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Home on Leave Ch. 03

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Mom stakes a claim, too...
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/05/2024
Created 02/21/2024
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This is the third in a multi-part series about Nicole, her big Brother Stoney, and their loving family. I recommend you read the previous chapters to experience the characters fully, as they grow and their relationships evolve.


Anne stood, transfixed, in the hallway of her family's suburban home, outside the bathroom. The sight that held her amazed attention was her two eldest children, Stoney and Nicole, loudly fucking in the shower. Nicole was leaning against the tiled wall of the enclosure, her ass thrust out behind her. Stoney was energetically driving his cock into her from behind, and they were both clearly reveling in the taboo nature of their coupling, judging from the way they were talking. Nicole saying things like, "You really like fucking your little sister, don't you, Stoney?" and "I am so bad, letting my big brother put his hard cock in my hot pussy."

Anne knew she should be shocked by what she was witnessing, but while she was a bit surprised, her predominant emotion was arousal. Incest was a kink she had picked up from her husband, and to see it happening right in front of her was a huge turn-on, even if it was her own children.

Anne and George enjoyed an active and varied sex life together, filled with roleplaying, toys, and adventures. They were still very much in love, even now, in their mid-forties, and although they had both slept around a lot in college, they had been faithful to each other ever since they married, soon after Anne became pregnant with Stoney. Part of how they kept their sex life fresh was through indulging each other's kinks. Anne had grown up without any brothers, and her father had been much older when she was growing up, so the thought of incest hadn't really grown within her, until she met George. George was obsessed with it, and after he told her in a moment of vulnerability that he had been having sex with his brother, father, and uncle, she understood where it came from. He loved to pretend he was her brother or her son, which she found strange at first, given that he had no sisters, and his mother had died in an auto accident before he was five. But she played along, and soon, incest kink had taken root with her as well. Sometimes, she would even wear a strap-on, and pretend to be his daddy or brother, if he asked for it. Now, the sight of the very real taboo coupling in front of her was more exciting than any of the many games they had played.

She always told herself that pretending, in the safety of their bedroom, that George was her son was harmless fun. But now, watching Stoney drive his sister wild with lust in the shower, she knew she had been fooling herself. Her little boy had grown into a virile man, and she wanted to be the woman on the receiving end of that cock. She wanted to feel his girth stretching the very same pussy that had given him life. She wanted him to know, in his very essence, that his mommy loved him, in every possible way. She wanted, truth be told, to give herself to him, just as his sister was even now begging him: "Take me Stoney! Fill me! Make me yours!"

Ann felt faint for a moment, and she leaned against the doorframe, risking being seen. Her pussy felt hot, and she knew it was probably soaking her panties, making itself ready for the action she was imagining. Her hand massaged her bra-clad breasts. She could feel her nipples, hard and standing tall, even through the business-proper blouse and heavy-fabric bra she wore. Her passion built as she watched the taboo scene play out in front of her, but before she could get close to an orgasm of her own, Nicole cried out in ecstasy and the clasping pulses of her orgasm sent Stoney over the edge as well. Thankfully, they stood like that for a long time, with him still inside his sister, as they whispered things to each other that were too faint for Ann to hear. This gave her time to withdraw down the hallway without giving herself away as they whispered their sweet nothings.

As she crept back down the hall toward the front door, she felt a twinge of guilt at the nasty fantasy she had just let herself indulge in. Playing around with her husband was one thing, she reminded herself. Actually doing something about the fantasy was another level entirely, and she wasn't ready to cross that line. Not yet...


Stoney felt he was in heaven. For the first time, he was fucking his little sister Nicole, something he would have thought impossible just 24 hours before. The hot water of the shower pounded on their skin, lending a comforting warmth to their coupling. There was a slight draft from the open bathroom door, however, which left him peripherally aware when the draft increased momentarily as the front door was opened. So, when he saw movement at the doorway reflected in the polished chrome of the fixtures, he wasn't completely surprised. He didn't stop what he was doing, however: he was so carried away in the moment that he no longer cared if anyone saw him pistoning his cock in his sister's willing pussy. Besides, she was about to cum, and he could sense it. Nicole cried out in joy as Her pussy pulsed with her orgasm, and the sensation sent Stoney over the edge as well. He added his voice to hers, echoing off the bathroom walls "Oh, God, Yes! URRRGH!" Despite having already cum earlier, he produced several massive gouts of sperm, bathing her cervix with the hot ejaculate. As he continued to thrust into her, their combined juices were whipped into a froth, washed away by the warm shower as it dripped out of her, around his shaft.

Their bodies still joined, though moving slower, Stoney leaned forward and whispered in his sister's ear, "Don't look now, but someone is watching us. You aren't the only voyeur in the family, it seems." He guided her head to turn and look at the reflection in the fixtures, disguising the move as turning her head to kiss her.

Nicole whispered back "it must turn you on, because you're still rock hard."

He grinned "I am a bit of a show-off."

She wiggled her ass against him. "The word is exhibitionist," she whispered, while kissing him over her shoulder.

"Screw you!"

Nicole giggled. "You already are!"

"They're gone now", he whispered. "I couldn't tell who it was, could you? I didn't dare turn to look directly at the door."

Their mother's voice called out "Kids! I'm home early! Anyone want to do lunch with me?" followed by the overly-loud slamming of the front door.

"Well," said Nicole, "that answers that." Stoney suppressed a laugh as he withdrew from her, and turned to step out of the shower.

Nicole Called out "We're in the shower, mom! We'll be out in a minute!" Causing Stoney to stop, staring at her aghast.

"Are you crazy?" he hissed. "Announcing it?"

"What? She obviously already knows, she was standing there watching."

Stoney began to towel off. "Yeah, but now none of us can pretend it never happened!"

Nicole grinned, slyly. "I know. But you aren't giving my devious little mind enough credit. I already have a plan. Just trust me, ok? And follow my lead. I was planning to watch you fuck mom by the end of your leave, this just accelerates my plan and makes it easier."

Stoney was still off balance. It seemed every time he thought he was caught up with the changes in Nicole, she pushed him off center yet again. "You were planning to watch... what? What made you think either of us would be into that?"

"Oh, please... weren't you paying attention to what I told you earlier? What I showed you, even? She and Dad pretend they are each other's child. They don't use our names, but you know she's pretending dad is you, in her head. And Daddy is pretending she is me. Which makes me..." She trailed off, a faraway look in her eye, as Stoney stood, taken aback. He had thought he was the only one in her sights.

Nicole wrapped a towel around herself, adjusted her wet ponytail, and headed for the living room. Stoney pulled on his running shorts and followed her out to the living room, where they found Ann standing with a stern look on her face and her hands on her hips. "What do you mean, 'WE'RE in the shower, mom?' Why are the two of you naked together?"

Nicole squared off, clearly confrontational. "Oh, please, mom, don't pretend to be such a prude! We saw you standing there, perving on us as my big brother put his naughty penis in his little sister's cunny!"

Ann looked shocked. "Young Lady! What gives you the nerve to..."

Nicole cut her off. "What gives me the nerve? You do, mom! You and daddy, loudly playing out incest scenarios of every type for me to hear, nearly every night! You aren't as quiet as you think you are! And the walls are thinner that you think! You've had me thinking about Stoney for months, dreaming about him. I saw my chance for my own scenario, to make it real, and I took it! Don't be such a hypocrite!"

Taken aback by her directness, Ann stammered, "Well... but... there's a difference between pretending something and actually... it's... not natural..." she trailed off.

"Mom! What could be more natural than sex with the person you love the most?" She moved close to Stoney, who put an arm around her protectively, as she snuggled up to him. "I have never felt as safe, loved, and protected as I do with Stoney. Always have, truth be told, even as children, he made me feel safe and loved! I'm finally able to express that love in the most beautiful fashion. Not to mention, he's a very attentive lover."

Ann was grasping at straws, now. "But...what about pregnancy?"

"Mom! I'm on the pill, remember? Don't worry!"

Ann sighed, giving in. She sank into one of the armchairs, just looking at her children, processing this new situation.

Nicole smiled brightly. "So, that's that!" She kissed Stoney before pulling away. "Mom, you said something about lunch. Sounds great! I'm going to go dry my hair and get dressed." She gave Stoney another peck, then turned, unwrapping the towel from her body as she walked away, swaying her hips salaciously.

Mother and son watched her depart, eyes on her shapely ass. When she disappeared down the hall, Stoney turned to his mother.

"Mom, please believe me... I would never ever do anything to hurt her."

"I know, I know. But it is a mother's prerogative to worry." She met his eyes deliberately and said "I love you both. Please be more careful. If it had been anyone else who walked in on you..."

"I get it, mom. We will be much more careful from now on. I better get dressed, too. Can't go out like this." He gestured to the running shorts that tented over his semi-hard cock, which had tried to stir back to life while watching his sister's naked form sashaying out of the room. Ann's gaze followed the gesture. She involuntarily licked her lips, staring a bit too long before dragging her eyes up his fit torso, with just the hint of a six pack, and the flat pectorals, his muscular shoulders, and finally back to his face again.

Stoney noticed her reaction, and wondered if this was what Nicole had meant when she said "I already have a plan. Play along." He held his hand out to help Ann out of the chair. When she rose, he pulled her in for a hug. "I love you, mom. Thanks for being so understanding." She hugged him back tightly.

"Of course, Stoney. I love all you kids. I just want the best for you. I hope you know what you're getting into." They both held the hug for longer than necessary, each of them reluctant to let go. And both of them could feel Stoney's erection rising, where it pressed against her stomach. Ann's arousal from earlier had never quite faded, and she couldn't resist hugging him a little closer, her fully clothed body pressed against his nearly-naked one. They exchanged a long look before Ann reigned herself in. She pushed him away, gently. "Go, get dressed. We all need a break from these emotions, and besides, I'm hungry."

Stoney nodded and stepped back half a step. Her hand was still on his chest, and her eyes were still on his. Her lips were parted slightly, and he had a sudden urge to kiss her. Pulling her close again, he planted a tentative kiss on her quivering bottom lip. All of Ann's resistance crumbled in that moment. She had pretended a hundred times that she was making out with her son. Yes, she and George had never once used the actual names of their children in their roleplay, keeping things safely generic. But the picture in her head had always been Stoney. Deep in her psyche, she had been dreaming of it, imagining it, playing it out with her supportive husband over and over. She returned his tentative kiss with passion, pressing her mouth on his, breathing heavily. His mouth opened as well, and their tongues met, dueling in a lover's kiss, as they each cast aside their inhibitions and gave themselves over to the lustful taboo embrace.


Nicole swayed her hips alluringly as she left the room, holding the towel at arm's length. She felt two sets of eyes on her, and her skin crinkled up in goosebumps of excitement. Once she was out of sight of her mother and brother, she hurried to the bathroom, where she turned on the blow dryer and set it on the countertop. She stepped back into the hallway, pulling the door almost closed, leaving a narrow opening for the sound to spill out, giving her an alibi.

Stealthily, with all the practice of the last two years of sneaking around, she headed back toward the living room, keeping to the well-shadowed left hand side of the hall, carefully avoiding the loose floorboard whose location she knew well. Her usual attire for her nocturnal prowling was a long t-shirt, that would hide the lack of panties if she stood up and pulled the hem down, in case someone encountered her. This time, she was totally naked, and it added to the sense of naughtiness that she always reveled in, seeing without being seen. She carefully crawled the last couple of feet forward, peering under the bottom edge of the TV and through the glass entertainment center.

She grinned to herself when she saw Stoney and Ann kissing each other with abandon, breathing heavily. Stoney's hands were inside his mother's blouse, which had been unbuttoned, and Ann had one hand inside his jogging shorts, playing with his dick. Nicole congratulated herself. She had planned to get these two together later in the week, but it turned out to be much easier than she expected to make it happen. She wondered if perhaps the rest of her wild plan might turn out to be just as easy to pull off.

As Nicole watched, Ann guided Stoney into sitting on the sofa. She knelt on the rug in front of him, and took up a steady patter, one Nicole had heard many times before. Only this time, it wasn't make-believe, it was real. Her own son, the fruit of her loins, was the man in front of her. "Oh, my little boy has grown into a mature man! Let mommy check out your big, manly tool." Ann took his cock in one hand, and cupped his balls with the other. She stroked it slowly, squeezing it until a drop of precum formed on the arrow shaped head, which she rubbed around the head, making it slippery.

"Would you like to see mommy's titties, Stoney?" Nicole sucked in a breath. Ann wasn't pretending anymore. She was reveling in the actual seduction of her son, using his real name. This was even better than Nicole had hoped.

Stoney nodded. Surprisingly, he fell right into the play. "Yes, mommy, I would love to see your titties. I've always wanted to see them!" He hadn't called her mommy in years... always mom. He was caught up in the naughty role as much as she was.

Ann removed her blouse and bra, tossing them to lie next to his discarded shorts. She had full breasts, with some sag, having nursed four children, but they still held their shape rather well, and she was proud of how well they had aged. Her large brown nipples were reactive, and right now they stood out a full inch from the curve of her breasts. She cupped them with her hands, and tweaked the nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, making them stand out even further. "You can touch them, Stoney, if you want. Mommy likes to have her titties played with."

Stoney nodded, and reached out with both hands to caress them. Ann put her hands over his, guiding him into touching her just the way she liked. After getting him started, she let her hands fall to her sides, and watched his face closely as he gazed lovingly at the breasts that had fed him as a baby. He looked up, meeting her gaze. "Mommy, can I taste them?"

"Oh, baby, there is nothing I would like better than for you to taste them, right now." Stoney leaned forward and took one responsive nipple in his mouth, sucking it, running his tongue around it, pulling it into his mouth and popping it back out, over and over. After a while, she guided his head to her other nipple, moaning in appreciation. "Oh, yes. That is just what mommy has been needing for a long long time."

Ann took his face in her hands, and kissed him again. Then she looked in his eyes. "Baby, there are a million explorations I want to make with you, but your sister will be coming back out soon, and I need you to know how much I love you. We haven't much time." Stoney looked back at her, not sure what she was saying.

Ann pushed him back so he was semi-reclined. Standing up, she set a foot on either side of his legs. Hiking her skirt up, and pulling the crotch of her panties to one side, she squatted over him. Suddenly understanding her, he held her hips, steadying her as she settled closer to his erection. She grasped his cock in one hand, holding her panties aside with the other. She slid his cockhead up and down her slit, lubricating it. Then she looked him in the eyes and said, "Baby, this is a line that, when we cross it, we can never go back. But I want you inside me, stretching me, taking back the womb you came from. Do you want that, too? I will stop if you want." The playfulness was gone from her voice. She knew how serious this was, and wanted him to know it, too.

Stoney nodded, also serious. "Yes, mom. I want this too. I want to be a motherfucker for the rest of my life. I want to fill you up, and make you call out my name. Please, mom."

In the hallway, Nicole had been playing with her right breast with her left hand, while her right hand had been teasing her pussy. When she heard her brother call himself a motherfucker, she felt a sudden gush of moisture. God, this was good! Maybe even better than she had imagined it!

Ann lowered herself over her son's cock, working it inside herself with little drops and raises. When she felt her pubic mound contact his own, she began to grind against him, rotating her hips and rubbing their pubic bones together. "Oh, god, that's good! You're filling me up, Stoney! God you grew a nice cock! So good! Uhnngh!"

Stoney was in heaven for the third time today. He couldn't get over the fact that his mother was grinding herself on his cock, the cock that had been in his little sister just half an hour before. Instinctively, he knew just what to say. "I love you, mommy! I will always be yours, whenever you want!"

Ann's eyes rolled back in her head, as her pussy spasmed around his cock. She experienced a moment of blackness, as she sometimes did in the throes of her most intense orgasms. When she returned to awareness, she was lying on her back on the rug, and Stoney was pounding his cock into her rapidly. This triggered a second orgasm, but this time she didn't black out. She watched Stoney's face intently. Stoney held himself in the pushup position over her, and the only point of contact between their bodies was his cock, thrusting in her pussy. Then his whole body went rigid, and she felt him pumping his load into her pussy. His face was red from exertion, and he wasn't breathing. The moment seemed to stretch out forever.

Stoney was determined to fill his mother's pussy with his semen. He had come twice already, and needed to concentrate to do it. When he finally came, it was more of a relief than a release. But he proudly noted that he had done what she wanted. "I filled you up, mommy. I marked your baby place with my seed. I did it, mommy!" He couldn't keep a straight face, though, and collapsed onto her, laughing.


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