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Heiress Whored 08

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Miss de Witt disposes.
2.3k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/30/2023
Created 08/16/2023
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Truth to tell, the one thing that was bothering me was how Nic would react. She had seen it all. We had declared our love for each other like a couple of love-struck teenagers and then she had watched me behaving like a whore, and with my stepmom. I just hoped she would not want to dump me.

My heart was in my mouth as I put the key in the lock and went in.

Nic looked at me. Oh gawd, I thought, I have fucked this up.

Then she smiled.

A flood of relief spread through me. Suddenly I felt tired.

"It's okay, you did what was needed, but promise me one thing?"

"Anything," I said, the adrenaline rush still flooding my system.

"Don't ever deny me that long!"

We giggled as I promised I would not.

"I'm sorry," I said, meaning it.

"Ash, don't worry, I get it, you need to play this through."

I felt oddly ashamed of myself, a very unfamiliar sensation. I buried it; she was right.

"But there is one thing Ash?"

"Yes, name it."

"Risky," she grinned.

"I mean it."

"You do?" She grinned.

"I do."

"Well you need a shower; I don't want to smell her on you. Can I shower you?"

I grinned at her, and swiftly stripped once I was in the bathroom.

The feel of her hands lathering my sensitive breasts as the warm water cascaded onto us both made me so wet and wanton that I pressed against her. Suddenly, I just wanted to wash away Amber and everything to do with her. What the hell had I been thinking?

My nipples ached, sending pulses through to my core, and as Nic's hand slipped between my thighs and she pushed two fingers into me, I raised my face and gasped, letting the hot water make the rest of me as wet as my pussy, which ached. When Nic began to play with my clit, I lost all self-control.

I turned to her. I kissed her, pulling her to me, our hard, wet nipples brushing together as the water poured over us both. My hand found her wetness, and we stood there, desperately fingering each other, our lips devouring each other as the shower washed away everything save our mutual desire. When we came, it was as one: one heart, one love, one soul. I had never experienced anything even remotely like it before. I did not think I could live without it.

As the water and our juices flowed, we felt that union and our desire become all. The distance I had always felt between sexual desire and anything spiritual was bridged. It was a good job the shower was in a wet room, as we staggered out, still kissing and caressing each other and though neither of us could get enough of the other.

Nic lay on her back. I lay on top of her, my mouth devouring her sex as hers devoured mine. I sucked. She sucked. My nails dug into her. Hers dug into me. We were the mirror of each other. I wanted her juices, and sucked - hard. I felt my lips pulled by her suction, my juices flowing like a stream. There was nothing outside of the moment, and simultaneously the moment was timeless. It went on forever, a feast of licking, sucking, and orgasm after orgasm until we lay together, exhausted; coated in the evidence of our passion.

I grinned at her.

"What was that?"

"Love," Nic said, simply. And so it was.

It took another shower before we were ready to dry off and stagger into bed. Whatever the morrow held, we had had tonight; we would always have that.

Fine words, they say, butter no parsnips, and for sure, love does not postpone the day, or the evil thereof; but it does make it bearable. Our love made me face up to what was to be done. It also dictated the direction of what I had planned. I was not just going to deal with Amber.

An early morning view of the spycam told us that Amber had slept late. Her texts told us that everything was set up for later. If I got this wrong, Nic would have literally an hour to notify the authorities, and I could not be sure that Amber and her crew had no squared someone there. After all, she had boasted that the French authorities would not get in the way.

It was a nerve-wracking morning. Nic comforted me, but there was no succour from what had to be done.

Overnight I had sent the email to the French and American authorities. It contained details of the Paris Enterprise's accounts, pointing out that only the de Witt account had paid tax; the shares held by the Russians and Alisha had never been revealed to the tax authorities. The email added that the Russians and Alisha were both planning to leave Paris in the next day, Nic had hacked their accounts and we attached details of their flights.

At two, as we were finishing a nervous lunch, Amber's phone went. We could see from the look on her face that it was the bad news the conversation confirmed.

"What, what the fuck, Alisha has been arrested, what the fuck for? What! How! Are you safe Vlad. Yes, yes, okay, good, keep with the diplomatic immunity. What? No, no, Khaled wants the girl, and he is getting her. No, no, I have heard nothing from the police."

Amber looked flustered, as well she might. The first part of the trap had succeeded. Now for the hard part.

I was due to meet Amber at seven for dinner at eight. Nic hacked into the hotel system. There was no dinner reservation there, or in either of the other two restaurants Amber would have used. In short, there was no dinner.

Wearing my best slinky red dress, I walked into the lobby of Amber's hotel looking, I hope, something like the million dollars she was going to get for me. I went up to her room.

"Ash, darling, you look so good."

"Thanks, Mommy, darling," I said, deliberately going for the trigger.

"About that..." she began.

"Come on Mommy, you're not telling me you did not enjoy it?"

"Of course not, excuse me, can I use the ladies?"

"Of course."

I held my breath. I sent a quick text.

"Buzz if I am right xx."

Amber came out, looking a little flustered.

"You look gorgeous in that blue gown, Mommy, it suits you so well. Drinks before dinner, and sex after?"

She grinned:

"Sounds good to me."

"You amaze me Mommy?"


"I only noticed it yesterday, but at the risk of being a narcissist, you and I look alike."

"Why, thank you, darling, that's quite the compliment given I am older."

"No one would know Mama."

She grinned. No woman ever minded being told she looked younger. I would not have wanted to play poker with her. Knowing what she had in mind for me, she was charm itself.

"Well, Miss Ash, we can explore that later, yes? Let me fetch you another drink and I'll fix myself one."

She brought back two glasses, then her phone went.

"Have to take this, back in a moment."

I watched.

My phone buzzed. I had a moment, that was all.

"What? I can't hear you; you keep breaking up." She turned to me. "Reception here is so odd. Excuse me a moment."

Expressing her frustration that she had not been able to hear what her caller wanted, she went all cheerful on me and said:

"Anyway, bottoms up?"

"Yours or mine?" I grinned.

"We shall see," she said, watching as I finished my vodka.

"Where are we dining, Mommy?"

"Just down the block, so we can walk."

When we got to the lift, Amber began to wobble a little.

"You okay, Mommy?"

"Yes, yes, just drank that too fast. You?"

"Oh I am fine Mommy."

The lift got to the ground floor. We stepped out. Amber swayed. I went to the doorman who usually let us in.

"Could you help?"

"Do you need help madam?" The speaker was a tall, well-built man, accompanied by another man.

"I think my friend does," I said, sounding worried.

Amber looked at me, and at hi, she tried to raise her hand, pointing at me. But whatever she was saying it was too slurred to be intelligible.

"We can take her to the ER," he said.

"Thanks," I said, "I shall check later."

The last I saw of Amber she was on the back seat of their limo heading for the airport. That was the last any of us saw of the bitch. It had worked.

Nic had played her part brilliantly. She had told me Amber had spiked my drink, and then, when she cloned Vlad's number to distract her, I had switched the drinks around. We knew that the Russians had not seen me before. Their job had been to "help" the attractive blonde and sell her to Prince Khaled. I never did hear whether he minded getting someone a little older than me, but then he was hardly in a place where he could return the goods and demand his money back.

I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Daddy would, by now, have received the video of Amber with Sergei. It would have hurt him, but not as much as that bitch screwing him two ways. With Daddy, money mattered, and I suspect he'd have hated to have been defrauded as well as cuckolded.

I took a cab back to my apartment, where Nic was smiling.

"You are a bloody genius, Ash!"

"I just have a twisted mind," I replied, being honest. I knew I did. I was just glad that it had served me so well. I had talked with the family lawyer about the future of the Paris Enterprise, and he could see no reason why, as the major shareholder, we should not take over the running of it; it was not like the Russians or Alisha would be in any position to protest.

"The only problem, Miss de Witt, is we need a CEO, and as you know, it is, shall we say, a peculiar kind of business. We really need someone who knows it."

"Let me speak to Daddy, but I think I have an answer."

That could wait for the morrow - tonight I wanted to celebrate with Nic. But first there was something I needed to settle.

"Nic," I said, accepting the glass of champagne she offered me, "I need your honest opinion on something. Can you give it me?"

Nic looked surprised.

"I don't want you to tell me what you think I want to hear, I want your real opinion, and don't worry about offending me."

"Sounds serious," she said, looking concerned.

"It's this, I said, cutting to the chase. "How do you feel about me being a whore?"

"You're an escort, darling."

"I'm a whore. I fuck other women for money. How do you feel about that?"

"You want the truth?"

"I do."

"I don't like it. When I saw you with Amber I was jealous and upset. Sorry, but you asked."

"That makes it easier, then."

"Easier, you mean you're dumping me?"

"No, silly," I said, kissing her lips, " I'm giving up being a whore."

"But what about the Enterprise, my job, and everything."

"Oh, easy," I said, "I am becoming the CEO of the Paris Enterprise, and our first project will be Yale Mommies."

She looked at me, tears in her eyes.

"Nic, I want what we have had last night and today, and I can't ever imagine not wanting it."

I pulled her to me. She melted into my arms. My kiss spoke of my passion. I undid her jeans, pulling her panties down with them. As she got out of them, I unzipped my dress, and kicked my heels off. Nic helped me finish undressing, and I did the same with her.

I led her to the bed - our bed.

Our eyes locked. What I saw in hers brought tears to mine. She fell back on the bed. I lay between her thighs, kissing her, wanting her, but going slow so I could savour her.

We kissed, our tongues playing, swirling, exploring, intimate. Our nipples rubbed together, the friction making them hard, the ache making us both wet. I shifted position so my thigh could get between hers. We manoeuvred until our pussies touched; we both gasped.

"I want you, darling," I moaned, my voice a low, throaty gasp.

"Take me, I am yours my love," Nic said, her voice a low moan.

I did.

The first orgasm was the fastest, as ever. The friction from our wetnesses pressed together aided the process, and hastened the second one, by increasing the creaminess that coated us both. It felt as though we were flowing into each other, sharing our very essence.

Then, after the second orgasm had subsided, I caressed and kissed her sweet breasts, sucking her, licking her, my hand sliding between her thighs, taking her until she could not hold back anymore.

"Oh, fuck, Ash, what you do to me!"

"I want you so much."

"Take me, I am yours."

So I did, until she wanted me.

Her breath on my pussy, like her fingers inside me, made me moan and tense with anticipation. How could I still need an orgasm? I had not needed them when whoring, but now it was as though I could not get enough of Nic. I came hard for her.

"You know," Nic said, looking at me dreamily, "you don't have to give it up."

"I do," I said, smiling at her, "I love you."

"Thank you," she said. We kissed.

That night we were not parted. Nor would we be again.

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PixiehoffPixiehoff5 months agoAuthor

Thank you - I am glad you enjoyed it xxxxx

kbone1kbone15 months ago

Sorry, read the series first before I commented. This is a GREAT series, I need to read the Yale series now!!

PixiehoffPixiehoff5 months agoAuthor

Thank you Anonymous - but I think this one had come to the end of its line xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I would love to see a story about Amber in her new life!

slide_fire1slide_fire17 months ago

Nice work! I like your style and story/character development! Thank you

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, Ana 🌟

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Wiz, I wanted to wrap this up nicely, and yes, a sequel will be coming xxxxx

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