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House of Love Pt. 05

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But if you say it wrong...
20.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/25/2015
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House of Love - Part 5 - The Road to Magdalene: End of the Road

This is Part 5 of a story about mind control. But there are no drugs, devices or gimmicks that make it happen. It is about the kind of mind control that happens every day. The kind where people become true believers and no amount of logic or reality can make them see truth. Don't believe it? Then you are not paying attention to the cults, both religious and political.

As in most fiction, there is exaggeration of reality. But this story is based in my personal experience.

Synopsis to date: Sheila is a young girl that left her rural home to work in the city. With no family of social support network, she was drawn into the church called House of Love. There, the leaders twist religion to use for their own nefarious purposes.

Sheila went through an initial experience called the Mary Experience (Part 1). She believes she had sex with God. She is now on the path to what is called the Magdalene Experience (Part 2 - anal, and group sex; Part 3 - lesbian, exhibitionism, and orgy; Part 4 – incest, a D/d encounter that was a necessary next step on the road to Magdalene).

Part 5 contains incest, group sex, wife sharing, anal, lesbian, bi-sexual men, and drug use. It also contains the conclusion to Sheila's time at the House of love. There is the brief reappearance of Billy from Part 1. He was the person who introduced Sheila to the House of Love, but has since disappeared from the story. He is a catalyst that brought change to Sheila's life, and does so once again.

It also contains what many would call blasphemy, as has every other part in this tale. But then, that's the point about how cults control minds, isn't it? If those don't appeal to you, you may wish to hit your browser's back button now.


Chapter 10 – Final Preparations

Sheila returned to her home with Mike and Jill. Her future was uncertain. Not that it had necessarily been all that certain before. But now, it seemed completely confused.

Before visiting with her father, Sheila thought at least she understood the immediate path for her life. Seeing Daddy had been a necessary side trip on the road to Magdalene. What needed to be done with him was, in her thinking, to be an isolated episode. Not to be repeated.

That assumption was now totally blown away. What was it that she had expected? Maybe she had never really known, never really thought it through. Sheila just knew that in her wildest imagination, she would have never dreamed the soul melding experience which had awaited her.

They had given to each other the essence of their beings. Sheila experienced love as she had never thought possible. The meeting of their physical bodies and spirits was somehow reminiscent of the Mary Experience. As if the thing was of the same category, but with less intensity. She wondered if this is how it had been when "Mom" Baylor had first joined with her own father.

She would have to figure these things out later. Right now the immediate necessities of living life were going to occupy her time. She had to do laundry, unpack and put away everything she had taken on her trip. She was working a full shift tomorrow and she had to be ready and rested. With factory work, inattention could be painful.

Sheila steered her car along one of the alleys. They ran along the rear property lines of all the houses in her neighborhood. Everyone parked behind their own house. Garages, if they existed, faced the alleyway. That's the way things used be done. Modern houses seemed more like a garage with house attached. But in older neighborhoods, the cars and such were hidden away from the public eye.

Sheila entered through the rear door of the house, dragging along as much baggage as she could carry. As she entered, she heard voices coming from the living room. Well, whatever that was, it would have to await investigation while she finished unloading.

As soon as everything was inside, Sheila went to see what was going on. Fortunately, the house was designed in such a way, that there was one particular spot, where one could see most of the living room while still being hidden from view. It provided an unobstructed view of the couch, end on view, so everything happening there was seen from the side.

This was the couch which occupied part of the middle space of the living room floor. There was plenty of room to walk behind the back of it and the wall dividing the living room from the kitchen. It faced the TV and was the place she had spent many evenings watching movies with Mike and Jill as she had gradually come to know and trust them. It was also the same place they had first seduced her into bisexuality and threesomes.

While Sheila was hidden from view, if someone had been looking directly at the spot where she was standing, she would have been seen quite clearly. But people occupied in that room generally had no reason to look in her direction. What Sheila saw was surprising, but not shocking.

Jill was dressed in a black, cupless bustier and thigh high stockings. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Sheila could easily see the dog collar around her neck. A leash was clipped on to the 'D' ring. She also noticed that there was dangly jewelry hanging from Jill's nipple piercings. She only wore those when she was dressing up for someone special.

Jill was on her knees on the couch and was facing the back of it. Her legs were spread wide. The top of her shoulders pressed against the back upper edge of the furniture. This meant that her neck and face could crane over into the space behind the couch.

Mike was standing, leaning against the living room/kitchen dividing wall. He was a bit slouchy, showing that he was at ease and very relaxed. He was conversing with two very well dressed gentlemen. The suits were expensive. Very expensive. Thousand dollar expensive.

What had surprised Sheila was that both men were engaged in fucking Jill while Mike watched. One stood behind the couch with his cock buried to the root down Jill's throat. Not shocking that, as Jill was well versed in the art of sucking cock. The other stood behind her casually stroking his cock in and out of her pussy. Nothing shocking there either.

What surprised Sheila was the casual nature of the whole scene. Mike was relaxed watching his wife being spit roasted. The two men seemed relaxed as they fucked. It was kind of weird. And while all of this was going on Mike was engaged in conversation with the man up Jill's cunt. Sheila could not hear all of it, but she did catch parts of the conversation.

"We can supply your needs and have product available to suit every taste" Mike was saying.

"Now, this is on demand?" said the other.

"Yes, almost always. We haven't had any problems yet. We have plenty in stock and more is in the pipeline, so I don't anticipate any supply problems. But, advance notice is always appreciated." Mike replied.

"We usually order well ahead of time, but there are occasions when we have emergencies and need immediate attention."

"Like I said, I don't see that being a problem" Mike repeated.

With that, the conversation seemed to wind down. And the fucking grew more vigorous. Both men were now pumping hard, seeking to pop their nut in Jill.

Sheila did not understand what the conversation was about, but Mike was a Contractor and she assumed that it was concerning some project they were working on. She did think it unusual that Jill was entertaining business associates. She had never heard of Mike and Jill doing that before, but maybe they were friends also.

Jill having sex with other people was not disturbing. Neither was Mike watching. That happened all the time, but usually only within the church family. There was a lot of sex going on between the church members. But it never seemed detached or mechanical. The church family cared about each other. All of the sex she had witnessed, while maybe wild or even considered deviant, had never been uncaring.

"Well" thought Sheila, "I'm not asking about it now. Not while they have guests. Maybe I'll talk to them tomorrow."

And so she went about the business of getting ready to sleep. She showered, brushed her teeth and otherwise completed the bedtime rituals. After the excitement of her long weekend and the drive home, it was few minutes after her head hit the pillow that Sheila was fast asleep.


Over the next several days, Sheila continued to ponder the scene she had witnessed the night she returned home. Not so much the action itself, but rather her own unaffected attitude toward it.

"The problem," Sheila thought, "is that it doesn't bother me. Why is that?"

As she contemplated her reaction, or rather, her lack of reaction, it came to her that she had changed. Something significant was now different from the time before she went to see her father. Sheila needed help with processing this change. She needed to talk to Jill.


Later that evening Sheila walked into Jill's bedroom.

"Hi, baby. Haven't seen much of you since you got back. I know we have all been busy, but I miss you." Jill said.

"I know. But I have also been keeping to myself a little. I had to think about some things but now I need to talk it over with you. I need help understanding what is going on."

"Well, come over here and let me see you."

Sheila approached Jill and stood right in front of her. Jill was sitting on the edge of the bed so when Sheila came close, they were almost touching. They were both wearing loosely tied robes. Modesty had long ceased being of any concern between the friends.

Jill pushed her hands inside of Sheila's robe opening it slightly more. She cupped, gently squeezed, and caressed Sheila's breasts. Then Jill brought her lips to an erect nipple and teased it to full hardness with her lips and tongue. One hand traveled south to cup Sheila's sex. Fingers drew lazy circles around her clit. Then they stroked up and down along the now slick channel. Sheila was getting wet. Very wet.

Jill could always take Sheila from freezing to piping hot in very short order. Sheila loved lesbian sex with Jill. Previously, it was the best sex she had ever had. Until Daddy.

"How was your time with your father? Were you able to make a connection with Him?"

"Yes, I did. And it was wonderful. So much more than I expected." Sheila replied.

"Did you make it with him? Were you able to complete the next step to Magdalene? Was it good?"

"It was so much more than just sex. I remember you talking about your own connection with your father and how good the sex was. I know now that while I thought I understood what you were talking about, I didn't at all.

The physical sex was great. He is so patient and kind and loving with me. He has the experience to make it wonderful. But there was more. There was a spiritual connection I didn't anticipate. It was like a more moderate Mary experience. It felt like an echo of what happened that night. But not nearly as intense."

Jill looked thoughtful and then said, "For me, daddyfucks are the absolute best sex there is. As much as I enjoy Mike, and you, plus all of the other sex I have, there is nothing as good or as intense as sex with my father. I am sure it is different for every woman who experiences that kind of incest.

If it were forced, I am sure it could be horrible. But my father and I chose to be lovers. Just like 'Mom' and her father. And even among those of us who deliberately chose to do it, the experience is going to be different. Tell me about what happened."

"I followed your advice. I offered myself to him. Not directly, but I dressed and teased and was forward in a way that made myself clear. But I never backed him into a corner. It was his choice. Oh, I baited the hook and I reeled him in, but he could have jumped the line at any point. So, I took it slow and let him realize that this is what he wanted.

He made his choices and I took full advantage. The first taste of his cum filling my mouth was Heaven. Then I gave him my virgin pussy. Oh, I know technically I wasn't virgin, but I don't think sex with God counts.

And then, he took my ass. I was glad that Mike had taken me that way before and taught me how to make it good. In fact, I am also glad for all of the instruction I got from both of you on how to do oral. Daddy loved deepthroat.

But again, good sex and mind blowing orgasms, while great, were not the best part. With Daddy, I experienced total love. I felt safe and warm. I knew a man who was totally committed to my welfare. And to my pleasure. His lovemaking was not just about getting his rocks off. It was an expression of his deepest, heartfelt absolute love.

And I think that it was what he needed. After the failed marriage and divorce from Mom, he was just holed up in the middle of twenty acres. I think he was hiding from life and the possibility of more pain.

I don't mean to say anything negative about sex with you and Mike, or any of the other people in the church I've loved. But this was just different. It was a whole different level."

"I do understand what you are talking about." Jill said. "Sex with my father is incredible. I love it and I know I will never stop. I will crave his cock for the rest of my life. Like I told you before, Mike not only knows about it and approves, he helps make sure that I have time to see Daddy. He goes so far as to help me make the arrangements if I need him to.

So I am so glad that you were able to make this connection. You know it is an absolute necessity for your continued journey toward Magdalene. And now you will be able to continue forward."

"Why was it necessary?" Sheila asked.

"Because sex with your father is the ultimate sex. There is not much beyond that. So it frees you from inhibitions about anything else. You will now experience a freedom in sexual unions that wasn't there before. Some people say it makes women promiscuous.

But that is not true. What it does is make any choices you desire acceptable to you. Some women, because of immaturity or a lack of guidance, make a lot of bad choices. Establishing a loving, sexual relationship with their father can help bring stability to their life. Now, an older experienced man can provide a rock solid base from which they can build.

And if sex with daddy is forced, can do a lot emotional damage. But when both father and daughter choose that relationship, it is amazingly freeing for you. And that is what we hoped it would do for you. Any kind of sex that you choose, without any guilt at all."

"I saw you the other night." Sheila said tentatively.

"When do you mean?"

"The other night when you were with those two well-dressed men. Mike was watching and you all seemed very relaxed. Who were they? I have never seen them before. I thought I knew everyone in the church."

"They aren't from the church, baby. They are business associates of Mike's and that is the first time I had met them."

"And you had sex with them?"

"Sure. Mike wanted me to. It was helping his business for us to make that kind of connection with those men. And I really enjoyed it. I got off having Mike watch me fuck them both like that. It was a lot of fun and I had some great orgasms with them. And better, when they were gone, Mike took me in the bed and screwed me to some of the best sex we've ever had. I am surprised the noise didn't wake you up."

"Well, I was so tired I don't think a bomb could have woken me up. But I am still surprised about you having casual sex with, well I guess, strangers."

"Sheila, you have taken a gigantic step on the road to Magdalene. I am willing to bet that before you saw it necessity of it, you would have never conceived that having sex with your father was something you would choose. But you did choose it. And I can assure you that there will be more choices before you get there.

So one last question. Before you went to see your father, Mike refused to have regular sex with you. You finally figured out that it was because he was waiting for you to have sex with your father. And you figured out that he wouldn't do it because it concerned your journey to Magdalene. He didn't want to interfere with it.

And I know his refusal to take you that way, and his orders that no one else could either, had you very bothered. But now that you have completed this next step, he will fuck your pussy, if you still want him to. And once he does, the bans on others will be lifted also. So do you still want Mike to take your pussy? Do you want to have sex with him that way, or will you be satisfied with him doing you anally? Because, him stroking your ass will never stop, even if you don't choose vaginal sex."

Sheila answered, "Oh, hell yes I want him. I want that cock slamming me has hard as we can go. I have dreamed about that man fucking my pussy ever since those nights on the couch, when you two first started having sex with me. I mean, if that's OK with you, Jill."

"It sure is sweetie. I am so happy that you still want it. You are going to love the way he feels inside you, the way he fills you up. And it is going to open up complete new worlds for you. There are some things we have to settle first. We need to set up a counseling session with 'Mom' and 'Dad.' But first, I think we need a little celebratory sex with just you and me."


"You are doing quite well in your progress toward Magdalene" said 'Mom' Baylor. "You have come a long way from when you first came to the House of Love. You were a shy virgin. But you were willing to submit to God through his human representative and you became Mary. One of only a few Marys existing today.

You had sex with the heavenly father. That opened you to a whole new world of submission and service. You have followed the advice and teaching of your primary deacon, Mike and his wife Jill. They have shown you the path so far.

Sheila, I am so proud of you and your teachable spirit. Recognizing the authority of the church, obedience in action even when you did not understand. You are so worthy of the honor of Magdalene that will soon be yours. With all you have learned there is still a ways to go.

You learned love with Mike and Jill. They taught you to love both men and women. You shared in their love for you and each other. You gave yourself to Mike in a way that pleases him completely. He loves having his cock in your ass. You experienced public sex and exhibitionism at the ladies' meeting when you loved three women, while all of the others watched.

And now, finally, you have had sex with your earthly father as you did with your heavenly. You have destroyed all of the barriers that would have hindered you from full obedience and the full enjoyment of the blessings available to you. I know how long you have been frustrated because Mike would not fill your pussy with his marvelous cock. Well, now that drought is over and you are free to enjoy.

But there is so much more that you can learn. Now there are no limits to the acts of love that you can experience. What we now want to show you is that every act of love is a form of worship. That first Mary worshiped as God took her and made her pregnant. She experienced the ultimate human joy of physical orgasm as God fucked her. He filled her with perfect seed and she bore a son.

But there is more than just the physical union that took place. There was the spiritual as well. You know this. You had the Mary experience. And now your mission is to spread that joy to others through worship. Your acts of love will bring the world to a better place. To that end, you will need training so that you are able to anticipate and fulfill the needs of others.

You know the basics of worship through acts of love, but there is much more you need to know. Skills you need to learn. Experiences you need to have. There is so much variety in the way people love each other.

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