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Heart Attack then Heartbreak

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Which pain was worse, the heart attack or the heartbreak?
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This is a fictional story and the people involved have no resemblance to anyone living or dead. Fiction in this context means the events written about are possible but not necessarily probable. Not being an attorney, accountant, or the like, I advise that no one use this story as a basis for action.

I would like to express my appreciation to the hoary cleric for much needed grammar and story line assistance.

All characters having sex in this story are 18 years of age or older.

Heart Attack then Heartbreak

Which pain was worse, the heart attack or the heartbreak?

All of Brad Carson's friends thought he lived a charmed life. His business was profitable and his employees considered themselves fortunate to work with him. His absolutely gorgeous wife was intelligent, happy, well liked in the community and devoted to her husband. They were proud of their three children, two of whom had already graduated from university. Everyone was healthy and woke up every morning looking forward to the day.

Brad's main love was his wife, Molly. She was a tall dark-haired beauty with a smile that put the sun to shame. But it was when the sun went down and lights were dimmed that Brad really got to experience the beauty of Molly. Even though her driver's license stated she was 50 years old her body said "No thanks" to aging. Despite having three children her breasts (with a silicone boost) were spectacular; both to see, fondle and kiss.

They had met at a hospital charity event, raising money for a new children's wing. Brad was escorting his mother to the event as his father had an unexpected trip to meet an out-of-town customer.

His father, Carl, had started a small machine shop after getting out of the Army after the Korean War. Brad wanted to be an engineer like his father so his education included a degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Florida, not far from his home in Tampa.

Brad wouldn't have attended but his mother really wanted to go but didn't want to be anyone's third wheel. They were seated at a table of eight, halfway back from the band.

At the same table were Molly and her date; she was a nurse at Mercy Hospital and he was a medical supply salesman. For several years she had wanted to wear an evening gown, drink champagne and attend this elite gala. All the doctors and wealthy business people were there. It was where she wanted to be, with the beautiful people. By accepting the salesman's offer she was able to be at this exclusive event.

The salesman had thought he was going to be the lottery winner that night by having a stunning woman for a date with the added bonus of a free open bar. Molly wasn't interested in being pawed by him while dancing so his focus moved to the bar.

As her date slobbered into his fourth or was it fifth scotch, Molly looked across the table and silently mouthed "Please dance with me." to Brad. Brad's mother also saw Molly's plight, elbowed his ribs and gave him a wink, as if to say "Go for it!" Brad was up on his feet in a second, holding his hand out for Molly.

"Brad, I'm so grateful for you rescuing me. I knew I shouldn't have gone out with him but I have dreamed about coming to this event. This is every girl's dream to dance the night away with a charming man at such an event. Hopefully, you don't mind dancing with me?"

With a smile Brad replied, "I'm glad to help you make your night memorable. Hopefully, I'll fill the role of Prince Charming for you this evening. If you have a nice time tonight would you be willing to go on a date with me this Saturday night?"

She raised an eyebrow and said "I don't have a date scheduled right now but I'd be available if the right guy asked me to a nice dinner and maybe some dancing."

"I may not be the right guy but I'd really like to take you to dinner and dancing."

They had several fast and slow dances together then thought they might go back to the table and have a drink. The drunken salesman had mumbled something about going to the bathroom, but he never came back.

Brad's mother said "I think he's gone for the evening. Some of my neighbors are here and ready to go home so I'll hitch a ride home. Brad, I presume you will take this pretty nurse home on time."

With a big smile he said "Yes, Mother." Then he winked at Molly and she laughed once again. Molly took him over to a table of her fellow nurses for the rest of the evening. The girls got a big kick out of Molly exchanging her dud of a date for a handsome local businessman.

That was the start of their relationship; progressing from the proper stages of kissing, petting then making love on Saturday nights. Brad couldn't believe his good fortune; not only was she fun to be with and intelligent but she had everything he wanted in a mate. Just like a Ferrari, the body was spectacular and the performance of that body was world class. While not a virgin, she was no slut and hadn't been passed around to the players around town.

Eventually, it was time to meet the parents; Molly had already met Brad's mother. His dad took one look at her and he had sparkles in his eyes as she gave him a hug.

Two years after graduation and one year of courting Molly, the two married in Molly's home town of Ft. Lauderdale. Two years later they added a son, Johnathan, followed by a daughter, Carrie and finally a second son, Mathew.

Thirty some years after Brad's graduation, Carl was ready to retire. Brad had earned the title as President of Southeast Manufacturing, a company that did specialty manufacturing for the aerospace industry. At his dad's retirement, Brad was given all the stock of the company in exchange for his father being paid a comfortable monthly consultant's fee until the end of his and his wife's lives. Johnathan, with his Mechanical Engineering degree now had an upwardly mobile pathway to being the next president (third generation) of the family business, in 20-30 years.

Molly worked at the hospital until she had two kids at home. She waited until the youngest, Mathew, was able to find his way home from school before returning to her nursing career. When the first two kids were in college and only Mathew at home, she decided that she didn't like the hours the hospital needed from her. She retired but didn't lose interest in nursing or the hospital. With Brad's status in the business community and generous gifts to the hospital, Molly was asked to serve on a number of hospital committees. She loved being around the hospital and the long-time friends she had that still worked there.

There it was, the American Dream; a wife that he enjoyed being with every waking moment, 3 great kids, a dream home for his wife, financially successful and all family members in good health. That is until Brad and Molly went over to play bridge with their neighbors, Ken and Brenda. Brenda and Molly worked the same nursing shifts when they were new hospital employees and had remained friends. Ken was a general practice doctor allowing Brenda to retire about the same time as Molly.

Brad was having good luck with cards but didn't register the growing pain in his chest until he had lost four hands. Suddenly, he was confused as to which card to play. He thought that the stress of the office had caught up to him. As he reached for the drink in front of him, he felt the growing pain in his chest. He opened his mouth to say something to Ken but no words came out.

Ken was quick to notice the problem and went to lend Brad a hand. Hands were now touching him and asking questions. He heard Brenda shout "Heart attack at 1948 Pine Pole Lane!" into her cell phone. "Need ambulance now." Brad looked around and thought 'Who's having a heart attack, it's just the four of us. Somebody is in deep do-do and I hope for their sake the ambulance is here soon.'

He looked up from the floor and saw the three others kneeling around him just as he felt an even greater weight on his chest. "AW SHIT! IT'S ME"

"Molly, Molly where are you?"

"I'm here dear, just be calm, an ambulance is on the way. Ken has called the best cardiologist in town to meet us."

For the next week, things were fuzzy for Brad. He knew where he was and why he was there. One thing that was always there was Molly. She checked every time someone wrote on his chart and surprisingly understood what was written. She was the perfect patient's advocate.

The final medical result was that Brad had experienced a massive heart attack. If not for the three medical experts he was playing cards with that night, they would be lowering him into his eternal resting point. Quick action, plus the triple bypass surgery brought him the promise of a long and healthy life; provided he changed his lifestyle.

Molly became the captain of the slave ship that was Brad's new lifestyle. Plenty of rest, no emotional stress, start slowly walking through the neighborhood, and no strenuous physical exertion. His nurse/wife held his hand as she explained the final item on Brad's "THOU SHALT NOT" list for a full recovery.

"Honey, we both have to change our sex life for a few months. I'll miss the energy and physicality you have making my pussy go wild. We'll have to be very gentle with our affections; but just for a few months. You're strong and will be hammering me into the mattress before you know it. Until then we will limit ourselves to gentle and loving carcasses. I love you deeply and will be at your side as we push through this challenge. Love making will be especially wonderful when I get my main man back between my legs."

Brad knew what the rules were going to be. He had friends and business associates that had had the same diagnosis. He didn't like it but his alternative was to give up sex forever in a single box deep in the ground. It was an easy choice to make.

For the first four months Brad was the ideal patient. No gripping, no whining and no breaking any of the rules. Molly was a positive force in recreating the healthy, happy Brad.

One thing that was on his mind was "How is Molly handling her celibacy?" She had always had a vibrator as her assistant husband for times when he was traveling. They even played with it together when the mood struck them.

From their courtship until their 30th anniversary they had been vigorous and very physical lovers. It wasn't uncommon for both of them to be drenched in sweat from the erotic heat they generated. Brad thought it was one of his blessings; a beautiful insatiable wife. He was happy to take on the task of keeping her pussy busy several nights a week. How was she handling his current physical disability?

Molly was becoming weary of what she thought was slow physical progress; even though it was beating the doctor's expected recovery timeline. During the day she was bright and happy around Brad. Even though there was no intercourse, their tender caring for each other continued.

Molly tried to gauge how much he could do by Brad's blood pressure and heart rate.

He had been able to start slowly walking, eventually reaching a mile every day. The goal was to have his heart muscles to work a little more each week. That qualified him to attempt light sexual activity, according to his cardiologist.

At the start of Brad's fourth month since his attack, he had recovered well enough to start to enjoy some of life's sexual activities.

In slow steps, they gradually increased their activity; with Molly monitoring his blood pressure and heart rate as she worked her gentle fingers around and over his cock. He had made such good progress that Molly would also cradle and caress his balls. They both agreed that if she were to suck his dick, his blood pressure would exceed the danger level. Before he blew his cum, his heart would blow up.

While this was adding to Brad's recovery, neither of them truly enjoyed the lack of spontaneity and intimacy with all with wires and monitors hooked onto him. Brad nicknamed the process "Frankenstein fucking". As she would turn off the monitor, she would turn to him and lovingly say "Someday Babe, someday soon."

With Brad's improvement, she was able to leave him alone to run errands and resume the social activities that she enjoyed.

After a good night's sleep one morning Brad heard the phone ring and Molly answered with "Hello Carrie".

That perked Brad up as he enjoyed talking to his lively, exuberant, free-spirited daughter. He shuffled down the hall and came up behind Molly as she was talking.

He heard Molly say "Oh yes, your dad is improving every day, at least that is what the doctors say because they see him weekly. Me, I don't see it so much but he is much better than when we took him home."

There was some silence in the room until Molly began again "Yes, my therapist is working out very well. I'm very satisfied with the results. Of course, he is nowhere near the lover that your father is. Or was and maybe soon will be. No one has rocked my world like your father did. For that reason, I told Eric that this was temporary and I'll no longer need his services when Brad is back to full strength."............

Muted sounds from the phone and then "Yeah, I know he will not be able to do me as good as he once did but that will take some time to build up his stamina. So yes, I'll probably have Eric do some 'On Call' work instead of my normal two times a week................................

"Yes, dear twice a week."...................................

"That's still less than what I'm used to................................

"Well, I'd say the most interesting was when he had me on the exam table with my legs wide open on the stirrups like at the gynecologist's. He had already given me several orgasms with his hands, tongue, and lips when he stood straight up and slowly pushed that delicious cock into my super slick pussy. With one hand he started teasing my clit and pinching my nipples with the other. All the while our eyes were locked on each other. This was until I lost sight of him as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. One of the best orgasms I've ever had. I tingled for at least an hour while his monster load dripped out of my pussy............................

"No dear. Absolutely no. Never, never, never do this to your husband as long as he is able to get the job done. I'll drop Eric like a hot potato as soon as Brad's able to do me to my satisfaction."

At this point Brad couldn't stand in the hallway, he had to sit down before he fell. The love of his life was fucking another man. How could she? Am I that expendable? His head was spinning, almost as bad as when he had his heart attack. He desperately started a breathing exercise the doctor told him to do when stressed.

Talk about stress; Molly heard Brad stumble to the chair and dropped the phone as she rushed as fast as possible to a pale faced Brad. She held him up so he wouldn't fall to the floor. He was deliberately breathing large, smooth, regular exchanges of oxygen.

He would take a big breath in and stare at Molly saying "Cheater" as he breathed out. Breath in, breath out "Cheater". Breath in, breath out "Cheater".

In a panic she cut off the phone line with Carrie and dialed 911 for an ambulance. The EMT's bundled him up into the truck as they put him on oxygen. Molly tried to get into the back of the ambulance but from his violent reaction to this, the EMT's told her to drive herself to the hospital. The same thing happened at the hospital; Molly was not allowed in the room.

It was several hours later before Brad's doctor came out to see Molly. A Molly that almost chewed her entire fingernails off blaming herself for causing another heart attack.

"Molly" the doctor said "He's stable now; it wasn't a heart attack that was the cause of this reaction. It was an emotional stress event of some kind. In his weakened state, the strain was just too much and he shut down. Whatever it was, it has to do with you. He absolutely does not want you in his room this afternoon. We'll see how he is tomorrow. I fully expect him to be released tomorrow. Please go home and get some rest before you become my next patient."

She had a sad puppy look on her face as she shuffled back to her car. What caused this reaction? Then it came to her; he must have heard her conversation with Carrie about her having replacement sex with Eric. She had hoped that her trysts with her therapist would remain a secret. Afterall, their sex was just between the two of them. No one else was involved, other than Carrie of course. It was nobody else's business what she did with her pussy since she wasn't getting as much action as she needed.

No wonder he collapsed! She realized that her husband had trusted her completely. He had never questioned her in a way to suggest he was thinking she was lying or cheating on him. He was unprepared to hear the conversation with Carrie about her lover Eric.

Prior to her leaving for a month in Europe several years ago, he teased her about her missing her husband's loving. She just laughed it off by saying "Start your cardio workout before I leave as I will ride you for days on end when I return'"

Thankfully, on her return, she didn't have to lie to him about the Italian men she had fucked that month. She didn't lie but he never asked either. That was also the plan during his disability.

The next morning his buddy Dr. Ken, came in to check on Brad. Ken had spoken to the ER doctor and felt he needed to be there for Brad.

"Hey Brad, you gave us a scare yesterday. I'm glad your heart wasn't the primary culprit but the stress you were experiencing could lead to another heart event. Would you like me to prescribe you some depressants to calm you down and not be so excited?"

"Nah Ken. It wasn't the event that bothered me so much as the bombshell coming out of nowhere. Now that I have an idea of what my, up to now undisclosed, problem is. I think I can handle it. I do appreciate your thoughts though and I still may need to consult with you later. OK?"

"Sure thing Brad. No problem. I'm heading back to my office. Would you like a ride home; or do you have Molly coming by?"

He said "No, Molly will not be coming to take me to my house." It was said with more venom than what Ken expected. His doctor friend was starting to diagnose the source of Brad's stress attack as Molly related.

Ken purposely stayed away from any topic that would stress Brad on the way home. He helped walk Brad into the house and moved him to the family room couch. He was surprised that Molly wasn't there for her husband.

Brad didn't mind that he had a few hours alone before facing his wife. He did write down some items he wanted to convey to her. He would get into the real meat of the problem in a few days. He just wanted to rest first; not jump into the flaming dumpster that he knew was coming.

When Molly did arrive, she dropped her groceries and ran toward Brad. The wounded look in his eyes and the obvious pain in his face stopped her like a fast-running dog hitting the end of his long leash.

"Brad, I'm sorry. I..."

"SHUT UP. I don't want any talk about what you were discussing with Carrie. I need to rest, clear my head and calm down."

"But Brad...."

"SHUT UP. Didn't I make myself clear to you or are you trying to kill me."

"No Brad. I'm just so happy you are back in our home. I want a long life together with you. I couldn't live without you."

"If you love me so much, please get me a glass of water. I also need to get this awful hospital food out of my gut. Can you please make me dinner since it's 6 pm?"

It was a very quiet evening as Molly walked a tightrope to keep her apparent infidelity out of any conversation with her obviously upset husband. After two hours watching two NFL teams playing uninspired football, he went to bed. For the first time he could remember, he went to bed without kissing Molly goodnight.

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