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H & J The Influencers


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"You, not coming down again?"

Jessica looked wistfully for a second and wiped her face with the back of her hand for the second time before she finally nodded. "Oh, go on, just the one. I just can't wait to edit it."


"I am just feeling so bloated and fat!" Heidi groaned as she patted her stomach as the smoke drifted from her lips.

"You're fine babes." Jessica covered her hands around the cigarette as Heidi flicked the lighter.

"I am so not." She practically glared as she inhaled again on her cigarette.

"But think of the clicks." Jessica grinned as she forced the smoke from her mouth.

"I know, but it's not about that."

"Oh, come on it is. I think we should do a McDonalds next time, twenty nuggets as a side and a couple of large burgers?"

"What is it with you and food?" Heidi growled and glared as she again pulled on her cigarette.

"Nothing?" Jessica shrugged her shoulders before scratching her belly.

"At this moment, I can't think of eating another thing, all my clothes are far too tight!"

"What, you don't want to go back up and eat some dessert, there is some ice cream in the freezer?"

"Jess, what did I just say?"

"Oohh we could do another clothes trying session, we have not done one of those for ages!"

Heidi turned and looked at Jessica and nodded. "What finally admit we are now larger than our current clothes, like for both of us?" She raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Yeah, why not? I really don't fit in anything; our followers are telling us to keep eating."

"Okay, but not now. We can do it later!"

"If you say so!"

Chapter 8

The following few weeks and months flowed with a pattern. On Tuesday and Thursday lunch time, they would film themselves gorging on a takeout, with extra trimmings, sauces, dips and making sure that they had a cream filled dessert, whilst on Friday or Saturday they would continue with their blagging of expensive restaurants leaving their reviews.

The clicks continued to rack up hundreds of thousands of views, comments, and donations to their patron and super chat YouTube accounts.

Jessica was sitting at the kitchen table chewing into the delivered double sausage and egg muffin as Heidi stomped out of the bedroom tugging at her overly stretched pink crop pyjama top, her face dark like thunder.

"What's the matter?" Jess asked looking happily at Heidi as she licked her lips of the butter and melted cheese from the muffin.

"You perfectly well know! She grizzled as she sat down beside Jess and set about unwrapping her muffin.


She sighed, "Nothing." Then grizzled as she took an angry large bite out and started loudly chewing.

"Go on, what's the matter?" Jessica slurped her coffee.

Heidi swallowed and licked her lips, "Our diet and my now extremely bulging body, I am fatter everywhere!" She stared on, looking down at her mouth shaped hole in the muffin and the dripping cheese in her hand.

"I'm enjoying it and you!" Jessica smiled and took another bite as her other hand squeezed Heidi's stomach.

"Oh, that's nice...but our bodies?"

"You're looking sexy as babes with your new curves, your stomach is looking amazing. Last night I still had the best sex with you. I know that it's true that the guys tell you all the time that it really suits you. I love you."

"But I never had any before." Heidi frowned, taking Jessica's hand off her stomach and poking it for herself and then grabbing and jiggling her fat.

"Don't stress, you are amazing. I got us an extra muffin each too." Jessica grinned as she unwrapped her second.

"We are not on camera babes?" Heidi smiled then licked her lips and grinned at the sight of it.

"I know, but I know how much you like them." She grinned as she took another healthy bite out of the new muffin.

"Oh, I do, I've got a muffin top!" Heidi again poked her belly. "From all the delicious extra muffins. I think I have truly missed out over the years." She giggled as she unwrapped the 'spare' double sausage and egg muffin.

"You have. The men love us babes. Look at the clicks. We don't have to think of their dicks!"

"Yes, but do I have to think about clicks or dicks?"

"Just think of the money!"

"Oh, I do...You're right again." She took yet another large bite, licking her lips, before going in again and after five bites finishing off her muffin rubbing the flour and grease down her thighs.

"I can't wait to do the three large pizza stuffings again this afternoon."

"Ohh they love that don't they, for when one is just not quite enough?"

"Yes babes, they really do, we got like fifteen thousand views last week."

Heidi smiled as she picked up her hashbrown. "Yeah, that's bloody amazing." Swiftly putting the fried potato product in her mouth and started chewing.

Jessica looked at Heidi as she finished off her hashbrown in two large bites. "We should do a breakfast video as well?" She smiled, pulling out a cigarette from the pack on the table.

"Yes Jess, but not this morning." Heidi licked her lips of fried potato crumbs and wiped her greasy fingers on her leggings.

"I know."

Chapter 9

Heidi forced the exhale down the street. "I just so needed this honey." She smiled and put the filter back between her lips passing the lighter across.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. The men always withdrew to the drawing room for smoke after a meal." Jessica smiled as she replied as she flicked and aligned the flame with her cigarette and then dragged gently on it.

"I'm sad that I am finding my Greek metabolism has failed me. I now just need to stop, sit and rest my legs and take a breather to smoke more often."

"You've, like, always smoked babes?" Jessica chewed on yet another breakfast donut.

"I know, it's just...I don't want to sit out here in the rain anymore!" She tilted her head back and pulled the smoke into her lungs.

"We should get our own place. So, we don't have to sit on the doorstep." Jessica smiled tugging her t-shirt down over her now much more noticeable large soft bulging hip a little more. As she finished off the donut with one large bight.

"True, your dad has always said he would help." Jessica kissed Heidi on the sugary cheek then took another drag on her cigarette.

"But only if I was married?"

Jessica smiled, then placed the filter back between her lips, and took a gentle drag, forcing the exhale into the breeze. "Then let's get married?"

Heidi gently nodded her head, "We need to save some more money for that. Both are pretty expensive ideas even with help."

"Well, we better get some more videos out there."

"That would be great, but I can't physically eat any more. We are on first name terms with the pizza and Chinese delivery drivers!" She pulled on her cigarette once again.

"I know, I's good fun trying!" Jessica giggled as she glanced across at Heidi as she pulled smoke into her lungs. She smiled at her as the smoke poured out of her mouth. She framed Heidi using her fingers to make a square. "How about I film you smoking?"

"What?" She coughed and spluttered in surprise.

"That might get some clicks?"

"But..." she sighed and pulled on the cigarette once again. Before letting the smoke drift out "It's not us, our brand?"

"I know, but...I don't have any more ideas."

"We eat, and review what we eat, not smoke?"

"But babes, we could do both an eat and smoke video?" Jessica smiled rubbing her sugar-coated fingers on her legs. "We could film at the park?"

Heidi screwed her face up as she contemplated the thoughts, as smoke still drifted from her nose. "Maybe after lunch?"

"You love food now don't you, your first thought was lunch!"

"Yeah, and then cigarettes!" Heidi chuckled.

"Okay, let's do one of those excellent workout fitness videos the other models love doing."

Heidi eyes piercing stared through the drifting smoke. "What?"

"I will explain my idea as we order lunch. We could even film it over lunch."

Chapter 10

"Here I am eating this extra-large extra cheese and extra pepperoni pizza that my best friend Jessica ordered for me. She said that she was ordering a salad. I guess her fat fingers got it wrong again. She was going out with another friend. It's truly delicious. I can't eat the huge pieces quickly enough. I am that hungry. The extra fat cheese is dripping off the base onto my extra fat body." Heidi chews loudly with her mouth open mouthful after mouthful. Chewing and swallowing as quickly as she can.

"Oh it's a delicious feeling, every slice sliding down inside me and quickly reaching my ever fatter stomach, I am starving, I literally can't get enough of it. It's been like an hour since I had my fried breakfast. My appetite is like that for a big girl, I gotta keep eating." For the next five minutes Heidi chewed and described the eating of the topping laden pizza. Before loudly sucking on the straw of her large bottle of coke. Making sure to burp loudly and repetitively whilst her spare hand pats and wobbles her growing belly.

"The food is amazing, so glad that Jessica ordered it for me to eat. You will never guess what, the reason I am wearing my really tight leggings and top that so no longer fits me. It did yesterday, I am sure. As such after this, she has cruelly said that before I am allowed to eat my dinner tonight, I need to run off lunch to make room, because she says I have too big an appetite. Isn't she just cruel?" She smiled her tomato and cheese laden grin at the camera before taking another slice and starting from the tip of the triangle chewing her way through to the crust. "I am so lucky that I can sit here all day doing nothing other than eating whatever I like and never gain weight. Don't you see. I am slim as. I don't need to run anywhere. I am almost perfect. I just need to make sure I am nice and full. I don't want to lose weight from my perfect far too skinny self now do I?" Heidi chuckled as she grabbed her stomach between her fingers and wobbled it a bit before she picked up yet another slice of the pizza. Then loudly slurping on the straw before placing the food into her mouth and loudly chewing.

"I am just hoping I can take my bags of candy with me for a treat whilst I run!" She grinned again and picked up another slice and started chewing. "But I am glad that she is not here, otherwise I would have to share this pizza with her." She smiled at Jessica who was quietly chewing on her own large pizza behind the camera and licked her lips and started chewing once again.

Her phone vibrated on the table under the pizza box. Heidi wiped her hands on her leggings of tomato sauce and then picked it up and read it. "Oh she has demanded that I meet in the park in twenty minutes for our afternoon run. I guess in a hurry I can finish this by then." Heidi licks her lips and picks up yet another slice and starts chewing on it at pace. Splattering sauce and cheese across her face. She repeats the process with the next two slices. With the last piece eaten and the bottle of coke empty the screen fades to black

"I don't know about you. But after a filling meal, and before exercise there is nothing like a satisfactory cigarette." Jessica stated as she is middle of the screen sat on the park bench leaning forward her elbow on her knees highlighting her large pudgy stomach that now rested her fat thighs as it had stretched her top up realising it. She flicked her lighter and lined it up with the cigarette. Dragged hard a couple of times before sitting back up right against the back of the bench as she exhaled. "Just don't tell Jessica that I am smoking, she wants me to run really fast today." Heidi grinned as with one hand she held her belly before bringing the filter back to her lips and pulling hard on the cigarette. "I don't think I am going to be running anywhere fast after one of these!" Heidi grinned once more before bringing the filter to her lips and letting the exhale drift through the green undergrowth of the far corner of the park. "I might need to stop for a rest and a second one later!" She grinned and brought the filter back to her lips before forcing the exhale.

Heidi looked at her watch squished against her arm. It was now really time for her to undo one of the holes on the strap. "I think if I smoke this one really quickly, I will have time for a second before she gets here!" She giggled naughtily before taking another drag. "Or actually I might get a chance to eat some of my candy I've saved!"

With a flick of the cigarette to the floor she stubbed it out with her running shoe. Then opened her bag and started to chew on her open pack of Haribo. "She won't need to know." She grinned as she open-mouth-chewed on the sweets. "She has promised me a large fish and chips takeaway for dinner if I do really well at this!" Heidi grinned as she took the last of the sweets and chewed quickly on them.

"Oh, I think I hear her coming." Heidi then looked to the side down the path as Jessica slowly walked into shot, her hands on her hips with her equally fat with her overly tight leggings wobbling and her top riding high up over her jiggling stomach.

"Hey babes, enjoy your salad lunch that I ordered?"

"Oh yeah, it was delicious, the best, couldn't get enough of it, the lettuce was so filling and great preparation for this run." She smiled and licked her lips.

"I had something similar at the pub with my friend!" She grinned and then wobbled her fat stomach with her hand.

"Shall we start?"

"Well, I was thinking about a quick cigarette before we go anywhere? Especially after we both had such a healthy lunch?"

Jessica grinned at Heidi, "Thought you would never ask."

Both girls with a loud sigh plonked themselves back down on the bench letting their tops ride up their stomachs as they shared their cigarettes from a pack, before taking turns to light them.

"It will be good to run!" Jessica explained as she exhaled.

"Oh I totally agree. It will be good to make sure I am hungry at dinner time."

"Also we better get our stretches done. Don't want to hurt ourselves. I find everything is easier sitting down." Jessica chuckled as she rested her foot on her knee as she groaned as she easily touched her toes.

"Anything for an easy life!" Heidi agreed as she dangled her cigarette and copied in mirror image the cheating stretches.

"How far is the chippy?'

"The other side of the park."

"Sounds like a plan. One and a half laps round?"

Yeah, shall we?"

"On three, 1, 2 and 3." Both girls stood up, took a final drag before they dropped their cigarettes to the floor and began adjusting their overly stretched elasticated wear under their bulging bellies emphasising the size.

Before slowly jogging along the tarmacked path, their breasts and bellies bouncing with every lumbered step as they slowly moved along.

The film fades to black.

Chapter 11

"Heid, they loved it!" Jessica grinned as she bounced on her buttocks on the chair, jiggling her whole body as she sat and watched the YouTube dashboard.

'Heidi is getting huge!'

'Keep eating till you can't move'

'nice belly love weight gain'

'Growing so big!!'

'I love this so much, moooooo'

"That's all very well and great, but I am just too unfit!" Heidi tutted as she leaned over Jessica's shoulder. "I was scared, I thought stretching like that for my toes would rip my leggings."

"Oh it's a shame you didn't, that would have been amazing."

"For who?"

"Oh come on, they love that we are now both so unfit. Look, 'Johndeere' has said it's the best video he has ever seen.

"Oh my god, wasn't he the one that started all of this?" Heidi huffed and tugged her top down again over her bulging hips as she put her hands on it.

"One has said that we should repeat this video in six months' time and see how badly we do!"

"Though we are meant to get better with practice."

"Yeah, babes, we are at eating." Jessica grinned.

"Oh, talking of eating, do you want a cuppa? I am thinking those chocolate biscuits in the cupboard deserve to be eaten?"

Jessica smiled into the screen. "That sounds delicious." She patted Heidi on the bottom as she turned and happily smiled at Heidi and then turned and carried on looking at the screen.

"As when you're finished with the video, can we look for some new clothes at the same time, as yesterday I ripped those nice pink knickers trying to get into them."

"Oh hell, they were like your favourite pair." Jessica looked on aghast. "You practically lived in them."

"Tell me about it. I am gutted. Everything is getting so stretched."

"Yeah, let's go shopping, I could do with some new ones too."


"Afternoon everyone, on this glorious Wednesday. As some of you amazing people know, we release videos every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of us two gorgeous girls stuffing our faces with either the biggest and best tasting takeaway or restaurants that we can find in town. Well you one or two of you amazing guys are rather good at spotting things." Jessica announced as the two of them stood there in matching black leggings and plain black t-shirts. "We need a wardrobe overall!" Both girls bounced and clapped excitedly.

"Today Heid and I are going to do something we have not done before. A clothing haul for the larger lady. We realised thanks to you amazing followers, we know that all of a sudden got ourselves a larger body each, so we need some bigger clothes to try on and show you all the best stylish clothes that we buy."

"We hope to look sexy and stylish, so that you can too, let's get the first items on."

Heidi concluded as they disappeared out of shot to start getting dressed.

Their collection of their recently bought size 16 and 18 clothes was slowly tried on, showing off each of the items in front of the camera.

The pace was a little less frenetic than they used to do, not hurrying through the changes of clothes, but they dutifully worked their way through the collection of wrap around maxi dresses, fitted and unfitted clothes.

Jessica needed to do a spot of editing before it could go online as they stopped for a couple of cigarette breaks before continuing.

At the end they also marked all the stuff to go back but more than usual there were items that either fitted or were genuinely rather sexy which were now required in their wardrobes, so they stayed.


'Do a before and after'

'Try on your old clothes too'

'We need to see the difference'

'Looking so good girls!'

Chapter 12

Heidi lit up her next cigarette as soon as the hand break was on. She slowly got out of the car. Tugging, pulling her leggings up over her hips as they instantly slid back down again as she walked around almost in synchrony with Jessica to the boot who pushed the button and with an almost groan pulled it up.

"Fuck!" Heidi exclaimed, her shoulders sinking looking at the half a dozen bags full of food, wine and beer. "I forgot the more we eat, the more we buy and the more we have to carry up those steep stairs."

"It's fine, we can take turns." Jessica tried to be positive.

"It's just too hot and sweaty and a lot of effort for what is now a fat lazy lady!" Heidi grinned before bringing her filter back to her lips.

"Well, Heid, we can't just sit here and eat it all."

"I know, I know. I will finish my ciggy and then we can get them in." She flapped her T-shirt trying to get air circulation.

"Hang on, if we are having a break, I will have one too." Jessica giggled as she pulled out her pack from the handbag and swiftly got it alight.

"It's good to have a break." Jessica stated before bringing her filter back to her lips.

"Absolutely don't want to overdo it."

"Whilst we sit here and open those two large sharing bags of Doritos whilst we take a breather?" She chuckled as she opened the cigarette pack.

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