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His Perfect Girl


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Allie gave a muffled wail and strained her face downwards, taking him back into that deliciously tight, clenching throat. Mark moaned in sheer bliss, making the last two blows with the belt especially hard. And then he knew he was as far as he was going, for tonight at least. Her tiny body was heaving for air again, her throat spasming around him. He rocked his hips up, shoving at her, but he could force himself no deeper.

Mark let go of the belt and grabbed the last few inches of his cock. Holding her head down over him he began to jerk himself into her throat. When he let go of her head to stroke his balls, she didn't back up even a hair, but held herself as tightly down over his cock as she could. It seemed to go on forever, her throat squeezing him, her body fighting to draw in air while she deliberately smothered herself with his raging tool.

Finally Mark roared and shoved her roughly off his cock to lie stunned and gasping on the floor. He climbed to his knees in the seat, aiming his cock at her face. Two more fisted strokes and Mark was cumming, shooting thick steams of spunk onto the girl's mouth and eyes and hair. When he was done, he eased himself back onto the seat, breathing heavily.

"That felt great! Holy shit, that was amazing!" Mark laughed. "There are wipes in the glove box, kitten, wash your face."

Allie crawled to her seat, still sucking air through her raw throat. She took the wipes and blindly began washing her face. Mark reached over and unlooped the belt from her throat. Even in the dark parking lot, the marks were clear. Bright red now, they would fade to deep bruises before morning. One side of her lip was cracked and bleeding, testament to her determination to please him. The sight thrilled Mark.

He took a wipe and began cleaning his cock. He could have had her lick him clean, but he was hungry now, and didn't want to get started again here in the car.

"So," he laughed, basking in sheer bliss, "was it good for you, too, kitten?"

Allie paused in wiping blood from her mouth and looked over at Mark. She quickly lowered her eyes, but he'd seen the awe in them.

"I never knew anything could be like that." She whispered hoarsely. Talking was clearly going to be painful for some time.

Mark grinned. He pulled up and fastened his jeans. Then he took her chin in his hand and examined her face. With a wipe he cleaned a strand of spunk from her hair, then shook his head.

"This will never work. If I take you in there looking like that someone's going to call the cops. You look like a teenager who's just been choked and face-raped." Mark laughed again. God, he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this good. "I'll go in and order take-out. We can go to the park and eat. Not allergic to anything, are you?"


"Good." Mark was still grinning when he got out of the car.

He had no doubt the girl would be waiting for him when he returned. And when she greeted him with a broad smile, he knew she was special.

He had hurt her pretty badly, worse than he'd ever hurt anyone on a first date. Mark rarely hurt women, unless he felt they were willing. Rape didn't appeal to Mark. Any brute could rape a woman. Mark wanted the woman to care that he felt good. He didn't want to just take pleasure, he wanted to be given pleasure. And he didn't care one way or another if the girl enjoyed herself or not.

That's why the bdsm scene had been such a let down in his twenties. He'd been made to understand quickly that a good Master cared very much about what his sub wanted. The control he could give without reservation, but hurting someone who wanted pain was as unappealing as going out of his way to give pleasure. Mark's dating life since had been an endless stream of hope and disappointment. Still, he wanted to believe in this one. As he pulled out of the parking lot, he reached across the console to stroke her naked thigh. His hand roamed idly over her body, randomly tugging at a curl of hair, shoving a hand down her dress to roughly fondle a boob or pinch a nipple, then back to her thigh. His touch was casual, more proprietary than sexual.

"I think its important, if we want to have a real relationship, that I set the ground rules early. Don't you?"

"Yes, please," she said eagerly. "I don't want to do or say the wrong thing."

Mark smiled. "I don't want you to either. First, I expect perfect obedience at all times. I won't compromise on this, kitten. When I tell you to do something, you either do it immediately, to the best of your ability, or you get out of my sight. Is that understood?"

"I understand. I'll do what you say."

"Good girl. Other than that, you just need to know your place. You're not my equal, in any way. You keep your eyes down. You don't touch me without permission; you don't touch anything I own without permission. This includes, my little alley cat, sitting on my furniture. Kittens sit on the floor, unless I tell you otherwise."

"Also, I expect you to remember your manners. Sir, please, thank you, may I... these are not optional. Never forget, precious, that I am a man. You can call me Mark, but as far as I care, you have no name. You're just an alley cat, a stray kitten, and you should be grateful for any attention I show you. The moment you start to think you deserve anything, I'm done with you. Am I perfectly clear?"

Allie swallowed hard and grimaced at the pain in her throat. "Yes, Mark, of course."

Mark pulled into a small park. It was nothing more than a basketball court, a playground and a few scattered picnic tables. It was abandoned except for two teenage boys shooting hoops. Mark parked near one of the picnic tables. "Take the food and set it out on the table."

Allie quickly retrieved the food from the backseat and followed Mark out of the car. As she walked to the table, nearly falling twice, Mark went around and opened the trunk of the car. He took out a blanket and a six-pack of beer. He spread the folded blanket over the bench and sat down, popping open a can of beer.

When the food was laid out in front of him, Mark dove in, hungrily. He'd built quite an appetite already, and he knew he wasn't nearly done yet. He was impressed that the girl made no move to sit with him or take any food for herself. She stood beside him with her head bowed while he ate. Occasionally Mark would run a hand under the hem of her dress, squeezing a thigh or roughly pinching her ass.

He was surprised to find she was wearing a thong, and more surprised when he ran a hand over her cunt, that she seemed to be shaved. He wouldn't have thought a girl like her would shave her cunt.

"My roommate," she explained when he questioned her. "She told me the panties wouldn't show lines under the dress, and that if I thought... if I was going to be seen... she said men like it shaved."

"Some do, some don't," Mark shrugged. "I like it. If things work out between us, maybe I'll pay for electrolysis to make you permanently hairless." Mark finished eating in silence then had the girl bag the leftovers while he went back to the car. With his thick coat it wasn't too cold out, but perhaps a little chilly to linger over a picnic. He watched her clean up after him, shivering in her thin dress, each step painful and dangerous in such high, unfamiliar heels.

Mark tried not to think about how she never pulled away from him, or objected to his treatment. He tried not to think about how perfect she was. He'd been disappointed so many times. Of course that was why he was pushing her so hard. If she were going to fail him, he wanted to know now rather than later.

After the little picnic, Mark drove around idly for about an hour. He talked about work, about his favorite books, a movie he saw last week. She listened attentively. She laughed and even asked intelligent questions. She'd read a lot of the same books, and though she'd hadn't seen the movie, she had seen an earlier black and white version.

She held up her end of the conversation perfectly, without once interrupting or contradicting him. Her insights managed to be both clever and humble. She seemed to grow more sure of herself as they talked, and yet she never overstepped her place. By the time Mark pulled into the garage behind his house, he was captivated. He turned off the car and lowered the garage door.

He turned to the girl and stroked that lovely hair as he spoke solemnly. "This is my home. I trust you to behave well, but if at any time you want to leave, you only have to say so. I am not a kidnapper or a rapist. My mind is swirling with all the things I want you to do for me, but you have to want to do them. If you don't care more about making me happy than anything else in the world, just tell me. I'll take you home and you'll never see me again."

"I won't disappoint you, Mark," she said simply.

"I sincerely hope you don't. Keep your shoes on, leave everything else in the car. In my home, you will be naked." Mark got out of the car and waited.

In the bright light of the garage, he could see she was blushing furiously, but she didn't hesitate. She reached behind her to unzip the dress, then pulled it over her head. She draped it over the seat and slid out of the thong.

Then she climbed out of the car to stand beside him. Her hands were clinched into little fists at her side, Mark was sure that was to fight the impulse to cover herself. He was proud that she didn't.

Mark circled her slowly, studying her as she stood with her eyes on the floor. Her tiny frame was perfectly proportioned. Her breasts were firm and rounded, with long hard nipples that just begged to be twisted. There was the purplish imprint of his fingers on her left breast. Her stomach was flat above the bald mound of her pussy. She had curvy hips and a round bubble of an ass.

Tiny as she was, there was nothing childish about her figure. The 5 inch heels even made her legs seem long and shapely. There were several welts across her back and buttocks. He reached out to caress one that ran thru the dimple of her lower back. She jumped. Mark laughed and moved to stand in front of her. He traced a finger over the thick mark circling her throat. That one was darkening into one hell of a collar.

"A souvenir from your worship session with my cock." Mark murmured teasingly.

"Yes, sir."

Mark laughed again. "Is that really what it was? Were you worshiping me?"

"Yes, sir, I think... it felt like worship."

"Such a sweet kitten. Follow me."


Allie followed Mark across the four car garage toward a small door. The stupid shoes she wore kept trying to twist out from under her at every step, but she was determined not to fall. This was her first real date and everything had to go perfectly. She'd been terrified at first. She'd had no idea how to act on a date.

The people in movies laughed and talked and made it seem the easiest thing in the world. Allie knew if she tried to be like that she would come off as the biggest phony ever. But then the most amazing thing had happened. He had started telling her exactly what he wanted.

It was as if he knew how lost she was. Rather than expect her to be the charming seductress, he had told her every step to take, everything she needed to do to make him feel good. And she had done it! The little bookworm geek had taken a man's cock down her throat and made him feel wonderful. He had hardly been able to stop smiling since.

Just the thought of it made her flush. He had pegged it exactly when he called it a worship session. She'd been in utter awe of him, of his manhood, of his beauty and his power. There were not enough expletives in the English language to describe what she had felt while being choked by such a cock.

Some of what he wanted was difficult. There was no denying he had hurt her. But she had had bruises before. Just trying to keep up with him in these damn shoes was worse than the bruises. And being naked. That was the worst, not being able to hide any of her flaws from him.

She didn't understand why he hadn't just sent her away by now. She was cute enough, sure, but a man like him must have super models calling day and night. Allie supposed a lot of women wouldn't like being bossed around, and Mark was definitely going to be the one in charge. Well, she had no problem with following instructions; she needed all the instructions she could get.

Allie followed her date through the small door, up four frightening steps, and into his house. They were in a short hallway. To one side was a small bathroom, to the other a large laundry room. Directly in front of them, the hall opened up into a huge kitchen. Mark stopped and turned to her.

"Take your shoes off here, and leave them by the door. Once you're in the house proper, you'll crawl. You will never be on your feet."

"Thank you!" Allie blurted as she bent to remove the torturous shoes. It wasn't until she was actually on her hands and knees in his modern kitchen that she realized he meant to humiliate her.

She was so grateful to know she wasn't going to fall, that it took a moment for the shame to hit. He was treating her like an animal. But of course that's what he'd told her he would do, wasn't it? She was his kitten, not even allowed on the furniture.

This was further enforced when he took down a bowl and dumped in the leftovers from his supper. It was a small steak, fries and a roll... what she assumed he'd ordered for her from the beginning. He sat the bowl on the floor in front of her, along with a second bowl of tap water.

"No hands now, alley cat." She didn't dare glance up at him, but she could hear the laughter in his voice.

Allie laced her hands behind her back to remind herself they were off limits, and lapped some water from the bowl. Swallowing hurt, but the water was cool, and she was very thirsty. Drinking water this way wasn't as easy as it looked. She got as much up her nose as in her mouth.

The food was easier. But the first touch of the salty fries to her raw throat made her cry out. She choked and almost didn't get the chewed mess down. She drank some more water and tried the roll instead. Better, but still painful.

The steak was too much for her. She tried to tear the meat with her teeth, but without her hands she had nothing to pull against. She was sobbing with humiliation and frustration when Mark bent down beside her. He patted her head and took the steak, tearing it into smaller pieces. Then he stood and went to the sink to wash his hands. Allie resumed her meal.

She had never been so thoroughly humbled in her life. Naked and eating like an animal, just because a man she barely knew had told her to. She didn't understand why he wanted to play this game with her. She knew she was less than him, she didn't need this proof. She had finished about half her food, and was lapping up the last of her water when she felt him move behind her. Just in time, she caught herself with her hands as he shoved her knees apart. She felt his cock rubbing at her slit as he reached around her waist and lifted her ass into the air. When she realized what he was about to do, her body responded with a gush of wetness. She couldn't move, couldn't breath, but her body obviously wanted this, and wanted it badly. Then she remember how massive he was.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god" she couldn't stop whimpering as he positioned the head of his cock at her pussy.

He hunched over her, swept her hair up in one fist and whispered in her ear. "I AM your god." And he drove himself into her.


Mark thrust savagely, thinking of nothing but burying his cock in her cunt in one brutal stroke. But she was very small, and though wet, she wasn't really ready for him. He only got about half his tool inside her on the first shove.

He pulled back slightly and thrust again, just as hard, while using his grip on her waist and hair to pull her back onto him. She screamed loudly, but he barely heard. All eleven inches of him were buried in her tiny cunt.

Mark had never been able to fully bury his massive cock in anyone before. Maybe it had something to do with the injury she'd had as a child, maybe he had torn her apart himself. But he couldn't look away from the sight. He pulled out a few inches just so he could watch that huge girth disappear inside her again. She looked like a doll impaled on a fence post. She was so fucking tight it was bordering on pain.

He thrust in and out a few times, long hard strokes trying to loosen her up a little. She was sobbing, limp in his grasp. With every thrust she screamed "oh god!" Mark decided she was praying to him for more, and he obliged.

Her body never really adjusted to him, but the almost-pain faded into the most amazing fuck of Mark's life. Her cunt was soaking wet and boiling hot, and so tight it was sucking him hard like a mouth each time he pulled back for another violent stab. He fucked her like a man possessed, fast and brutal. In and out he pounded her over and over and over.

He let go of her hair at one point, only to grab a tit, digging his fingers into her flesh as his cock tore into her cunt. He thought he could go like this forever, but then he felt the pressure building in his balls.

He sat back on his heels, holding her down on his cock and thrusting upwards. He grunted as he came, and when he was done shooting his spunk into her, he shoved her away. She curled into a sobbing ball while he caught his breath.

There was no blood, Mark was amazed to see. He had been sure at one point that he was killing her. Apparently not. Apparently he was going to be able to do that again, though not just yet. When he had his breath back, he laughed aloud.

"Oh kitten, that was fucking incredible!"

Mark reached over and grabbed her by the hair. "Come on now, we're just getting started. Use that sweet little tongue of yours to clean me up."

Allie dutifully pushed herself onto her hands and knees immediately, though she did cry out from the pain. Placing her hands to either side of his knees, she bent her face to his crotch.

Her tongue lapped at him, licking up and down his softening cock. In only seconds her groans of pain turned into moans of pleasure. Her body shuddered and she panted over him. He was sure her pussy was wetter than ever, though to be honest it was hard to tell with his cum still dripping down her thighs.

"That's it, nice and clean. That's my good girl." When Mark felt his cock begin to stir again, he pushed her away. Pointing back down the short hallway he said, "Go in the bathroom and clean up. I don't want you dripping on my carpet. When you're done come into the den."

Ten minutes later, Mark was kicked back with his feet up on the sofa watching sports highlights on his big screen television when Allie crawled into the room. He watched her crawl over to him and kneel with her hands in her lap, careful not to block his view of the TV. Her hair was combed, her face was washed, and her tears all dried, though her eyes were still puffy and red.

"Your hands should be clasped behind your back, kitten, and your knees further apart. That's better," he said as she adjusted her pose. "Don't want anything blocking my view of that pretty little pussy, do we?"

"No, Mark." She blushed, but smiled shyly, her eyes properly downcast.

Mark went back to watching his program, rebuilding his energy. Allie never looked up from the floor, even when Mark began to idly pinch and twist her nipples. For the next hour Mark watched TV, and played with his pet, without really paying attention to her. She accepted his touch without complaint and never did anything to draw more attention to herself.

When the program ended they talked about sports for awhile. She liked football, but knew little of basketball. Mark realized with a shock that he was enjoying her company almost as much as he enjoyed her body. It was magic the way she could talk to him while kneeling naked with her eyes lowered respectfully. She was clever and interesting, and when he painfully pulled and stretched her nipples, she was still able to hold the thread of their conversation.

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