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Hi Sweetheart

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A short conversation between husband and wife.
1.5k words
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This story has been posted to Literotica.Com with the full knowledge of the original author, JimBob44. No part or whole of this story may be reprinted in any other format or on any other web site without the express written consent of the original author.

Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-Check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes.


'Broken' by Tapping The Vein pulsed from her purse. Even as she fumbled for her cell phone, Laci Simone bobbed her head along with the music.

'You are my weakness. You may be my down...'

"Hi Sweetheart; how was your flight? You all checked in?" the beautiful blonde gushed, smiling.

"Hey Sweetie-pie. Flight? The flight was just God-awful. We hit some turbulence over Ohio? Thought I was going to get whiplash, I swear," Glen Simone, Jr. squawked into her ear. "So, where are you? You have today off, right?"

"Yes, thank God," Laci agreed. "Hey, did you even kiss me bye-bye this morning? I got up you were one gone pecan."

"Man! You must have had a whole lot to drink last night," Glen chuckled into her ear. "I really hope you didn't drive like that. These girls nights of yours...But yeah, I kissed you. And your boob was hanging out so I played with it and it got me all horny so I just went ahead and nailed you. Really? You don't remember any of that?"

"Glen, you did not," Laci giggled.

"So, what you doing?" Glen asked.

"Making those roasted pepper wraps Sharon told me about. See, you take some corn tortillas; I'm using the flour ones, hate how the corn ones just fall apart and you take some roasted red peppers and some caramelized onions."

"Thank God PC Nation's not charging us by the minute here," Glen muttered to himself as his wife gave him the recipe, step by step and ingredient by ingredient.

"Don't tell Sharon," Laci whispered into the phone. "But I'm adding bacon. She might be all vegan, yeah, yeah, I know, meat is so bad for you but still..."

"Sooo..." Glen husked into the phone. "What are you wearing?"

"Glen!" Laci giggled again. "Naughty boy!"

Glen was sure she was twirling a strand of her knee-length whitish blonde hair as she cradled the cell phone between her ear and her shoulder. Her pale pink lips were curled up in her impish smile, revealing her small white teeth. Her blue eyes would be carefully monitoring the bacon as she cooked it. Laci loved thick cut bacon, especially the cracked black pepper flavor. Burns & Burns Grocers grocery store on Highway 19 didn't always have the thick cut cracked black pepper bacon so when they did have it on hand, Laci always grabbed two 12 ounce packages. She would freeze one and immediately tear open the second one and plan a meal around the meat.

"Soooo...I'm wearing those black cut-offs; the low rider ones?" Laci husked.

If Laci had any flaws, it was her short, stumpy legs. Her flesh was ghostly pale; she did not tan, she burned. The black denim shorts she was describing revealed her pasty white legs and displayed a nearly obscene amount of her chubby buttocks. Should she bend over, tendrils of her white blonde pubic hairs escaped the sides, showing that she was indeed a natural blonde.

"And my butt's all hanging out," Laci continued to husk into the phone. "Ooh, that leather's so cold! You know I got to sit on the barstool in these shorts; I'll stick to the plastic chairs."

"Vinyl," Glen corrected.

"And I got my hair up in them two ponytails; you know how you like when I wear my hair like that," Laci continued.

Glen could hear something scraping and deduced she was taking the bacon from the frying pan. Yes, he did like when she wore her long blonde hair in two ponytails. The one time he'd slipped up and called them 'Dick Sucking Handlebars' Laci had immediately taken her hair out of the ponytails, glaring red hot bitterness at him. It was three months before she would put her hair up like that again.

"And I got my Cabrini High School tee shirt on; go Cavaliers!" Laci said.

"GO Defenders," Glen thought, smiling.

Glen didn't know how tightly the tee shirt had fit when Laci Peterson had been a student at the DeGarde, Louisiana Catholic High School. But, seven years after graduation, the tee shirt fit like a second skin over her 30C breasts. Numerous washings had rendered the tee shirt quite thin; her pale pink areolae were barely discernable through the material. When she was excited, the crinkling of her half-dollar coin sized areolae was noticeable. Her long, thick nipples threatened to shred holes in the garment. When she pulled the shirt's hem down, the shadow of her navel was visible through the material. But, most of the time, the hem worked itself up, revealing her 26 inch waist and her adorable little navel.

"Do we have balsamic vinegar? Apple cider vinegar ought to be good, huh?" Laci asked.

"Just bought that big old bottle what? Two weeks ago," Glen said.

"Huh? Oh, oh yeah, but think I'd rather try apple cider vinegar," Laci said.

"So uh, where are you?" Glen asked.

"Uh? I'm in the kitchen," Laci said. "What? Think I'm in the living room cooking all this?"

"Our kitchen?" Glen asked.

"Yes. Our kitchen. Where else would I..." Laci said.

"Really? Because I'm standing right here in our kitchen and I don't see your cute butt or anything else of you anywhere," Glen said.

"What?" Laci shrieked. "No, no, you, you have that conference in what was it? New Jersey!"

"Told you, we hit that turbulence and got re-routed and that would put us five hours behind so I just decided 'fuck it' and came on home," Glen said.

"I, Glen, I, I can explain," Laci babbled. "I, it, it didn't mean, it doesn't mean anything. It's just, I mean, I ran into him at Vermillion's last night and..."

"April fool's," Glen whispered, flopping back onto the hotel bed. "But, I guess the real fool is me, huh?"

He ended the call and lay, staring up at the ceiling. Why did motels all have such ugly ceiling tiles? The ones directly overhead even showed some signs of water damage.

He was supposed to say he was in their kitchen and she would whirl around and say she didn't see him. Then he would say 'April Foo's Day' and they would both have a laugh. But her shriek and babbling that he wasn't supposed to be there had stifled the 'April Fool's Day' in his throat.

"Guess I'm the fool," Glen said tiredly.

His cell phone rang. It was his wife's ring tone. He lay motionless as 'Lovely 2 C U' by Goldfrapp played. A moment later the song faded as the call went to his voice mail.

A knock sounded at the door of Room 112. Wearily, Glen got to his feet and opened the door. Ronnie Edwards, his immediate supervisor stood, the hand of his rolling suitcase in one hand and his garment bag slung over his shoulder. Glen stared at the man blankly.

"You are not going to believe this," Ronnie said. "Conference got shut down. Not enough people signed up for it."

"Great. Just. Great," Glen sighed.

Just as Glen was about to shut the door, Ronnie smiled widely and said, "April fool's! Hey, meet me down in the lounge in thirty minutes, okay? Patrick Turner and Jeff Landry from Turner's are already down there; said there's this steak place we have just got to check out for lunch."

Glen's wife's ringtone started to play again. Glen nodded his head and shut the door. He wondered if a shower might make him feel human, or if he should grab a nap; the early morning flight had been pretty rough and he was feeling sleep deprived.

"Thirty minutes," Ronnie called through the closed door.

The End.


**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I sincerely thank you for reading my stories.

Likewise, I thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad. I also thank those that take the time to rate my works, those that 'Favorite' my words.

Glen Simone, Jr. is the son of philandering superstar Glen Simone. His father is the principal character in 'One Old Fool' in the Loving Wives category. He also has roles in the 'The Broussard Sisters' series in the Group Sex category as well as the 'Love and Bullets' series in the Romance category.

Laci Simone nee Peterson is a minor character briefly mentioned in the 'Wealth' series. She also makes a cameo appearance in 'Dancing Lessons' in the Loving Wives category.

Ronnie Edwards, the supervisor of Glen Jr. is a character first introduced in the 'Flowers in the Heart' series in the Transgender & Crossdressers category. He is also a primary character in the 'Men in Blue' series in the Lesbian Sex category.

The Patrick Turner and Jeff Landry Ronnie speaks of are a minor character and a primary character in 'From Christmas to Christmas' in the Loving Wives category.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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Hotstuff1PHotstuff1P4 months ago

Ha ha ha the truth comes out. 😄 great little story.

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah5 months ago

An excellent beginning, but it left me feeling like I was watching a lit firework sputter out.

Thanks for lighting the fuse anyway.

Lee2012Lee20126 months ago

And THAT is why I n e v e r pull an April Fools on anyone. That was a freaking kick in the balls, eh?

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ More if I could get away with it

shadrachtshadracht6 months ago

Not enough meat for anything other than sadness. 1*

KenfromIndyKenfromIndy7 months ago

Quick and to the point - interesting tak on April’s Fool joke!

enderlocke77enderlocke777 months ago


he wasnt trying to set her up it was a legit phone call to his with he then decided to say apirl fools when she looked around to se if he was there. it was written i guess u skipped read. guess that was ur loss.

wwaldripwwaldrip7 months ago

I had remembered JimBob stories and loved them, this one left me feeling completely confused 🫤

tralan69ertralan69er7 months ago

That was a nice little snack.

Maybe a second part to fill in where needed. Looking forward to part 2.

Thank you.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderher7 months ago

I remember when the author formally known as JimBob actually wrote some entertaining stories.

How the mighty have fallen.

dgfergiedgfergie7 months ago

I thought it was pretty good how he trapped her but I don't recall any set up for why he was suspicious of her or did he find out by accident with the attempted April Fools joke, mabe that was it and her feeling guilt caused the impromptu confession? Well written though but my undevious mind is not very sleuthfull in solving these very subtle mysteries.4 stars

Comentarista82Comentarista827 months ago

I will admit that the story most certainly fits the rules and spirit of the April fools they contest; it also provides one major and one minor April Fools speed bump, one for Glenn's wife and one from Glenn's supervisor. However, there are some things that stand out in the story and things that could have been done to improve it.


The obvious thing is the story lacks sufficient length, as I could actually see this only having to go 2 pages to more fully flesh out these ideas. The story could have had g l e n draw out more of the possible scenario, and maybe even gotten a few more details out of her.. which could have either set up for a really interesting divorce that would have put her in her place for cheating; but just in general, it's too short. Additionally, there are some items in here that no reader needs to know about: for one, where Laci got the thick cut bacon is completely irrelevant to the story; also, the fact that Laci's face turned into an impish smile when he wasn't on a video chat with her.. as necessary as maybe a few people might find that.. is also completely unneeded, because unless they're doing FaceTime, skype, or a zoom call no one is going to know if she's smiling or not. It would have definitely added tons had he actually gone home and been in the kitchen and maybe done something like okay what pan are you using, what utensils have you pulled out.. that would have been kind of comical if she would have named all these different items than what he knows she would normally use. Also the very fact about her going through the entire ingredient list for recipe was something that should have just been cut down and in favor of more detail to either set her up for a spectacular face plant, or to establish more sympathy for Glen on the reader's part. The other significant issue is that had she drunk a lot, she would still be experiencing remnants of a hangover, having to take aspirin and having to drink lots of water or drink black coffee. So if we assume she was so blitzed that she was still totally out of it when he left, then that would have made either a very literal event that did happen true or his comical and sarcastic attempt at saying he took advantage all the more impactful. However that's actually some meat missing from this meal, that would have added more richness to this account.


Maybe one of these days I will catch one of your stories that is actually quite a bit longer, more developed and that gives me a different impression than the ones I've read to date. But what I read now, since it had nothing to do with the 750-word project, is once more way too short to be considered a complete work; there's just no other way to put it. It just simply has to be more effort placed in the details, or the story development, whatever you want to call it. The best I can rate this is a 2.

TonyspencerTonyspencer7 months ago

Opps! Still, better he knows and she knows it’s over. 5*

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Short and sweet like shredded wheat .

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