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Home On The Range Ch. 07

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Another wonderful day and another new hired ranch hand.
20.9k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2019
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I really appreciate LocoHerb for editing this chapter of "Home On The Range"

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**Author's Note: Home On The Range is a continuing story where each chapter builds on previous chapters. If this is your first encounter with Home On The Range, I'd like to suggest you read the previous chapters prior to reading this one. Please enjoy!

** Home On The Range story is one of fiction based on the activities of a real-life. The plot of this story is to follow along as a family interact with the different situations they face in life.

**Before you read this chapter, be advised that it contains very graphic depictions of raw sex between two or more consenting people. IF such depictions upset you or make you lose sleep, PLEASE don't read any further. It's a different-strokes-for-different-folks kind of story.

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For the record: All characters engaging in any sexual activities - are of legal age!



We parted company with snake headed towards his apartment and we went to the house. On the way to the house grandpa asked me about Nicole. I told him not to say anything, but her parents kicked them out of their house when they found out Nicole and Mark eloped. They don't have any place to go so she said she hoped we would hire them.

We walked in the house and went upstairs and stopped in the bathroom to take care of business, before we went in and got undressed and got on the bed. We snuggled and kissed but it had been a busy day, so we fell asleep without much conversation. We did get some kissing and I love you in before we must have drifted off.


Chapter 7

Grandpa got up in the middle of the night to go pee and when he came back to bed, I was awake and pulled him to me and said, "I love you my dear."

He smiled and said, "Britt you have a great heart. I was thinking, I want you to take an active part during the interview with Mark and Nicole. I know I warned them you work while nude, but are you going to cook breakfast while you are nude too?"

"Yes grandpa, if they are going to be working here, they might as well get used to me and the way I won't be dressed. I'm not going to sugarcoat my need to remain cool. I guess Doc Johnson will have to get used to me as well, if he comes while I'm doing chores."

I reached down and found that grandpa's cock was hard from telling him I was going to be naked for Nicole, Mark and Doc Johnson. I moved down in the bed and took him in my mouth without any hesitation. Grandpa reached down and held my head in his hands and started pumping his hips up towards my face. I enjoyed giving grandpa satisfaction whenever I could, but this was the first time we'd done it in the middle of the night.

Grandpa started breathing fast and erratically so I moved just a little to my left, so I was right on top of his cock and not at an angle. In this position, grandpa was able to slide his cock into my throat. When his cock moved into my throat, I held my face down so my head followed grandpa's movement down. I wanted to see how long I could hold him in my throat before I had to come up to breathe. Each time, I was able to stay a little longer because I wanted to be able to let grandpa empty his balls into my throat without me pulling back up.

Grandpa sensed what I was doing, and he helped me by holding the back of my head until he felt me pull off his cock. I went down again, and I heard grandpa groan and I felt his cock expand and even though I was on the verge of needing to pull up, I stayed down on his cock while he exploded into my throat. I stayed a little longer and then yanked my head up fast and drew in a very deep breath. When I could breathe again, I cleaned all my saliva from grandpa's cock before I moved up beside him and said, "Thank you. Thank you so much for helping me learn to hold you cock in my throat. I hope it feels good to you."

Grandpa kissed my face and then my lips before he said, "Now it's my turn to make you feel great."

He rolled me on my back and lifted my legs up, so they were near my shoulders. I was fully exposed to his view and my pussy was gaping open for him. He inserted his tongue into my love tunnel and tongue fucked me for almost a full minute. Then he attacked my clit and I was sent spiraling into another world. He licked, sucked and nibbled on my clit until the sensation almost drove me crazy. My orgasm hit me hard and I humped grandpa's face inconsistently while trying to get the most out of his love for me.

It took me a while to come back to earth, but grandpa was right beside me, cuddling me, kissing me and telling me he loved me. The radiance of his love shimmered throughout my body. When I was able, I kissed him back passionately and professed my love for him. We fell back to sleep in each other's arms.

Then came that unearthly hour when grandpa rolled over and tapped my arm saying, "We have a very busy day scheduled. I smiled and said, "I know, but does it have to come at this hour of the morning?"

"Yes, my dear Britt. Just like every morning, my internal clock ticks away the seconds until my eyes fly open and I'm wide awake. I've been waking up at this time of the morning for years."

"But what are you going to do when we have more ranch hands here and you and snake won't have to get up at this hour of the morning?"

"I guess my clock will have to adjust itself to a new hour then. But for now, we are on this time."

"OK, you made your point. However, I'm going to wash up a little before I go downstairs and show off my naked body."

"I guess I'll join you in the shower."

The two of us got out of bed, and into the bathroom where I took the first turn on the toilet while grandpa started the shower running. While he took a leak as he likes to call it, I did a quick scrub and a soapy wash between my legs before he stepped in as I was stepping out. I dried my body, brushed my hair and teeth before I said, "See ya downstairs."

I went to the kitchen and turned on the lights and the first thing I did was start the coffee pot perking. The coffee was almost finished when grandpa rounded the corner into the kitchen. I pulled down five cups and lined them up on the counter. When the coffee was ready, I filled two cups and told grandpa to have a seat while I pulled some stuff out to make breakfast.

I took out the large, one-inch deep griddle I found in the cupboard and put that on top of the stove and took the bacon out of the fridge and started that frying on low heat so it wouldn't splatter hot grease on me. I pulled out the buttermilk pancake mix and whipped up a batch in a bowl. I was taking a break and sipping my coffee when there was a knock on the door and snake entered saying, "Good morning Ms. Britt, you sure have rosy cheeks this morning. Morning Frank."

I said, "Flattery will get you almost anything. Good morning snake, I hope you slept well, I know we did."

I poured snake his coffee and just as I was about to put the pot down, there was another knock on the door and I said, "Come in."

Nicole came in first and then Mark. I greeted both of them with a smile and said, "Good morning, I hope both of you slept well." I poured each one of them some coffee without asking if they drink it but since both accepted the coffee and sipped it, I was safe to conclude they drank coffee.

Nicole blushed a little seeing my naked body and Mark just plain stared at me from top to bottom. I was facing them when I handed them their coffee so both were afforded a full-frontal view of me. Mark finally said, "I thought spike was just joking with us about you not wearing any clothes, but I can see he wasn't."

The heat in Texas is stifling to me so the only way I can stay cool is without my clothes on. I only get dressed if someone we don't know is scheduled to arrive and then as with the lawyers last week, I only put on a pair of shorts. Since we met you for supper last night, I know who you both are. I told spike I was going to wear the best suit I own. I hope you two aren't embarrassed or offended because you are going to see me in my birthday suit a lot. I do my chores, wearing only my barn boots."

"Well it is a bit unusual," Mark said, "If that's what works for you, then do it. Like I said, we thought spike was joking with us. We've never been exposed to anyone who is so open about being naked. It might take us some time to adjust."

Nicole laughed and said, "It won't take me any time to adjust to seeing you naked Britt, but Mark is battling a hardon as we speak."

Mark blushed a bit and said, "It's natural for a guy to get a hardon looking at a beautiful young lady. You can't blame me."

"Thank you, Mark, for saying I'm beautiful. You are only the fourth guy to say that to me."

"Nicole, can you give me a hand with the bacon while I do up pancakes and start the eggs?"

Snake guided Mark to a seat and told him we kinda have regular chairs we sit in. Mark sat down and spike started talking to him about his experience. Nicole and I talked while we cooked breakfast. It didn't take me long to turn out a stack of pancakes and Nicole took the bacon off the griddle, so I asked her to do some eggs over easy, so we had the yokes to break open.

While Nicole was busy with the eggs, I set the table and I saw Mark's eyes follow me around while I set everything up. Nicole had most of the eggs cooked so I dropped the last few in my frying pan and then put them on the platter. I picked up the platter with the pancakes on it and set it on the table while Nicole put the eggs on the table, I went back and got the coffee pot to refresh everyone's coffee while Nicole put the bacon on the table. I told her the maple syrup was in the fridge. I made a fresh pot of coffee and then went and took my place at the table.

Nicole and Mark were sitting across of each other. Grandpa said the prayer and then it was open season on the food. I made sure I cooked extra pancakes just in case our new couple were really hungry.

Grandpa (spike) got right down to business and asked both Nicole and Mark some hard questions about their experience on a ranch. Come to find out, neither one of them had much experience with a beef ranch but both of them knew how to mend fences and do general labor work. Both of them expressed a willingness to learn.

They didn't have cutting horses, but spike said, not having cutting horses didn't cancel them out because he said both Nicole and Mark could be positioned beside the cattle and keep them moving forward. He said when the group of ranch hands came in to do the round up, they were experienced and had cutting horses. He said there shouldn't be any problems bringing the beef in from the back pastures. He said we could put them to work if they were interested.

Spike got around to asking them for references and that's when Mark said, "We were working on her parent's ranch, but he doubted they would give a decent reference for either of them."

Snake stood up and put his dishes in the sink and said, "I need to go back to my apartment, I'll see you in the barn when you get there."

We bid snake goodbye and he left through the back door. Grandpa turned to Nicole and Mark and said, "Britt has been doing my books for me, so she needs to be in on this conversation with you."

"Can you tell me why you wouldn't have a good reference from Nicole's parents?"

Nicole said in a soft voice, "I told Britt last night why."

"I didn't tell spike because I didn't want to sound like I'm spreading rumors. I figured if you wanted him to know, then you can tell him."

"Thank you for that Britt. It is kind of personal but since spike asked, my parents won't give us a good reference or any reference, because they don't like Mark. They never cared for him, but they let him stay in our house and dad gave him a job on the ranch. You see, Mark's parents were killed in a plane crash a few years ago and he didn't have any place to go. We went to school together and graduated. Even though we had very good grades in high school, we couldn't afford to go to college. Both of us worked on the ranch on weekends but dad always gave Mark jobs to keep him away from me."

"In Texas all you have to do to elope is get your marriage license and make an appointment with the Justice of the Peace. It was really easy so that's what we did. Since both of us are of age, we didn't need anyone to sign for us. Mark and I got married without anyone in my family knowing."

"I was a virgin when we got married and we slept in separate bedrooms. I used to sneak into Mark's room because it was the room furthest away from my parent's room. We had sex almost every night. One night, I was in Mark's room and we were having sex, I guess I got too loud and both my parents rushed into his room and caught us."

I was on the bottom and my dad yanked Mark off me and began yelling at both of us. It was really bad. When I picked up the sheet to cover myself, my father told me to lay still with my legs spread until he was done talking to us. He was yelling loudly which woke up everyone. My brothers and sisters came into the room and he used us as an example. We were exposed while he told them we have been having sex in his house, which was forbidden by him. Both Mark and I were paraded out into the living room where we were made to stand with our hands on our head and our feet spread wide apart."

"That was going to be our punishment for having sex in my father's house. The whole family was allowed to look at our naked bodies while my father yelled at us. I innocently told him that we were married, and he really went into a rage and wanted to know how we got married. I was afraid to tell him more, but he made me. He even whipped my ass with a belt while I had to stand in that position and take a beating in front of everyone. When he was finished, he told me to get our marriage license, so I did. He looked at it and told us we were banned from his house."

"We only had a few minutes to get dressed and get out. I went to my room while he stood over me and demanded I hurry up and finish dressing. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed a few clothes in it when he told me time was up and to get out. My mother was just as bad with Mark in his room. Both of us were kicked out the door at the same time. We left in Mark's truck and we had to wait until the next day when no one was home to go hook up Mark's horse trailer and load our horses."

"I suppose if you want to call my parents for a reference, you can try and see what they say, but I don't think it will be very good, given the fact they were really mad when they kicked us out."

Spike cleared his throat and said, "Write down the number for your parents. Just for the hell of it, I want to see what they have to say."

"PLEASE, Mr. Campbell, don't tell them where we are. I don't want them to cause any problems for you here on your ranch." Nicole pleaded.

"Oh no, I won't tell them where you are, and I may even make up a name so it will throw them off your trail even more."

"Listen you two, I'm not a sucker for a sad story but at the same time, when I saw you two last night, I know damn well you haven't eaten much in a while. I also know that your horses haven't been fed right either. What I want to know without any bullshit, IF I gave you a chance to work for me, would you work or disappear in the middle of the night?'

Both Nicole and Mark looked at each other before Mark said, "We need to work. You are right, we were very hungry last night, and we've been sleeping in my truck for the past couple of weeks. We have no where to go and you are the only prospect we have for a job. No sir, we won't disappear on you in the middle of the night."

I looked at spike and searched his eyes for what he might be thinking. "Nicole, do you have any experience feeding animals or cleaning pens and doing other odd and end things that need doing or come up?" I asked.

"Britt if you are asking me if I'm willing to work and do what needs to be done, then yes, I can work alongside of you or anyone in the barn if you want me to."

"Spike, both Nicole and Mark have their own horses, and they know how to fix fences and are willing to do general work. Do you think we can come up with enough work to keep them busy?"

"Extra hands are always useful even if they ride to keep the cattle moving. And I can use Mark out on the range, fixing fences and pounding posts where needed. He can go with snake and me and I'm sure we can keep him busy. It would be better if they had more experience, but both are young and if they are willing to work, we should give them a chance." Spike added.

"Nicole, Mark, spike told me when I came out here from Cleveland, that there are no free rides on this ranch. Everyone has to work and contribute something. I'm a city girl and when I came out here, I wasn't used to doing any chores outside of the house. My chores growing up were always inside. I'm telling you this because when I came here and started working in the barn, I've worked with sore muscles until I got used to the work. There's always a tube of liniment you can put on sore muscles and be right back to work the next day. I'm nobody special but we don't want to hire someone who will end up spending more time in bed than at work. Do you think you can handle some worker's pain while making a living? I asked.

I continued with, "I graduated high school in June, and I suspect both of you probably graduated in May or June out here. For all three of us, this is our first real job, am I correct?"

Both Mark and Nicole nodded their head in agreement.

Here's the deal before we talk money, I want you to know we put in a hard day's work. You see what time it is now and I'm normally in the barn doing my chores while spike and snake are off to work on the range all day. The three of us have been doing all the work. Spike and snake are getting older and I could use some help in the barn, so this isn't a nine to five job, we work until the chores are done and the animals are fed. The most important part is we need to keep our animals fed and in great health."

"I want the two of you to go out on the porch and talk about your future, the front door is over there. But when you come back in, give us your firm decision." I declared.

Both Nicole and Mark stood up and walked out the front door. I stood up and cleared the table except for their coffee cups and noticed there wasn't a pancake left on the platter. I poured spike a refill along with my cup and sat back down.

"Wow, Britt, I've done a lot of interviews but you sure are a straight shooter. You don't leave any room to wiggle."

Spike and I started talking about the ranch and I told him I was going to tell him the grain was getting low, but I thought I had a few days left.

Spike said, "You most likely do but I like to keep a supply on hand in case something happens. I don't want to take the chance the truck breaks down or the grain supply is interrupted for some reason. I just don't like to let it get too low.

We talked for a little while longer before the screen door opened and the couple came in. I greeted them with a friendly smile and asked if they wanted more coffee. Both said they did, so I got up and poured them a refill.

I put the pot back and came back to sit down.

Mark started to talk, but Nicole cut him off, "Britt, you were very straight forward with what you were asking us. It left no doubt in our minds that you only have the interest of this ranch in mind. I'm going to be just as straight with you as you were with us."

"You are sitting here completely nude. At some point in time, during our employment will we be expected to be naked too. That's question number one."

I smiled at both Mark and Nicole as I said, "I find it interesting that the first question deals with me being nude. Let me say, when you see me out in the barn working and the sweat is pouring off me because I'm not used to the heat here, you might want to join me. However, being nude or naked is NOT mandatory but if at any time you want to join me, you would be welcome to do so."

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