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He Really Did Love His Mother


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'Me too mum,' he replied, 'I have wanted this for the longest time, I love you so much mum, its all I have thought about for years.'

His mother was agape, 'you can't have darling?'

'I have, and I'm telling you right now mum, unless you leave home, it isn't going to stop!' he told her with more confidence than he felt.

'It won't stop Rob, I want it as much now as you do, I need you to love me, no one else does, not like you anyway, not like this.' She told him lovingly.

'Come on baby, we have to shower, then I need to get dinner ready for you know who.' She told him, she kissed him as lovingly as she had ever kissed anyone, they held each other for the longest time.

Then he said to her. 'What about dad mum?'

'He must not be allowed to find out Rob, never, it will cause the biggest problems, and being as he is, I know he would call the police, and we, you, or I, will be jailed for sure.'

'Yes I agree with that, he's a real twat isn't he?' then he laughed, 'but it's us doing the deed isn't it?'

'Yes it is, but we must give no indication that things have changed, I will be there for you when ever you want me, but nothing must happen while he's in the house, yes?'

'You got it mum,' he told her, as he bit a nipple gently.

'Oh Rob, please don't we have to get up darling.'

Rob remade the bed, his mother kissed him as she left, and squeezed his balls, 'I want them refilled and ready for the next time,' she told him happily.

'They will be,' and he poked a finger between her pouty lips, and said, 'for here.'

She sucked on it, smiled and said, 'definitely baby, definitely.'

Jacqui dived into the shower, as she got out Rob was getting in, he nailed her to the wall and kissed her, teased her, then let her go after much begging, his hard on was returning already!

He went downstairs where his mother was preparing dinner for his dad.

When he arrived, Rob disappeared, not to be seen again until the morning, the morning when he would regain his mother.

He awakened early, he heard his father clomping about, but very little in the conversation area, he knew his mother would be working around him, getting him ready for his days work. She looked at him and wondered if their life could have turned out differently from where it was now.

'It was me who was unfaithful,' she told herself, 'not him, but he had a hand in it, even if it was unintentional. And I have sort of regretted it since, even though it was wonderful at the time.'

She still saw her ex lover occasionally, and knew he would love to pick up where they had left off. But that was a definite no go area now.

But what had happened with Rob her son yesterday was off the scale, she knew it was 100% wrong, illegal and playing with fire. But it had been the most defining moment in her life. She had loved it, loved him, loved what had happened, and knew for sure that it would be happening again as soon as her husband was out of the house.

She had already showered, put on a little make up, brushed her hair, but underneath her floor length dressing gown, she was dressed to kill! She knew Rob liked her dressing sexy, the number of times she had his tongue hanging out whenever she got the kit on, was heart wrenching.

Her husband said the usual perfunctory goodbye, fresh air kissed her cheek and left. 'You bastard,' she thought, 'no wonder I did what I did, and am going to do it again with our son,' she silently yelled after him.

She watched from the window as he drove away, and hurried upstairs, 'if he isn't ready and waiting for me, he is gonna get it in the neck!' she threatened in her lovely head.

She dashed into his bedroom, he wasn't there! 'Rob, where are you?' she shouted, no reply?

Jacqui was feeling annoyed, how dare he treat me like this.' She fumed. She opened her bedroom door, and there he was, laid back on her bed, with his prick waving at her as he wiggled it about. It was fully erect and he was waiting for his mother, his lover.

'Oh Rob,' she beamed, her temporary anger quickly abated. She hurried across the room, losing her gown on the way. Rob lifted a hand and stopped her.

'Mum,' he muttered, 'you look fabulous, so beautiful and sexy.'

'It's just for you baby, just you,' she told him.

'And is that for me?' she enquired, looking at his young cock stood to attention.

'Ye it is mum, is that gear you are wearing just for me too?'

'Yes baby, it's been years since I've had any reason to dress this way.' She told him, and dived on to his cock, mouth first.

He gagged and shivered as his erect prick disappeared into her gorgeous hot mouth, he was ready to cum in moments. 'Mum,' he said to her between gritted teeth, 'I'm gonna cum, oh mum!'

She nodded her head, her hair swayed around his bollocks, and she increased the pressure she was applying, there was no way he could avoid cumming, he did. He shot load after load, glob after glob, Jacqui took it all, she caressed his balls as she went, she continued emptying him, and drained him completely, there wasn't an ounce of cum left in him, she had got it all!

He was prone on the bed, his mother slid up to him, and held him as he mumbled his devout thanks, she tenderly took his wet prick in her soft hand and rubbed it.

'There isn't anything I won't do for you now Rob, you have me, you've got me, there's no way back as far as I can see?' She said lovingly.

'I don't want to be anywhere else than here with you mum, no where.' He told her.

He cupped her tits in his hands, played with them, squeezed them, then reached around her and undid the bra holding them. They were his now, she was his, her body was his, he loved her.

Slipping his hand downwards, he slid in her panties, a finger slipped along the folds of skin, she moaned into him, she suddenly lurched on the bed, he had found her clit.

'You like that mum?' he enquired cheekily, knowing where he was and what he was doing. 'Oh Rob,' she squirmed as his finger tip slid back and forth over it, she cringed into him, the feeling was almost unbearable, but so so wonderful.

He bent his head and sucked in a nipple, between that and the fabulous assault on her clit, Jacqui came, her son had made her cum so easily, no man had ever got her to do it this quick and this simply! She moaned and moaned, she was uttering terms of endearment to him, telling him, 'you are the man of men. No one could ever surpass you in your love, in my love baby.'

'I'm glad Sara isn't around, that would make it awkward mum eh?' he said.

'Yes, she won't be home for at least another 3 months, so we have time to settle don't we honey?' she said.

'Mum, I have to ask, why were you unfaithful before, when I was a kid?' he asked.

She was dreading this; she knew he would ask sooner or later.

'I was in a very bad time in my life, I was feeling down and not wanted by anyone, he was nice to me, and I went along with his persuasions, but I'm sorry Rob, please don't hate me for it, it's all in the past now, I swear.'

'I will never do that mum, I understand perfectly, and I believe you, so that's gone now, no more questions, it's over, yes?'

'Yes baby, yes.' She was so happy, no more, it really was history now, apart from her husband, but she could handle that easily from now on.

'Come on mum, I want a shower,' he pulled her from the bed, and in they went.

In there they played like children, they were becoming more like lovers instead of mother and son. Jacqui had never had such fun, she even thought briefly to herself that if she had known a young man could be like this, she might have looked for one. Rob asked her why she was giggling.

'No reason, other than I'm loving this,' she said, as he slipped to his knees and licked her increasingly hot pussy.

He licked and slurped, sucked and ate at her, his shoulders pressed against her knees prevented her from falling down when the orgasm hit her, she was clutching his head hard. Her head bent down, she gasped for air as she rocked with it.

They dried off and he carried her back to her bedroom.

'This is going to be our bedroom one day mum!' he said, as he laid her down.

'Rob,' she gasped, 'what do you mean?'

'I mean that one day, you and I will share this bed permanently!' he told her.

'But how, what do you mean darling?'

'I'll get him, you will get him, or we will get him to leave us.' He stated.

'Ooooh Rob, I'm not sure if he would do, or agree to that?'

'He will mum, he will.'

He kissed his mother, the conversation was ended. He began to love her as any man would love a beautiful sexy woman. He paid finite attention to her, looking and seeking out the bits that sent her over the top, or finding bits that didn't do anything, he was having the time of his young life.

Jacqui responded to his every touch, every kiss, her mind was 100% on him, what ever he did sent shivers all over her receptive body. The body he had taken for his own, and ripped from his father. She knew now for certain that she would never let him near her again, that part of their lives was completely over as far as she was concerned.

Rob was over her without her seeing him, and his prick was finding its way unerringly into her pussy. He banged it home; Jacqui squealed again, her arms and legs again entrapped him once more.

Rob leaned down and they kissed, but this was a kiss of a different dimension some how. It was a kiss that seemingly changed their relationship, they were no longer mother and son, they were lovers, lovers of intensity, infallibility, ever unending, they seemed to hear it in the air.

'Rob,' she whispered, as he gently worked his stiff thick prick back and forth. 'Please do me slowly baby, make it last, long and slow, easy easy, I want to know you in me, this is me and you, just us, no one else will ever enter our universe, our cloud, our bubble, our force field, ever again.'

He did just that, it took 20 minutes before the urgency over came them both, they couldn't resist the power of their loving as both shot their loads at each other, the orgasms and ejaculations flattened them both. Jacqui screamed out her son's name softly, tenderly, and so so lovingly. He moaned and mumbled into his mother's neck as he humped the last of his strength at her.

They spent the rest of the day close to each other, it was like having 2 different people in the house, everything they said and did was new. Just before they got up Rob licked and sucked her little brown ring piece. Jacqui gurgled as he did, she withered at it, squirmed, and bounced on the bed as he alternated between a finger, a thumb, and his probing tongue, an unbid orgasm waved though her gently.

That made her kind of sit up and take notice, 'I wonder if he'll want me there?' she pondered. 'That was fabulous, his tongue, but anything else, I'm not that sure.'

But what they enjoyed the most was her on her knees, it was the most satisfying way for them both, the feel of his hard young prick ravaging her pussy, and he feeling his mothers fingers pulling him in from underneath with her nails tight on his balls. The ejaculations for them both fucked them completely.

It would be another 3 weeks before she asked him to do her there in her backside, it blew her mind, she hadn't expected the real pleasure that she eventually got from it. Once the pain had gone, it sent her over the top as he gently but firmly probed her open arse first with his tongue again, then more fingers, and then his prick.

The complete and utter difference to being fucked in her pussy, to being fucked in her arse was like she was 2 different persons, Rob was the same, but Jacqui was 2 people when it came to one or the other, she loved both!

After about a month, the cracks in her marriage became chasms, and she openly talked about separation, he didn't want to. But because it would cost him money, money they did have plenty of, and loss of face too, his marriage meant little to him.

He left after another 2 weeks, Rob and Jacqui regarded themselves as married, they were husband and wife now. He had never spoken to him for a month at least, and then he came to him and said. 'Rob me and your mother are separating, I know it's a bit of a shock, but I can find room for you with me if you don't want to stay here with her?'

Rob couldn't stop the roar of laughter as he looked at his father. 'Go with you, you must be fucking joking dad, why would I want to spend time with you anymore, after the way you have been behaving to mum!' He said all this with fingers crossed behind his back!

'Mmmm, thought that might be your answer, though maybe not in that fashion.' He said.

With that, he turned on his heels, packed and left.

On the following Monday Jacqui saw her solicitor, she secured the home for them, and a monetary compensation package. He had tried to hide the saving and accounts, but she knew where it all was, and with his future earnings taken into consideration, everything was settled quickly. And she made sure he wasn't left destitute, she nor Rob wanted that.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

As a romantic and an avid reader of mother/son incest love stories, I found this to be an excellent example of mutually consensual incest and how it would exist in the real world. Both mother and son realized how unconditional their love for each other was. Their respect. adoration, and emotional chemistry only grrew because of their honesty and their psychological security with each other. They both realized and accepted the fact that they would never find someone else who would love them so unconditionally. 5 star story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I LOVE (❤) your story: ☆☆☆☆☆ (5)


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Poorly written unless you are an yankee to enjoy it

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I really, really had the hots for my mom. With the benefit of the hindsight i can tell i was in love with her.

My mom was a different body type than the one in the story: she was Ashley Graham body type (hour-glass) 5'9"; by the time i was 18 she was 40, ash blond, blue eyes, firm gate, naturally tanned by the sun (before the ozone layer holes!).

Most of my erotic fantasies where about her. There were periods when all my jerk off fantasies were about her.

My parents had a happy marriage.

They entertained a lot. Some male party guests appeared to show keen interest in whatever my was saying & obviously enkoyed her company. Some of them were kinda hitting on her without blatantly crossing the line.

greenhawk46greenhawk46about 11 years ago
good story

nicely told-hot sex-thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
his mother kissed him as she left, and squeezed his balls, 'I want them refilled and ready for the next time,' she told him happily.

This is true love between a mother and her boy. Can you imagine your mom saying that to you? Caring enough about how much semen you've got in your young balls, whether it's enough to soothe her mommy-hole, that wonderful hole between her legs that gave birth to you? Well, like all mothers, Rob's mom not only gave birth to him (of course), but she has the right to the creamy semen his balls produce, to have her boy pump it in her mouth and up her mommy-cunt. Rob kinda likes unloading his balls in his mommy, too.

LAROCLAROCover 11 years ago
What an ending !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All i can say for this one is, it was GREAT. For an incest story too have a happy ending, makes it outstanding . please keep this kind of story coming. thanks for a great read.....................LAROC OF AGES

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
naaaniaaaaaaaa !!

Naaaniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa neiiii Bobby. !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
5 Stars - definitely!!

Fabulous story, more of the same please. I loved it when she offered her arse to her son to be fucked, very horny. Possibly the ultimate between mother and son, except perhaps being bred by her son - room for that in a later chapter perhaps?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I loved it when he took her tight little hole. I wished she would have spent more time describing the feeling of him stretching her back door. Super!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 12 years ago
Just a fantastic story

I would imagine that his mom's pussy is well used since there isn't anyone to stop them from fucking anytime they want.

With him being a horny teenager, she should probably be in bed with his hard cock shoved up one of her holes most of the time.

She shouldn't feel like she is unloved anymore with her stud lover of a son constantly after her pussy.

Perhaps when his sister gets home, he can find a way to fuck her and his mom in a three-way.

Thanks for the read...

tenbears43tenbears43over 12 years ago
Very good story

I love happy endings; don't stop now!

kathy2b46kathy2b46over 12 years ago
good one

i loved it so tneder and life like a real turn on

TNDRIVERTNDRIVERover 12 years ago
I liked it

Thought your story was good.

I did a little research online and I was surprised at what I found concerning incest and the law. If you take a strict constructionist or interputation, incest as the law defines it applies only to sex between a relative and an under aged relative or marrying someone of certain closeness in relationship to one another. Gets a little complicated when the whole step thing is concerned so if your interested in that part will leave that research to you, but concerning direct relationships such as marriage the closest one can be is somewhere between 1st or 3rd cousins seems to be of some debate amongst the different states as well as countries around the globe, there were 2 countries that allow siblings to marry, but most use at least 2 generations or 3 from your nearest common direct blood relative. The funny thing is as far as just casual sex between consenting adult relatives where mutual consent happens, which most would consider incest on some level, the laws are mostly silent as the majority were last modified early 20th century, which was a time when most would never consider consentual sex outside of marriage. That said I'm not suggesting some liberal minded judge might still rule on the law being a living adjusting thing, but technically as written word for word by the book defining casual consentual sex say between a brother and a sister or a parent and a child or same sex relations between family members as long as they don't marry is not included as even a mention in the law. So, if what is not directly forbidden by the law, is legal then sex with a relative is legal as long as the law believes it to be consentual sex is not a perminate relationship that would fall into a marriage defination either marriage certificate type or common law. Don't believe me Google it and read the info, what you find just might surprise you.

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