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Haley Sharing Another Man's Bed?

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My GF wants to sleep in another man's bed.
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My name is Mason. My girlfriend Haley and I were discussing our upcoming trip.

"Why don't we stay with my friend? We'd save a lot of money. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Haley suggested.

My girlfriend was very frugal, so I wasn't surprised at her suggestion, but I didn't know who she was talking about. "Which friend?"

"Oh, Noah. I'm sure I've mentioned him before. I've known him forever."

"Yeah, I've never met him before though. You guys don't have any, like, history do you?" I asked.

"Oh my god, no! He's always just been a friend. We don't look at each other that way."

"And you don't think he'd mind us crashing with him, never having met me before?" I asked.

"No, he's cool. I'll text him."

Haley grabbed her phone and started texting. I watched as she texted Noah. Haley would smile at his responses, then text again.

"Ok! It's all set! We can stay there for the entire time." Haley said.

"That's great. I take it he has an extra room or something?" I asked.

"No, but he said the couch is really nice."

"You think we'll both be able to fit on the couch all night?"

"Noah said you can have it all to yourself. He's letting me crash in his bed with him." Haley said to me completely nonchalantly.

"His bed? Like with him?!" I couldn't believe Haley was suggesting this. She really thought it was ok to share a bed with another guy?

"Relax, I told you, we're friends. Plus, it's a king sized bed, so there is plenty of room for both of us. And it'll be so much more comfy for me. You know I have trouble sleeping when I'm not comfortable."

"In that case, let's just get a hotel." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Mason, you're being ridiculous. Why spend the money when this is free? Besides, hotel beds are so stiff. This is just about being comfy. Noah is just my friend. Besides, you'll be right outside the room." Haley argued. "And you know how cranky I get when I haven't slept well. Do you really want to have a cranky girlfriend for our entire trip?"

I sighed. It's true that we would save a lot of money that could be used for other things. And what are the chances they'd do something inappropriate with me right in the same apartment? "Ok, I guess you're right."

Haley laughed, "of course I'm right!" She gave me a kiss, and we continued planning for our trip.


By the time we arrived at Noah's, it was already pretty late. Luckily, we found a parking spot right by his apartment and headed up. Noah instantly welcomed us at the door. He was an attractive man, a couple inches taller than me, fit, with black hair, dark eyes, and a square jaw covered in a short stubble.

Haley hopped onto Noah, wrapping both her arms and legs around him and hugging him tight. My girlfriend was looking great. Her body was thin and incredibly fit. Her breasts were medium sized, but nicely shaped and perky. She had her dirty blonde hair up in a messy bun, had piercing green eyes and just a few freckles over the bridge of her nose. Just absolutely adorable and beautiful.

Haley released Noah after a few seconds. "It's so nice to see you, it's been too long!" He said.

"I know! I'm so excited we can hang out, and you and Mason can meet!" Haley replied.

Noah and I greeted each other. He seemed like a very personable guy and welcomed us in.

It was a nice apartment. The front door opened right into a joint living room and kitchen with an open floor plan. It was well furnished and had large windows with a beautiful view. There was a door to one side leading to the bedroom. The opposite side had a couple doors, one leading to a linen closest and the other the bathroom.

We all sat down, and Haley caught up with her friend. I engaged in the conversation, but mostly listened. Partially because they already knew each other and were catching up, talking about things I knew nothing about. But also because I was preoccupied with the fact it was late and my girlfriend and this guy would soon be sharing a bed.

"It's been great catching up, but do you mind if I turn in early tonight?" Haley asked. "We got up early and were driving for so long."

"Not at all. In fact, I got up early myself. I think I'll go to bed early as well. I'm just going to go change first, if you don't mind." Noah replied.

"Oh yeah, sure, I'll get changed out here with Mason. It's cool."

Haley and I opened our bags, I pulled out some shorts and an old t-shirt to sleep in. Haley stripped down to her panties. I looked at her bouncing breasts, thinking about how Noah was just in the other room. Then she slipped an old t-shirt on. I was happy she was covered, but I wasn't super happy she'd just have panties on her bottom half. Especially with them sharing a bed. And without a bra Haley's nipples could be seen poking under the material of her shirt. At least she had something on. At home she always slept naked.

"You're kind of quiet." Haley pointed out.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm still just a little uneasy about you sleeping with Noah." I said.

Haley shook her head. "Like I told you before, don't worry about it. We'll just be sleeping, and I have no interest in anything remotely sexual with Noah. Now, can we put this to rest? I really don't want to talk about this again and again when we are trying to enjoy our trip."

I nodded, "sure, I'm sorry and you're right. I trust you."

Noah's door opened a minute later, but just a crack. "Is it safe to come out?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're dressed!" Haley said.

Noah pointed out some pillows and blankets that I could use on the couch.

"You ready to go to bed?" Noah asked.

"Yes! I am exhausted." Haley replied, then gave me a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight babe, see you in the morning!"

"You don't care if we close the door, right?" Noah asked. "At night the apartment tends to get very drafty if it's left open."

"Yeah, that's fine. Mason and I don't care!" Haley said. "Ok, goodnight babe!"

And with that, they disappeared into Noah's room, with him closing the door behind them.

I wasn't thrilled that the door to his room was closed and wish Haley had asked me before answering for me that it was ok. But she would probably have told me it was nothing to worry about. I could hear them chatting, but couldn't make out what they were saying. There was the occasional giggle and laughter. I was really uncomfortable, but I suppose as long as they were just talking and laughing, there wasn't really anything bad going on.


I didn't sleep well. I kept waking up and listening to see if I could hear anything. Luckily, I never heard anything suspicious during the night. Morning came, and Haley finally walked out.

"Hey babe, how did you sleep?"

"Um, good. You?" I said, not wanting to reveal I was a jealous and suspicious wreck all night.

"Noah's bed is so comfy. I slept great."

Noah walked out, crossing the living room heading towards the bathroom. Haley looked back and laughed loudly, "Oh good morning, mister morning wood!"

Noah was wearing a white tank top and some old looking gray sweatpants. I looked and what Haley was talking about was immediately obvious. Noah had a huge tent in his sweatpants. He was quite large, but exactly how large was hard to tell, especially since I didn't want to stare.

"Oh shut it!" Noah said playfully, but also sounding slightly embarrassed as he tried covering himself. "I gotta pee. Thanks for being a perv!"

"What was that about?" I whispered after Noah went to the bathroom.

Haley slapped my shoulder and laughed, "Oh come on, admit it. That was funny him walking out with his huge morning wood."

I couldn't help but notice Haley used the word huge to describe it. But I did my best to put all of that out of my mind. We got ready and enjoyed our day. It was nice hanging out with my girlfriend alone and not thinking about Noah. Of course, that night we'd be right back at his apartment.

We didn't return until late and again we hung out in the living room with Noah. Once again, Haley and Noah were reminiscing about old times. At one point, I excused myself and got up to use the bathroom. I sat on the toilet, but could still hear some of the conversation through the bathroom door. Normally I'd be worried about them hearing me, but I was more focused on their conversation. It was very hard to hear, but I thought Haley said something about getting dressed for bed. I couldn't make out much else.

So when I got out of the bathroom, I shouldn't have been surprised to see that they had both changed. The thing was, I didn't hear the door to Noah's room close. Had they changed in front of each other? This time Noah wore basketball shorts, but no shirt. He was fit, nice upper body. Honestly, I was a little jealous. Haley wore one of my old t-shirts I no longer wore. I'm guessing with just underwear underneath, I could tell she had no bra on. Did that mean Noah saw my girlfriend's tits when she got ready for bed?

Haley said she was tired, and we all agreed to go to bed. Once again, my girlfriend followed Noah into his room and closed the door behind them. They were chatting and laughing again. I realized it would be another sleepless night for me.


In the morning, both Haley and Noah came out of his room at the same time. Haley came straight to me to give me a kiss, Noah walked hurried to the bathroom. "Gotta pee again, mister morning wood?" Haley joked. He was wearing a robe and I could see his large tent again. Not sure why he threw the robe on over his shorts, my guess is to try to cover the morning wood. If that was his plan, it didn't work well. He was so large, the morning wood was still incredibly obvious.

That evening, we agreed to get ready for bed early again. Noah went to his room and Haley started stripping out in the living room with me. She got completely naked. I admired her naked body for a moment, before she pulled another old shirt of mine out and pulled it over her head.

"Aren't you going to wear panties?" I asked. I didn't want to even think about my girlfriend being in Noah's bed with no panties on.

"No, you know I don't like wearing those to bed. Plus, this shirt covers everything." Haley said. I guess she was correct, and I did promise I wouldn't keep bringing up my uneasiness.

Noah came out, again just wearing shorts. We all sat in the living room and started chatting again. Things were pretty normal. I was even keeping up with the conversation this time. That is until Haley brought her legs up on the couch, folding them up under her butt. The problem was, without underwear, this position pushed the shirt up and her pussy was exposed!

I was hoping to get her attention. I was staring and would try to point out subtly that it was exposed, without alerting Noah. I mean, the guy probably already noticed, but on the off chance he didn't, I certainly didn't want to call his attention to it.

Eventually, I cleared my throat, and then again. "Oh sweetie, do you need a glass of water?" Haley asked.

"Um, no. Actually-"

Before I could answer, Noah hopped up and ran to the kitchen. "No problem, let me grab some for you!" He quickly returned with a glass of water and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said, taking a sip.

"Is that better babe?" Haley asked.

"Yeah, thanks," I said, darting my eyes down to her exposed crotch, hoping to get her attention. Unfortunately, she went right back to chatting with Noah.

Unfortunately for me, my nights of staying up and worrying were catching up with me. My eyelids grew heavier until finally I fell asleep on the couch.


I slept straight through the night and didn't wake up until Haley came out of Noah's room the following morning. She came over and gave me a good morning kiss.

"We need to talk about last night. Didn't you notice when you were sitting on the couch you were fully exposed?" I asked. "There is no way Noah didn't see your pussy."

"So what? We're such good friends. It's not a big deal that we see each other." Haley said, just like it wasn't a big deal at all.

"Each other? You saw him too?"

Haley laughed and rolled her eyes. "well yeah, he sleeps naked. It would be hard not to see him."

I was speechless. I was in complete shock, and I had no idea what to say. Haley must have noticed my shock and explained further.

"Well, a couple of nights ago, we were getting dressed for bed while you were in the bathroom. Just like you, Noah noticed I didn't put any panties back on after undressing and putting your old shirt on." So she had gotten naked in front of him while I was in the bathroom that night. Haley continued. "He asked about it and I told him that I sleep without them. That's when he was like, oh no big deal, because he sleeps naked. He asked if I cared if he slept naked and I said no. It's his bed and he should be comfy! I knew you didn't want to see Noah's big dick though, so that's why he wore the robe walking out of the room in the morning."

I would have been mad to learn they had changed their clothes in front of each other, but that seems like nothing now. Haley slept in a bed with a naked guy right next to her! And I definitely didn't like hearing the words 'Noah's big dick' coming out of my girlfriend's mouth.

"But remember, there is nothing sexual about it. So let's move on and enjoy our vacation. Sound good?" Just then, Noah walked out. "Oh, good morning mister wood!"

After that, the conversation quickly moved onto other things. I thought about everything throughout the day and decided I'd need to learn more. That night, once we returned to Noah's apartment, I pretended to fall asleep. Haley and Noah were talking normally, but when they noticed I was sleeping, I could hear them whispering.

"Mason was getting a little jealous." I heard Haley say.

"Really? What was he jealous about?" Noah asked.

"You and me seeing each other naked." Haley said, then she laughed. "He probably wouldn't like seeing the way we are cuddling at night." Haley added. Cuddling? What the hell! Noah was sleeping naked and they're cuddling in his bed?

"Hey! You're the one who pulled my dick between your thighs." Noah replied. I nearly blacked out hearing that. What had I just heard??

"Well, I had to do something with it. It's just so much nicer sleeping while snuggling. But when we'd spoon, and you'd get hard, it was just too big to keep in that position. It would poke my butt! So resting it between my legs was just more comfy."

What what what?!??

"That was all well and fine until you peed on my cock." Noah said.

They both laughed, "Shhh! You're going to wake him up! And you know I didn't pee, I couldn't help it. When I have a shaft pressed against my pussy, I tend to get a little wet."

"A little wet? I could feel it dripping down me!" Noah replied.

Noah and Haley both laughed before stifling themselves, probably to avoid waking me up. What the hell? Their genitals were literally touching, and they were both openly saying they were aroused?

Returning to a whisper, Noah asked, "So Mason would actually be jealous if he saw us cuddling huh?"

"Yeah, I mean it's not, like, cheating, you know? We both understand that, but Mason doesn't quite get it. We just are both more comfy sleeping when naked and cuddling. It's just about getting good sleep! So what if you play with my boobs a little or our downstairs bits touch. It's not like either of us are getting off or anything."

I didn't want to expose that I wasn't really sleeping. I wanted to jump up and ask what the hell! Instead, I could only picture my girlfriend's naked body against Noah. His cock rubbing her pussy and hands groping her tits. My cock was getting hard. How was this turning me on? I hoped they wouldn't notice the lump in my pants. Then I remembered the size of Noah's bulge from his morning wood and was immediately humiliated, thinking of how much less impressive my bulge would be in comparison.

"Speaking of getting comfy. Mason is obviously down for the night. Should we go to your room so our talking doesn't wake him up?" Haley asked.

"Sure, let's go." Noah said.

I listened closely. Trying to pick up every footstep and sound until I was sure they were both in the bedroom. Then, quietly as I had ever been, I made my way to Noah's bedroom door and put my head right next to it. This time, I wanted to hear everything going on in the room. They were in the middle of talking about each other's bodies. They sure didn't waste time stripping.

"It's kind of funny seeing this flaccid for a change. It's funny how it flops around like this. And look, if I lift it up, then let go," I heard a soft thud. "It like falls with a big slap!" I heard more soft thuds as Haley giggled. I couldn't believe on the other side of this door my girlfriend was playing with another guy's cock like it was some kind of toy. "Does it hurt at all when I drop it and it hits your belly like that?"

"No, not really," Noah replied with a chuckle. "It's like you've never played around with a soft one before. Don't you do this with Mason?"

"Well, kinda. But no..." She said. "Mason's isn't like yours. You are so big that it flops around all silly like. I mean, his penis is fine, but your soft is much bigger than Mason's penis is when it's fully hard, so it's just different. And when he's soft, the entire thing is smaller than the head of yours is right now. It just really does not work trying to play with it when he's soft."

What the hell?

"Well, at least you've got these to play with." Noah replied. Probably talking about Haley's tits.

"You sure like playing with them!" Haley said.

Sadly, my cock was betraying me. I was rock hard. I freed it from my shorts and quietly masturbated.

"So much for mister softie. Has anyone told you for being so large you get super rock hard?" Haley asked. Great, so now she was playing with Noah's hard cock. This couldn't possibly get any worse.


"Yeah, a lot of the big guys don't get as hard as the little guys. But you are at least as firm as Mason gets. And of all the guys I've dated, he probably gets the hardest."

At least I had that going for me, I thought.

"But he also has the least amount of penis to get erect, being the smallest of anyone I've been with, so it kind of made sense. You're just like a medical marvel."

Well, there goes having something going for me. This humiliation made me feel pathetic, but so horny all the same.

"I'm not the only one. I don't know how you don't dehydrate. Every time I see this, it's literally so wet that it is glistening."

Was Noah talking about my girlfriend's pussy? Was he looking at it?

"Look how wet my fingers get just from touching the outside!" Noah said. He was touching her pussy too?

"It's not like that all the time! I just can't help it. Big dicks kind of have an involuntary physical effect on me." Haley said.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I actually am getting tired. Want to go to sleep?" Noah asked.

I heard Haley yawn. "Yeah, sounds good to me. Goodnight."


At least they were going to sleep before anything worse happened. It was silence for a couple minutes, then Haley giggled.

Giggling also, Noah asked, "What's so funny?"

"Oh, it's just funny looking down. When we cuddle like this, I can see the head of your dick poking out from between my thighs. It is kind of convenient though. If I need to readjust, I can just grab the head like this and move it around. It's big enough that the head is an entire handful." Haley laughed before continuing. "Guess when you get head, it gives a whole new meaning to slob on your knob, since it's practically like having a small doorknob."

"Um, yeah. I don't ever get head. No one can fit that in her mouth." Noah replied dismissively.

"Oh please, you're big. Really big, but not that big. I'm sure I've put things in my mouth bigger than the end of your dick. Sure, I couldn't deep throat it, but definitely fit enough of it."


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