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He reached forward lightly touching the entire outer area with his fingers verifying it's smoothness. Seemingly satisfied he smugly said "you're right looks like I owe you an apology." He pulled back, but not before making one quick swipe down her slit with his finger. What the hell!

"That's better!" Beth popped up and quickly walked to the kitchen retrieving more beers.

I might as well have been invisible. I was in complete shock and was completely hard. When she came back it was nice she at least remembered to bring me a drink. She leaned in and gave me a kiss as she give it to me. As she leaned in she got a quick feel confirming my aroused state. She gave me a wink as she turned and asked if we wanted to watch a movie. We both agreed, I was relieved that things would cool off for a while. She got the movie going and turned off the lights.

"Mind if I sit with you during the movie Kev?" He quickly agreed and she sat down right against him and he put a muscular arm around her shoulder.

I kept an eye on them, but for the first 15 minutes or so it was just innocent snuggling and I began to focus more on the movie. I looked over a short time later to see Kevin gently fondling her breast over her dress. I began getting hard again... damn why does this have to turn me on!? After about a minute his hand slipped in the dress and he began to fondle her bare breast. Then for the next 10 minutes it didn't escalate and I began to get distracted and a little sleepy with the alcohol catching up.

I don't think I fell asleep for long. But when I began to wake I decided to pretend to be still asleep so I could see what they were up to. I took a peak over at Beth and Kevin. He had his hand between her legs and was clearly fingering her! Her eyes were closed and her breathing heavy. I watched as she got more into it and his hand sped up. I wanted to touch myself at this point, but remained committed to appearing to be asleep. Beth had her hand resting on Kevin's thigh, but slowly started moving it until she had it resting on his large bulge.

She began to move her hand and I was expecting her to remove it from his pants when her breathing increased further and she was interrupted by her building orgasm. She buried her face into him to muffle the sound of her orgasm. Her body relaxed and Kevin moved his hand from my girlfriends pussy.

At that moment I heard Kevin say "Beth look at the time! We need to work tomorrow, maybe we should call it a night?"

At that point I began to pretend that I was waking up.

"Oh hey sweetie! You're up! We were just saying we should call it a night."

"Yeah it was fun. Have a good night little buddy!" As he walked past playfully messing my hair as he had done earlier. The difference being this time his hand was noticeably still wet from my girlfriend's vagina. My face blushed with humiliation.

As she walked him to the door Beth said, "why don't we all hang out here again tomorrow after work?"

"Sounds great!" Kevin said "see you at work tomorrow!" They hugged and this time gave each other a little peck on the lips. "See you in the morning Kev!" Beth replied.

After Kevin left Beth came and gave me a kiss. "Did you have fun Jake?"

"Yeah um I guess... I must've fallen asleep during the movie. What did you and Kevin do while I was asleep?"

"Oh nothing special, just snuggling while we watched the movie. Thank you for not being a jealous boyfriend Jake. You're the best! I'll see you tomorrow night after work?" Maybe what I saw was in my head..

"Yeah of course." I said.

We kissed and I went home. I immediately masturbated and came within seconds. I reflected on the day. How had things gone so far with that jackass? Why does it turn me on so much? I was hoping that experience got everything out of her system and it wouldn't go any further....

I had a hard time focusing at work knowing Beth was at her work with Kevin. I texted her, but if anything was going on I couldn't tell. She was her normal bubbly self. She didn't even mention Kevin all day, maybe she really did get it out of her system!

After work I changed and headed over to her place. I arrived unfortunately to find Kevin was there with her. Honestly it was pretty tame at first, thankfully. We had something to eat and just chatted. I did feel a bit like a third wheel, they were talking about funny things that had happened throughout the day at work. They had clearly spent a lot of time together. But so far things hadn't turned sexual.

A short time after dinner Beth got up and said to both of us "do you guys mind if I get changed for bed early? It's not like I'm going out again."

Without really waiting for an answer Beth starts undressing right in front of us! She could've at least gone in her room. So much for things staying tame...

She continued talking casually like nothing was out of the ordinary. First her shirt comes off over her head, then her pants and socks, now she's just in her bra and panties still talking. Then reaching behind her back Beth unhooked her bra and shrugged her shoulders out exposing her breasts.

Beth was going on about someone at work. Emoting with her arms causing her breasts to bounce. "I've explained it to her so many times you know? It's like talking to a wall! It's the same conversation every day!" I wish she'd just finish changing instead of pausing so much to continue her story. Kevin for his part seemed to have no interest in speeding her along. Nodding along and encouraging her, while at the same time keeping his eyes focused on my girlfriend's perky naked breasts.

"Ugh!!! She just frustrates me so much!" Beth reached down hooking her thumbs around the waist of her panties and sliding them down to the ground in a smooth motion. She was now standing there completely naked, Kevin for the first time taking in her fully nude body. She continued her story. "I was so relieved to hear she's off the rest of the week! But you know I was thinking..." Beth brought her hand to her chin as if in contemplative thought, still naked of course! I had wished she would just put some clothes on! "Her stupid questions always seem to happen when she sees me stopping by your desk Kev. I think that bitch has wants you and is jealous when she sees me talking to you... maybe one day we should do something to make her really jealous." Beth gave Kevin a cute little wink as she finally pulled up a loose pair of booty shorts she likes to sleep in. She was still topless, but at least her pussy was covered again.

"Hey I'm all for lending a helping hand!" Kevin quickly said.

Beth glanced at me and smiled. Crud. I knew what she was thinking. Beth approached Kevin sitting next to him on the couch. "That's interesting because I actually wanted to ask for your help with a little problem I have." She smiled seductively.

"Sure! What little problem is that?" He glanced down at her tits and smiled as he responded.

"Well Jake and I are great together! It's almost perfect except for like I said one little problem I have that Jake... well he can't help me with." She nervously giggled, I began to feel like I was going to literally die from embarrassment. "This is awkward to come out and say to you so I'll just come out and say it!" Beth rapidly follows "Jake has a small penis. I just can't get satisfied with it! It is honestly like hit or miss with even average sized guys, because I just really need a big penis to really get fully aroused! So with Jake unfortunately there is just not a chance! I trust you Kev, we've always flirted and I feel there is a mutual attraction between us! So as crazy as it sounds I am asking for your help by having sex with me. Like a sex buddy thing!" She had rambled that out in all of about 10 seconds and took a deep breath. She looked inquisitively at Kevin.

Kevin took a second to take I everything in. He glanced over to me making eye contact. The biggest cocky smile came over his face. "Beth of course I would help you!" Beth squealed with excitement and sat on Kevin's lap giving him a tight hug.

He continued "so you would still be dating Jake, but we'd be like friends who have sex?"

"Yes!" Beth said "Jake will still do all the boyfriend stuff. You would like tag in for sex, like a penis substitute!" She giggled. "I'm so relieved, I've had this like itch I can't scratch when it comes to sex."

They looked so comfortable, now talking casually talking about this like it was a normal thing! Her sitting topless on his lap. Him with is arm around her waist. He gently added "that must be really hard for you. Not to offend Jake, but sex with a small penis has to a little unsatisfying when you are a size queen."

"Yes! And thank you for being able to talk about this so openly. I do orgasm from oral, but the best ones from for me are vaginal orgasms from sex. I've never had an orgasm from Jake's little penis. I mean really Jake's dick is only four inches long and that's hard!"

They both laughed and I faked a little nervous chuckle myself. Still laughing Kevin looked at me "sorry little buddy, but at least my nickname for you fits!" Another laugh followed "seriously though Beth is amazing I will totally help make sure she is satisfied!" They smiled at each other.

At this point I was so humiliated that even though I felt turned on my penis couldn't get erect. In fact it had almost receded into me making me feel even more immasculated and humiliated compared to Kevin.

"It's not all bad, Jake is amazing with his tongue!" Beth happily added.

"Maybe we can leave that up to him, I'm ok at oral but I typically please girls with other methods." He began to gently fondle her breasts. "So do you want to see for yourself how I can help you?" He said with a smile.

Beth smiled and slid off Kevin's lap onto her knees in front of him. She then reached out undoing his belt and pants. He lifted his butt helping her to remove his pants and he pulled his shirt off over his head. This left him in only his boxers. Beth traced her hand over the outline of the large bulge and happily squeaked "I'm in for a treat I am so excited!" She moved her fingers up to his waist band and slid his boxers down to his ankles before returning up to his lap. Beth took his still flaccid dick into her tiny hands and admired it. "Oh my God Jake can you see this? He is still soft and it's already bigger than I've ever seen yours! Like not just longer but thicker! It feels so good in my hands." She began to gently stroke the large cock. Beth looked up into Kevin's eyes while holding his growing penis. She smiled sweetly and said "thank you Kev."

Kevin replied "you're very welcome Beth. I'm so happy I can do this for you."

Beth returned her attention to the penis. Lightly kissing the head, then tracing her tongue along the edge of the head then along the length of the shaft before returning to the head and wrapping her lips around it. She was worshipping his cock something she had never done with mine. She worked the tip with her mouth while her hand went up and down the shaft. It wasn't long before his cock had grown into its fully hard 9 inches. I felt intimidated just looking at it.

Beth took a moment to look over at me and said "thank you Jake for letting me do this it means a lot. I hope you don't mind but... I'd like a little more privacy with Kevin for this next part." She stood up taking Kevin by the hand and started towards bedroom. On her way she dropped her booty shorts the floor and stepped out of them. As they went to the bedroom they neglected to close the door seeming to be completely focused on what was coming next.

When they reach the edge of the bed Beth embraced Kevin in a passionate kiss. I had snuck up to the door to watch, trying to be quiet so as not to bring attention to the fact they left it open. At this point my arousal had overcome my humiliation and my cock was rock hard in my pants. Watching them standing naked making out I couldn't help but begin to touch myself through my pants. Their hands begin to explore each other's bodies Kevin had one hand on her perfect ass and another fondling her breast. Beth had one hand moving up and down his massive penis and the other fondling his large testicles.

Soon Kevin lifted Beth with his strong arms and lowered her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her. Kevin positioned himself between her legs and moved the massive head of his penis against her pussy. I could see it from where I was quietly watching how wet her pussy and gotten. Beth squirmed as Kevin began teasing her waiting for vagina by moving the head of his cock up and down her her slit between her soaked pussy lips. Finally he positioned it near the opening of her vagina. He kissed her deeply before looking into her eyes "are you ready?"

Beth simply eagerly nodded her head. Kevin began to press his penis into my girlfriends vagina. Her physical reaction was immediate as the head disappeared into her tight hole. Her entire body shuddered. He pressed forward a little more until getting about 4 inches into her.

"OK Beth," he said "this is about as deep as Jake has ever been are you sure you want me to go further?"

Beth let out a cute little laugh "are you serious? You're so much thicker I already thought you were at least another inch or two deeper than that! Of course I want you to keep going please give me everything."

Kevin did not need any more encouragement with one motion he slid the remainder of his 9 inch cock into my girlfriends tight vagina.

"Oh My God!" exclaimed Beth. Kevin paused for a moment to let her pussy adjust to the size. He then began slowly pumping his cock in and out. With labored breathing Beth said "your cock feels so amazing! It.. it.. ohhh! It just feels so good! Oh my God it feels so fucking good!" I've never seen her that react physically like that, not even when I would lick her pussy. He was pleasuring her in ways I could never do.

He began to speed up the pace. It took only a minute or so before Beth started shaking and screamed into a huge orgasm. I've never seen her body shake from an orgasm like that before. Kevin slowed down his pumping to give her body a chance to catch up. "Holy shit!" Beth said "I haven't been given an orgasm from fucking like that since before I met Jake!"

The moment I heard that I came hard in my pants. How was I enjoying this?

Sensing she had recovered Kevin flipped Beth over and fucked her doggie style. His large hands reaching forward fondling her tits as they fucked. This time he did not hold back as he quickly pounded her pussy with his full length.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck oh fuck!!!" Beth screamed "keep fucking me hard baby!! Fuuuuck me!!! You're so fucking deep!! I want you to fill me with your cum!!" Beth started to shake as another orgasm was coming on.

"Oh fuck!" Kevin began to tense up as his orgasm started to build. As Beth began to scream Kevin thrust himself balls deep one last time as he erupted his cum deep in her pussy.

Beth had lost nearly all bodily control as she collapsed down on the bed. Her body still convulsing from her second orgasm. As Kevin pulled out I could see his cum flowing from my girlfriends vagina.

I quickly retreated back to the couch so they wouldn't see that I had been watching them. I could hear them whispering and laughing.

A couple minutes later Kevin comes strutting out. His now flaccid penis was hanging down, still wet and glistening from my girlfriend's pussy. A glob of cum dropped off the tip of his cock as he spoke to me. "Hey little buddy! Beth wanted me to let you know you're up! Don't worry Beth had a great time. She said I can come help you guys anytime." He was wearing that cocky grin I always hated. He glanced down noticing the fresh cum stain in my pants, I tried quickly covering but it was too late. He laughed and winked at me. "Glad you had fun too kid!" In that moment we both knew I'd always be the lesser man.

He quickly dressed and left. I went into the bedroom finding Beth still face down recovering from her last orgasm. I quickly stripped hoping I could at least get some action myself.

"Sorry hunny, I get up but I'm too physically weak from Kevin. But I'm still so turned on, I need you NOW! Eat my pussy baby!" I looked down in horror at her cum filled pussy. By now it had flowed all over her pussy. And since she was lying on her belly it had flowed over her clit. I couldn't go down on her without getting Kevin's cum in my mouth. Maybe if I quickly grabbed a towel. "Hurry hunny please! I need your mouth right now!"

I quickly got down and put my mouth on her pussy. I immediately tasted Kevin's cum. With my mouth over her clit my nose was at the opening of her vagina. Every time I'd breathe I would smell Kevin and Beth's combined sex juices.

As I worked her clit Beth began to moan. The more she got into it more cum would get pushed out and flow right down into my mouth. There was so much I had no choice to swallow. Finally she orgasmed and I could pull away.

She turned to look at me and laughed "oh my god Jake, you have Kevin's cum all over your chin! I never realized you liked eating cum! Hehe! This is great I love getting eaten out after getting fucked, but most guys are weird about the cum. Now it's awesome because that can be your job!"

I tried to protest "Um actually I just...." but was quickly interrupted.

"Thank you for being ok with Kevin helping us. It shows a lot maturity that you can acknowledge your limitations with your small penis and accept that you need another man to help you." At that moment she looked down and immediately let out a burst of uncontrollable laughter. "Oh my! I'm so sorry Jake! It's just after having Kevin looking at your little penis again it's um hahaha it... well it looks like a child's in comparison! I'm really sorry, but there is just no way we could have sex right at this moment. I'm sore from Kevin anyway, I'm not accustomed to his size yet. But I promise even if I can't fuck you every time I'll still let you go down on me." She was finally able to get up fully and pulled me in for a hug. "You're the best boyfriend!"

Well at least she still considered me her boyfriend. This whole thing was crazy. Not only Beth has now fucked a guy I hate, I swallowed his cum right after and to top it off I didn't even get to fuck her. At least it has already gotten as bad as it can get I thought...

"Hey hunny, can I ask you something about your friend Rick?"

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Tcs1956Tcs19566 months ago

This story hits so close to home! It reminds me of my ex wives, Mitzi and Denise. Both were size queens and were really into SPH. Being, at best 3 inches, I felt obligated to allow them to have all the “real men” they wanted. I was always amazed at how turned on I was hearing about their ex lovers and watching them fuck other men. They forced me to developer a real taste for other mens cum.

Anyway, I LOVED this story, gave it a 5! I hope you will read my stories and vote for them. Feel free to contact me directly if you want to compare notes!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Interesting concept of beautiful experienced woman who knows her boyfriend is inadequate but loves him anyway, so she finds a big dicked fuck buddy. Then the story was ruined by making Jake into a cuck-joke-wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

"dumby". I suppose that you meant dummy, yes? Proofread, edit, proofread, edit, rinse and repeat. Thanks.

tinypenisbitchtinypenisbitchover 2 years ago

this story fucking rules

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

who the fuck would put up with that????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

How damn dumb can you be. Why would anyone stay with someone that did not respect you anymore than that is beyond believable I know that I could not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Really liked this , more plausible than most and proper hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I had to stop reading . You need to do one of two things do her or lay down the law no other guys or we are done

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Love it

Gave me a little stiffy thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Really LOVE it: ❤ = ☆☆☆☆☆ (5.0)!

The story is more realistic than it appears.

The point is that Beth wants to keep Jake because he is "boyfriend material" but she is giving herself a permanent & restrictions-free hall pass. Jake is expected not only to be present when another man is fucking her but also to help her sedice his friend Rick.

As for Jake, what doesn't kill him will make him stronger.

tazz317tazz317over 4 years ago

I sure hope that Jake is not an AKA for Jack-Ass. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

just another stupid story why would any rel man do that to himself grow some balls get out

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great story

It made my tiny penis so stiff. I had to rub it with with my thumb and finger till I spurted.

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