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He Wants to Watch Wife with Another

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Wife reluctantly agrees to her husband watching her fuck.
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We had been married for over 10 years. Generally things were going well other than the fact we could not have children. I am sure reading between the lines with my friends our sex life was much better than average. There was however one thing that often caused tension.

My husband (Bill) kept on coming back to the old question of wanting to see me with another man. I had no interest in doing so and was getting really fed up with it getting raised time and time again. I didn't want to go through the same old reasons as to why not. In desperations I decided I would agree to it but put so many conditions on it he would not be able to accept them.

The first condition I decided on was that he would have no say as to whom I slept with. I would be entitled to meet as many men as I wanted to, to select from. I thought this ought to be enough but decided I was not going to risk it. I added that while he would be able to watch he would be restrained so he could not get involved in any way, with a gag so he could not even say anything. I was beginning to get confident that he would refuse to accept the terms if he raised the issue again.

I had nearly forgotten the terms I had dreamed up when after a few drinks he popped the question. I had had a few and was bullish as I laid out the conditions and said I couldn't wait. The last bit was from a drunken confidence that he would back down. He was almost speechless and questioned whether I really would do it. I could not back down and said yes I would love to find a real stud and fuck his brains out. I challenged him saying after all this are you wimping out?

In the cold light of day neither of us were so bullish but also neither of us were going to back down. It was strange but now that I was faced with the possibility it would really happen I became very excited by it. I could not be blamed for almost anything that happened but it might be very sexy. I hadn't slept with anybody other than Bill for 13 years.

I had no idea where to start looking for my stud but the gym I attended regularly seemed a good start. I had a group of female friends at the gym who were always talking about the hunks they wanted to get to know better. I am sure it was nearly all hot air but started taking more interest. There was a small group of men probably ten years younger than me. I had only clocked them when I was aware that they were ogling me and possibly talking about me. Now I studied them very cautiously. Their bodies were huge and I did wonder about the use of drugs.

It was not only their chests and arms that appeared to be supersized. None of them wore any clothing that could disguise what they were packing in their Lycra shorts. I had never been interest in this before but now it became an obsession. I fantasized about how big these men were and what it would be like if they were large to have sex with them.

One of the ladies in my group had a partner who trained on the same days as her. When she started talking about what he saw in the showers I did not, as usual, zone out but listened intently. I couldn't make out who she was talking about when she said that his prick was apparently huge. I tried to tease out who she was talking about without sounding too enthusiastic. It was not until she referred to the fact that on this occasion it proved the old saying about black men. Only one of the men was black and I had thought he did look well proportioned but had dismissed it as stereotyping.

I was relieved to have identified a possible playmate. Then I realized that he might have no interest in me and that I had to work out how I was going to approach him. Having ignored the group of men for months this might not be so easy.

I told Bill I had found a possible "target". He got very excited and tried to get me to identify him. I refused to but did enjoy the best sex we had had in years that evening. He questioned me daily about who it was, but I held firm. Bill became more attentive than he had in years and I did consider doing nothing more than playing along without developing it further. It was at this stage that I had to admit to myself I wanted to experience another man particularly as it would be with no guilt.

My attitude to the group of young men at the gym now changed. I no longer ignored them and at times have to admit that I was a little flirtatious. I took to wearing a thong under by tight fitting leggings and on one occasion managed to even forget this. I felt energized and super sexy, something I had not felt for so many years. I was very careful to play little attention to Carl (the target) while talking to the group. This escalated over a few weeks. During these weeks the fact that I was getting lots of sex from my husband only increased my libido. Bill noticed it and even questioned whether I had done more than identify my "target". I think my answer put his mind at ease.

By now I had adjusted my gym visits to times when the boys were there but the girls were not. The boys always invited me to join them for a drink and with fake reluctance I accepted. I suspect that any half attractive woman would have been welcomed into the group. I was the center of attention and have to admit it I loved it. I thought I had forgotten how to flirt and play a group of men, but I was beginning to enjoy relearning the art. I played one randy man off against another. I did reflect that they seemed to be competing to win rather than competing for me. Again any half attractive woman would have probably sparked this feeding frenzy but I didn't care. I played at least slightly hard to get.

It did cross my mind that if I wanted to I could just accept any one of them if they asked me. Then I thought no I want to rise to the challenge and I had become quite excited by the idea of Carl. He was good looking build like the proverbial brick outhouse and clearly packing (I couldn't believe I was thinking this way). Of the boys he was probably the least pushy and most respectful (not difficult in this group).

Given this I knew that having given him no preferential treatment I would have to come up with a plan to separate him from the others. I was enjoying the game playing particularly as I felt like the puppeteer. I was empowered and loving the sexuality of the whole situation.

I gave Bill just snippets of information just enough to keep him on edge. I lied and told him that I was now considering three possible candidates. I gave little information but did drop in that one of them was black and probably very well hung. He pushed as hard as he could for more information and that night was like a man possessed.

I was so excited at the prospect of sleeping with Carl and risked playing my trump card. I added to the conditions I had laid out one final one. I gave Bill the final chance to withdraw consent when I added that if he wanted me to go through with it I was free to have sex with the "target" three times if I wished to.

For the first time I could see Bill become very uncomfortable about the agreement. I immediately backed down saying I would not progress matters, as I did not want to threaten our marriage. The whole deal was off. I was gutted I had become almost obsessed by the idea of fucking Carl, specifically Carl. I imagined being on top of him with his sexy chest right there and his cock buried so deep in me that he was rearranging my insides. I did something I had not done for many years and that was masturbating to orgasm enjoying fantasies of Carl, specifically and exclusively Carl.

I was on tenterhooks for a couple of days before he raised the subject again and agreed to the new condition. I acted cool about it but I was delighted particularly when he went down on for as long as it took to bring me to a beautiful orgasm. It was at this stage I realized that the brain was the best sex organ for both him and me. He did say that he wished it to happen soon as I seemed to be prevaricating and winding him up. I accepted this and made my plans.

I became a little nervous that even if I plucked up the courage to approach Carl he might reject my proposition. I would be the laughing stock of the gym. I dismissed this but came up with an elaborate plan to get one to one with Carl. I bought an identical gym bag to his from the gym shop. These were branded and a number of the members had them. After my next gym session I sat next to Carl in the group of boys. They seemed particularly attentive towards me all trying to be a little more suggestive and flirtatious than the others. Carl was the quietest of them. They became super competitive with each other and the mouthiest of them said.

"Well June if you could chose one of us which one would you pick?"

"What makes you think I have any interest in any of you? You are all just a bunch of over excited boys flirting with a very married woman. If I was forced to make a choice I would chose the one who is most respectful and polite. I am not really spoiled for choice am I?"

I looked round the group of expectant faces before adding

"I think Carl is the only one who might know how to treat a lady. Having said that I am a married woman and probably don't qualify as a lady."

Carl gave me a lovely smile and the others immediately started to tease him. I hoped I had at least got his attention. I had slipped my phone into Carl's gym bag and thought my plan was taking shape. When all the men left I stayed behind for a few minutes and then made a fuss about looking for my phone. In the end I used the bar phone to ring my mobile. It rang out the first time but the second time a rather timid Carl answered and asked who was calling. Having explained that it was my phone I said I would drive to where he was, to recover it. As he was just entering his local pub I said I would meet him there.

I apologized for the mistake with my phone. He seemed very pleased to see me and even said it was sweet of me to say what I had in front of the others. I said I had a favor to ask him. I then became a little tongue tied as I tried to pop the question. After I had danced around the question a couple of times he said

"Why don't you just spit out? Whatever it is, it can't be that bad."

From fencing around I just blurted it out.

"My husband wants to watch me with another man and I wanted to ask you if you were interested. I know that I........"

"You are asking me to have sex with you in front of your husband? You are stunning and I would love to fu.... have sex with you but I am not sure about having your husband around."

"I understand. If it helps, he will get nowhere near me let alone you."

"As long as you are not teasing me I have only one more question. When?"

We made arrangements for the next Saturday at our house. Bill was full of questions; where had I met him, what was he like, had I known him long, how old was he, was he a big guy? The only answer I gave him was that I didn't think either of us would be disappointed with his build. Bill was more attentive and desperate to make love than he had been for years, but I said that neither of us would be having sex before Saturday. I for one wanted to anticipate and be very ready for our adventure.

I couldn't believe how time after time during the following days I did anticipate events and was alarmed at how excited I became. I seemed constantly aroused. During one shower I suddenly realized I was masturbating and close to orgasm. It was agonizing but I stopped just short. By the time Saturday evening arrived I would have entertained the whole group of young men from the gym rather than miss out on Carl.

Bill put up token resistance as I secured him firmly to a chair in the bedroom ensuring that his hands could not move. I was a little naughty when I put a airline blindfold over his eyes. He complained that he had not agreed to it and I said if he behaved I would take it off so he missed nothing. This done I put a gag into his mouth and secured it. I told him I would make my guest comfortable before bringing him upstairs.

The doorbell cut through the atmosphere and my heart starting beating alarmingly quickly. Carl and I had agreed to dress in our gym kit as he said I looked stunning in it and I was more than happy to greet him in his. I thought the welcome could be difficult but he simply took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. I melted into his arms that enveloped me with a firmest that took my breath away. I couldn't resist bringing my hand round to feel his muscular ass. It was rock hard and beautifully rounded. I wanted to feel his cock but decided that I really should wait a little bit. We stood with all our four hands on each other's backsides. It did feel a little bit like being a teenager again.

"June you are sure you want this aren't you? If your husband is putting undue pressure on you I can back out right now."

"I wasn't sure about it but right now I would be gutted if you said you did not want to see it through."

"I want you more than I can say but I wanted to check you were okay."

"You will see when we go upstairs my husband is not in a position to pressurize me. Let's go up I think he is in for a big surprise. He knows nothing about you and I am happy that we keep his knowledge to a minimum."

Bill struck a rather defeated figure as I led Carl into the bedroom. With Bill's blindfold still on I introduced the two men to each other. As Carl stood by the bed I slipped Bill's blindfold off so that blinkingly he could see him. I chose not to watch Bill's reaction as I walked over and stood in front of Carl. I turned Carl to face away from Bill and Carl again took me in his arms and kissed me. I could not resist finding his bottom with my hands. He managed to carry on kissing me as he eased my body away slightly and found the waistband of my leggings. His hand slipped straight down finding my excited pussy inside the tight garment.

If I had any doubt about how aroused I was this was immediately dispelled. My knees buckled when he found my pussy and clit and I couldn't stop myself from groaning deeply. There was just enough space between us for me to seek out what I had only fantasized about. As soon as I felt it I had to see it, hold it and more. He had done the same and not worn underwear. I pulled the back down below his bottom that was facing Bill and moved to do the same at the front. This proved difficult as his prick caught his leggings and it took much maneuvering before I had him lifting his feet free. Having knelt down I was now faced with his huge organ right at eye level. Thinking about it is nothing like being confronted by it. It was very long but what struck me was it's girth.

Ensuring for the time being that my husband could not see it I lightly took hold of it. My hands were nowhere near able to encircle the monster, which to my amazement started growing even more. It was with almost relief that as the head expanded like a big mushroom it seemed to reach its full erection. With my hand holding it low down I found myself licking it like a lollipop. I decided I had to try and take the huge head into my mouth, as I have always loved giving head. I failed as my teeth were in danger of doing some damage before my lips stretched too far to be comfortable.

He lifted me up and stripped my leggings off with no fuss. He then took my tight top off over my head. I was naked in front of a man other than my husband for the first time in over a decade. I felt vulnerable and incredibly sexy. Carl turned me to face Bill but kept behind me. His hand found my needy pussy and his prick was trapped between us still unseen by my helpless husband.

I had been certain that any man with a huge cock would be a one trick pony. This man not only knew how to play with a woman's body but he also knew how to play peoples minds. Somehow he realized if he played my husband this would render me helpless. He masturbated me while I faced my bound husband. In other circumstances I would have allowed myself to be brought to the orgasm that my body was crying out for. I wanted to show my husband I was helpless in Carl's hands but I did not want to cum this way.

It was time to show my husband the magnitude of what he was going to subject me to, or more to the point was I was keenly anticipating. When I moved aside to take Carl's top off Bill's gasp indicated he had seen Carl's wonderful cock. Maybe he would regret pushing so hard to get me into this situation. Now Carl was completely naked for the first time I observed and appreciated how powerful and ripped his whole hairless body was. His skin shone with a radiance that made me want to caress every part of him. With this in mind I encouraged him to lie back on the bed so that I could explore the body the likes of which I had never explored.

I felt a little like a child in a sweet shop. I wanted to feel his scary cock inside me, I wanted to feel every bit of his beautiful body and I wanted to show my husband me doing both. I was determined that this one night would cure him of ever wanting to see me again with another man. I therefore put on a show of playing with every inch of the body in front of me. I kissed it, I caressed it and I even scraped it with my fingernails. All of these seemed to excite Carl who seemed happy to be passive for the time being. I ended up laying myself on top of his rock-hard body and as seductively as possible kissing his lips very gently. Even with our height difference part of his prick was wedged between my pussy lips reaching close to my bellybutton.

The kissing was so sensual and I found myself sliding my lubricated pussy and clit up and down his massive muscle. My husbands view would not be perfect but he would be able to see what was happening. I would have been delighted to do this for hours, although I know I would have cum in minutes. I knew Carl was enjoying the show we were putting on but decided it was time to let him take over if he wished. In a stage whisper I said

"Carl would you like to fuck me? I think I am about as ready to be fucked as I ever have. Please Carl fuck me."

Carl was amazing he did not concentrate on just himself, or even him and I; he made sure he put on a show for my husband. He brought me up on my knees, side on to Bill, and having put on a condom he played his cock around my pussy just occasionally pushing it fractionally into me. It stretched me but did not get the mushroom head past the first tightness. I knew I was leaking big time but he took the lube I offered him and applied huge quantities to himself.

"June are you sure you want this? It might well hurt and you must stop me if it does."

I didn't trust myself to use words as they might not have been appropriate but managed a nod. He had to tell me to relax as he could see my tension. Once he saw me do so he worked himself into me gradually until the head pushed through and into me. It was far more dramatic than losing my virginity. I felt instantly full and stretched to the limit even though he had less than a couple of inches inside me. He stroked what was inside me until my muscles relaxed enough to take a little more.

I had regained a little composure but asked him to apply more lube. He said I was doing well because it was usually only mothers who could take his girth. As he reentered me it seemed much more comfortable and it was the first time since he first entered me that I thought I might enjoy taking all of him. Immediately I was relaxed enough to enjoy the feeling of being stretched. It did things to my clit that penetration had never done. It was like my clit was being pushed into my pussy by his cock and then stroked by his girth. I could not tell how much of his wonderful cock was inside me but I couldn't feel his stomach or balls against me.

He now reached round me and found my clit with his fingers. I very quickly pushed his hand away. Usually I need plenty of clitoral contact to orgasm but I knew a few brief touches would make me explode. I wanted this to last. I wanted to at least try to take his whole monster inside me. He moved his hand to my chest and found a hard nipple. I was concerned that this would be too much but said nothing.


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