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An older woman teaches a younger man how to want.
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*Caution* Drug use.

I look over and see him, he comes my way smiling like he always does when he sees me. He believes me to be a friend no more, It might shock him to know that I am not his friend, no, Not even companion, I am a hunter and for now, he is my prey.

He is the sort I often choose simply because they would not choose me, I do not measure up, I offend visually, and perhaps morally being so much older than the likes of him. With his easy smile and laughing eyes he comes to my side thinking himself safe and untouchable by the lowly likes of me, oh yes, he believes that I crave what I cannot have, but he is wrong. I will have what I want.

Reaching out he takes hold of my drink in a proprietary manner, after all that is what friends do, right? Silly boy, does he know I haven't taken a single drink? I would guess not watching him smiling and laughing taking sip after sip of what he never asked for.

I offer to drive him home, he's feeling dizzy and is afraid that getting behind the wheel of his car might not be a good idea. I tell him, It must be that bug that's going around, Just settle right here in my car, and before you know it you'll be safe in bed.

By the time we get to my house, he can barely hold his head up, walking in a drugged daze muttering small snatches of songs and giggling at the idea of being in my car, but after all, We are friends aren't we?

Up to my room a large bed with black iron framework, no canopy, but simple black tulle wrapped and draped over the bare metal frame. Black sheets and covers. A simple bed in a simple room with deep blue walls and stars on the cream ceiling. As we enter he starts. "Where am I?" he asks, the simple question of a child though he is not.

"In the bedroom, you are too dizzy to go home, you may sleep here tonight. He accepts my answer with the faith and naiveté of the youth he is. Fighting the laughter that tries to well up from deep inside, I pat his hand and helping him with his boots, cover him, kissing his cheek chastely as a friend would do.

Just before dawn I go back to the room, to find that he has stirred in the night, rising to remove all but his trousers and socks. It is just as well, he won't be needing clothing soon enough. Reaching between the mattress and box springs, I pull out the padded leather shackles, and slowly, quietly I place them on his ankles first, then wrists smiling at the fact that he barely moves in response to my actions. I take a seat and open my book, ready to wait for the next move in my little game.

He wakes with a start, suddenly gasping as his sleep addled mind tries to take in what is happening to him. "What are you doing?" He asks me pulling at the bonds that hold him tightly.

"Whatever do you mean dear?" I reply putting my book down and moving towards him.

"Where am I?" He questions, still unable to see his predicament.

"You are in my care." I answer simply.

"Why have you done this to me?" He tries again to free himself without success.

"Because it is what I do." I watch as he shakes his head as though to free it of cobwebs.

"Why me?" He begs, still not understanding.

"Why not?" I look at his form watching him blush under my gaze.

"I'm not interested." He states, finally grasping my plan.

"I don't care." I counter as I move closer to him, smiling as he helplessly squirms away from my gentle touch.

"I don't like you in that way." He gasps as my hand touches his bare chest.

"I know." Is my only comment as I reach into the bedside table and pull out a large knife.

"What are you doing?" He screams as he sees the knife emerge from its heavy leather sheath. "Why? I thought you weren't interested?" Is my remark as I move the Blade smoothly down his chest. "Please, Don't kill me! Please!" I smile at the look of fear in his eyes. "I had no thought to kill you dear, just perhaps educate you." I watch him panting as the weapon slides under the waistband of his jeans. "Please NO!" he begs as the knife comes close to that which he holds most dear. "Hold still, I would hate to take off any more than was removed when you were tiny." I pull the blade up and grin as the pants begin to cut like warm butter. He holds still though his breathing is ragged and I can hear his young heart beating loudly in the otherwise silent room.

Once the pants are gone, and the socks as well, I step back smiling at my handiwork. "No underwear, why am I not surprised?" I comment as the morning light dances across his nubile flesh. "I don't know what you think you are going to accomplish, I am not doing anything with you." His eyes flash with anger that is strangely at odds with his present position. "No dear boy, You aren't going to do anything with me at all, other than entertain me." With that I leave the room and him shocked into silence by all that has happened.

A few minutes later, I return with a urinal in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Setting the glass down on the bedside I say, "Here, You must be ready to burst." I say as I reach down to his youthful phallus, obviously awake and needing it's morning release. As I reach down, he shrinks away from my touch, blushing. I pull back. "If you'd rather, I could just leave you like this, but I assure you, it will be some time before you are free to release yourself, this could get very uncomfortable." I walk back to my chair and once again open my book reading silently.

After a minute or two, I hear him softly say, "Please, I really have to go." Rising I move to the bed and take him in my hand allowing him to fill the urinal smiling as he sighs. Once done, I leave the room and come back empty handed. I sit once more on my chair and stare at him lying naked and fully exposed on my bed, tied and helpless.

"I'm really not interested." He mutters still trying to escape my bonds. "I know, You've made yourself perfectly clear, I am far too old and fat for the likes of you."

"It's not like that," He begins "NO!" I cut his words off.

"It is like that, do you think I am stupid? I am old and yes even fat, my hair has gone to silver, but I am far from stupid. I know you, I know your kind. " I continue my monologue rising from my chair and pacing the room, throwing my words at him like daggers.

"You would not even give me a chance, just like the others, but just like the others, you will learn." With that I move to the bed and capture his mouth in a punishing kiss, my tongue harshly demanding entrance between his youthful lips. He tries to pull away spitting at the thought of my aged form near his young perfect one. Pulling back I look at him and then down to the stirrings that the flesh cannot deny. My laughter is cold and harsh as I watch him blush in the shame of reacting to something so foul as me. "Your flesh is weak little one, he does not care overmuch for looks does he?" I mock as his phallus jerks and begins to shrivel as though in shame.

"Stop this!" He demands. Once again I laugh at his folly. "You are in no position to make demands of me little one. But I will forgive it. This time." I reach out quickly and grasp his left nipple smiling as he gasps at the sudden pain. "Mmmm, No one pays any attention to you do they?" I speak only to his chest. "Well that will soon be remedied." Reaching into the table I pull 2 small clamps out and hold them before his wide eyed stare. "No!" He screams out pulling hard on the bonds that hold him tight in my grasp. "No? You say No to me? Again? I think not little man." My hand strays back to the drawer and pull out a small ball gag. Grasping his head I force the red ball past his perfect white straight teeth, and fasten the gag behind his head at the same time pulling the rubber band out of his long hair.

His eyes are filled with a combination of fear and anger as I move towards his chest with the first clamp. Bending down and letting my long hair tickle his chest I lick and suck his right nipple until it stands before me a tight little peak of skin. With one hand I open the clamp and hold it over his erect nipple catching his terror filled eyes in my own. Waiting a few breathes more I suddenly close the clamp on his tender flesh. He bucks away from the pain and gasps around the gag, trying hard to scream and failing. I walk back to my chair and once again sit, silently watching him writhe on my bed.

After a time I return to his side and smiling bend down to treat his left nipple to the gentle caress of my mouth only to trap it like it's twin in the harsh metal of the clamp. He bucks again, though not as hard and not as feverishly, as though giving up to the obvious control I have over him. His nipples caught, I step back from him to gaze upon my handiwork. His young phallus shriveled as though in fear of similar treatment, I laugh a giddy laugh of the hunter cornering its prey. "What is the matter dear? I thought you liked to play with women? I thought that they were just a game for you? The bigger the bitch the more you like to play? Isn't that right? Well, I am the Bitch, and I play back." I reach out and unsnap the gag, wanting to hear him beg and lie and tell me he wouldn't respond.

"You can't make me." He gasped as he worked out the kink in his jaw. "Oh can't I?" I respond by flicking the clamp on his left nipple with my fingertip. His eyes roll back as he tries to curl away from the sensation coursing through him. I look down and smile as I see his manhood begin to swell. "NO!" He yells, still believing that somehow he is in control. "No?" I say softly and reach out once more, this time to slowly twist the clamp on his right nipple. The sound he makes is not one of pain, and I watch as his cock swells more without even being touched. "You have always liked being in control haven't you?" I question as my hand slowly wanders his chest gently moving the clamps and smiling down at him as he softly moans under my touch.

"You have to be the Man? Right? That's how it works isn't it?" My hand moves up to the back of his neck playing with the short hairs hidden under his long mane, He moans louder as I run my fingernails up and down the shorn hair. "Your young pretty things all beg for what you alone can give them don't they?" I say bending down and once again pressing my lips to his. One hand on his chest I twist the right clamp and move my tongue between his lips as he gasps in pain/pleasure. Once in, my tongue traces lazy patterns along the roof of his mouth as I torment first one then the other nipple. He bucks under my treatment though this time not in fear or pain.

I pull away and smile at him as I look down towards his gift to women. "It seems as though I can." I say walking away and leaving him twitching in the breeze.

He turns his head away as far as it will go without pulling overmuch on the bonds, and when he turns back the fear and anger are gone from his eyes, replaced with longing. "Please?" was the only thing he said. "Please what?" I reply. "Please give you what you refused me? Why should I? I have done what I set out to do." Once again he pulls at the bonds, gasping at the sensation of the clamps moving on his hard flat chest. "Please? Please? I'm sorry." He begs trying to find the right combination of words to encourage me.

Knowing myself to be at a crossroads, I ponder. Looking to his body lying on the bed, bound clamped, and fully erect begging for the sensation young men so often feel they need.

Ignoring his pleading gaze I move back to my chair sitting with my book open.

Minutes pass, His words wander between begging and demanding, Still I wait.

I rise from my chair and walk to his side, reaching down; I lift the glass of water and hold his head up that he might drink. "I am not as cruel as you are, you know that don't you?" I say as he drains the glass. "I don't lead people on, I don't lie to them, I don't feign interest or desire, only to toss them aside once caught. I will not leave you unfulfilled I promise." With that I bend to kiss him once more his mouth open and willing for my touch. My hands reach down to first his chest and the metal therein and then on to that most prized of treats, his phallus. It twitches and strains at my hand as though trying to pump and release itself of it's own accord.

"But, I will only continue if you are willing, if not, I will let you go, and even drive you to the authorities if you'd like." I step back awaiting his response.

His eyes look at me, desire welling from deep within those blue depths. "I'm so sorry, really, I didn't know. I've been so thoughtless, please forgive me?" The words fall easily from his pouting lips as I stand watching him. "Words are petty things." I remark. "So easily molded into interesting shapes and meanings. I find it hard to believe you. Are you asking me not to untie you? Are you saying you desire an old crone like myself? Or are you simply trying to get off?"

Tears well up in those perfect azure eyes as he began to speak softly. "No one has ever made me feel like this before, I had no idea, Please, don't untie me, I want, NO I need you and your touch."

Knowing that once again I had won, I bent to kiss him, his tongue meeting mine as our mouth's touch, his chest heaving with the strain of trying to reach for me, to remove the thin nightgown from my imperfect unyouthful body.

I pull back from his mouth and look upon him in his glory. Reaching down, I take his cock in my callused, work-hardened hand feeling him twitch and beg. I pull him to full erection smiling down at the taut flesh.

Once again I reach into the drawer of the bedside table and pull out 2 objects, the first a small jar, and the second, a string of 'beads'. Working quickly and efficiently. I open the jar taking out a small amount of lube with my finger and placing it at the puckered opening beneath his ball sack. He gasps and begins to softly beg, but realizing once again his complete helplessness he becomes silent.

Slowly I press the finger to the opening and then beyond it, he contracts about my fingertip, breathing hard at the heretofore-unknown sensation. In and out I pump slowly, carefully, watching the look upon his face change from pain to divine pleasure. Taking the first 'bead' in my hand I remove my finger and press it to the now well-lubed opening. The bead being slightly larger around than my finger meets the opening with some resistance, so taking my free hand I stroke his chest causing the clamps to dance and him to moan, allowing the bead to pass within.

I repeat the process until all 6 beads are deep within him and his cock is dripping with pre-cum. His breathing is shallow and he mutters small words of begging under my touch.

I step back to view my creation. Like Adonis he glistens in the late morning light, a golden god in his glory. Once more I say to him. "I can stop, I will not proceed if you do not desire it." The fear returns to his eyes in full force. "NO!" He screams out his taut muscles straining at the bonds. "Please no, Please I need..... You." Once that was said his body relaxes in complete submission, save for that part reaching towards the heavens.

"Really?" I reply. "You would want this old pussy wrapped around such a youthful cock?"

"Yes, Yes, Yes." He begs, the words becoming a mantra. "Well then, never let it be said I disappointed a young man." I climb onto the bed and straddle his lithe form with my own heavy one and slowly lower myself to the tip of his twitching cock. "Are you sure?" I ask teasing him with the warm opening of my sex. "Yes, Yes please, don't stop, Please?" His words become whimpers as I shift allowing his head to press deeper within my folds.

With agonizing patience, I drop upon his turgid member smiling as it fills and stretches me.

Once fully engulfed his cock twitches, but I reach down and stroke his beautiful face so suffused with pleasure. "Now." I say, "We're just getting going." I take his face and kiss him; his tongue thrusting into my mouth as thought to fuck it like his cock would fuck my pussy. I lean back away from his mouth and take first one then the other clamp from his nipples rubbing them gently and cooing to him as the pain of restored bloodflow grips him.

As the color returns to the now very tender nips, I begin to tighten down upon his now slightly flaccid cock. With a sharp intake of air he once again jumps to fullness within me. I rock a bit on him, keeping most of my considerable weight off of his nubile body. I concentrate and he gasps as my pussy rhythmically strokes his cock without either of us moving an inch. My hands touch him and my eyes look upon him, seeing the lust plain on his face, he begins to thrust slowly up into my tight folds, and then when I do not stop him, faster with the strain of the bonds pulling at him.

I rise and lower myself matching his stunted rhythm as he pulls at the padded leather that binds him. I watch and listen to his breathing and slow myself to savor the moment. I feel him begin to tighten up beneath me, ready to shoot his youthful load deep within my ancient cave.

Reaching beneath myself with a grace and agility that would surprise those of less girth and age, I grasp the ring at the end of the string of beads. He stiffens and I feel the tight opening pucker in trepidation.

He begins to moan and call out my name, as he is pulled closer to the inevitable end of the moment. As I feel him twitch and shoot I slowly pull the beads out of his tight hole watching his face writhe in surprise and pleasure as his orgasm is renewed and intensified. Once spent I reach over and unbuckle first one then the other wrist lying limp on the bed as he pants, moaning my name over and over again. As I moved to rise from his now limp cock, I am surprised by his hands reaching weakly up to touch my face.

"Thank you. Oh Thank you." He says pulling me towards him, and kissing me with passion.

I pull away from his touch and unbuckle his ankles setting him free. I walk out of the room silently and go to clean and dress myself.

A few minutes later, having found the clean pants I had laid out. He comes out of the bathroom slowly almost shyly looking at me sitting at the kitchen table.

"How can I ever thank you enough?" He asks pleading. "Simple, Stop playing with people like they are toys." I respond. "Yes of course, but what about us?" He begs. "What about us?" I say. "What do you mean, Us? I told you before, I am not looking for a relationship, I just wanted to fuck, and having done that, I am done." Rising from the table I go to my purse and pull out my car keys. "Now I promised to drive you home, and that is just what I intend to do." Gently pushing him out the door and to my car, he begins to sputter. "But how can you say that? I mean that was so incredible, everything else would pale to that and you."

"Well be that as it may, I've had what I wanted. Thank you." He falls silent in the car and the trip to his house is uneventful.

He called me that night, I knew he must have gotten my number from a mutual friend. He wanted to go out for coffee. I politely declined.

He emailed me everyday for 3 weeks and left messages on my answering machine filled with sweetness and begging me to talk to him. I didn't return the messages.

I saw him last week, his eyes had a hangdog look about them as I walked up to him, giving him a friendly hug in front of all our friends. The fact that no one reacted told me he hasn't told them. But the look in his eyes tells me that it isn't from the age difference. It's from knowing that he will never again have a chance with me.

Damn I wish he'd just get a girlfriend.

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