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Her Revenge

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Cheating hubby gets punished.
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"But why did you do it???" she screamed.

I looked down at the phone in my hand, on the screen was a picture. A very explicit picture of myself that was sent to another woman.

"I have no idea," I protested, "it just happened! I was searching on my phones web browser and somehow ended up in a chat room. She started talking sexy stuff and she asked for a picture so I obliged."

This was not the day I had envisioned. Coming home from a long day at work I was looking forward to spending some time with my Wife. At 35 yrs old working as an engineer I spend a lot of time on my feet, so returning home for some wine, Friday night tv and a roaring fire to put my feet up to sounded perfect.

Instead here I am facing the worst night of my life. A quick flash, a mistake, something I whole heartedly regret doing and I cant change it.

Yasmin, 45, was holding her head in her hands, silent. She finally looked at me disgust in her eyes. I realised I had fucked up, here I was looking into her eyes, my own emotions surfacing.

"I just don't understand Rick!" she says.

"It just happened, I got nothing back and nothing else happened. I've never spoken to her, only sent a few messages and it wasn't doing anything for me so it ended. I'm so sorry you had to find this. I love you so much, I wish I could turn back time I really do."

"I called her. I called her Rick, she told me everything. She said you had been messaging for weeks, talking on the phone, sending lots of pictures and sex talk. I know you lying."

"I promise you I'm not!!" I exclaimed confused, "I have no idea why she said those things."

I was honest. I have no idea why she would make up stories like that. Why, why would she do that??!!

"Why would she lie then Rick?"

"I don't know Yasmin, I really don't. Maybe she thought she was doing someone a favour. Maybe she had a call from a woman that thought her man was playing away and she felt sorry for you. Perhaps she thought that by telling you what you wanted to hear with exaggeration it would help make your mind up to leave me."

Yasmin was silent, thinking. After a few minutes of what seemed hours she got up and walked out of the room. Walked into the spare bedroom and shut and locked the door.

I sat there also in silence, crying, wondering what to do. Ashamed of my actions, should I leave? or should I stay?

I decided to stay. My eyes raw from my tears I changed and climbed into bed. Our bed. It took a long time but I finally went to sleep.

I woke in the morning to a note on her pillow next to me. I sat up and read;

"Rick, I have not slept, and I have mulled over your actions. I have gone into town shopping for the day. I will think of what to say when I return, and how to deal with you. I will think of a suitable punishment for what you have done, and then we will discuss how to proceed for the future. I am going to meet a friend of mine and go shopping. I will return at 7pm. There is a blindfold I have left out on my bedroom chair. I want you to strip to your boxers and put the blindfold on and be in place before I return."

I understood that she would want to punish me, but I was confused as to the blindfold idea. Did she want to spank me? whip me? make me bleed somehow? In a daze I go about my day. Sorting out some chores, chopping wood for the fire, going to get food for the evening and having a snooze.

At 7pm I am sat in the chair, with the blindfold on, and stripped to my boxers. I am nervous and scared. I have no idea what she has planned.

At what could be 7:15 the door opens. Silence. Footsteps walk up and down the hallway, still silence. "Yasmin?" I call out. the footsteps stop, then get louder as she walks towards me. "Are you ok?" I ask. The response is hearing a drawer open, having my mouth opened and some material stuffed in my mouth. Its lacey, and small. It only takes a minute to realised I have had her knickers stuffed in my mouth to stop me talking. I feel her hands work as I find myself being tied to the chair.

Minutes later I hear her talking in the lounge. I hear some wine being poured and conversation. A male voice laughs. Who is this? why is there a man in my house? I sit there nothing else to do but listen to muffled chat.

What could have been an hour later both sets of footsteps enter the bedroom. "Well what do we have here?" the man laughs. I feel angry and humiliated.

"This is why your here." Yasmin answers.

The blindfold is removed. Adjusting to the dark I see the side lamp on, and both figures across the room. He is tall, handsome, average build, and shoulder length hair. Smartly dressed, and with a glass of wine in his hand.

"This is Nigel," Yasmin explains looking at me "He is a work colleague. Since you have cheated me I want you to see what happens when you betray me."

Wearing her long ankle length black skirt, and white blouse she walks up to him, slides her arms around his neck and kisses him gently on the lips. He responds by putting his glass down and putting his hands around her waist, pulling her closer.

I watch, my eyes wide open. Here is my beautiful wife, the woman I adore and am completely besotted with kissing another man. His hands wrapped around her waist. She has the most perfect figure in my eyes, curvy, full beautiful breasts and the most amazing ass. His hand slide down her ass cheeks, cupping them and she sighs.

Pushing him back she looks at me and tells him to strip. I try to ask her what is she doing but her knickers stuffed into my mouth stop anything coming out. He does so willingly. The sight of my sexy wife has his attention.

With him fully naked, she sits on the bad and holds his hips, she pulls him near. His cock now rock hard, she looks into my eyes and slowly parts her lips, the head of his throbbing cock slowly sliding inside my wife's mouth. She grins as she sees my discomfort. Numb to what I'm seeing I don't realise my own cock straining at my boxers.

He reaches down and holds Yasmin's head, guiding his hard cock into her mouth, her pace quickening. it doesn't take him long. This beautiful woman with her lips on him, he cant hold it. He moans and groans "I'm cumming....."

"Yes, let me have it," she gasps, stroking him into her mouth, his hot cum filling her, coating her tongue and lips.

She looks at me, "see what happens when you betray me?"

I nod in acceptance. The deed is done.

"Oh im not done yet...." she smirks. she lies back onto the bed, and he gets on his knees. runs his hands up her legs, and finds her knickers, soaking wet with excitement he pulls them down her thighs, over her feet and throws them at me. He lifts her skirt up, and I can make a dark triangle of her unshaven pussy, gorgeous and just the way I love it. He kisses his way up and his mouth finds her moist lips. She moans out loud as he makes contact. The musky smell of her has him hard again and he strokes himself as he laps at her mound, his tongue flicking her clit, working her into a frenzy.

"Oh yes, just like that," she moans. "Oh my god..... yes. Rick you have nothing on Nigel, this feels amazing, don't stop."

She runs a hand over her blouse and undoes her buttons. Her voluptuous breasts strain at her bra, her cum covered lipstick glistening in the light. She arches her back as she feels his tongue probing her, feeling her orgasm building rapidly. He quickens his pace and she inhales as she explodes, her orgasm ripping through her body like she has never experienced.

She lies there in stunned silence. Nigel looks over at me and winks, grinning in triumph.

She pulls him up and sees his hard cock, she grabs it and pulls him to her.

"Fuck me, I need you inside me," she hissed

I strain at my bonds, she is going too far now. I haven't done any of this, I don't deserve this. Do I? I suddenly realise my cock is also so hard. Am I really liking this? Am I enjoying seeing my wife with another man?

Nigel obliges, and lines the head of his cock against her soaking pussy lips. He slowly teases her, but she wants it, she needs it. She grabs his hips and pulls him in. I see his cock, parting her lips as he slides in. She gasps and holds her breath as he enters her. Her first different penis in 15 years!!

She turns her head towards me and looks into my eyes. All I see is pure lust. She is in absolute ecstasy, and its all because of Nigel. "Is this what you want? is this how you want to see me? getting fucked? used?" she asks me.

She takes my stunned silence as a yes as he works faster, sliding in and out of her hairy bush. Pinching her nipples through her bra she now only has eyes for him.

"oh yes, fuck me. Fill my aching pussy with your cock. I have missed good sex. Rick is useless, he doesn't do it right, but you feel amazing mmm."

"God you feel so good," he replies, "your so wet, and so beautiful."

"Mmmm I need this.......I need your cum. I want to feel you cumming deep inside me. Do it, do it now," Nigel quickens, his hips moving longer strokes, his cock glistens with her juices, "Give it to me, I need it, give me your cum and you will own me" she looks at me again. "Cum in me Nigel and I'm yours."

He hears this and cant wait, he thrusts forward as his cock erupts inside my wife, she opens her legs wider as he does so, pulling him in. Her face is shock and bliss, as he fills her up. I can see his cum dripping back out, as he slowly retreats.

He stands back and admires his work. Yasmin running a hand down to feel whats dripping out of her hairy pussy. Satisfied she looks at me and says "There, that wasn't so bad was it? You have had you fun, and I have had mine. Tit for tat. I think we're even now don't you?"

I nod my head in defeat.

"Thank you Nigel, that will be all," she says, kissing him.

"Oh I don't think so," he replies, "I own you now remember?"

"Oh that was just words" she says, "I didn't mean it. He betrayed me once so I have betrayed him once, so that's that."

"Well if you want to keep your job, then you will do whatever I ask, whenever I ask. You are mine now, my slut to use at my beckoning call, at work or at home. Ill be in contact."

She stares at him in disbelief, what have I done she thinks to herself, unable to think of a response in time all she can do is watch as he dresses and walks out, but not before giving me another wink and a laugh.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

My wife got her revenge on me by fucking not one but two men that she knew I didn't like,id met them before when I accompanied her to her work party,they were your usual cocky office workers and I made a point of not liking them and wow did it turn against me,I'll be late coming home from work tonight Tracey said,ok babe don't work to hard will you I said as I kissed her goodbye,about 6 o'clock that night my phone started ringing and it was a video call from Tracey,she never video called me,hi she said on the phone,this is what it feels like to be cheated on by someone that says he loves you she said and then these two dickheads came into the screen,your wife wants you to watch what we are going to do to her you cheat they said to me,Tracey is then on her knees sucking both of their cocks and I watched her getting fucked in both of her holes by these cocky fuckers

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Welllll ~ this is a fine mess! Husband doesn't say a word when she releases him. Gets dressed, continuing to ignore her. She tries berating him and then rationalizing what she did, only to be met with silence. He packs a suitcase, moves through her as she tries to block the bedroom door, and gets in his car and leaves. All weekend his wife calls and texts to no avail. He refuses to acknowledge her. Monday he sees his attorney and has her served at work in front of everyone. Nigel stands in the background and smirks thinking he has her completely now. That evening as Nigel is getting into his car in the parking garage three men wearing hoods grab him from behind. Spinning him around they begin pummeling him top and bottom; one smashing his face over and over with brass knuckles, one alternating hits to his stomach and his balls, and one slamming a tire iron into his kneecaps. Finally they hold him face down on the pavement and lift his head up and then smash it down three or four times. At last one of the three whispers in his ear, 'if you EVER look at another married woman again they won't be able to put all of your limbs back where they belong. Let me hear you say you understand or we can just keep on doing this for a while longer.' Nigel nodded his head and tried to tell them he understood but it was difficult understanding him with the blood pouring out of his mouth and with his broken teeth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well that marriage is over! Even if she stops and loses her job there’s no way hubby can maintain any kind of self-respect after the disrespect she’s shown him. Even if he fucked someone else,he didn’t force her to watch D*I*V*O*R*C*E !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ridiculous story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Crapola! Hubby’s an assess,sending sexy pics of himself to anther woman but his piece of shit soon to be ex-wife actually cheatsand right in front of him. - He needs to head for the hills why the cunt continues to fuck her boss. - As I said,CRAPOLA!

SexecutionerSexecutionerover 3 years ago

Such a pathetic life one must have to write this pile of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It's a nice story but unrealistic. I can't image any man no matter what he did to just stand there and let his wife do what this woman did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What has she done?

Other than to commit adultery - nothing. Her Boss is an idiot. All she does is cry rape, go to the hospital and have a rape kit done and he's in jail for years and years. Stupid, unfinished story.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I don't beg or demand a follow-up story, but if this doesn't shout "to be continued" there isn't such an obvious need anywhere on Literotica.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 4 years ago

Needed more. Much more

Raleighman53Raleighman53over 4 years ago

Let's have the sequel please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good Story

Good story. Liked the over the top revenge by Yasmin. I could see Yasmin enjoy fucking Nigel regularly. Hope you decide to write a sequel.

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