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Honey, Let's Go Dancing

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Sex is like dancing, a lot depends on the partner.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/25/2020
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Prologue - My wife and I recently celebrated our Silver Anniversary. Twenty five years of true love, two kids, and many experiences shared. This story is about our first time entering into an open relationship.

To be clear my wife and I love each other, respect each other and are totally dedicated to each other. We do not use sex with others to humiliate or dominate. What we do is use sex to enhance our enjoyment of our marriage.

We have had many encounters with others. We are not swingers and we do not go to large group gatherings. Our experiences are usually with other like minded couples. I have on occasion shared my wife with a single guy and she has shared me with a single woman a time or two.

Our philosophy is we look at sex with others like we look at dancing. Like dancing sex is great with your regular partner, the person who knows your moves and what you like to do. Who knows what you want to do before you do. Sex, like dancing can also be fun with a new partner because you are not sure what to expect. Some partners will have better rhythm, some partners will be more athletic, some partners will be bigger and stronger, and some partners will be able to read you better than others. In almost all cases sex like dancing, either with your regular partner or someone new is fun and exciting.

Comments are always welcomed. We are willing to share more of our many experiences if we receive favorable feedback. We hope you enjoy.

Honey, Let's Go Dancing

It was my wife's second marriage my first but we don't count her first one because she got pregnant in high school and was forced to marry the baby daddy. It lasted less than a year. She just turned 19 when we met and already she had married, was divorced and a mother of a beautiful baby boy.

I had just turned 27 and after 5 years working for a local general contractor I decided to start up my own company and put my degree in Construction Management to use. Within a year I had three good size projects working. I found it difficult to supervise all three efficiently by myself. I needed to hire some permanent full time superintendents to manage the projects and allow me time to get new work.

My first permanent employee was Stewart Jenkins. Stewart was a tough old, late forty, Superintendent who did not put up with any shit. I had originally met him when we both worked for my previous employer. I needed someone like Stewart because what was happening when I would leave a job site the workers would instantly slow down. Stewart was the type of guy the workers did not slow down for.

Stewart became my right hand man and recommended two more supers to manage the other projects. This freed up time to allow me to put my degree to work, estimate and bid on new projects. The business continued to grow and eventually needed office help. This is where my future wife comes in.

I knew Stewart had a daughter who got pregnant, married, divorced and had the kid all within a year of leaving high school. What I didn't know the father of the child was the son of the owner of the firm we used to work for. A real spoiled brat who was given anything and everything he wanted.

I always wondered why Stewart was available for hire and found out he beat the crap out of the kid after the kid had done the same to his daughter. As a compromise neither pressed charges. Stewart left the company and his daughter divorced the SOB. Six months later the kid was serving time for possession of narcotics with intent to sell and a weapons charge.

His daughter and grandchild were living with him and his wife. He came to me after he heard I was looking for office help and asked if I would consider hiring his daughter. Stewart was so important to me I could not refuse his request and said I would interview her.

His daughter, Cindy, showed up for her interview dressed very professionally. I had never met her before and was surprised how mature she was. I found out she was top of her class in high school and currently taking classes in business management at the local community college.

Besides being smart she was beautiful. She appeared to be about 5' 7", a buck twenty-five. Long brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail. She had cute slim figure with small breasts, a nice butt and great legs. She also had a smile that lit up the room when she walked in.

I hired her to be my receptionist and all around office girl. Within a year she had her AA degree and taking classes on-line from a state university for a degree in business management. She was now doing my books, payroll, scheduling jobs helping with the bid packages. She made herself indispensable.

I had become quite fond of her and her son Roger who she would bring into the office from time to time. I also believe she was becoming fond of me. Late one night as we completed a bid package that had to be turned in the next morning. We gave each other a high five, then found ourselves gazing into each other's eyes and started kissing. I could tell she wanted more but I stopped out of respect for her father.

Cindy couldn't understand why I stopped making out with her and when I mentioned her Dad she said, "What does he have to do with it, I am a grown woman and can decide who I kiss or don't kiss."

"Believe me I know you are a grown woman but out of respect for both you and your dad I want to talk to him first."

Cindy grabs her purse and jacket and left in a huff. Not even saying goodbye. The next morning I received the cold shoulder from her when she came in. I asked, "Cindy can we talk?"

She just replied, "No, not now I have work to do."

I decided to go and check on the job sites and planned on stopping by Stewart's site around lunchtime so I could talk with him. I discussed what happened the night before. He looked off into space before saying, "Mark I really like you, I find you to be a fair and respectful man. I know you would treat her right and that is what most important to me and her mother. So even though she doesn't need it you have my permission to date my daughter." He then chuckled and said, "Just remembered what happened to the last guy who didn't treat her right." I knew he was kidding but not kidding.

That was a big relief to me and said to Stewart, "Don't you worry I will always be a gentleman and treat her right. I got to go." I paid for lunch, said my goodbye and left looking for the nearest florist.

I showed back up to the office with a bouquet of roses, a box of chocolates and offer for dinner and dancing Saturday night. Cindy got a big smile on her face and said yes to my date request. The rest is history. We dated for almost a year, got married, I adopted Roger and then we had a daughter, Crystal, to complete our family. Life was great.

Our construction office/Day care was becoming way too small for my growing business and family so we started looking for a bigger space. That is where we met Vic and Vicky. Vic was a developer and Vicky was a real estate agent specializing in commercial property. Vicky showed us a property that was perfect for us. It had an office building with multiple offices, a board room, reception area, bathrooms and what I really liked a large shower. On the property was a large open shop for doing our pre-fabrication work and the ½ acre was enough room to store my ever increasing fleet of construction equipment. It was perfect. We put in an offer and it was accepted by Vic who unbeknownst to us was the owner.

Let me describe Vic and Vicky. Both were in their late 30s and a very handsome couple. Vic stood maybe 6' 2" weighed right at 200#. He was a good looking and very fit. You could tell he worked out regularly. He had short blond hair and always wore clothes that accentuated his arms and chest. Despite his vane appearance he was very personable and I always enjoyed being around him.

Vicky was another story. She was built like a runway model, tall close to 6'. Slim body but had large breasts which she showed off on a regular basis. Her legs were slim but shapely. She also was blond with long hair. If there was a Barbie contest she would win. Just like her husband she was very personable and fun to be with. I can see why she was the top agent in town.

After we closed the deal they asked us to join them for dinner. We did and had a great time at the local Country Club of which they were members. I had a steak and Cindy had her favorite, king crab legs. We had cocktails and wine and were feeling no pain by the end of the evening. After dinner we went into the club area for some dancing and more cocktails.

Vic asked me if he could dance with Cindy and I replied, "Cindy is her own woman, ask her not me." He did and off they went to the dance floor. Vicky and I chatted and she wanted to know our story. I told her a brief history of our relationship.

Vicky then asked, "Do you and Cindy have an open relationship?"

I was taken aback by the question and said to Vicky, "The answer is no, we do not have an open relationship."

Vicky just said, "To bad Vic and I do and you're the type of couple we enjoy doing things with." She then said like nothing happened, "Let's dance" and we did.

I am a little taller and heavier than Vic. Not fat just thicker. I was a pretty good football defensive end in high school. In fact I had a couple of offers to some small schools but wanted to major in construction management and they didn't offer that degree. I also work out regularly and that is why I loved the shower at the office. Dancing is one of the things that Cindy and I enjoy doing together and I feel we are both good at it especially when we are dancing together.

Vicky was also a good dancer and she didn't hesitate in touching me in the wrong or maybe you could say the right places. I glanced over at Vic and Cindy and noticed he had some roving hands. Cindy didn't seem to mind so I just kept watching Vic and enjoying Vicky's touch. I have never been the jealous type and I found myself getting excited at what was going on between the four of us. After a few more songs we switched partners and danced a slow one with our spouses. During that dance I noticed Vic and Vicky whispering to each other. After that song we all returned to the table. The girls immediately excused themselves to use the restroom.

After the girls left Vic said, "Cindy is a beautiful woman, do you mind if I ask how old she is."

"She just turned 24."

Vic responded, "She is so young but so mature in her actions. You are a lucky man to have such a capable woman by your side. She was a tough negotiator in dealing to buy the property."

I then asked Vic, "How long have you and Vicky been partners?"

"Do you mean partners in life or business?" Vic asked.


"We have only been married a couple of years, both of us were married before." Vic went on and stated. "I hired her to sell a few of my properties and the next thing I knew we were having an affair. Our spouses found out all hell broke loose, ending in costly divorces and then we married."

"Wow that is quite a story."

"I know Vicky asked you if you were in an open relationship and you told her no which is okay we understand. It is not the lifestyle for everyone. We knew after our first marriages ended that we did not want to hide things from each other and went into the marriage wanting to be totally honest. If one of us found someone attractive and wanted to explore those feelings we would be open and tell each other. It was hard at first but we have come to embrace the lifestyle. The one thing you need for this to work is an understanding that it is just sex and being totally committed to each other."

I responded, "I am glad it is working for you. I'm not sure if it would work for Cindy and I." About then the girls returned to the table. We departed soon thereafter.

I never discussed my conversations with Vic and Vicky with Cindy; I think I was afraid to. I was curious if they said anything to her. If they did she never mentioned it.

We moved into our new complex and I promoted Stewart to my Construction Manager. He was over all the superintendents running projects. He was on the road a lot as we were branching out doing projects within a 100 mile radius of our offices. Companies were coming to us to build for them. We actually had more work than we could handle. Juggling projects to make sure we had the time, manpower and equipment became a full time job for Cindy. One project's start date being delayed could really screw up everything.

A couple months after we moved into our new facility we received a call from Vic asking us to join him and Vicky at the Country Club for dinner and dancing. I said I would check with Cindy and get back to him. I mentioned the invite to Cindy and she asked me if I wanted to go. I said they are a fun couple, I like the Country Club and we like dancing so why not.

Cindy got a funny look on her face and said, "I need to tell you something Mark."

"What's that Honey?"

Cindy was reluctant at first but then said, "When we were out with them the last time while Vicky and I were in the restroom she mentioned to me that she asked you if we were in an open relationship. I wasn't sure what she meant so she told me that Vic and she were allowed to have sex with other people. She then told me you told her no."

"I did tell her and for that matter I told Vic the same thing."

Cindy then said, "Do you think they will ask again?"

Laughing I said, "Probably, we are a pretty hot couple who wouldn't want to have sex with us."

Cindy looked scared when she said, "You will say no again won't you."

"Do you want me to say no?" I asked.

This is a good time to provide a little background on Cindy's sexual experiences. Even though she had a child she was very naïve when it came to sex. From what she told me they only had sex three times and the baby daddy was a wham bam thank you mam kind of lover. After she became pregnant he wanted nothing to do with her until after the baby was born. After the baby was born she wanted nothing to do with him. Her refusal led to him assaulting her.

I came along and opened her eyes to the wonders of sex. I had the good fortune of having a sexual mentor teach me how to please a woman. When I was sixteen my father won a sales contest at work of a free weekend getaway for him and my mother. They left me at home to be watched over by our recently divorced neighbor who was my Mother's best friend. The first evening my parents were away she came over to check on me and ended up staying the night. A night I will never forget. I spent my last two years of high school doing many odd jobs for our next door neighbor. She was an excellent teacher and I was a very good student. In college and after college I put into practice and hopefully improved on what I had learned in high school. I have never had a complaint in the bedroom.

I will never forget the first time Cindy and I were intimate with each other. She was very nervous but very willing. She came to find out that night that she had never experienced a real orgasm. Her ex told her if it felt good it was an orgasm.

We had gone out and at the end of the date we ended up at my place. We were making out and Cindy was responding to my touch and she was making little ohs and ahs as I explored her beautiful body. I had unbuttoned her top and she wasn't wearing a bra. I made love to her naked breasts first by rubbing and tweaking her nipples and then followed by little kisses and gentle sucking. I then made my way down her torso continuing to kiss her body as I made my trip to her pussy. I lifted her skirt and kissed her pussy through her panties. She was very moist as I could taste her juices through the fabric. I hooked the gusset of her panties with a finger and exposed her clit and lips to me. She tried to stop me at first but when I made contact with her clit she said out loud, "Oh my God, what are you doing to me," and then came. Her arms and legs were flailing, she threw her head back with only the white of her eyes showing, breathing coming in short panting breaths.

Cindy got her body back under control and she said, "Lord Jesus what just happened?"

I just smiled up at her from between her legs and said, "You just had an orgasm."

"That was an orgasm my God I never knew." She looked down at me and said, "Do it again, now."

Who was I to argue? I made her come three more times before I made my journey up her body and made love to her for the first time.

Back to my question to Cindy "Do you want me to say no?"

She looked scared as she contemplated her answer. Cindy had a confused look on her face and hesitated before she answered. "I don't know, it could be fun and they are really nice and good looking. If we were ever to do something like this they would be who I would want to do it with."

It was not the answer I expected but was secretly turned on by it. I just said to her, "We will play it by ear and see what happens if they do ask. Until then let's just dance and have fun."

I called Vic up to confirm the time to meet up. He said Vicky and him were looking forward to seeing us again.

We met them Saturday night at the club. We had a great dinner and conversation. We discussed our businesses, our kids and our plans for the future. No mention was made about opening up our marriage. After dinner we took a table down by the band. The cover band was very good and played a wide variety of music from the 50s to present day. The crowd was a mixture of young and old so everyone had something to dance to.

I mentioned earlier my wife and I enjoy dancing. I think we like dancing for the intimacy of being close, touching and watching each other move. There's a reason Southern Baptists don't condone dancing and that is because dancing brings out lustful thoughts. Anyone watching Cindy dance would be full of lustful thoughts.

We started off dancing with our spouses but soon thereafter we had switched and I was dancing with Vicky and Vic with Cindy. A slow song was played and I watched as Vic was caressing Cindy in a very sensual way. He was lightly moving his hands over her body. Cindy had her head buried in Vic's neck. I looked down and saw her legs straddling his and she appeared to be grinding on it. Vicky just said to me, "They look good together don't they?"

I said, "They do." I then felt Vicky press her body onto my ever hardening cock.

"You must like watching; your cock is hard and feels so big against me."

I was witnessing Vic whispering in Cindy's ear. I wish I could hear what was said. As the song ended I saw Cindy look up at Vic and give him a kiss on the lips. Between watching that and Vicky rubbing against me I was about ready to cum in my pants. When we returned to the table the girls again excused themselves to use the restroom.

I looked at Vic and said, "It looked like you and Cindy enjoyed that last dance. What were the two of you whispering about?"

"I asked her if the two of you thought anymore about opening up your relationship."

"What did she say?" I asked.

"She just said you talked about it but no decision has been made."

"That's true we did talk about it and no decision has been made." The girls had returned by then and we hit the dance floor for the last set of the night. I mainly danced with Vicky and Vic with Cindy.

They announced the last song of the night and Vic and Vicky led us together and Vic said, "We would like for the two of you to join us tonight at our home. I think you know for what. Here is our address you two dance and discuss. We are leaving we hope to see you soon." They turned and left leaving Cindy and I staring at each other.

As we danced I whispered to Cindy, "Well."

She replied, "Well what."

"Are you interested in going to their place?"

Cindy replied, "I don't know, I'll admit I am curious but I don't want to upset you."


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