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Harem House Ch. 02: Entering Emerald

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Joseph returns home to claim his mother and sisters holes.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 03/07/2024
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***All characters are 18 years of age or older. Also a big thanks to kenjisato for his help in editing this story***

When the sun rises on the next day, Joseph wakes up to find that the bed is empty; while wiping the sleep from his eyes, he hears the shower stop, and the bathroom door open. Sitting up, he stretches his arms, when his mother walks into the bedroom with her beautiful body wrapped in a towel.

Noticing this Joseph says "After last night Stephanie, do you really need to wear a towel around me?"

Shaking her head, she replies, "No I don't, baby, but I have an early meeting and I can't be late. Besides, if I were, naked we wouldn't be leaving the bed except to maybe take a shower."

Looking at her, he says "And that's a problem because...?"

She finishes drying herself off and grabs some clothes before responding, "Normally, it's not a problem, baby. It's just I have to meet with our attorney and let him know you are home, so he can start the timer; we can get you the money in your trust fund. Besides, didn't you say you needed to talk to Emerald, anyway?" Once Stephanie is dressed, she kisses Joseph. "Go take a shower and get dressed. I'm sure Emerald can't wait to see you."

Before he can utter a word, Stephanie is out of the bedroom and downstairs.

Shaking his head, Joseph gets out of bed and heads to the shower. Once the water warms up, he steps inside and lets it run all over his body. As the water runs all over his muscular body, his thoughts drift to Emerald and the kiss they shared, before he lost his virginity. Using the washcloth, he lathers up and washes his body; as he does, his thoughts move to his sister and the taste of her lips from yesterday - his cock gets hard, and he finishes his shower. He gets dressed in shorts and a t-shirt before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

When he gets there, Emerald is standing by the stove. When Joseph sees her, he pauses, as her beauty takes his breath away. He watches as she finishes cooking breakfast and notices there are four brown bags on the table. At the same time she's slowly shaking her hips to a song in her head, he says "Good morning Em, what are you cooking?"

Surprised, she pauses her movements, and turns to him. "Finishing breakfast and lunch for Xaria, Uma, Amanda and Lucy. I already gave mom her breakfast and lunch as she ran out the door."

Listening to her, he realizes they will be home alone today and this would be the perfect opportunity to seduce her. He then asks "So, where's everybody headed to this morning?"

Realizing her brother isn't aware of what they've been doing the last six years, she answers "Well, Xaria is a principal at the local high school; Uma teaches yoga and self-defense classes at a gym located downtown; then Amanda and Lucy go to the same college so they ride together."

Before anything else can be said, one by one, the girls come down and grab their breakfast and lunch. On their way out, they each check out Joseph and how handsome he looks, each one of them giving him a tight hug before heading out the door; except for Lucy who after hugging her brother gives him a deep kiss and whispers "When I get back, I need to talk to you."

Once everyone is out the door, Em asks, "So, what would you like for breakfast, li'l bro?"

He chuckles as she says that, and replies "That depends on what's on the menu, Em."

Thinking for a moment, she says "Well we have bacon, eggs and chicken salad to start with."

Stepping deeper into the kitchen, he gets closer to her, his eyes roam over her body and wrapping his arms around her, she steps back slightly, before realizing she can't, and doesn't want to, escape his arms. He replies, "Bacon and eggs sound great, as long as I can have you for dessert, Em."

Leaning in, he slowly, deeply kisses her and as he does, he feels her sweet and juicy lips part, to kiss him back.

Though the kiss isn't long, Emerald feels her body get hot with arousal and then slipping from his arms, she dishes his plate, and then says, "I know we need to talk, so eat up and then meet me in my room." With that, she heads up the stairs, and to her room.

Sitting down, Joseph starts eating his breakfast and as he does, all he thinks is that "This doesn't taste as good as Em's lips." After he finishes his breakfast, he puts the plates in the sink and then walks towards Em's room. When he gets there, he sees she's not there and hears the shower. He then goes to slip in the shower only to find the door is locked. Shaking his head, he goes to Em's room, lies on her bed, and soon drifts off to sleep.

While Joseph is asleep, Emerald finishes her shower; when she walks into her bedroom, and sees her brother asleep on her bed, she feels her body start to get hot looking at his chiseled frame and defined muscles. Part of her wants to rip off his clothes and fuck him, but then there's another part that's hesitant because to do so would mean she would be giving him her virginity and she wonders if she should.

While she debates this, she starts to get dressed and puts on a pair of shorts that stop mid-thigh, then a t-shirt. After getting dressed, she starts rubbing Joseph's chest and kissing his neck. As she does this Joseph starts to slowly wake up.

He sees Emerald, smiles "As much as I hate waiting, you are definitely worth it, Em. You look amazing."

Hearing this, she starts to blush and leans in, whispering "You don't look too bad there either, handsome."

Joseph sits up and places his hand on her thigh, leans in to kiss her, when she puts her hand to his chest, saying, "As much as I want to feel your lips against mine, and I really do, we do need to talk about some stuff, especially our sisters."

Slightly disappointed, he looks at her, "Okay, Em. So what exactly did you want to talk to me about?"

Taking his hands in hers, she explains "After you went to live with Uncle Dave, mom told us the real reason why you left and that we weren't allowed to have any kind of sexual relationships with boys. In fact, mom had me watch our sisters to make sure they didn't, and I have kept that promise. But now that you're home, your sisters and I are more than itching to know what it's like to be with a guy, especially after last night."

Looking at her, he asks "Could you hear me and mom last night?"

Smiling she replies "No mom has had all the bedrooms soundproofed, so we couldn't hear you. However, she does have a closed-circuit camera in her room that you can only see inside the house and when you two went at it, all of us watched it and it drove us insane. Also, mom told us we have to make a decision regarding you, and how we want our relationship with you to be. I know Lucy is your twin and you two have a special connection; still, I'm worried that I won't be able to satisfy you as much as our sisters want to."

Hearing, this Joseph gently grips her by the hand, "Em, first and foremost, I don't want you to worry about satisfying me, because you are already a vision of beauty and I want to please you, our sisters."

Smiling at him, she says, "Good, so let me ask this. Are you ready to take the virginities of all your sisters, starting with me?"

Standing to his feet, he takes her by the hand, and gently has her stand, "I'm more than ready, and I want you to know, Em, that I love all of you. If something is ever bothering you, you can tell me. I know you have to be strong for everyone else, so let me be strong for you when it's too hard." He then wraps his arms around her and slowly kisses her on her lips.

At the same time, there is a knock at the front door that startles them, causing them to see who's there. Before Joseph heads downstairs, says to his sister, "Stay here for ten minutes and then come downstairs."

Emerald kisses him quickly, "Okay, just come back quickly.

"Of course, Em."

When Joseph gets downstairs, he looks at the monitor and he's surprised to see two women he's never seen before. The first is a tall woman, with beautiful, brown skin and breasts larger than his mother or any of his sisters, wearing a driving cap and a black, short-sleeve dress shirt, a black pencil skirt and over-the-calf boots. With her, the other woman is a bit shorter, with creamy, mocha-colored skin and breasts just as large as the woman with her, she's wearing a purple silk blouse, with a matching skirt and four-inch heels. The second woman looks familiar to him for some reason.

As Joseph opens the door, he asks, "Hi ladies, is there something I can help you with?"

The shorter one smirks and replies with a coldness to her voice, "Possibly, but before I say anything, who are you and what business do you have with my sister-in-law young, man?"

Before Joseph can say anything Emerald, comes down and sees he's talking to their Aunt Victoria, "Aunt Victoria, this is an old friend of mine, David. He came to visit with me early this morning. Although, I don't see how anything that goes on here is your business anyway."

Hearing this, Joseph gets the idea, excuses himself and heads to the kitchen where he can still hear everything, but is out of sight.

Standing at the doorway, Emerald blocks them both from entering, as she waits for her answer.

Shaking her head, Victoria replies in the same cold tone, "Honestly, Emerald, is that anyway to treat family? I am your father's sister, after all. Besides, I thought Joseph would be home by now and wanted to introduce myself."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but he's not here, he left with Uma earlier this morning," replies Emerald, in a defensive tone. "If you want to meet your nephew, how about you come back, when my mom is home; she can introduce you then. Until then, how about you find a rock to crawl under and stay there."

The woman with Victoria, then steps toward Emerald, Victoria says, "No, Indra. For now, we will go and come back later this evening." As they begin to leave she turns to Emerald, and says, "Enjoy your time with your friend, David, my sweet niece."

Emerald shuts the door.

As the two women walk to the car, Victoria asks "Was that the same young man you saw enter the house last night?"

Indra responds, "Yes, Mistress. It is."

"Perfect. Now take me to the hotel, and get Xandra, Erin and Natalia here, so we can prepare. I have an idea on how to deal with my nephew and his slutty sisters, that will teach them it's not a smart move to fuck with me."

As they get in the car, Indra sends a text with the address of the hotel to the three women and then they head to the hotel.

In the foyer, Joseph goes to Emerald and asks, "What was all that about?"

Knowing that their mother wants to tell him about Victoria, she answers, "That was our Aunt Victoria, and Mom will tell you about it later; just know she's bad news. Also, I called you David so she would think it's someone else and not you."

Seeing the concern in her eyes, Joseph holds her in his arms. "It's okay, Em, I got the feeling and don't worry I'm good with being your dirty little secret." He then leans in and kisses her, and slowly wraps his arms around her body, then lifts her in his arms, and heads up the stairs to her room.

Once inside, he lays her on the bed and locks the door, then walks over to her, removing his shirt, revealing his muscular chest to her. When he reaches the bed, he resumes kissing her and slowly begins to rub her pussy, while she removes her top and bra. The moment her breasts come into view, Joseph is glued to them and he begins to lick her nipples, while his hand continues to tease her pussy. With each lick, his hand rubs the length of her pussy, until it slips inside her shorts and he begins to rub her clit, along with the folds of her pussy.

Pausing a moment, he looks in her eyes, and whispers "Always remember, Emerald, I will do everything I can to protect you and our family. Let me know when you are ready, I'll make you mine."

Smiling up at him, she says, "Then if we're going to do it, then let's do it in your room."

She slides out of the bed, dropping her shorts and panties, heads to Joseph's room that he shares with their mom and turns on the camera, before lying on the bed. As Joseph enters his new bedroom, he shuts the door, but neglects to lock it and begins removing his shorts. The moment his shorts are off, his massive cock is in view of his sister, who looks at it in awe.

"Mmmmm, Joseph, I've been wanting you since last night. Please claim all of my holes and make me yours."

Making his way to the bed, he kisses his eldest sister, and states, "Of course, I will, Em." He then kisses her, "Now suck my cock, and take it as far as you can in your mouth."

Moving to the side, Joseph lies on his back, while his cock stands at attention. As he does this Emerald moves between his legs and begins to lick his shaft like a candy cane, going slowly up his shaft, and as she reaches the head, she opens her mouth and begins to slowly suck on it. After doing this for a few minutes, she can feel her mouth adjust to the size of the head, and then goes back to licking her brother's shaft. His cock twitches in pleasure, as he lies there, watching, as she doesn't just suck his cock - she's making love to it.

Once she's satisfied with how wet his cock is, she returns to sucking. She takes the head in easily along with the first couple inches of his shaft. Emerald waits for her throat to adjust and when it does, she takes more of his cock down her throat. She repeats this process, until his entire length is in her throat and she looks at him in the eyes, lifts her head.

"Fuck my throat, Joseph. Fuck it and claim all my holes... make me your woman." Moving back she gets on all fours, while Joseph gets on his knees and slides his cock down her throat.

He caresses her cheek, saying, "Em, your mouth feels so good on my cock." After he says that, he begins to face-fuck his sister. With each thrust he can feel her mouth, not just take in his cock, but her mouth starts to massage each part of it as she works to make him cum down her throat.

At the same time Joseph's hands move to the back of her head, as the speed of his thrusts increases, he starts to face-fuck Emerald like a wild man, causing her breasts and body to shake like crazy. Back and forth, their bodies move as one, and as they do, his cock throbs like a raging beast as it prepares to release its pent-up load.

Feeling his orgasm approaching he shouts "OHHHHH FUCK, EM! YOUR MOUTH FEELS SO GOOD! I'M GONNA CUM SOON!"

She starts sucking harder to signal she's ready to swallow his seed. When he feels her suck harder, he starts thrusting harder, and his orgasm overtakes him and he explodes in her mouth, shouting, "OHHHHH FUCK!!! I'M CUMMING EM! I'M CUMMING DOWN YOUR SEXY THROAT!!!"

Holding himself there, Joseph can feel seven powerful shots of his seed leave his body. He watches as his sister attempts to gulp each one down, leaving some excess cum on the corners of her mouth. With his first orgasm finished, he pulls out of her mouth, watches as she wipes the excess cum, and starts licking andsucking on her fingers.

After Emerald finishes cleaning her fingers, she sees his cock is still hard; she lies down, spreads her legs and invitingly says, "Your seed is delicious, bro; now, take my virginity and fill me with your seed - claim my second hole."

Sliding between her legs, he starts to lick her pussy, his tongue moves in circles on her clit, and his hands move to her breasts to rub and caress them. Using his tongue, he teases her clit and explores her pussy, making sure she's wet enough to receive all of his cock. With each lick, he tastes her juices, which are like sweet nectar to him.

This causes Emerald to squirm in pleasure, as she moans, "Mmmmm, fuck, Joseph; your tongue feels so good. Mmmmm that's it, right there. Make me, make me cum all over your face."

Hearing this, Joseph continues to devour her.

His efforts make her cum harder than she ever has, she shouts, "FUCK, JOSEPH!!! I'M CUMMMMMING!!! I'M CUMMMMMMING ALL OVER YOUR AMAZING FUCKING TONGUE!!!"

The moment she starts to cum, Joseph moves his hands under her thighs to keep her from moving; he begins to drink her sweet juices. Emerald's body squirms and twists, as Joseph's tongue continues to work its magic on her clit. When Emerald's orgasm is finished, Joseph smiles and positions the head of his cock at the entrance of her pussy; he leans forward and kisses her, as the head of his cock enters her.

He whispers in her ear, "If you thought that orgasm was good, then this one is going to be even better." He then sits back on his knees, slowly begins sliding his cock in, until he reaches her hymen. As he feels it, he warns, "Em, after I break your hymen, let me know when the pain fades and I'll continue."

She nods, and with a single thrust, he breaks her hymen causing her to be in pain for a short time, and while Joseph holds himself there, he leans forward and kisses Emerald slowly and tenderly, while caressing her sweet body. As he feels himself starting to slide deeper inside her.

Stopping himself, he looks at Emerald. "Are you okay, Em?"

Smiling, she looks at him, and assures her brother, "I'm okay, you can start going deeper, Joseph."

Hearing her say this, he grins and kisses her deeply; his hips slowly start thrusting back and forth. With each, thrust his cock goes deeper and deeper, while at the same time, his lips explore hers. Soon, his lips move to her breasts and he begins to lick, suck her nipples; his hips start moving faster and faster. As he increases his pace, the room fills with the sounds of skin slapping skin, and her hips start grinding against his thrusts.

His sister starts moaning "Mmmmm, fuck Joseph. Your cock is reaching deep. Please don't stop, keep fucking me."

Sitting on his knees, he grabs her breasts and starts plowing her harder and faster, which causes his cock to rub her sensitive places, bringing her closer to a massive orgasm.

After a few minutes of this, he's balls-deep inside her, and feels her pussy grip his cock, he moans, "Damn, Em, your pussy feels so good. I'm so close to blowing my load."

She moans, "Mmmmm that sounds like an awesome idea. Let's cum together, and fill me with your seed. After that, I'll bring your cock back to life, so you can fuck my ass and claim my last hole."

Her words are music to Joseph's ears, and his grip on her breasts tightens, while his cock throbs against the walls of her sweet cunt, signaling his orgasm is fast approaching. His sister's body grinds against his, as her mind-bending orgasm approaches. The sounds of their fucking fill the room, as both get closer and closer to their orgasm. With Joseph's next thrust, he feels her pussy clench his cock, as she cums.


This sends Joseph over the edge, causing him to explode and to start filling his sister with his cum; he shouts, "I'M CUMMMMMINNG EM!!! YOUR CUNT FEELS SO GOOD! I NEVER WANT TO STOP FUCKING YOU!" With each blast of his seed, Joseph's cock vibrates against the walls of his sister's pussy causing her to have several mini-orgasms, while he fills her with his seed.

Once both of their orgasms have finished, Joseph lies next to her and kisses Emerald deeply; and as he does, his hands caress her body, and asks "Mmmmm, that was great. Are you ready to claim my last hole and your second woman?"

"Of course, how about you clean me with your mouth to get my cock wet and ready to fill your ass," replies Joseph with a smile.

She gets between his legs and begins to lick and suck his cock, tasting their combined juices. His sister moans against his cock, as it returns to full hardness, causing him to groan, "Damn, Em, your mouth is amazing, if you keep that up, I'm gonna cum again."


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