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Home on Leave

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A young soldier comes home on leave and makes discoveries.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/05/2024
Created 02/21/2024
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This is a work of fiction. None of this ever happened. All participants in sex acts are at least 18.

Stoney stood in the family bathroom, facing the sink, with his pajama bottoms pooled around his ankles. He watched himself in the mirror above the sink, admiring the way the daily PT and constant physical activity of life in the Army had sculpted his body. He had always been a little skinny, and the sports he played in high school never managed to put any noticeable muscles on his frame. He liked the look of his body, now. His arms sported triceps, biceps and forearms built up with rope climbing, pushups, and dips. The rest of his body was built for endurance, with hard muscles hidden beneath the thinnest layer of fatty tissue that could be called upon for reserves of energy on a long field exercise.

His eyes fell to his crotch, where his erection stood tall and proud. He had waited until the rest of the family was asleep for this bit of self-indulgent admiration, because he was intent on relieving his pent up sexual frustrations. His girlfriend had broken up with him when he joined the army, and now, nearly a year later, he was home on leave for the first time, only to find that his friends and acquaintances had all paired up in his absence, and nobody was available to date in the small town.

Stoney poured a bit of baby oil in his palm and rubbed it on his erection, taking his time. He squeezed his cockhead between his thumb and forefinger, then wrapped his hand firmly around his shaft and began to jerk it, slowly, while his other hand cupped his balls. He alternated between watching himself directly and in the mirror, loving the third-person view provided by his reflection. A drop of precum leaked from his pee slit, and he spread it around, mixing it with the baby oil.


Nicole knelt outside the family bathroom, listening carefully to the noises coming from inside. She knew if she waited for the right moment, she would be able to open the door just a crack and peer through without the person inside seeing her. They would be too distracted to notice.

Nicole had become quite good at spying on people in the throes of passion. For more than two years, she had been sneaking down the halls at night to watch her parents have sex. She would wait outside the door, listening, and once she knew they were thoroughly into it, she would open their door a crack and watch, rubbing her drooling pussy, circling her clit, and ultimately plunging her fingers into herself so she could climax at the same time as her parents, Ann and George. Nicole's friends claimed their own parents were staid and boring, rarely having sex at all, and it was both quiet and over quickly. Ann and George put on quite the show, however, and Nicole had gotten a pretty thorough education in what kinky things two people could do. Although she was still technically a virgin, she was definitely sex-obsessed.

She had been on the way to her parent's room, when she heard quiet sounds of male arousal coming from the bathroom. Intrigued, she had stopped to listen, wondering if her father was in there alone. Her parents had long ago had "the talk" with her, and explained that masturbation was normal, admitting that they both did it. Nicole had never managed to catch either of them at it, and thought perhaps this was her chance.

Nicole felt the familiar pounding in her chest that always accompanied her spying. Carefully, she twisted the doorknob slowly, and pushed at the door until just a crack of light appeared around the jamb. Her other hand pushed up inside the long t-shirt that was the only clothing she wore on her nocturnal expeditions, eschewing panties or socks. She cupped her left breast, and ran her fingers across her responsive nipple, which hardened quickly, begging for more attention. She gently squeezed it between her thumb and forefinger, biting her lower lip and breathing heavily. She pushed the door open a tiny bit more, peering inside.

Nicole froze, gasping. Instead of her father's squat form, she saw the tall, slim form of her big brother Stoney. He was facing the sink, giving her a side profile view of him, just 18 inches away from where she knelt peering through the door.

Nicole and Stoney were separated by just 18 months in age, and she had always looked up to her big brother. He was smart, caring, and helpful, and they had shared each other's joys and triumphs through the years. Although many of her friends disagreed, she found him handsome, and had harbored a secret desire for him for years. She had been disappointed when he joined the Army and moved away. She had always been a watcher, not a participator, and she missed being able to just stand in his shadow unnoticed. She had to admit that with him gone, she had become less shy and more assertive, since she couldn't rely on him to handle all the interactions with the world.

As Stoney stroked his hard-on, Nicole abandoned her breast, Frantically diddling her clit, attempting to catch up with him, as it was obvious he was getting ready to shoot. His cockhead was bright red, almost purple, and his butt cheeks were clenching, as he rose onto his toes. As Stoney grunted and exploded a jet of semen that painted the front of the cabinet with white fluid, Nicole plunged three fingers into herself, heedless of the pain of such a big insertion without proper stretching first. Her body tensed, and her pussy pulsed around her fingers as she experienced the most intense orgasm of her young life. She let go of the doorknob involuntarily, bringing a second hand to her crotch. Overbalanced, she fell forward, forcing the door open, and landing at Stoney's feet,


Stoney was thoroughly enjoying his wank, watching in the mirror as his cock swelled in reaction to his practiced technique. If he had been looking straight down at himself, instead of in the mirror, he never would have noticed the doorknob move, and the door slowly open just a crack.

The thought of being watched excited him and spurred him on, and he began to wank faster. He wondered who it could be. He could make out dark hair, parted in the middle, which ruled out his youngest sister Gwen, a redhead, and also his father, who was balding. So it had to be his Mother Ann or his sister Nicole.

The naughty thought that either of them was watching him was too much to bear, and his body clenched up. The hand cupping his balls squeezed down hard, and his hips thrust forward into his stroking hand. He felt a massive shot of cum work swiftly up the length of his cock. It impacted the door of the cabinet under the sink with an audible splat, and a second shot soon followed, falling a bit farther before hitting the door and sliding down. A third and fourth pulse dribbled down the fingers of his hand.

Suddenly, the door burst open, pushing him sideways as Nicole fell through the door and onto the space he had just occupied. His feet tangled up in his pajama bottoms, and he tumbled backwards into the tub, his head striking the tiled surround with a loud bang.

Nicole and Stoney locked eyes, Each in a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. Nicole lay on the floor, looking up, and Stoney lay with his knees on the edge of the tub, feet hanging out, and head propped by the tub surround. They were frozen for what seemed an eternity, but must have been only a moment. From down the hall, their father shouted "What's going on? What was that?".

Nicole scrambled back out into the hall, Stood, and raced off to her own room, not a moment too soon, because George came dashing down the hall, Ann on his heels. Stoney scrambled, trying to stand up from his awkward position. "Uh... nothing... I, uh... I was just finishing up on the john when I slipped and fell, " he stammered. "I hit my head, but I am ok. Sorry to wake everyone." Embarrassed, he pulled his pants up.

George and Ann took in the scene, the semen sliding down the cabinet toward the floor, the baby oil open on the countertop, Stoney's frantic movements to pull up his pajama bottoms. They exchanged a knowing look, and Ann said " OK, honey, be more careful in the future. Let me know if that bump on the head needs attention." They turned and left the bathroom, returning to their room, where Stoney imagined they would have a good laugh at what they THOUGHT was his predicament. He was relieved that they didn't know the full story.

Stoney cleaned up his mess and headed back to the bedroom he shared with his youngest brother, Ben. As he passed the girls' room, he saw them standing in the doorway. Gwen looked mystified, but Nicole exchanged a long, significant look with him as he walked past.


The next morning, Stoney could have slept in, since he was on leave and had nowhere to be, but the smell of coffee woke him fully, so he joined the family in the kitchen. He expected some awkwardness, but nobody mentioned anything about the events of the previous night, and everyone acted as if nothing untoward had happened.

George and Ann hurried off to their jobs, as both of them had lengthy commutes. Nicole hustled Gwen and Ben into her car to drop them off at the high school on her way to the community college as usual. The bustle of the morning activity fell silent, leaving Stoney alone with his thoughts.

His parents had to have recognized exactly what he was doing in the bathroom, but they acted as if there was nothing to it. And Nicole... what was he going to do about Nicole? He had been turned on by being watched, in the abstract, but now he worried what she might think of him. They had always been close before, but both of them had changed while he was away.

He decided to work off some of his nervous energy by going for a run. It would be best to stay in shape for when he went back to his unit, and he had scouted out an easy four mile loop through the neighborhood. Donning a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, he set off for his run.

The exercise was cathartic. By the time he came back, he was feeling better about things. Then he noticed Nicole's car in the driveway, and his heart turned over... was she skipping class to scold him about last night? He did his cool-down exercises on the front lawn, then headed inside for a shower.


Nicole dropped her younger siblings off at the high school, but she had no intention of continuing on to the community college for her classes. She was carrying an A in all her classes, and she had other plans for the day.

Unlike Stoney, she knew exactly how she felt about the previous night, and was determined to do something about it. She squirmed in her seat the whole way home, thinking about her plan to break down Stoney's barriers.

As she drove up to the house, she saw him running off the opposite direction in his PT clothes. She grinned. So much the better, this would give her time to set things up.

Rushing inside the house, she changed into a short skirt and purple tube top. Her B cup breasts didn't really require a bra, and she wanted to show them off. She chose a lilac-colored g-string to wear under the flower-print skirt, which stopped just above her knees. She considered hose and heels, but decided that barefoot and bare legged would be more Stoney's speed. Considering herself in the mirror, she decided to tie her hair up in a ponytail.

When Stoney entered the house, she met him at the door with a chilled bottled water. "Hey, big brother mine! Did you have a good run?" Handing him the water, she stepped close and pulled him in to a hug, laying her cheek against his sweaty chest, and inhaling his scent.

"Uh, yeah... it was pretty good. Hotter than I expected, for this time of year." He hesitantly returned her hug. "Thanks for the water, sis." He gently broke the hug and took a long drink from the bottle. "This hits the spot."

Stoney headed towards his room. "I better go shower up and change."

Nicole grinned "Yeah, I'd love to watch that, as you probably figured out last night!"

Stoney looked uncomfortable. "Yeah, about last night..." he began, then hesitated. "I should have been more careful, and locked the door. I'm sorry you got such a show. I'm glad mom and dad didn't get there fast enough to see you. I don't know why they didn't go off on me last night, but I'm sure they'd have been pretty pissed if they knew I showed you what I did."

Nicole tilted her head, catching his eyes with her own. "You have nothing to be sorry for, big brother. I was looking for a show last night, and I got one... just not the one I was expecting. " When Stoney looked confused, she beckoned for him to follow her. "Come on, let me show you something."

She led him toward their parents' room. "What you don't know about me is that I'm a little sneak. I love to spy on people, and I'm not ashamed of it. I watch some of my friends, and they don't even know it, but it all started much closer to home. I've been watching mom and dad get it on since before you left for the Army. My nightly prowls make me feel all naughty and goose-pimply, and I get off on it. That is where I was headed when I happily found you taking care of yourself last night."

Stoney stopped following her, a stunned look on his face. Nicole reached out and took his hand, tugging him toward their parents' room. "Our parents are wild to watch. They dress up and play games, pretending to be other people for each other. The best thing is that I went through their drawers, and look what I found!"

As Nicole pulled Ann's bedside drawer open, Stoney whispered "You shouldn't do that! That's her private stuff!"

Nicole smiled. "Were you not listening? What part of 'I'm a naughty sneak' did you not get?" She started pulling items out of Ann's drawer and laying them out on the bed. Vibrators of various sizes and colors, some kind of harness that Stoney didn't understand, padded handcuffs, blindfolds, and what he knew from watching internet porn to be butt plugs. "You want to know why they weren't shocked to catch you jacking off last night? It's because for them, nothing could be more tame!"

"And there is more! Come look at this!" She led him to the other side of the bed, where she opened George's bottom drawer.


Stoney's ears were ringing. He was being hit with one surprise after another. Nicole wanted to watch him shower... she wasn't bothered by the previous night, she was turned on... his sister was a voyeur (he knew the term for her fetish, even if she didn't use it to describe herself)... his parents were sex freaks... what could be next? He couldn't imagine.

Nicole began pulling magazines out of George's bottom drawer, and laying them out in front of him on the bed. "They like to read stories out of these to each other, and then act them out. I watch them, through the door, like I did you, and they don't even know. But it drives me wild just listening, if they are facing the door, and I have to keep it closed.

Stoney watched in amazement. The magazines had dates from twenty years or more ago, and they were obviously well-thumbed, having been used repeatedly over more than two decades. There were magazines catering to many fetishes: lesbian, gay, threesomes, orgies... but over half had titles like "Family Confessions" and "Family Letters", obviously incest-themed.

Nicole was now just standing, watching him intently. Stoney raised his head, and met her eyes. "Wow. Just... Wow. Have you... read these things?"

Nicole nodded, still holding his gaze. "Yes, Stoney, I have. Over and over, now that I have college classes, and can be here when nobody else is around. Would you like to know which ones I read the most? I've given you enough clues."

Stoney swallowed. "I'm guessing...the ones about brothers and sisters?" Nicole nodded again, waiting for him to show some reaction. The first sign of his thoughts, though, didn't show on his face, but in his shorts. His cock began to stir, expanding, rising, stretching the front of his jogging shorts.


Nicole fell to her knees in front of him. Looking up into his eyes she said, in a sultry voice " I want to suck my big brother's cock. I want to taste his salty jizz. I want his tongue on my pussy, and in it. I want to feel my naughty big bro pounding my pussy with his cock, and filling me with forbidden sperm. What do you think about that, Stoney?" She smiled triumphantly, because she knew she already had him. She knew he was going to fulfill her fantasies.

Nicole reached for the waistband of his shorts, and pulled downwards. His now-freed member slapped against her face, leaving a trail of silvery precum across her cheek. Stoney knew he was lost. He had never been able to say no to his sweet little sister. But he tried. "I need a shower..." he began lamely.

"Nuh-uh!" Exclaimed Nicole. "I want to smell your manly scent all around me right now!" Grasping his cock shaft in her hand, she took the head in her mouth and gently sucked, savoring the taste, swirling her tongue around it. Stoney moaned, finally acquiescing. His hips thrust gently forward, encouraging her to take more of him.

"Oh God, sis! It feels so good!" Nicole took as much of his shaft as she could manage without gagging into her mouth, wrapping her hand around the remainder, squeezing and jacking him. It didn't take more than a couple of minutes before she felt him shooting his load inside her mouth. She tried to swallow it all, but some dribbled out the side of her mouth and down her chin. She closed her eyes and savored the moment.

Nicole finally let go of his shaft, and settled back against the bed, seated on the floor. "I just sucked my big brother off, and swallowed his jizz", she said dreamily. Looking up at him, she asked "Am I naughty?"

Stoney nodded and drew a ragged breath. "Oh, yes. So naughty!" Nicole grinned, obviously reveling in it.


Stoney didn't need any coaching from his little sister to know what he was expected to do next. He helped her up, then, sweeping the magazines and toys aside, laid her back on the bed, with her butt at the edge. Kneeling beside the bed, he put her knees on his shoulders. Pulling the scanty crotch of the g-string aside, he began to lap at her pussy, running his tongue up and down her outer lips, which parted quickly, allowing access to the pink folds within.

Nicole ran her fingers lovingly through her brother's hair, as he ministered to her. She sighed contentedly, as he continued to tongue her, then gave a twich as he circled her clit with his tongue. As it rose from it's hood, Stoney took it between his lips and sucked on it, pulling it inside his mouth a bit, and biting down on it with his teeth, gently, but firmly. He smiled proudly at her yelp of pleasure.

Stoney varied his technique, nibbling, sucking, tonguing... then he pressed a finger inside her, and curled it upward, rubbing across the pebbled surface of her g-spot while sucking on her clitty. He was rewarded with a loud cry from his sister: "OOOOOH, God! Yes! Just like... OH! Just like THAT!" She gave a loud inarticulate moan, as her body spasmed repeatedly. He kept sucking on her lips, but she pushed him away.

"Stop! Too much! Stop, just for a minute! Please!" She twisted her fingers in his hair, holding his face just a few inches from her crotch.

Stoney grinned. "Am I a naughty big brother, then?"

Nicole laughed, and nodded emphatically. "The naughtiest! And I love it!"

Stoney crawled onto the bed with her, and they embraced, holding each other tight.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You sure as fuck were never military nor do you know much about women.

DINGDONG33DINGDONG337 months ago

Good first story and great telling of the story very few if any errors at least I didn’t catch them. Keep going fun to read and short.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikey7 months ago

Hot! Part two please!

AlwaystabooAlwaystaboo7 months ago
Nice descriptions of brother and sister

A family open about sex creates so many possibilities.

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