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Heather's Exquisite Map of Tassie


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Tim released their kiss, and before he could ask if she was okay, she groaned, "Ohhh, my, God, Tim, my wonderful lover."

Their rhythm built in perfect synchronicity as their connection flourished, and together they experienced the electric build-up, now forming wonderfully slow due to all their recent loving, but growing into a huge ball of pleasure inside them, bursting together, with semen pumping from him and combining with her fluids at the top end of her twitching throbbing vaginal canal.

Laying together, they kissed and cuddled, before Tim reluctantly pulled himself from Heather's body. He stood and took her hands, lifting her to her feet and kissed her again before leading her to the bed, where they lay in one another's arms, kissing and cuddling in the dark till they fell asleep.


Waking in a warm dry bed on a lazy morning, listening to the patter of rain on the roof outside is one of life's pleasures. It wasn't a heavy tropical rain like Tim was generally used to in his home state of Queensland. Rather, it was a brief shower from a passing squall, occasionally spitting wind driven rain hard against the window.

Heather stirred beside him, her messy blond hair flicking over when she turned to face him. They smiled at one another, their hands reaching out for connection under the bedcovers. A tear formed in the corner of her eye and he reached out, catching it with his fingertip. "You okay?"

She gave him a little smile. "I'm okay. I just fell into a feeling, but I'm sure I can brush it off."

"I think I fell into the same feelings and I'm not sure if they brush off so easy."

They were silent, staring into each other's eyes, until she whispered, "I don't need someone, Tim. But I've fallen for you."

"Funny that. I've fallen for you too."

"No pressure," she said with a smile. "But so you know, if you break my heart and leave me for good I have some skills I've acquired over a long career. I'll find you."


"Yep, you are, if you want."

"I definitely want you too. I truly don't want to leave. Unfortunately I do have to be back at work tomorrow."

She breathed out. "I know. I understand."

"I wish Hobart was closer to Brisbane."

She half smiled. "The tranny of distance. Even in this day and age of modern air travel."


"The distances between cities in this country."

"Fucken huge."

"That's an understatement."

He kissed her gently and stroked her arm lovingly. "Tell me something again."


"Why'd you let your defences down for me? Considering how far apart we live."

She looked at him in silence for a moment, thinking, before answering. "I didn't intend things to work out this way. Like I said at the markets yesterday, I haven't made the best choices with blokes before. I've found they tend to wander. People change when they're in relationships, even when you're best mates before you get together. So when I came back home I decided not to mess about with people unless I felt a strong connection and didn't think I'd get fucked over. The community here's too small, and everyone knows someone who knows you, if you know what I mean. Word gets around if things happen. As it is, by now everyone at work will know I've been seeing some mystery mainlander who's fairly handy on the footy field!"

He gave her a cheeky grin. "Dating mainlanders must be a crime down here, not keeping it in the family and all."

She poked her tongue out at him. "Yeah, sure, Tim. Plus. I'd have to get a divorce from my brother before you and I can see each other."

"You said it, not me."

"You do know we're immune to incest jokes here, don't ya?"

He grinned. "They're funny cos they're true."

"Your jokes are terrible." She sighed but gave Tim a smile. "But you made me laugh at the airport when we first met."

"Yeah, I thought I'd made a bad dad joke."

"Obviously, Tim, you did!" She smiled. "Back when I asked Ry if you'd be interested in his tickets and joining me, I was kinda thinking aloud and hadn't really thought things through. I didn't know anything about you other than what he'd told me, so I had no preconceptions beyond you being an okay bloke. He had a ticket he couldn't use anymore and you'd been training together, so I threw the idea out there. Then I truly enjoyed your company on our first day at Cradle." She chuckled. "Remember on the first day of our bushwalk, and I asked you about your ex, and I suggested you hook up with Kathy just so I could make the old joke about fucking in tents?"

He laughed. "Of course I remember. And you were right about that too. Sex while camping totally is fucking in tents."

She chuckled again. "Well, an idea formed right then and grew throughout the day. By the first night on the Overland, about the time you shared your whisky with me, I made a pact with myself that if you tried to kiss me or ask if I wanted to sleep with you, I was going to accept."

"Really? We could have been fucking on the first night? You should've said something!"

"Ha! At that stage my pact was you needed to make the first move. We'd have a holiday fling and then you'd leave for Brisbane and I was okay with that. Anyway, my mind was made up on day two when we went swimming and I saw you naked behind the bushes. By day three I was almost gagging for you and needed to, ah, take care of myself. Remember how I'd suggested we set our tents up on the edge of the campsite and then needed some alone time back at my tent? I decided if you didn't make a move on me that night, I was going to pounce on you regardless!"

His jaw almost dropped, recalling Kathy's words on the third day of the Overland track hike: she's definitely into you. Right now she's probably back at her tent, thinkin' all about ya and rubbing one out. Shit, he thought, Kathy was right again! Instead, he said, "Wow. I never stood a chance."

"Nah, you didn't. But neither did I because I had no idea you'd be so...wonderful. Like I said, I never expected it to be more than a short holiday fling with you. But here we are." She squeezed his hand and he squeezed back.

He looked into her eyes in silence before telling her, "I don't know what to say, Heather. I think you're the most amazing and beautiful person I've ever met. The more I get to know you the more I wonder if I'm even worthy of you. I think you're incredible."

She shook her head slightly. "Why wouldn't you be worthy of me? Don't put me on a pedestal. I'm an ordinary girl with baggage and all. Against my better judgement I've let all my defences down for you. I don't do this very often, if ever."

"Nah, you're not ordinary at all. And you've experienced and seen things I couldn't imagine."

"Come on, Tim, what're you talkin' about? You work in an emergency department. You've seen things. We both have jobs that allow us to help people. It's kinda all I've ever wanted to do, helping people. We're a good match, don't you think?"

He smiled and stoked his fingers lightly down her cheek. "Perhaps we could be extra-ordinary? But you're something else."

She whispered. "I've let my heart go to you, Tim. It's a major risk, I know. You could break it, and you wouldn't be the first."

He breathed out heavily and smiled. "Those terrible bastards. Their loss and my gain, eh?"

She smiled and whispered, "If you want, I'm all yours."

He thought for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I'd hate meself if I broke your heart. I want you to know I've done a lot of thinking this past week. I've tried the long distance thing before with my ex and I ended up hurt pretty bad. She and I were together for three years before we tried that too and I'm not sure if I'd have followed her to En-Zed when we first got together if that's the way things were."

He paused, gathering his thoughts. "I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say, but I s'pose I've been reluctant about making such a decision again. But this is a big deal, because you're a big deal. I've never felt as intensely about anyone as I do about you. Or so quickly either. What's happened between us over the past week or so has taken me completely by surprise. You're one in a trillion, Heather, and I'd be the biggest fool on Earth to walk away. Something special is happening between us and if I didn't at least give things a go with you I know I'd regret it for the rest of my life. I want to be with you, and I'd be up for trying the long distance thing again, if you are? See how we go in the short term, say the next few months, and work out our next steps from there."

She smiled. "Yes."

"Yes," he smiled back.

"Yes!" She grabbed both of his hands in hers.

"Yes!" He leaned forward and kissed her.

"YES!" She rolled onto him.

"YES!" He hugged her tight to him.

"YES!" She smooched his lips while rubbing her moistening pussy against his hardening cock.

"Yes," he whispered and looked into her eyes as their bodies joined.

"Yes," she whispered back with a gasp as she sank onto him, enveloping him all the way to the base, their connection complete.

"I guess this is our first lovemaking as an official couple then?" He thrust his pelvis up, his cock seated as far in her vagina as it could possibly go.

"I suppose it is. Lovemaking." She ground back down on him, trying to get more of him, if it were possible.

He looked into her bright loving eyes, as his cock slid slightly down her tight cavity. "I want to pleasure you."

"Oh, Tim, you do pleasure me. More than sexually." She smiled, pushing back onto him. "Ohh, but you feel so good."

"Enjoy me." He slid within her, and again she completely enveloped him.

Heather sat up slightly, and he pushed her hips down. With a slight gasp, she said, "I do, enjoy, you. Oh, you're hitting that spot again! I love it. Yes!"

His penis was on target with every thrust now, and he smiled, telling her, "I'm yours."

"I'm yours, too. Oh, you feel, amazing. Ohhh"

They hit their rhythm, with Heather riding Tim's fat engorgement, his hands on her hips helping control their thrusts, and their pleasure rising. Her small tear-drop tits bounded in front of him in mesmerising circles as she leant forward slightly for increased leverage.

"Ohhh, Ohhh, OHH, OHH, OH, OH!" She felt the pleasure, supporting herself now with her hands on his pectorals, and he raised his bum up in the air, his cock penetrating deeply. She felt the desired effect, his glans rubbing her pleasure spot, over and over, the sensation building up to orgasmic proportions in a matter of seconds, her body completely taken over by shudders of ecstasy causing her voice to quiver. "Ohhhh, Tim, yes!"

His own senses, stimulated by the girl he loved without a doubt, blew under pressure, with his penis shaft wrapped deep in her orgasming body, glans up against her vaginal fornices, unloading his viscous cummy load.

Heather collapsed onto him, breathing hard, and he kissed the top of her hair. They lay together, not daring to separate, holding onto each other tightly. She whispered across his chest, "I love you, Tim. Completely."

"I love you, Cogsy," he whispered back light heartedly, but completely earnestly, and still causing her to laugh because he'd used her nickname. He smiled at her laugh. "Utterly and hopelessly."

She lifted her head from his chest and looked him in the eye with a smile on her lips. "I know you do. I wouldn't have allowed myself to fall so hard if I'd doubted your love for a moment." They kissed passionately and made love again, enjoying their last hours before Tim's departure in each other's arms, skin-on-skin, bodies joined, their heart's beating close together, no requirement for orgasm, just connection, thoroughly loving one another.

Late-morning she drove him to the airport, joining him in the terminal. It still rained outside as they held hands in the departure lounge, watching aircraft take off and land, hardly paying attention to the other travellers around them. When his flight was called they joined the end of the que, which moved forward with typical airline inefficiency, but not slowly enough for Heather and Tim. They squeezed their entwined fingers tight, prolonging their physical connection, and before they reached the gate, they held each other tightly.

The two young ladies from the airline checking passengers through the gate patiently waited, having seen it all before a hundred times or more, one of them still touched by the romance of the moment. The two lovers, they knew, would part and one would board the aircraft, leaving the other behind with a tear or two rolling down their cheek.

Heather and Tim shared a gentle kiss before separating from their embrace, hands still clutched together. "I'll be back down to visit you as soon as I can. I'll make it to your birthday next month. I'll do my best."

"That'd be amazing. I'll be up to see you when I can." A tear rolled down Heather's cheek and she wiped it away before taking Tim's hand again. "I haven't cried so much in ages. You're making me ridiculous. I guess it's because I love you."

Tim felt the tear well in his eye. "If I've learnt one thing, its love's isn't all smiles."

"Life isn't all smiles. But you make me smile, like no one else." They kissed again, and Heather smiled, looking him in the eyes. "You better go now, before I change my mind and arrest you so I can keep you here."

Tim held her gaze. "I'm still tempted to go back home with you. But hey, we'll give this our best shot and make us work. Because, Heather, I think I'm the luckiest bloke on Earth. I'll call you when I'm home." He gave her a cheeky smile, adding, "Cobber."

Heather smiled back with a slight chuckle. "Okay, cob. We'll definitely give it our best shot. But I think I'm the lucky one here, Tim. I look forward to your call tonight." Despite wiping her eyes, she still smiled. "I love you."

He kissed her lips, gently. "I love you too, Heather. Obviously."

She stifled a half-laugh. "Obviously, Tim. You dag."

Their fingers parted company and Tim walked through the gate, gaining a warm smile from the airline customer service lady who was touched by the two lover's parting embrace. A light drizzle fell as he walked across the tarmac, and halfway to the aircraft he turned back, seeing Heather, the strong and beautiful and special woman with whom he'd connected and fallen in love deep in the bush of her wild rugged island, standing at the large departure lounge window, and they waved to each other. He climbed the boarding steps, careful not to slip on the wet surface, and stopping on the platform to look back once more, seeing Heather still at the window. He waved with a smile and she replied the same, her smile gorgeous and warm, before he turned and entered the aircraft.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Finish the DAMN story!!!

PurplefizzPurplefizz3 months ago

Just simply outstanding, the Aussie dialogue - slang and cursing included makes for great characters, not sure how you came up with the idea of having these two, 1, thrown together at the last moment, 2, hiking through some fairly dense and dangerous bush, and 3, said bush trail is well described and can easily be followed on a map by those of us unfamiliar with Tassie terrain! Just inspired stuff!

Some of my favourite stories are by Australian authors, Rollinbones and Sister Jezebel are just two, but I also have a penchant for travel stories, add those two together and it’s a sure fire winner for me as well as a bunch of other readers it seems. Many thanks for taking the time to write, edit and post here on Lit Fireflies, it’s really appreciated. Easy 5⭐️, regards, Ppfzz.

kaotic2kaotic28 months ago

This was wonderful. Thank you.

RightSizedRightSized11 months ago

Very fond of the stories written by Australians, especially the dialogue. This surpasses all I've read before, so rich with native colloquialisms, vulgar and tender. I love the simplicity of the story and the complexity of the characters. The exposition, especially the description of the terrain and wildlife is so evocative and cinematic. I thought the ending was fine but I'm excited to start reading "A Pair of Lost Socks." Beautiful work. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A crap end to a good story. You should have toned down the fucking and ended it better

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 1 year ago

Thats the mountain we have to climb together to feel the sunshine and the love ….. but long distance is a bitch and so many souls have been broken given this a go ….. so hopefully those offered love from Heather to tim and the other way around, will find a lovely solution ….. anyway, we will leave this to themselves and thank you for sharing this cute romance with us readers


voyeurdunuitvoyeurdunuitalmost 2 years ago

Really terrific story. Excellent writing, fun characters, great dialog, hot sex, what more could a reader ask for?

Thanks both for our time with these two, and for a great tour through Tasmania. I hope there's a sequel.

TulipfuzzTulipfuzzover 2 years ago

OMG! A sequel. I'm so excited. OBTW, have done a bit of travel myself and absolutely enjoyed the lush descriptions of the scenery in a land I'm not likely to have the opportunity to visit. Also loved the interjection of the local Colloquialisms without making the reading difficult.

Thank you so much for the gift.

ThefirefliesThefirefliesover 2 years agoAuthor

Dear Anonymous (and anyone) asking about a sequel to this story, please see my story ‘A Pair of Lost Socks’ :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Are yougoing to write a Sequel

ActingupActingupover 2 years ago

Lovely work. I got together with my wife after we did the Overland Track together with friends. This brought back many memories….

Oldsofty1961Oldsofty1961over 2 years ago

beautiful quick lover story 5 star

dbsidedbsideabout 3 years ago

What will Ryan think? Kathy was right😍🤗😍

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