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Anna led her houseguest upstairs, feeling his eyes burning into her ass, as her hips swayed in front of him. She already felt so wet and swollen in anticipation of what might follow, she could barely think straight.

Well, this is the smallest of the three bedrooms,' she began formally. 'Which I use as a study. There's access to the loft through that hatch.'

With Jamie listening intently, she explained the layout of the remaining rooms, ending the circuit in her own bedroom.

'And finally, this is the master bed with an attached bathroom,' explained Anna, flicking on the low-level lighting as they entered the charming room.

'It's very nice indeed,' admitted Jamie, as he looked around.

'Thank you,' replied Anna, accepting the praise.

While Jamie was viewing the bathroom, Anna stood in front of the window and gazed out of the street scene below her. Darkness was starting to fall and the street lamps had automatically turned on, wrapping everything outside in an orange, neon glow. A couple walked past, completely engrossed in conversation, arms around each other. Anna sighed. It had been too long since she'd enjoyed that feeling of rightness in somebody else's embrace.

Suddenly, Anna became aware of Jamie returning, before standing so close behind her that she could sense his breath falling against her exposed neck. His unexpected proximity made a light whimper escape her throat as she found herself frozen to the spot. In an attempt to calm herself, she continued to look out of the window, just concentrating on breathing. In and out. Somehow, she managed not to cry out with longing when one of his hands snaked through her hair, pulling her head very gently to one side, fully exposing her long, slender neck.

'Are you always this forward about bringing strange men into your bedroom?' Jamie asked, the hint of amusement in his tone impossible to ignore.

'No! Never!' gasped Anna, as his breath caressed her cheek.

'So why me?'

'Because I trust you,' she admitted quietly. 'You're a police officer.'

'Huh!' he grunted. 'You do know that guys in the police service are the filthiest of them all?'

Anna chewed on her lower lip for a moment, while a blast of adrenaline filled her body. It was so potent that she swayed slightly, forcing herself to regain balance.

'I'm failing to see that as a negative,' she admitted tentatively.

From behind, she heard Jamie release a long, steady breath which ghosted across her skin and sent goosebumps traversing down her neck and arms. It was soon joined with a gasp of her own, when Jamie's large, powerful hand gripped her shoulder.

'Hey, you're tense,' he observed, massaging gently. This time, a trembling Anna didn't attempt to prevent the low groan which escaped her. She was so ready for him, along with whatever alleged filth he might have in mind.

'A little,' she gulped.

'Is that because of the intruder earlier today?'

'P...partly.' Although the truth of the matter was, her reaction was being caused by his presence. However, it would be incredibly uncool to admit that her tension was in response to having a sex God standing in her bedroom, touching her seductively, while standing well inside her personal space...although he still wasn't close enough, in Anna's opinion. Her entire body thrummed with an urgent need to be closer -- so much closer than they currently were.

'Massages are one of my key skills,' continued Jamie, leaning over to close the curtains, effectively shutting out the rest of the world from whatever wickedness he had in mind. 'Would you like me to help you relax?'

Daringly, Anna turned around to face him. As she looked Jamie directly in the eye, she saw his gaze soften.

'Are you just talking about massage, or something more?'

'I'm talking about whatever you want,' he admitted.

Anna's eyebrows pulled together, causing a set of lines to appear across her brow. That certainly wasn't an offer she got every day, although that didn't automatically make it unwelcome.

'Why don't you go and lie down on your bed, and at least allow me to remove the tension from your shoulders?' suggested Jamie. 'Then you can decide after that.'

Gazing questioningly into his beautiful blue eyes, she saw a kindness there and inherently trusted him.

'Okay,' she nodded, before kicking off her heels, crawling onto her bed and lying face-down. If Jamie was surprised by the ease at which she surrendered, he didn't show it. Instead, sitting down beside her, he very gently stroked her back.

'It would make it a much nicer experience if you weren't wearing this,' he admitted.

Courageously, in her opinion at least, Anna shuffled out of her top, without exposing her chest to the luscious detective.

'And this,' he added, tapping her bra authoritatively.

'Oh...I...' stuttered Anna. But before she'd thought of an appropriate response, Jamie had flicked the catch open with well-practised ease, and gently pushed the straps down her arms.

'Better,' he groaned, as Anna trembled beneath him, primed and ready for whatever might follow. Or so she mistakenly thought, for could anything truly have prepared her for this man?

Grabbing a bottle of massage oil from the side cabinet housing Anna's wide selection of toiletries, he allowed the liquid to drip, heavy and viscous, onto her awaiting body. Spreading it thickly across her shoulders and back, Jamie then commenced a mind-blowing massage which Anna spent most of the time attempting not to dribble and groan through. Each sweep of his hand both relaxed her and turned her on, often floating close to the side of her breast or allowing his fingers to slip just beneath the waistband of her skirt, teasingly hinting at what might soon follow. There could be no denying that the detective was an expert in seduction. By the time he eventually finished, Anna was a shuddering mess, pretty much willing to give him anything he asked for.

'You know, a significant proportion of tension is held in our glutes,' he explained, almost conversationally, as though he wasn't actually raising the subject about gaining access to her ass. 'May I?'

'Hmmmm,' she grunted. It wasn't exactly a clear response, but Jamie seemed to read the meaning via Anna's tone. Easily unfastening her skirt, he wriggled it down her squirming body and away, leaving her wearing only black, silk panties. Anna inhaled sharply, both shocked and excited about her sudden exposure.

'You're beautiful,' muttered Jamie who had unexpectedly leant down to brush his lips against the side of her cheek. A combination of his words and actions sent a blast of sensation whipping through Anna's body, providing physical evidence of just how much he turned her on. It was followed by a scattering of goosebumps, which had nothing to do with temperature and everything to do with desire.

Jamie continued in silence, dedicating much of his efforts to Anna's glutes as he wrestled them into some form of submission. By the time each of his caresses caused her to groan with longing, Anna had to acknowledge she was pretty much his for the taking. She now viewed her final garment as a barrier to her pleasure. She needed to be completely naked and, moreover, she needed to be naked with this delectable man.

'You like what I'm doing, don't you?' he asked from behind, his tone oozing confidence and thick with arousal.

'Yes,' she admitted. 'But I need more. I need you...'

'How do you need me?' he enquired, playfully running a single fingertip just inside the border of her panties, across her rounded ass and down between the valley of her legs. His touch was firm but teasing, doing nothing to disabuse her of an unarguable truth; he yearned to be inside her. Instantly, everything seemed to slow right down; every breath, every movement, every noise, even time itself. All that existed, all that filled her mind, all that mattered, was him.

'Oh fuck!' she yelped, her hips involuntarily rolling in response to the intense tease her body was being subjected to. Anna could feel his fingers floating so near, but yet so far, from the location of her body which was hot, wet, and literally throbbing with an urgency to be touched.

'Roll over,' he demanded. With gentle assistance, a lust-filled Anna found herself repositioned onto her back. As she moved, her arms flopped heavily down by her sides, eyes rolling back into her skull. She was ridiculously relaxed, making it feel as though she was drunk...stoned even. Was it possible to be intoxicated with lust?

Gradually, Anna opened her bleary eyes to look up at Jamie, only to discover him gazing with obvious admiration at the sight before him.

'Fuuuuck,' he moaned, sounding almost pained. 'You're exquisite.'

'Please,' Anna groaned, curving her spine, in the hope that her breasts would encounter him and she would be offered some relief at long last.

And then, quite unexpectedly, her wish was granted when he bent low, to encourage a hard, pulsing nipple between his soft lips, where it was expertly administered by his tongue and teeth. Anna's reaction was immediate and noisy, as her hips rolled in response to the intense sensations, the rigid tendons in her neck becoming increasingly evident, as she attempted to maintain control of her physical responses.

'Oh God!' she cried out, as he eventually migrated across to her other nipple and pulled it into his mouth, allowing the thumb and forefinger of his left hand to playfully torment the one he had recently discarded. 'I thought you said you didn't bite!'

'I don't. Unless you want me to,' he explained, momentarily releasing her. 'And I believe you do want me to.'

It was impossible to comprehend, but whatever Jamie was doing with his mouth was turning her on so much that it already felt like she was balanced on the precipice of orgasm. Each time his fingers rolled her sensitive nipples, or his teeth began to clamp around the throbbing flesh, he managed to send a direct electrical current straight to her clit. Anna could already feel the arousal oozing from her body and soaking through her panties; a situation which was destined to get worse, the longer he extended her torture.

Only when she became aware of Jamie straddling her hips, each nipple now clamped by his gifted fingers, did Anna manage to open her eyes, accompanied by a long groan of desire. To her surprise, Jamie's face was now situated directly above hers. And then, as though an unspoken agreement had been made, he lowered slowly, allowing their soft lips to brush together, fleetingly exploring in wonder.

For some time, the couple were lost within a glory of sensation, as they began to learn what the other enjoyed and desired, simply from the array of pleasurable noises and physical responses being caused by their mouths and tongues intertwining. Anna allowed her hands to take on a life of their own, her fingers winding firmly into Jamie's hair, pulling him ever closer. Thrillingly, her actions elicited a low, sexy moan from the man himself. She could feel a pulse traversing her body with every beat of her heart, thumping particularly hard between her legs and through her aching nipples, which Jamie's fingers had yet to release their hold of. When she dared to allow her hands to drift lower across his well-muscled ass, pulling his body more firmly against her own, Anna was instantly aware of a hard mass digging against her pelvis, declaring in no uncertain terms that their desire was a mutual one.

'Fuck!' she gasped, when they eventually pulled apart.

'You never explained how you need me,' he muttered, and Anna was pleased to note that Jamie looked equally shell-shocked by their activities in the last few minutes.

'I need you inside me,' admitted Anna, unafraid to voice her desires. Indeed, she had an irresistible urge to be overpowered by this man; to drown in his sensuality.

'Do you now? How incredibly demanding of you,' Jamie groaned, his cock jerking

between their tightly pressed bodies. 'Can you feel how hard I am for you?'

'Yeah,' sighed Anna. She'd have to be lacking at least three of her five senses to miss what felt like a humongous erection pushing against her thigh.

'You're entirely responsible,' he admitted, as he kissed slowly across the edge of her mouth, nuzzling as he went. 'You did this to me.'

'I'm sorry,' she grinned.

'No you're not,' he accused gently. 'Not yet. Lift up.'

Before Anna fully appreciated what was happening, or his thinly veiled threat, Jamie had stood up beside her. His oily fingers slipped inside the waistband of her panties, slowly zig-zagging Anna's final garment away. Rolling them into his fist, he very deliberately brought his hand up to his face, all the while continuing to consume her hungrily with his stare. Then, inhaling deeply, he savoured Anna's personal scent, his broad chest expanding considerably as air flooded his lungs.

'Mmmmm,' he groaned, with unarguable satisfaction. 'I'm keeping these.'

Quite aware of the floor show being provided, Jamie tucked her panties safely away in the pocket of his jeans, before starting to peel away his own clothing. Wide-eyed and lightheaded with lust, Anna lay there, entirely rapt. Towering over her, Jamie proceeded to slowly remove his shirt, starting at the top and working down. Once the final button was undone, he shrugged it off and cast the garment into a neighbouring armchair without a second thought, revealing his flat stomach, powerful abs and well-defined chest.

Having fixed her with a wicked grin, Jamie's large hands then dropped down his body to the buckle of his belt. Within moments, his chinos had fallen to the floor, to be swiftly followed by his boxer shorts. Anna attempted to swallow at the sight before her, but found herself entirely incapable of achieving even that simple physical function. The sight before her made her feel a myriad of conflicting and confused emotions; weak yet empowered, dizzy but incredibly clear-minded. The guy was glorious. Beautifully, breathtakingly, perfectly glorious. And his thick, rock-solid cock, standing very much to attention, was a thing of wonder.

Wasting no time, Jamie returned to the mattress, rolling Anna onto her side. He couldn't help but wallow in the sound of her submissive groan as he took control, holding her tight, allowing themselves a moment to glory in the sensation of warm skin on skin as the full length of his hardened body moulded perfectly against her softer one. And then their lips met with a force not previously shared. Driving his tongue into the heat of her mouth, Jamie revelled in Anna's equally enthusiastic response. It was a kiss which set the tone for the rest of the night; urgent, sensual, breathtaking.

'I wonder how many times you're gonna cum for me tonight?' queried Jamie, as he broke their kiss and began to travel southwards. 'I'm guessing a hell of a lot.'

'Oh God!' yelped Anna, as he kissed straight down her centre line, pausing only momentarily to nuzzle her breasts en route. Before she knew it, his hot breath was drifting through her neatly trimmed pubic hair, her legs impulsively opening wide, to accept whatever wicked deeds he was planning.

'Mmmmm, you smell good enough to eat,' Jamie murmured appreciatively, before scooping his hands underneath and pushing her thighs open, almost embarrassingly wide.

'Oh God!' breathed Anna, feeling ridiculously exposed, as Jamie blew a narrow stream of air over her slick, swollen pussy. 'Oh God, please!'

'As you asked so nicely,' observed Jamie, before dropping his mouth slowly towards Anna's wide open lips.

'Fuuuuck!' she howled, upon feeling Jamie's stiff, long, flexible tongue being buried slowly inside her spasming pussy. 'Oh, you bastard!' she cried as he began to probe her most intimate places. 'You utter, utter bastard.'

'Mmm, you're welcome,' smirked Jamie, before returning to his new plaything. Stroking his fingers through the liquid mess, he soon focused upon Anna's clit which he began to gently manipulate. Instantly, the cries she'd already been responsible for making, hugely intensified in volume, as they became combined with random, unintelligible words. Whatever Jamie was doing, he was well aware it was working and consequently, had zero intention of stopping. Replacing his hand with his mouth, Jamie then daringly sucked Anna's clit between his soft, wet lips, where it was expertly administered by his tongue. Meanwhile, now free to explore at will, Jamie repositioned his hand, gently pushing two fingers firmly inside Anna's tightly clenched pussy, before pressing a spare finger gently against the firmly clenched ring of her ass.

'Oh...you...fuck...but...' she cried, as her hands flew out to grab the headboard, desperate for any stability it might provide, as her entire world spun out of control. Never releasing her clit, Jamie simply rocked his fingers against her G-spot, allowing Anna to ride the unarguable pleasure. Within seconds, Anna's entire form was briefly held in silent, suspended animation, before all self-control was lost and she collapsed into an extremely long, loud climax. Never once ceasing, Jamie assisted her in savouring her release to the full, as she rode the waves of ecstasy radiating out from her pulsating core, effortlessly transmitting euphoria into every cell in her overwhelmed body.

The first was followed, almost inconsequentially, by a second, third and fourth, as though the orgasms were simply stacking up, one after another, waiting to be released. Indeed, they seemed to be growing with intensity as time passed, as Jamie found more and more ingenious ways to ensure Anna was catapulted through the pleasure of each climax. Despite her body and voice growing increasingly weak, still he refused to let up, urging Anna to embrace the ecstasy, time and time again. Only when the amazing woman that Jamie was so glad to have met was a panting, quivering mess entirely incapable of speech, did he finally allow the contractions which had bound Anna's powerless body to him for so long to diminish, allowing her to rest.

'You...you...fuck...you bastard,' she eventually managed to stammer, as her speech finally caught up with her brain activity.

'You reckon?' he grinned, grabbing a condom wrapper from his discarded clothing, before rolling Anna onto her side. 'I guess that means you don't want me to do this, then?' Having sheathed himself, he raised Anna's upper leg, opening her wide, before allowing the tip of his cock to slide against her swollen, throbbing flesh. Instantly, Anna groaned, attempting to push herself back onto him, but failing each time.

'If you want me, you're gonna have to beg,' he explained, his amusement apparent. 'And you're gonna have to make it sound very credible.'

'I'm not begging for you,' she panted, not sounding entirely convincing.

'Are you not?' he grinned, continuing to tease his solid cock across her needy flesh. 'That's a shame. I'm obviously losing my touch.'

Suddenly, with an explosion of determination Anna wasn't aware she possessed, she rolled up onto her knees, straddled Jamie's luscious body, and lowered herself down onto him.

'Trust me, you're not,' she smiled, before dropping her mouth to his.

As they claimed each other in a deeply passionate kiss, their bodies sought to reposition slightly. Eventually, the optimum angle was reached. They gradually built into a slow rhythm which led to Jamie's considerable girth being buried deep inside Anna's violently spasming form.

'Oh God!' groaned Anna through clenched teeth, as he bottomed out. Jamie's hands were grasping hard around her hips, locking their bodies tightly together, causing Anna to realise that she'd never been so completely and utterly filled. Soon afterwards, she knew she was in serious trouble, when he began to control the movement of her hips, sending way too many sensations scuttling through her over-sensitive body. Anna's self-control was about to be extinguished and there was nothing she could do about it. 'Oh! You can't!' she gasped, fingernails digging into his chest, as one of Jamie's hands changed positions. Before she fully appreciated what was happening, his thumb had been placed in a very dangerous position, ensuring that her clit was nudged, with every forward rock of her hips.

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