of minutes then mum served breakfast. Over breakfast mum was asking about my timetable, I said, "Mum, we have to assemble in a room at nine where we'll meet our class lecturer, we'll then get our timetable, I'll message you it when I get it."

We finished breakfast and kissed again, as I left mum said, "I enjoyed putting toothpaste on your toothbrush last night and then you did it for me this morning, Barry, I enjoy doing little things for you, hopefully they'll bring us both closer to each other, message me from the university and please keep me updated as I'll be thinking of you, I wish you all the best today."

I found the room for the class meeting at ten to nine and the big surprise was that my class teacher was my old night school teacher that I got on so well with. We chatted for several minutes and he asked how I was doing, I told him I was debugging my latest gaming program and he told me he had developed the software to debug programmes but the university didn't have the funds to buy or even lease the powerful hardware that was needed to run it. I asked him how much he needed, he had helped me debug my first program and I trusted him. He told me he needed eighty thousand, he was shocked when I said I would fund the project and I wrote out a check straight away.

The most important part of our chat was that we set up a company to debug software, he provided the software, and I provided the cash to make it happen. We would also set up a website that new programmers could have their software debugged for a reasonable price. At the time, I didn't realise it, but six months later Clive, my class lecturer, and I could easily live off the money we were earning from the debugging software.

I also didn't realise that a lot of interesting things were about to happen in my life on that Monday, I could never have imagined them happening to me. By eleven o'clock in the morning, Clive's brother Frank, a lawyer, had set up our new company, with Clive's apartment being the new registered office. I had sent mum my timetable and by twelve, my first day at university was over. My first class was at eight-thirty on Tuesday morning and because of my meeting with Clive this morning, I didn't need to work on the debugging of my program so I messaged mum to find out what she was doing, I wrote, "Hi mum, I've had a great first morning and my day is finished now and my first lecture is at eight-thirty tomorrow morning, I can be home around one if that's OK with you? Love Barry xx."

I went into the university library as the Wi-Fi signal was so strong there, I didn't have to wait long for mum's reply, she wrote, "Barry, I've got your timetable and it's not a problem for your eight-thirty first lectures as I'll have your breakfast on the table at seven-thirty, looking at your timetable I can easily adapt to your lecture times so there's no problem with your meals. This was a wonderful morning for me, something happened to me that's never happened to me in my life before and it happened because of you. I don't want to write here about it as it's so personal. It is not a problem with you coming home now, as it's forecasted to be a boiling afternoon, I'll make a light lunch for us. May I ask if you felt comfortable with me not wearing a bra around the house, I felt so comfortable not wearing one when you are around me. If you're happy about this, then I'll be braless when you get home, I love you, mum xx."

I read it and wondered what the personal thing that had happened to her and had never happened before in her life, I replied, "Mum, we're both adults and we must be honest with each other, and no I don't have a problem if you're braless, you have the most beautiful breasts that I've ever felt in my life and I hope you got as much pleasure from me feeling them as I got from feeling them, I hate dad for telling you to shake your big fat tits as he was riding you, I'm so happy that you have divorced him. Don't put yourself out for lunch, some of your delicious potato salad and some cold meats would be great, I don't know about you but I'd love a glass of wine with my lunch. I love you too, mum, xx."

I arrived home ten minutes later, mum was in the kitchen putting some cooked meat and her potato salad onto two plates, there was also two glasses of Chablis on the kitchen table. Mum was once again braless and her massive meaty melons looked incredible, mum smiled and said, "Fuck Barry, I don't know how to tell you this but I feel I must tell you; I feel that it's so important for both of us, please kiss me darling as this is so difficult for me."

When I heard mum say fuck, it was the first time in my life that I'd ever heard her use that word and to me it sounded so sexy when she said it, I could feel my cock stiffen and that worried me. We kissed so passionately for several minutes I couldn't help myself as I slipped my hand up her loose-fitting top and fondled her massive melons her nipples were rock hard and the size of a good thimble. I squeezed her hard nipples with my thumb and index finger and couldn't believe it but mum was dry riding her pussy against my leg with a strong circular motion, Mum broke away and whispered, "Barry, please don't stop you're going to make me cum like you did this morning and that's the first time in my life a man has made me cum and you've done it again. Please don't think that I'm a slut, I'm not, but your father used me as his cum slut for all those years and to be honest with you, I'm so happy that you're the one that's made me cum, it's such an incredible sensation."

I didn't know what to say, but I now was understanding mum and I was giving her pleasure that she'd never experienced in her life before, I said, "Mum, did dad ever give you an orgasm?"

Mum pulled me close to her and said, "Barry, not once in my life, the pain I suffered when he took my virginity was incredible, I had unbelievable vaginal dryness as he rode me, I couldn't believe the pain he was giving me he would climax and his cock juice made it easier for me. He came off me then went to the other bed in the hotel's bedroom, before he fell asleep, he said, "You'll get used to it in time and you'll enjoy it."

"But that never happened, I always made sure my pussy was lubed with Coconut Oil every night before I went to bed then he started wanting me in the morning and I'd go to the bathroom and get lubed and by doing this it eliminated a lot of pain for me."

Mum was opening up for me, I'd made her cum twice today and she loved the sensation of an orgasm and hearing her say fuck and cock juice was arousing me, now I had to be careful with what I said to her, if I could get her to invite me to her bedroom and it was a big if, then my thoughts took over, she was my mum and it was so wrong to think of her sexually. But she looked so beautiful, I eventually said, "Mum, I love you so much and I'm so happy that you enjoy me giving you pleasure and making you cum twice, this means so much to me and I'll never give you any pain, I only want to give you pleasure, I don't want to be forward but can I touch you everywhere or do you just want me to play with your beautiful big breasts?"

Mum looked at me straight in the eye as she pulled me close to her and said, "Barry, my darling I love you so much and I feel like I'm starting my life all over again, I'm getting a second chance I think we should put the salad back into the fridge and have it later I also think that we'd be more comfortable in my bedroom and you can touch and feel me anywhere you want, I would love it if you use your fingers on my pussy and I'd also love it if you sucked my nipples as you finger my cunt, I'm so nervous about this but I want it so badly."

I couldn't believe what mum had said to me as I followed her into her bedroom I said, "Mum, I'd love to do all these things for you and if there's anything that you enjoy tell me, so I know what you like and I'll make it better for you."

As I was saying this I was thinking about how I'd made Kay squirt, Kay told me I was the first man that had ever made her squirt and she'd squirted so often for me. She would squirt when I sucked her clit and when I used two fingers, giving the come here sign, on her G-spot, she also squirted in my mouth when I nibbled her thick cunt flaps, I felt good as I wondered if I used my skills on mum, would I be able to make her squirt, I knew I could make her cum but I needed to feel her down before I'd know for sure.

We were now in the bedroom and mum took off her top and leggings and her body looked gorgeous, her gigantic breasts looked incredible and her flat stomach and her perfect hairless vulva with a long flawless sex slit. Mum looked at me and said, "Barry, I hope my old body can still arouse you but if you need me to do things for you to give you an erection, please tell me and I'll do anything that you want, would you like me to undress you now?"

Mum was standing naked in front of me I pulled off my polo shirt exposing my firm athletic chest as I took mum's hand and placed it on the monster bulge in my chinos and said, "Mum, I want you to know that only a son could love his mum as much as I love you and don't worry about giving me an erection as just looking at your gorgeous naked body gives me such a hard on. Please undress me now, I want you to get to know my big thick cock, I know my monster cock will make you happy in so many ways."

Mum and I kissed, I slipped my tongue deep inside her mouth and teased the roof of her mouth with the tip of my tongue. Mum unzipped and unbuckled my chinos and it didn't take her long to get my chinos and boxers off and to be honest my monster cock looked so impressive as mum stroked it with one hand as her other hand massaged my heavy balls. I could feel mum's fingers trembling as she played with my cock looking at mum doing this to me was filling me with lust as mum knelt in front of me and I felt the warmth of her mouth as she took my bulbous head into her mouth. She came off me and said, "Barry, I can't believe how big you are, it feels so good, I've never seen a cock as big and your dad made me watch a lot of porn. I can give you a blow job and also deep throat but I'll need to practice on you before I can deep throat your magnificent monster cock. Barry, please tell me what you'd like me to do to you to bring you off and I'll do it lovingly."

As I played with mum's gigantic melons I said, "Mum, I want you to relax and lie on top of the bed as you asked me to make you cum and that's what I'm going to do but I want to taste you first and please spread your gorgeous thighs open for me."

Mum immediately spread her thighs wide open for me and I could see her cunt lips glistening with her pussy juice, she looked wet as I slowly slipped two fingers inside her, mum gasped and said, "Barry, I'm so glad that looking at my naked body gives you a hard on, I can tell you that looking at your body makes me wet and that's something I've never had before as I've used so much Coconut Oil in my life, just being around you I feel I won't need it anymore. My darling, I love what you're doing to me down there, would you like me to hold my cunt lips open for you please keep your fingers moving there as you're going to make me cum."

I hadn't even started I was in the initial stages of my exploration and mum's pussy was ticking all the boxes, her clit was huge and very suckable and she could certainly grip. She had very strong cunt muscles and I loved how she tightened her muscles around my fingers as I'd been feeling her pussy I had been nibbling around the meat of her gigantic melons when I felt mum twitch as she'd cum and my tongue hadn't even been close to her gorgeous pussy, I came off her melons and went south, teasing mum's navel with my tongue as I spread her thick pussy flaps open her huge clit looked so suckable. I teased mum's clit with a quick flick of my tongue and heard mum groan with pleasure she said, "Barry, this feels so good, you're the first person to go down on me, are you going to lick my big clit, baby you're going to make mummy cum again?"


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