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Hindsight is Twenty-Twenty Ch. 01

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Young wife regrets making a rash decision.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/21/2021
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Nicole could feel a drop of sweat rolling down from her forehead and down her nose. It irritated her, which given everything else that was happening at the moment, seemed like such a stupid thing to get irritated about. As she shook her head to force the sweat off her nose, she tried to block the world around her by recollecting the events that had led her to her current situation, on her arms and knees in a hotel bed, with a total stranger pounding her from behind.

The day at the resort had started well. Nicole had woken up well rested and looking forward to relaxing by lounging by the pool, reading a book, and drinking her favorite cocktail.

She was going to have more active days the rest of the week, but today her husband had booked a fishing trip which she had no interest in joining, so he had left before sunrise and was not going to be back until dinner time.

In hindsight, Nicole's day had started going in the wrong direction when she had noticed that the bartender making drinks in the poolside bar looked somewhat unwell.

"Are you OK?" Nicole had asked him.

"I'm fine senorita. I just mixed the wrong things last night," the bartender replied.

Not understanding what he meant, Nicole continued talking to him until he finally admitted that he had taken molly and too much tequila.

Nicole should have left it at that, but she had recently read an article that mentioned how molly enhanced your sense of touch, which often led to mind blowing sex.

"Is molly easy to get around here?" Nicole asked the bartender, trying to use a disinterested tone.

"Yes, senorita. One of my buddies gets it for me. Why, would you like to try it?"

Nicole laughed at the bartender's question. She was about to decline his offer when it suddenly dawned on her that this was the first time that someone had ever offered her a drug. Moreover, she had to admit to herself that the article she had read had made her very curious about the effects of the drug.

"Sure," Nicole replied, immediately regretting her answer.

The bartender grabbed his phone and quickly wrote a text. The reply came back after a few seconds. He showed the screen to Nicole, and despite her second thoughts, she told the bartender to confirm she wanted the pills.

Half an hour later, Nicole walked up to the beach stand where you could buy drinks, rent bikes, schedule excursions, etc. Following the instructions of the text, she told the attendant that the bartender had sent her. She handed him the cash she had withdrawn from the hotel ATM, and he gave her a bottle of water along with a small plastic bag containing half a dozen pills. Nicole quickly made her way back to her hotel suite. Once inside her room, she breathed a huge sigh of relief.

After taking a quick shower, Nicole sat down on her bed and studied the pills inside the small plastic bag. She looked at her watch and noticed that it was not even 2 pm. Her husband was not due to come back for another 6 hours at least, which gave her time to try one pill and see what effect it had on her. She grabbed a bottle of water and quickly swallowed a pill before she could change her mind.

Nicole did not feel any different at first, which matched what the bartender had told her to expect, so she grabbed her phone and started scrolling through social media to kill time. After about thirty minutes, she started feeling a mild tingling sensation on her skin. She also felt a rush of energy followed by an acute awareness of her surroundings. She dragged her hands over the bed sheets which felt incredible. She also noticed that her vagina was now incredibly wet, which made her wish that her husband would hurry from his stupid fishing trip.

Enjoying the warm feeling between her legs, Nicole started caressing her own body, first by gently tweaking her nipples, and then slowly dragging her hands down. When her fingers reached her moist slit, she moaned involuntarily. Gradually, she increased the pressure on her engorged clit, rubbing it in a circular pattern. The sensations on her pussy were incredible. She rubbed herself faster and faster, occasionally dipping her fingertips into her vagina. Her breathing accelerated and turned into panting. She was seconds away from experiencing a monstrous orgasm when a loud knock on her door startled her and interrupted her masturbation session.

"Room service," the voice announced. Nicole groaned in disappointment, cursing in her head the person who interrupted her. She quickly put on one of the bathrobes hanging inside the bathroom and walked towards the room door. She did not remember ordering anything, but she opened the door anyway after confirming through the peephole that a hotel employee was waiting on the other side.

"An envelope arrived for you, madam," the hotel maid told Nicole as she handed her a letter-sized manila envelope. Confused, since she was not expecting any correspondence, Nicole thanked the maid and accepted the envelope.

Nicole opened the envelope and studied the contents. She was still under the effects of the pill she had just taken so it took her a few seconds to understand what she was looking at. The photos were crystal clear. They showed the transaction that Nicole had engaged in earlier in the day, leaving no doubt of what had transpired. Along with the photos, there was a post it note with a time and a room number. Nicole glanced at her phone and realized that she only had a few minutes to gather her thoughts if she was going to follow the implied instructions. She dressed quickly, putting on a cropped t-shirt and sweatpants. In her confused state, it did not occur to her to put on panties nor a bra.

Panicking, Nicole briefly contemplated calling her husband, her parents, or one of her friends. She knew she was being blackmailed in some way, but she could not think clearly about her options. Trying to think ahead, she figured that whoever had taken the photos probably just wanted some money so she grabbed her purse and decided to solve the problem on her own as quickly as possible.

The hotel suite she had been instructed to go to looked very similar to her own, Nicole noted. She was now sitting on a sofa in the suite's living room, waiting for the short, overweight, balding man that had opened the door to say something.

"What do you want?" Nicole said in an irritated tone.

"It looks like we have a problem," replied the man. "I'm a detective in the counter-narcotics force and have been trying to disrupt a major drug-trafficking network operating around this hotel. I now have photographic evidence of how the drugs are sold, but you are in it."

"Now, I could arrest you and have you jailed right away, but I took the liberty of finding out your name first. Imagine my surprise when I googled you and found out that you are a hotshot prosecutor back in the states."

"Obviously, arresting you will create a major scandal that will end your career. So I brought you here to hear what you have to say in your defense."

Nicole was rattled as never before in her life. Everything she had worked so hard for in her life was now at risk. To make things worse, she could not think clearly so she just repeated the same question she had asked a few minutes earlier.

"What do you want? If you wanted to arrest me you would have done it already so there must be another reason why I'm here."

"You are smart, I'll grant you that," replied the man. "As a matter of fact, I think I can make the problem go away, but it's all up to you."

"I don't have much money on me," Nicole told the man.

"I'm not interested in your money," the detective told Nicole as he approached her.

It only took Nicole a few seconds to understand the meaning of the man's words. Before she could say anything, the detective slipped one hand under her cropped t-shirt and grabbed her right breast. Nicole tried to push him away, but he did not budge. Instead, he gently rolled her nipple between his fingers, and with his other arm pulled her body closer.

Nicole knew that she should feel repulsed and that she should scream and fight him, but the effects of the pill she had taken were making her body and mind react in a completely unexpected way. Her nipples were now hard, and she could also feel heat between her legs. She tried to compose herself. "Ok, you copped a feel. Now you can let me go and delete my pictures," she told the man.

"I want more," he said, while continuing to caress her breast.

Nicole realized that she was cornered and out options. She had to make the problem go away.

"You will have to delete all the pictures you took in front of me," Nicole remarked.

"Of course," said the man while unconsciously biting his lower lip.

"I'll give you a handjob and then we are done," offered Nicole.

The detective smiled. "You don't get to dictate terms, miss. You'll have to do everything I tell you to persuade me to get rid of the pictures. I know you're leaving in four days, so I expect you to meet me here every day to make your case. Take or leave it. What is it going to be?"

"I'll do what you want," answered Nicole, confused by her reaction to the man's caresses, and scared at the possibility of the pictures becoming public.

"How do I know you won't make copies?" Nicole asked.

"You won't. You'll have to trust me. I'll let you delete the pictures the day you're leaving," the man replied. "Now go the bedroom and take off your clothes," he demanded.

Nicole walked to the suite's bedroom and removed her t-shirt and sweatpants. Embarrassingly, her pussy was visibly wet because of how horny Nicole had gotten after taking the cursed molly pill and masturbating in her room.

"Turn around," the man instructed.

Nicole did as instructed and stood with her back to the man. He pushed on her upper back, making it clear he wanted her to lean on the bed. As soon as she touched the bed, she felt the man's hard cock making its way into her pussy. She grimaced since his cock was quite thick and much larger than what she was used to.

Once the thick member was fully inside her, Nicole braced herself for the next stroke. The man grabbed her tightly by her narrow waist and started pounding her at a constant pace. Nicole could feel every vein on his cock as it rubbed against her inflamed pussy. Because of how thick he was, she could feel her clit getting stimulated as he pulled almost all the way out and then reversed course forcefully.

After a few minutes of relentless pounding the man asked Nicole to climb on the bed, and get on her hands and knees. She tried to remember what time her husband was coming back from his fishing trip, but her thoughts were interrupted by the sensation of the man's hard member entering her drenched pussy once again.

Nicole's recollection of the day's events caught up to the present moment as the drop of sweat that she had been trying to shake off finally dripped below her. The man's forceful strokes seemed to be accelerating at the same time his breathing got louder. Nicole's arms and legs gave out from underneath her as the man was now lying on top of her, thrusting in and out of her pussy faster and faster.

She should have felt disgusted by the feeling of his sweaty skin on her entire back, but she was still under the effects of the pill she had taken earlier. As she tried to control her own breathing and jumbled thoughts, Nicole realized with horror that she was getting closer and closer to having a monster orgasm.

"Please stop," she begged but the man ignored her. He grabbed her head and kissed her forcefully, inserting his tongue deep into her mouth and preventing her from saying anything else. Nicole tried to think of something that would distract her from the unbearable heat she felt between her legs, but she finally gave up and felt her climax explode in waves that reached every part of her body.

As powerful contractions rolled through her body, her pussy seemed to squeeze the man's cock along its entire length. The man gave a final deep push and emptied his cum inside her, shaking violently until his balls were completely empty.

"You're crushing me," Nicole complained after her breathing went back to normal. The man laughed and rolled over to one side. Nicole got up and dressed quickly. She wanted to get back to her room so she could take a long shower, hoping that the water would wash away not just the physical evidence of her ordeal, but also the shame she felt at the way her body had reacted.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I'm here all day," the man reminded her as Nicole was leaving the room.

"Did you catch anything, honey?" Nicole asked two hours later when her husband returned from his fishing excursion. He looked sunburnt, tired, and happy.


Nicole nodded off as she leaned on her husband's shoulder. She was exhausted after spending the day visiting the Mayan ruins located a couple of hours away from their resort. As their tour bus made its way back to their luxurious hotel, she tried to avoid thinking of what awaited her later. The events of the previous day did not seem quite real, particularly after the effects of the party drug had worn off. She still had not decided if she would comply with the detective's demands. Her husband had made a reservation for dinner later, so she calculated that she would have less than half an hour to deal with her tormentor. As they got closer to their destination, Nicole rehearsed what she planned to tell the detective to persuade him to delete the incriminating pictures.

Nicole struggled to breath as she felt the detective's thick cock all the way in the back of her throat. He had pushed her to her knees as soon as she had entered his suite, making it clear what he wanted. Nicole barely had any time to explain that she did not have much time since her husband was waiting for her in her room. To justify her brief absence, she had made an appointment to get her nails done at the resort's spa. After the appointment, she had gone to the detective's room determined to take control of the situation; however, she did not have a chance to utter her carefully rehearsed words. It had been clear from the moment he had opened the door that he was not interested in talking. Resigned to her fate, Nicole now concentrated on making him finish as quickly as possible. She used her tongue to put pressure on his glans, and jerked him off with one hand while caressing his balls with the other.

"Swallow all of it," the detective instructed as he approached his climax. Moments later, he held Nicole's head with both hands as he emptied his balls inside the mouth of the pretty blonde.


Nicole grimaced as the detective pinched her nipples roughly. She had been riding him for close to five minutes and he didn't seem to be close to finishing, as her husband would have done by now. She was trying to make him cum by moving up and down and squeezing his cock with her vagina, but the only results so far had been her rapid breathing and a thin film of sweat covering her entire body. She closed her eyes so she wouldn't see his repulsive face, and finally let herself go, screaming as a strong orgasm made her body convulse when he ejaculated rope after rope of cum deep inside her pussy.

After he stopped moving, Nicole collapsed on top of the detective. She had decided to take another molly pill before meeting him. She figured that it would make the experience more endurable, which she now had to admit had worked.

Once his cock got soft enough to slip out her pussy, she dismounted him and put on her workout clothes. She left his suite without saying anything. A quick glance at her watch confirmed that she would have enough time to take a shower in her room before her husband came back from his scuba diving class.


"So much cum," Nicole thought after the detective had emptied his balls in her pussy. She could feel it dripping out of her as she tried to regain her breathing while lying face down on his bed. He had fucked her from behind until they had both orgasmed. Nicole glanced at the clock and confirmed she had another hour before she would have to head back to her room. Her husband had left in the afternoon to take a scuba diving certification test offered by the resort. She told him that she would get a massage and a facial at the spa while he was gone. She had of course neglected to mention that she also had to meet the detective to fulfill her end of their deal.

"No estabas mintiendo, güey." A voice she did not recognize startled Nicole. She jumped and sat on the bed trying to cover her naked body with the bed sheet all in one motion, while trying to figure out who the strange man was. He was short and overweight, with a prominent gut that spilled over the waistline of his pants. A thick mustache and beady eyes gave him a look that reminded Nicole of a weasel. He was ogling her while continuing to talk to the detective in rapid Spanish.

"Who the hell is him?" asked Nicole interrupting their conversation. "Tell him to leave."

"He's a friend and he's not leaving. I owe him a favor and you are going to repay him for me. Or have you forgotten our deal?" the detective asked Nicole, almost rhetorically.

It had been useless to argue with the detective. In the end, Nicole had to let his repulsive friend pull the sheet away from her to stare at her naked body. While licking his lips, he removed his pants and underwear, revealing an erect cock that curved to one side. He then dragged her to the edge of the bed, grabbed her thighs, and penetrated her with ease, aided by the frothy combination of her lubrication and the cum that the detective had deposited a few minutes earlier. He proceeded to fuck her at a rapid pace, while emitting a continuous stream of Spanish words that Nicole did not understand. After several minutes of fucking, he pushed Nicole towards the headboard while climbing on the bed, pulled her legs up until her ankles rested on his shoulders, and slowly filled her again. Then he began thrusting rhythmically, slowly at first but gradually gaining speed, until he was practically slamming into her with Nicole bent in half.

Nicole tried to remain detached from the sordid act for as long as she could. The effects of the pill she had taken once again before meeting the detective, and the relentless, forceful fucking she was subjected to finally wore down all her mental barriers, so she surrendered to the physical pleasure she was experiencing until she orgasmed at the same time as the man. He swore in Spanish as he emptied his balls inside Nicole, bathing her cervix with multiple jets of cum.

By the time Nicole went back to her room, her pussy had been filled with cum two more times, as both men had taken another turn at her. She had orgasmed every time she felt them ejaculate, which she decided to blame on the pill.


In their final day at the resort, Nicole had woken up earlier than her husband and left their room silently so as to not wake him up. Given how late they had gone to bed the previous night, and the generous amount of alcohol her husband had consumed, she figured she had at least an hour before he woke up. She was wearing her workout clothes just in case. That way, she could use a visit to the resort gym as an excuse for her absence.

Nicole had to wait several minutes after knocking on the detective's door before he opened it, dressed in boxer shorts and a sleeveless undershirt. It was obvious she had woken him up, but his smile showed that her presence was nevertheless welcome. She followed him to his room, and after he sat down on the bed she knelt at his feet, removed his boxer shorts, and started sucking on his rapidly hardening member.

It took less than a minute before he was fully erect. She was now sucking the cock of the detective while trying to coax the cum from his heavy balls. Her efforts were soon rewarded when she felt the telltale contractions that preceded his ejaculation. She swallowed his semen as instructed, and after rinsing her mouth in the bathroom, demanded that he fulfill his end of their deal. He logged on to his computer and proceeded to delete all the pictures she had of Nicole. She made sure he emptied the trash in the computer, and confirmed that he had deleted the pictures from his camera's memory card as well. She knew that there was no way to make sure that he had not made additional copies of the incriminating pictures, but she figured that once she went back home he would have no further incentive to use them against her.


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