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Hero at Night, Slut all the Time

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An ordinary woman is given a gift with slutty consequences.
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Managing this store was rewarding but challenging sometimes. On this particular night, I had two employees working with me. One was Cody, who was a young guy of about nineteen. He was sure of himself or, more accurately, cocky. But a hard worker. The other was Fisher. Also, a young man at only eighteen years old. Unlike Cody, he was quiet and shy.

I enjoyed leading these two and my other two employees. What I did not enjoy was how rough the location of our small convenience store had become over the years. Police cars blaring their sirens would constantly be speeding by, yet you would continually hear about muggings and assaults occurring nearby. Just last year, I had my purse taken at gunpoint. That almost made me quit and move away, but I endured. If for nothing else than for my employees. They wouldn't admit it, but they did look up to me, and I hated the idea of letting them down.

I, myself, was a young woman of twenty-four years old. I was aware of the danger of being a woman in this area. Especially since I was a rather attractive one, according to the men constantly harassing me on the street. I had a toned body but still managed to have c-cup breasts that bordered on d-cup. I also seemed to have inherited my mother's pronounced booty, which also got plenty of unwelcomed remarks on the streets.

"Jennifer, when are we getting more Mars bars? We've been out for two straight days now," Cody asked me.

"Corporate will only tell me they are working on it. That's all I know," I said in reply.

"The store near me has them," Fisher pointed out.

"Why the fuck are shopping at other stores, Fisher," Cody asked accusingly.

"Cause they have Mars bars...," Fisher replied.

We laughed and continued on with stocking and cleaning the store. I was helping out with the late shift today, and it was nearly 2 am. We hadn't seen a customer in an hour, but corporate insisted the store stay open twenty-four hours a day, so here we were. But just as I had this thought, the bell on our door rang, and a couple of men walked in. "Hello! Let us know if you need help finding anything," I called out, greeting them.

The men didn't respond but walked right up to Fisher at the cash register. "Can I... help you," he asked them cautiously.

"Shut the fuck up and empty the register," one of the men said, pulling out a pistol. Fisher went pale, seeing the gun, and froze. Cody, meanwhile, got an angry look and started marching towards the men.

I was lucky enough to be near him and grabbed him. "No. Don't be a fool. You'll only put Fisher in danger," I pleaded with him. He seemed to accept this and stopped his advance with a clenched fist.

"Do what he says and give him the money," I told Fisher. He looked at me, nodded, and started taking the cash out of the register with shaky hands.

The other two men approached Cody and I. "Little man wants to be a hero? Too bad his mommy held him back. We could have had some fun," one of them teased Cody getting in his face.

"You fucking...," Cody started to say before the man punched him hard in the gut.

"Shut your mouth and stay down. She was right to tell you to back off. I would have killed you in an instant," the man yelled angrily.

The third man eyed my body up and down. "We might have to come back sometime and have fun with this one," he said with eyes full of lust.

I took a step back and crossed my arms. "Just take your money and go. We won't stop you," I said, trying to end this situation before it got bad. The two of them laughed and walked back to their partner, who was taking the bag of money from Fisher. After grabbing some drinks, they left, disappearing into the darkness of the late night.

I collapsed on the floor, feeling like I held my breath during that entire incident. "Fisher, call the police. Are you okay, Cody?" I asked as I scooted over to him.

"I'm fine," he said, sitting up but still holding onto his stomach. The poor teenager had his confidence thrown right back in his face today.

Twenty minutes later, a police car came by, took our statements, and made copies of the security tapes. The men only got away with two hundred dollars, but the team was shaken badly by the incident. The worst was that we knew the men would never be caught. Not in a neighborhood like this. They could return anytime they wanted and maybe do much worse this second time. I feared that I could never get Cody and Fisher to return to work. Even the employees of mine that weren't here would be spooked by this. All of my workers needed this job. Quitting it out of fear would cause them to fall into poverty or crime themselves. I informed corporate of what happened and insisted we shut the store down for a bit. After going back and forth, they gave me permission to close the shop until the morning after next. I sent Cody and Fisher home before I, too, headed back to my apartment.

The sun just started to rise as I walked. My phone rang, and it was Charlie, my boyfriend. Somehow, the idea of talking with him made me feel worse, but I picked up, not wanting to worry him. "Jennifer? Are you okay? I turned on the news, and they mentioned a robbery at your store," he asked, concerned. I explained what happened and let him know I was safe. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, babe. Maybe it's time to consider leaving that job. That neighborhood is only getting worse, it seems," Charlie suggested.

"No. I could never do that. I'll work with corporate to implement new safety measures. Besides, no one was badly hurt." Charlie was not satisfied with that answer, and I couldn't blame him. I knew nothing would change except a few emails and new signs around the store.

"How about I come over. I can call off work and be with you," he offered.

"No, don't skip work for me. I'm just going to crash on my bed and sleep things off. I'll talk to you later, honey," I said. He accepted that, and we ended the call. When I finally got to my apartment, I did exactly as I had said I would and fell asleep without even bothering to change my clothes.

I dreamed I was back at the store, reliving the robbery. Only this time, I was too weak to do anything. I grabbed Fisher to try to stop him from confronting the men, but he easily pushed right past me. The man he approached pulled out a knife and hurt Fisher badly, leaving him bleeding on the floor. Cody continued to be frozen in place as the man with the gun yelled at him to empty the register. I tried to yell for him to give up the money but couldn't get out more than a whisper. I closed my eyes as I heard the gun go off. Finally, another man stood over me with a gun of his own, telling me to hand him the can of beer that was on the floor right next to me. I tried with all my might to pick it up, but it wouldn't budge. The man with the gun got angrier and angrier, but I couldn't even lift it a millimeter. Finally, a loud bang woke me up suddenly.

It was nearing 4 pm in the afternoon. Despite sleeping ten hours, I felt worse than I did before I got any rest. The dream made the events of this morning still in front of my mind. I checked my phone, scared I would see multiple texts from my employees informing me they were quitting, but thankfully, no one had. Not yet, at least.

I got up and made some shitty coffee, which was the only kind I knew how to make. But it did little to make me feel better. I sat alone at my small dining table, staring off at nothing. Something in me snapped and tears started to well in my eyes. I was so fucking pathetic. I couldn't protect anything despite being responsible for these people's safety at my store. I was stuck in this awful, crime-riddled neighborhood, just waiting to be shot in a mugging or robbery gone wrong.

"You have more power to protect them than you realize," a voice said in front of me. Looking up, I was met with the sight of a beautiful woman glowing and floating. I tried to push myself back out of the shock at seeing this, but instead, I fell backward out of my chair, spilling coffee all over me.

"Fuck!" I yelled due to the hot liquid contacting my skin. I didn't let the pain stop me and scrambled to the far side of the room, away from the attractive ghost lady.

"Why the hell would you choose to haunt this shitty place? Go spook a rich suburban neighborhood or something," I yelled out at her.

"I'm not a ghost, Jennifer. I'm not here to harm or threaten you with harm. Quite the opposite. I'm here to offer you the power to protect those you care for and improve the situation in this city," she said in a calm and soothing voice.

I've read enough comics to know when a hot ghost lady offers you power, you listen. I relaxed a bit and approached her. "Maybe I'm interested in that. You can give me powers to fight crime? Super strength? Speed? Flying?" I said, anxious to hear what my new amazing abilities will be.

"Nope. I can offer you personally none of that," she said bluntly.

"Then what the heck are we talking about? What can you offer me?" I demanded.

"A soul," the ghost said.

"Is this joke because of my red hair?" I shot back.

"No, let me explain. If you are willing to accept it, I will implant a second soul into your body. After you fall asleep, this second soul will take over control of your body at night. They will then take to the streets and fight crime, protect the innocent, and overall make your city safer," she explained. I had a thousand questions pop into my head hearing this. "Before you ask your questions, I'll give some details." I kept silent and let her continue.

"First, the second soul, or hero, will awaken in a full costume, including a mask. Your civilian identity will be safe. Second, despite her using your body at night, you will wake up fully rested. However, I must warn you. You are sharing a body. If you get hurt, so will she be. And vice versa as well. But do not fret. This hero soul

is a combat master and comes with some abilities. Nothing incredible. Mainly increased agility, slightly higher strength, high eye-hand coordination, and a few other minor powers. Trust me when I say your body will be safe with her."

"But I'll wake up clueless about what she did the previous night? I don't know if I can handle that uncertainty," I fretted.

"Fear not. While you will have no ability to control her actions, you will be coming along from the ride. Instead of dreaming, you will witness what does with your body. You may wake up groggy, but you will remember her actions the night before. As she will be aware of what you do when you are awake."

"Why have you chosen me? I don't have much to offer to a superhero. I'm poor. I have no connections to the police force. Surely others are better suited for this," I pointed out, still not convinced this is the best idea for me.

"The personality of the hero soul will be an extension of yours but exaggerated. If a greedy person would be given this gift, the hero would steal and rob. A person with a short temper would make the soul angry and violent. But none of that is you. You are a kind woman with a strong desire for justice. This is why I have chosen you for this."

My mind continued to race with this sudden opportunity being offered to me. "You need not decide right at this moment. I will give you until you fall asleep tonight. If, before you sleep, you say the words, 'I accept' out loud, the soul will enter your body. I must warn you, though. This is permanent and cannot be undone. Do not accept lightly." Before I could ask anything else, the hot ghost lady dissolved into the air, leaving me with a tough decision.

With no work today, I had nothing to do but stew on my choice. Eventually, I had to get out for a walk around dusk. Walking around the neighborhood, I witnessed police chasing people, youth committing random acts of violence, and figures in dark corners dealing god knows what. If I let this opportunity pass by, I would forever feel like every crime victim was my fault. With that in mind, the decision became clear.

I ate a quick dinner and tried to pass the time with some TV, but eventually I knew I couldn't wait any more. I sat down in my bed and said the words, "I accept," loudly and clearly. I put my head on the pillow, and I passed out the second my eyes closed.


The hero woke up and got out of bed. Looking at the clock it was only 9 pm, which gave her plenty of time to work. She went to the mirror in the bathroom and checked out her costume. It was a latex bodysuit that covered her whole body, composed of a blue and purple pattern. It hugged her curves tightly but gave her excellent mobility. The hero threw some quick punches and a high kick and was excited by how good she felt. Her mask covered her eyes and came down to her neck, with a large area open for her mouth and nose to be free. Her red hair was also free, as nothing covered the top of her head. The mask would serve its purpose to protect the identity of her civilian counter part Jennifer.

But that raised a good question. What should she call herself? She needed a hero name, of course, and something memorial. Lady Night Watch. It wasn't the most clever name she could think of, but it made clear what she stood for.

With that settled, Lady Night Watch was ready to start her campaign of justice. She climbed out of a window and, with great speed, used the window sills to climb up to the roof building. She didn't need to start the night seeking out crime as she was already aware of one that happened. Jumping from roof to roof, she ended up overlooking the convenience store Jennifer worked at and was just robbed this morning. Criminals operate within, at most, a ten-block area. Considering they just pulled a robbery off, Lady Night Watch doubted they would be walking the streets in the open right now. But with their ill-gotten gains, she also doubted they were just staying in for the night either.

Traveling by rooftop, she went to a nearby block that was known for its strip clubs. Lady Night Watch prowled up high for an hour, watching everyone who came in and out of the five clubs. After an hour, she saw what she wanted. The three men came out the side doors of a club, loudly yelling about how those girls should be honored to be groped by them. Clearly, they were just kicked out for breaking the rules. She followed them as they walked down an alley, where she knew it was time to strike.

The hero slid down a gutter and landed right in front of the three of them. "The fuck..." one of them asked before taking a kick to the face. The two other men looked at their fallen friend astonished before another of them took three punches to the stomach and a final blow to the chin, sending him to the ground. The third guy finally managed to get this fist up and took a swing at the costumed lady beating the shit out of his friends. But Lady Night Watch anticipated this and grabbed the arm and swung him over her shoulder onto the ground hard.

She raised a fist, ready to come down on his face, but paused. "If you get within two miles of that store you robbed last night, you'll need a wheelchair for the next two years of your life. So says Lady Night Watch." She then grabbed his arm with both hands and twisted it hard, breaking it in multiple places. The man screamed and then passed out from the pain.

On the street, just outside the alley, a couple of people walking by were startled when three unconscious men were thrown out in front of them. This was followed by a masked woman in a body suit dusting off her costume. She pointed to the group. "Call the police and tell them Lady Night Watch caught the three men who robbed the convenience store this morning," she instructed them. Without waiting for them to ask any questions, she flipped upwards onto a fire escape and rapidly ascended back to the roof.

The rest of the night, Lady Night Watch went on patrol, being the watchful eye above the streets and dark alleys. She stopped a young couple from getting mugged. A young mother on the way home from work was nearly assaulted before she swooped in and stopped it. Two men distributing drugs and money to each other were interrupted by her as well. In all these cases, the hero delivered the perps to where the police would find them shortly after. The hero also made sure everyone knew the streets were now under the protection of Lady Night Watch.

The night was coming to a close, and the eastern sky turned purple. It was time to head back and turn her body over to Jennifer, who would remember everything that had happened that night. Hopefully, she will see all the good that was done by her decision to let the hero borrow her body each night. Just as the sun was rising, she climbed into the bed and shut her eyes.


I shot up out of bed. My heart was racing. It was just like the ghost said. I felt fully rested. But did all that stuff actually happen, or was it a dream? I rushed to the bathroom and saw my usual self in the mirror with no superhero costume on. When I, or her, I should say, laid down on the bed, I was in full costume. Maybe it was all a dream.

I rushed to get ready and headed to the convenience store. When I got there, Cody was waiting and looking excited. "Jennifer!" He yelled as he saw me approach. "They arrested them! The robbers are in jail," he informed me.

Maybe it was a coincidence. Or maybe... "Really, that's great, Cody. How did they catch them," I asked as I unlocked the front doors to the store.

"You didn't hear? There's a female superhero in our city now. She caught and beat the crap out of them and left them for the police. I can't believe it, Jennifer!"

That was it. That confirmed that I actually had a superhero sharing my body with me. "That's not all," Helen said walking in behind us. "She stopped a lot of crime over the whole night. The jail was almost overrun with arrest, they say." Helen was another employee of mine. A single mom of about thirty years old. I was so happy to hire her as she needed a job with flexible hours, which I was able to provide.

Throughout the workday, Helen and Cody talked non-stop about how excited they were about having someone looking out for them. Customers came in and shared rumors and news they heard as well. I couldn't help but laugh at some of the more absurd things said, like that the hero had wings or was actually a team of ninjas. It was also weird hearing a few guys talk about how sexy she was. That costume was rather tight, I admit.

The important thing was the attitude of my employees, and even the whole neighborhood had shifted from fear to hope. I told myself I couldn't take credit as I didn't do anything. It was all Lady Night Watch. But I had made the right choice and looked forward to what she would do tonight.

After working and getting dinner, I headed home in a much better mood than I could have thought possible, given the events of yesterday morning. Again, I was anxious to see what the hero would do next, so I went to bed early at 9 pm.


Lady Night Watch sprung from the bed. Feeling the face mask already present on her face, she knew her body was prepared for another night of fighting. She felt strong, motivated, and a bit rambunctious. She bolted out the same window as the night before and ascended to the rooftop, surveying the city below. She calmed her mind and focused on the many sounds of the streets, particularly the people. She heard the faintest of whines coming from her left and knew someone needed her help.

Arriving at the scene, she witnessed a man yelling at a woman. It wasn't a mugging by the looks of it, but the lady was in danger. Jumping off the roof, Lady Night Watch controlled her fall using the alley wall and fell directly onto the man, instantly knocking him out. "You're safe now. Did he hurt you," the hero asked the surprised woman.

She took a few moments to calm down but eventually replied. "I'm okay, thank you so much. He's my ex from like six months ago. I had gotten a restraining order against him, and obviously, he didn't take it well. He was so angry, and if you hadn't come by me...," the woman couldn't finish that thought, feeling overly scared of what might have happened.


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