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Israeli girl, Bedouin girl and sexual discovery.
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Note to Reader: Hasbara in Hebrew means public diplomacy, we follow the story of Maya Ram, a Israeli patriot, public relations woman and sex addict. A secular Ashkenazi Jewish woman, Maya has had the finniest education money can buy. But money cannot give her the life education she needs and craves and the story that follows is the story of this life education.


Shalom, you perverts! I know why you are here, you're here because you want to know what goes on in my dirty little head, don't deny it. For the male reader, the large growth in your crotch area betrays your true intentions. The female reader hides it better, but I know how wet they get when no one is looking.

I often have to carry spare panties around in my handbag, if you look at the panties I am wearing during the day, you will often see a wet patch and I can assure you this wet patch is not sweat. Being an aura of sexuality helps me with my job, I work in Public Relations and media.

My proudest PR project is helping to promote Israel internationally, being a sultry woman helps with this project. I actually began promoting Israel before I started university, while I was doing my national military service; I was selected to do a photo shoot. I was miss October for IDF calendar girls and part of a project called Brand Israel.

After the shoot, I kept in contact with Brand Israel team and contributed to it during my student days. Studying for an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Gender Studies at the University of Tel Aviv, I was very politically active. I launched campaigns against anti-Israeli professors at the university and others.

I am notorious for gate-crashing illegal 'Nakba day' commemorations by Arab Israeli students at the university, one year, I turned up with water balloons and attacked them. We even had a musical band set up a mini-stage near to where the commemorations were talking place, we blast their chants out, with music.

Besides taking on these Iranian sleeper agents, I've been promoting Israel abroad, you may have heard about the pro-Israel condoms being distributed. In Ibiza we began handing out, 'Fuck I love Israel', condoms to party goers and we would have messages about Israel and the Palestinian threat we face written on the condom.

All of this activism has landed me with a job in a PR firm and we get contracts from the government. My boss called me into the office, he had a assignment for me, our firm is starting up an Israeli Arab women's initiative and they want me to head it up.

We need to promote Israel's pluralistic image to the west, we will do this by finding Arab women to represent us. I'll be working with these females and training them up. In reality, my job is to invent these women and control the narrative they will represent, all these women have to do is do what I tell them.

I've been handed a file of possible candidates for my signature initiative, I'm looking for a possible model who will also market Israel abroad. This girl must be right, she must look the part and project the narrative, I want told. She must be used to destroy pro-Palestinian activism and bias in the west. I look through the files handed to me, I saw many very attractive girls, but none suitable for the role.

Nearly all the girls in these files were either Druze or Christian, I want a Sunni Muslim for the role, which is like finding a needle in a haystack. We could try getting one of these girls or even getting a Mizrahi Jewish girl to pretend to be a Sunni Arab girl, but a lie like that, would get caught out fairly quickly. I may well invent much of this girl's story, but the lie can only go so deep, thus there must be truth surrounding it.

I dismiss all the files and force my team to look for another candidate. A few weeks pass and little joy, but a few more day's pass and someone on my team hands me a news article. The article is about a Bedouin Arab Sunni Muslim girl, who has been serving in the Israeli Border guards, I read through the interview and she describes her life in a Bedouin town in northern Israel, life in the Israeli border guards and other such details.

I like the sound of her, I go to my computer and look for pictures of her. She doesn't wear much make-up, but appears to be very physically attractive with her dark hair, fair skin, blue eyes, petite and yet curvy body, she looks perfect. We will need to enhance her bust size, but surgery can take care of that.

I send some people out to talk to her, they take a few days, but she agrees to hear me out. I head towards the city of Nazareth, were we agree to meet, and I must admit I have no idea what to expect. In her pictures she was wearing a uniform, but how will she dress when I meet her? I will confess something, I've never really met an Arab and only viewed a few from a distance. Will she turn up in a Burka?

I have no idea. I can barely remember or pronounce her name, but I believe it's Suhair Atassi. I spend the whole journey from Tel-Aviv to Nazareth memorising her name and learning some of her bio.

Turning up to the meeting in my shorts and tight t-shirt, I feel I stick out in this Arab city. Suhair walks in and I am a little surprised, no Burka, she appears to be wearing worn and loose clothing. She has a wrapping around her head, which resembles headscarf styles of African women rather than Muslim women.

Her neck and ears are exposed, but her hair is bundled up. I will confess, that I'm actually excited by the opportunity this presents, throughout the interview I had to cross my legs in order to prevent myself from leaking fluid as a result of a sexual climax.

"Hi, I'm Suhair," she says to me, as I extend my hand t greet her, but she says her name in a quiet and dare I say, silently timid way. She takes a seat and is a little bundled up.

"So Suhair, how have you been? Was the journey here okay, no problems?"

She nods.

"Good, I've been reading about your story, why are you keen to do military service for the Israelis?"

She perks up a little bit and says, "Well, to be honest with you. There's no work in my home town, we didn't get very good schooling and so the opportunity to go elsewhere is nonexistent. The army offers the only opportunity of work and earning some money."

"There are some benefits afforded to us because of serving in the military. All the males in my family have done military service and because of this we live just above starvation. My house has electricity, some of my neighbours do not have electricity."

"My father and brothers have all served in elite army tracking units and have served on Israel's borders. We Bedouins are a martial people; we have warrior blood running through us." She speaks in broken Hebrew and continues.

"My father is not very well and is unable to provide for us and my eldest brother was killed in the 2006 Lebanon war. We are struggling and so I decided to help my family, I went into the military to help support them. They were a little resistant at first, but they've come to accept my decision."

Listening to her makes me see the real potential she offers. I ask her, "So, do you have any specialist skills from serving in the military?"

"Yes," she responds, "I'm a fully trained sniper."

I sit back and think to myself, wow, just, wow. "You are probably wondering why you are here, I know my colleagues have explained some of it, but let me go through it again. I understand the difficulty and the situation you are in, you want to look after your family, which is very noble. But the military does not help with that, at least not entirely. At the same time, you want to do things with your life and be progressive."

"I can offer you chances and opportunities, which have never been afforded to you before. You will travel, earn money to take care of your family for a life time and you will get an education. We will also make you a role model for other Bedouin women. You see you have this natural, Arab beauty, this rose in the desert quality about you. We want to promote this."

Suhair seems skeptical and shy by the request, she wonders if there is an ulterior motive and I use all my charm to persuade her otherwise. I point out all the advantages of becoming a model and told her about how it will help her.

I showed her pictures of what we would be doing. Despite her concern I could detect interest. I played up on the personal and family benefits and of course, how fun it is to dress up. I gave her my card and told her to think about it.

A few days had passed, she finally rang me and told me she was in. My company officially employed her and we brought her to Tel-Aviv. We got an apartment for her, which proved more difficult than expected, because no one wanted to rent to an Arab.

My boss had to pull strings to get her a place. I now had the task of inventing her. I began drawing up ideas about her background and biography, she needed to be completely reinvented or as Will Smith's character in Hitch said, "You is a very fluid concept right now."

We also needed to educate her, she spoke broken street Hebrew, dialectical Arabic and no foreign languages. We decided to bring in a private Hebrew tutor to teach her written and spoken Hebrew, another Hebrew pronunciation coach so she can speak the language eloquently.

We also decided she need formal education in the Arabic language and also needed to speak good English.

Beside linguistic training, we needed to teach her about fashion and change her wardrobe, she needed to become sexy and independent looking. Also we need to teach her about interviews and how to stay on message. I would also teach her womanly things, how to use her charm and how to seduce. At some point we need to broach the subject of sex, but we'll wait a while and see what happens.

I take her out shopping, we get her new clothes and make-up. We buy tight jeans, shorts, short skirts, leggings, normal length skirts and tops. We also get her fashionable female suites and shoes. She seems overwhelmed by these changes and takes time adapting, but I set in and offer moral support and attempt to befriend her.

"Why don't we try on some of your new clothes and see how you look." I suggest to her and we head to her apartment and I wait for her to put on some make-up and the new clothes. She takes her time and I sit and wonder.

Finally, Suhair emerges from her room, high heels, jeans and t-shirt and she looks stunning. I never noticed how round her ass was, until now. My Arab doll is coming alive, I had to cross my legs to hide my sexual excitement, but I will say, that I am glad I have an open-minded approach towards sexuality, especially in a moment like this.

Despite crossing my legs, it's clear I am eager because my legs keep shaking.

"OMG, you are so stunning. Have you had a look at yourself in the mirror?" Suhair wanders off to find a mirror and stands staring at herself, I see a look of amazement and more importantly, pride. I walk up to her and stand behind her, as she looks at herself, "You see, I knew you were beautiful. Beautiful, elegant and sexy, not only a Bedouin girl, but a bombshell too!"

I place my hand on her breast and squeeze a little, "But there is something, I wanted to talk to you about. You have the perfect body, but your coup size needs enhancement. Would you like them to be made bigger?"

Suhair recoils and begin protesting, "It's alright if you don't, it just, it will be easier to find you work if you had the full package. That's all." She took some talking too, but I convinced her about its benefit, I told her it would attract a rich husband. She's weary, but growing in trust of me. After her surgery, she never failed to attract male or even female attention.

Strutting around in her short skirts, shorts and jeans with short tops and high heels, which include high heel leather boots. This is very important, because she didn't know how to walk in heels and we had to teach her, we not only trained her to walk in them, but we taught her to walk in them with sophistication.

She wore them at every opportunity, we even saw her wearing leather skirts and shorts and she is becoming more daring. Of course she would have panic attacks and cultural reactions against some of the changes, but I learnt how to listen to her carefully and calm her down and get her to accept the changes.

I learnt by listening, sympathising and caring, I could get her to do anything. I would listen to her life stories, old Bedouin tales, about Islam and other things and I would tell her about my life and about Jewish culture.

Through her I discovered an appreciation for Arabic music- Nancy Ajram-and others. In fact we would listen to one of Ajram's songs, which was called Shella Ayounak Anni, this song seemed to encapsulate Suhair perfectly. The song is about a beautiful girl who can sign beautifully, however, she's too afraid to sing in-front of people. She says, "Avert your gaze or look away, I do know how to sing, but not with you watching."

I tried to gage Suhair's religious views, but they seemed too archaic to me. She had Islamic beliefs, which seemed to fuse with Bedouin culture and much did not make sense to me. On Fridays, she would not work and would change her style of dress and do all kinds of devotional things.

I would see her close her eyes and swaying back and forth and sideways, chanting the different names for God in Islam. She would read her prays on Friday, but not the rest of the time, once I took her to a dervish lodge in the Galilee and saw her whirling.

Initially, I recoiled and saw these practices as strange and weird, I don't do religion, but I grew to accept this was how she was and learnt to tolerant it. Her tradition included Sufi elements and she loved to tell Islamic stories.

I actually knew nothing about religion, not hers nor my own, but through listening to her I began to learn about a whole new way of looking at things. It's odd, what she is doing the rest of the week is an affront to these religious values, I'm sure it caused her a cognitive dissonance, but through cohesion, we were getting her to change and accept these changes.

She is two different people and she naturally switches between settings and with relative ease. It seems culture and religion isn't the only things that shape these people.

Her Hebrew was coming on a treat, she now sounded Israeli and could easily pass for one. She could read and write fluently and spoke eloquently. Her official Arabic was now also at a very high standard and her English was no longer broken.

We did have one mini-crisis, one of her Arab friends got annoyed at her and called her, "Asraela", which is a negative word. It means an Arab who tries to Israelify (by implication is a sell out), but who can never become Israeli because the society would not allow them too.

It's like saying, silly little Arab trying to imitate. I took me hours to bring her around and convince her it was not true, her goal was to serve Bedouin women.

I knew I was deceiving her and it was getting harder for me to deceive her, I was beginning to have personal problems, because I felt for her and was growing to care about her. She was nearly ready for her first shoot and I had to work out her background story. I prepared a bio, which was in time for her first shoot. This is how it read.

"Suhair Atassi, who is she? She is the original diamond in the rough, she is the flower that grew up on the edge of the desert. The only oasis in a desolate place, a place of sorrow, a place of despair and a place of dunes and sand storms. Suhair is a free spirit, born into an unforgiving Levantine family.

Her harsh Bedouin Arab Muslim upbringing had conditioned her for a joyless life, one of no hope, a life where women can be seen, but not heard. Forced to imprison her beauty beneath a black veil, she was destined for a colorless existence. But Suhair is a fighter and rebelled against her strict Bedouin culture and defied is honor code system. She threw of the veil and chose to defend her country."

"She joined the Israeli Border Guards, because she love Israel, she loves the freedom it affords her and she loves the modernity and liberalism it brought her. Strict Imam's told her how to think, they forced her to learn fundamentalist verses, but Suhair rejected them."

"She wanted to be free and the State of Israel gave her the chance to be free. Her father would kill her if they could see what a strong and independent woman she has become. Arab culture does not allow for female individuality and imposes medieval etiquette on them."

"While serving in the Border Guards, Suhair learnt about the rights the State of Israel gave her and she grew proud. When someone noticed her beauty, she knew want she wanted to do next. Her aim in life is to help other Bedouin women realize their potential too."

It's fair to say, Suhair might be a little suspicious of the fact that most of the biography is untrue, but this story is more interesting and adds dynamic to her story. We can sell her on this, besides, who in America will believe anything other than this narrative?

Plus, I have Suhair in my palm and can get her to say and believe anything. I do have to train her in this new narrative, but I also need to get her acquainted with the idea of sex.

Suhair showed more resistance than anticipated, but in the end I got her to agree and she's been learning her new self quite well. I have also been talking, quite explicitly, about sex with her and told her my personal stories and discussing techniques.

She giggled and looked shy, but she's getting used to it now. But I am thinking of finding a guy for her to lose her virginity too, she needs to be able to 'make herself available' when she's in America. Its expected of you in this industry and she needs to fit in, in order to be a success and carry the message we want her to carry.

The day of her modelling shot came and went and she did very well. Our first shoot included getting her to model in a Burka, we photographed her semi-naked in a face veil, we photographed her in hijab with fashionably tight clothes. We did everything.

The next day, we did our second shoot of her dressed up in an Israeli Defense Force uniform, wearing overall, but still semi-naked. We photographed her wrapped in the Israeli flag, we had her hold up pro-Israeli signs. The third day, we had her in latex, fourth day we had a leather motorbike girl look going on and on the fifth day we had her in a LAPD outfit. She is a natural poser and I am getting pretty turned on by her. Pouting is her strong point.

I prepped her for her first interview with an American journalist, I suggested ways to suggest her sexual openness and availability during the filmed interview. During the interview it was established she was single, her favourite food is Japanese and spoke at length about her mythical upbringing. When asked about Arabs in Israel, she did the job she was required to do.

"I'm proud Arab girl, the State of Israel has never forced me to choose between my Arabness and the State. Israel is a democracy, the only democracy in the Middle East and Arabs in Israel have better rights and situation here than in Arab countries. Look at how Assad treats Syrians, how Saudi treats women and look at how Israel treats us."

"We Arabs are a moderate people, we don't want Hamas or Iran, we want to live in dignity and freedom. Israel gives us this freedom, if you don't like it, you can move to Syria."

Brilliant answer, it's unfortunate that after we are done with this project, we'll probably dump her and she may have no family to go back too. On the plus side, I have found her a guy to lose her virginity too, an Italian model that is in Tel-Aviv promoting some clothing line.


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