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Haley for Hire Pt. 04

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Haley gets her hardware needs taken care of.
3.6k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 12/02/2023
Created 06/09/2023
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All the good looks in the world did not exclude me from menial tasks like fixing the toilet or other maintenance problems. Once he knew what I did for a living I couldn't get the landlord to do shit unless I fucked him and that felt like paying extra rent.

So off to the hardware store I went to get a new shower head. There was, however, one difference between me and most woman at the hardware store. I didn't go out unless I was dressed to the nines.

The looks? Oh ya, men liked to look and look. My rule of thumb was that I could get guys stumbling over each other to help me without having to chase someone down another aisle only to hear 'that's not my section'.

And, if I happened to come across a paying customer who wanted to take me home, all the better.

The ensemble for the day was my trusty black tights and heels and barely covering my rear was a light weight, high collared leopard print jacket with only a lace bra underneath that.

Doesn't that just scream hardware store?

There was a greeter by the front door, there mainly to point you in the right direction. She was a much older woman who gave me the subtle look of disapproval of my wardrobe, knowing it wasn't meant for anything other than getting a man to tighten his nuts and install my ballcock.

"Aisle thirteen."

I could have called a plumber but they're so expensive, thought the pricey call girl, amusing myself.

I'd let the damage go for too long and now the toilet wouldn't flush and the shower head needed to be replaced. I might have done it myself but why waste the time and effort on something that I could get a horny guy to do just by asking?

I went to the plumbing aisle and went through a mock search for the proper parts and within a hardware heartbeat there was Travis, said his name tag.

"Can I help you find something?" the very cute sales associate asked.

Down at the end of the aisle where Travis came in, two other associates bumped into each other trying to beat Travis to wait on me.

"I've got bathroom problems."

His eyes were having a hell of time focusing above my shoulders and I wasn't helping him out any, suggestively moving like a runway model.

He knelt down to show me something and his view of my hemline was perfect. I always had great legs and thought, when I worked in fast food, we'd have sold even more hamburgers if we could have somehow put my legs on display at the drive thru. Clear plexiglass lower panel?

"Hard or soft spray?" he said, reminding me why we were there.

I knelt next to him, "I mostly like it hard," I suggested, "but if it starts out soft I like that too. Gives me a chance to get used to the heat."

He chuckled a little, "Well, so maybe..." and then he stopped as his mind decoded what I just said. "Well, so maybe something in between." He picked one off the shelf and put it in a basket. "This one's on sale."

"Okay, I just have to find someone to put it on the wall for me. I'm afraid I don't have those skills and I live alone." Ignoring the fact that I could hire a plumber he tried giving me a mini tutorial.

"...so using an adjustable wrench you just have to..."

My eyes were glazing over.

"...pipe tape if you need it..."

Finally, seeing that I was quickly becoming comatose he stopped talking, looked at me and said, "Well maybe I could stop by after work. It wouldn't take long."

"And the toilet too?" I said, getting greedy. "I d be glad to compensate you."

"Sure, and the toilet too."

"Oh, thank you so very much. I'm Haley by the way." I quickly scribbled my name, address and cell number on the back of his business card. He said he'd come straight from work and be there about six. I checked out and left, giving a wave to the reluctant greeter.


I had a regular incall scheduled at 4:30, leaving his work early on every other Thursday to fuck me before heading home. He got so excited on the drive over that he would nearly cum in his pants before I could get my dress off. I was confident I'd have plenty of time to tidy up before Travis got here.

But wouldn't you know it, this was the day when my regular decided to pledge his undying love and swore he'd leave his wife for me. This was an all too common occurrence when clients would forget that this was a business transaction and not a date. I talked him down off the romantic ledge and that left me a scant 20 minutes to get myself together.

I threw on a yellow sundress, no underwear and brushed my hair. I kept it minimal, cute and barefoot. I always felt it was important to dress for the occasion.

Travis was right on time. Without my trademark heels he towered over me, just what I was going for. Helpless damsel with funky toilet rescued by handy hunk.

He was still wearing his store vest and name tag and had a small toolbox. He kept looking at me like he couldn't believe his luck. "Do you have any preferences as to where I start?"

Actually, I did. "How about the toilet and then the shower? Follow me."

As he worked in the tank I stayed in the room, close enough for an occasional hand on his shoulder but not impeding his work. My job...


"So, I bet you're popular with the ladies."

"Oh, I'm kinda on the shy side, especially with real pretty girls. You know, like you."

"You think I'm pretty?" I said, playing the modesty card.

"Are you kidding? It was all any of the guys could talk about after you left the store. And then I made the mistake of telling them I was helping you and they wouldn't stop talking about it."

"Were you bragging?"

"Ya, I guess I was. I mean, you're amazing."

"Thank you, Travis. You're pretty cute yourself."

I touched the hair at the nape of his neck.

"So, how's it going?" I asked, not really caring about the toilet.

"Almost done."

"Can I get you something to drink? Beer, wine, water?"

"Wow, a beer would be great."

I thought so too. He was nervous so I poured two cans in an oversized beer stein so my guest could relax a bit.

"Gee, that's a big glass. I better watch it or you'll have to carry me out of here."

"You're so sweet for helping me."

He took a couple of healthy swigs. "Believe me, it's my pleasure."

"There, let's test it out." He stood up and successfully flushed the newly healed commode. "I'll knock out the shower head now. It'll only take a few minutes."

He took another beer hit and stepped in the tub with his wrench and had the new head installed in a flash. "There you go. Everything's in."

"Should I test it?"

"Sure, I'd better leave you to it." He collected his tools and started for the door. I put my hand on his chest.

"Would you mind staying until we're sure there aren't any leaks?"

"Oh, sure, I guess," he said taking another large gulp of beer.

I stepped back slightly and lifted the sun dress

off over my head. His jaw dropped as I stood smiling and naked before him. "Holy..."

"I can test it better from inside the shower." As I went to step into the tub I not so subtly touched the bulge in his kakis. He audibly gasped and stiffened up.

Inside the glass enclosure I moved seductively, touching myself and pressing my body against the glass. I can only imagine what the view was like when I spread my ass across the glass panel. I looked back over my shoulder and he was touching himself. I turned around to him and did the same with my tits. He mouthed, 'What the fuck?...'

Opening the shower door a crack, I extended my hand, "Care to join me so I can compensate you properly?"

His sex was on autopilot by then and he had his clothes off without a word. He saved the best for last and as he lowered his underwear his hefty cock sprung to attention. This time it was me who gasped.

Once inside the shower he grabbed my ass and drew me to him, leaning down to kiss me. In heels I always gave the illusion of stature but my naked petite frame was swallowed up by his size.

I squatted down underneath the spray and as the water covered my head I sucked his hardware. It turned me on watching the water run down his six pack. I sucked him harder, licking the shaft and sucking his balls while he moaned, "Haley...can I fuck that rocking bod?"

"Any way you want, boy toy, just fuck me."

He turned me toward the towel bar, I held on and waited for his penetration. He guided the head, just leaning it against my swollen entryway. The anticipation put me on the edge and as he placed his hands on my hips, suddenly he plunged his meat into my pussy and I exploded. "Ohhhhhh, fuuuucccckkkk, baby!!!" His excitement lifted my feet off the tub floor and as soon as he reached up and held my tits I came again. "Ahhhhhh, shit, that feels so good."

"Best fuck ever," he said, slamming into my kitty until I thought I'd pass out. It was intense. He spun me around facing him and picked me up like I was nothing and lowered me onto his cock. I was too caught up in the euphoria to take into consideration the riskiness of the move on a slippery tub but he was strong. With my arms around his neck he pumped my pussy for all it was worth and stuck his tongue in my mouth.

As he bounced me on his pole I yelled, "Fuck me, you horny bastard!" I was amazed at how long he held me aloft until he announced, "I'm gonna cum, Haley."

He set me down and I squatted before his cock, "Cum on my face, baby. I want you to smear your hot cum all over my pretty face!"

That was all the dirty encouragement he needed. With the shower stream splashing his back he moaned and jerked a huge wad across my mouth and down my cheeks. He stepped behind me so I could wash away the sticky sex under the newly installed spray. Trying to be cute I said, "You give good head." We laughed together and when we stepped from the shower he took a towel from the hook and instead of drying himself he methodically applied it to every inch of my body. It was so sensual I came close to another orgasm.

"There you go, beautiful," he said. He took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly. "How about I take you to dinner tomorrow night?"

I was still under the momentary spell so it caught me off guard, "Oh...I really can't but thanks for the offer."

"Boyfriend?" he asked.

"Something like that."

"Look, Haley, I know we've only met but I'd love to take you out. I think we'd click. I fix toilets, you have a toilet."

I laughed. He was funny and charming and I really liked him but, "I'm sad to say I don't date because of my work schedule. I like you a lot but..."

"So what do you do?"

Arrrggg, How do I tell him without telling him?

"I'm in public relations and I'm busy working with clients all the time and at all hours. That means I don't have much of a social life so I've put dating on hold."

"Okay," he said very confused, "sure but if things change..."

"If things change I've got your number and you can buy me dinner. And thank you so much for helping me."

Without pushing my explanation any further he dressed, grabbed his toolbox and started for the door, only stopping to kiss me on the cheek. It was agonizing because I liked him so much but being a call girl meant not having a normal life. How do you explain to a date that you fuck guys for money?

My thoughts necessarily shifted away from Travis to my 9 o'clock appointment, a company rep who periodically came through town and always made time to get me on the other end of his dick. At least I didn't have to shower...


Saturday night I was hired as the featured entertainment for a bachelor party. The best man, Hank, bought a couple strippers to get things rolling and circulate among the guests throughout the evening. Then later on I was hired to ring the doorbell and cause a scene as the hottie neighbor next door, angry at all the noise. Of course, I'd have a couple drinks, get seduced into the party and privately fuck the groom in a back bedroom. That was the planned first hour or so.

Because I was so expensive, afterwards was negotiable. If no one left the party, the best man would have to come up with more entertainment to satisfy a lot of excited guys. In that case, he agreed to pony up the cash and I would stay to 'mingle' with the other guests, which possibly meant a gangbang. I thought, once they see me, how is that not going to happen?

Not all the working girls liked role play but I loved it. I must have been an actress in another life and looked forward to playing the irate neighbor who ends up joining the party. I decided my character would be a college student with exams in the morning.

I got there right around 9 and banged on the door and rang the bell. The music went off and best man, Hank, opened the door.

"Hey," I said with raised voice, "I live next door and you guys have to keep it down over here or I'll have to call the cops."

"Oh, sorry," he said innocently, "it's sort of a special occasion. My best friend's getting married."

All the guests were tuned into our conversation.

Standing my ground, "That's great, but I've got exams in the morning and I can't even think with the noise."

"Well, we're really sorry but why don't you join us for a quick drink? You can relax and we'll turn the music down. We're really sorry."

"Well, maybe one, then I gotta go." I dressed down for the occasion; jeans, tennis shoes, loose top with a nude midriff. Casual but suggestible. Just the girl next door you dream of fucking.

While the strippers were grinding away on this or that guy, the best man introduced me to the groom, Jeff, who couldn't have been less prepared for anyone other than his bride to be. In fact, he seemed fairly miserable that Hank even had this party.

"So, tomorrow's the big day, eh?" I said, taking a stab at small talk.


"Why so gloomy? There's pretty girls in the room and you ARE the man of the hour."

"I don't know, I just don't want to have to explain this to Jackie in the morning so it's better if I sit here and don't do anything."

His eyes surveyed my nude midriff.

"You must have incredible will power. These strippers are hot and it's your bachelor party. You're supposed to get a little wild."


"Well, if it's any pity party consolation I could do without the noise. I'm trying to study for exams tomorrow. I came over to complain."

"Ya, sorry about that. It wasn't my idea. I'll say this much, if I was to have one last fling and have to explain it to Jackie it would be with a beautiful girl like you."

"Oh? You're not coming on to me are you?" I asked, smiling.

"All I'm saying is you're a very attractive girl and just my type. Not that I'm suggesting anything, I'm just saying..."

"Thanks for the compliment," I said, tossing my thick blonde hair back. I didn't really have to say or do much since he was talking himself into wanting me.

"So...," I said, "what if I told you I think you're pretty attractive too? I'm just saying..."

He nervously adjusted himself on the couch to mask the arousal in his pants. I, on the other hand, made every flirtatious move I could short of touching him.

"I mean, you're a gorgeous girl and I can't imagine any guy with enough willpower to resist you. I don't mean to get crazy since you came over to complain but, god, look at you."

"Are you having to use willpower right now?"

"Frankly, yes." He squirmed on the couch a little more.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "How about I give you a bachelor party gift? I mean, since I'm here anyway."

"You're kidding."

"Not kidding." I ran my hand over the inside of my thigh. "Since the dating pool is going to be shrinking by one as of tomorrow it's the least I can do for single girls everywhere." And then I whispered the clincher in his ear, "Besides, my pussy is very wet right now."

He was stunned, "Oh my god..."

He went from 'reluctant participant' to taking my hand dragging me back to one of the bedrooms. Practically ripping my jeans off, clothes were flying everywhere and in a flash we were naked and I was sucking his dick.

As he reveled in the glory of me he kept saying, "I shouldn't be doing this but you're so fucking hot! Ahhhhhh..." After I got him rock hard I mounted his cock and put my pussy into action, pumping him like an oil rig while he sucked on my tits. I came quickly, the wetness covering his glistening shaft. "That's it, baby, keep sucking my tits, it makes me cum." No sooner had the words left my lips than the orgasm rushed back through my system. "Uhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnn!!!"

I switched to reverse cowgirl to give him a nice change of scenery. "Your ass is amazing," he blurted out.

"Take me, baby. Fuck me anyway and anywhere. I like it all."

"Oh fuck, Haley," and he took the grand tour of my lovely landscape, stopping only to drill my pussy in another position or, as I soon found out, make a backdoor entrance.

"I've gotta stick your ass. I've never done it."

I screamed as he forced the head of his cock in my little asshole. "I'm gonna cum in your ass, babe." Before I could say anything I could feel his shaft expanding, the preface to his orgasm. He made a long guttural sound and then I felt the hot cum fill me up.

He pulled out and fell back on the bed, "Oh shit, you're fantastic." I took a couple of tissues from the nightstand to stop his spunk from backing out down my thighs and wherever else.

While I tidied up and put my clothes back on, I wished him a happy wedding. "Did you have a good time tonight?"

"Hell yes! I'll probably never have a fuck that good for the rest of my life. I hope you won't be offended but...you don't live next door do you?"

I laughed a little, "No, not really. Hank hired me to entertain you. So what did you think?"

"I think Hank has good taste. I can't believe you're an escort, you're so beautiful...and wholesome."


"Ya, you know, like in the middle of fucking you I wanted to call off my wedding and ask you to marry me."

"Men are weird."

"How so?"

"They're satisfied until the next shiny thing comes along. Then they just gotta have it. I suppose I shouldn't complain since I make a good living being the shiny thing."

"Can I call you sometime?"

"That's up to you and your conscience. I fuck a lot of married men."

I wished him well and left the bedroom and when I came out of the hallway there he was. I don't know how I missed him earlier but watching me intensely from across the room was, against all odds, Travis from the hardware store.

When worlds collide.

Something triggered a flight response and I had to leave, forgoing a bigger pay day fucking every last dude in the house. I settled up with Hank and left with him still begging me, all the way to my car, to stay.

It was very unlike me to be uncomfortable with anyone knowing my profession but for some reason with Travis I wanted to give him the impression that I was how he saw me. Young, pretty and available but busy.

So fucking confusing. It bothered me that now he knew what I was and, most of all, it pissed me off that I was bothered by it.


Why? I was never going to see him again anyway. As I was about to pull away I got a text from Travis:

'Talked to Hank. Please don't go. I would do anything to be with you again. Even if I have to wait in line.'

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AnnalovesitAnnalovesit10 months ago

Haley is such a professional, how will she handle Travis?

Loving the series.


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