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How His Stepmother Became His Slut

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Dad's mistake changes everything.
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(With input by 'Irish Lass')

'SLAM!!!' Jodie slammed the door behind herself as she stormed into the house. "That fuckin' son-of-a-bitch!! That no good fucker! And with that no-good slut of all ..." she ranted as she entered the living room before stopping as suddenly as if she'd run into a brick wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?" she screamed at the sight in front of her

Her 19-year-old step-son, Andy, sat frozen in place, his hand wrapped around his cock, the porn video he'd rented playing on the big-screen TV.

"YOU TOO?!" she yelled before stomping down the hallway and slamming the door to her bedroom behind her as well.

"What the hell was that all about?" he asked himself as he quickly stuffed his softened cock inside his shorts and ejected the DVD. "I thought she said something about going to surprise my dad and not to expect them back until later. I don't know what the fuck happened but I think I'd better just lay low for a while," he continued as he silently walked past his dad and stepmom's room as he went to his own.

Once in his room, he continued to wonder what had happened between his dad and step-mom so it wasn't surprising that he was still awake when he heard the soft knock at his door.

"Andy," the voice whispered. "Are you still awake?"


"Can I come in?" his step-mother asked.


When his step-mom opened the door he could tell she'd been crying.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes ... and no. Can we talk?"

"Sure," he replied as he slid over on his bed to make room for her to sit.

"I wanted to apologize. I ... well ... I shouldn't have blown up at you like that. It's just been a really bad night."

"Why? I thought you were going to surprise my dad and go out to dinner or something."

"or something," he heard her whisper before continuing. "That was the plan but when I got to your dad's office," she hesitated. "I guess there's no easy way to say this so ... When I got to your dad's office I was kinda surprised that no one else was there. He's been putting in such long hours and keeps talking about how busy things are with this new account that he's supposedly in charge of."

"Supposedly? That doesn't sound good," he said to himself.

"Anyway, the office was dark except for the light from his office. I should have known something was going on when I saw the drapes were shut ... but," she shrugged. "I wanted to surprise him. Unfortunately, I was the one who got the surprise. When I peeked inside his office he was there with another woman," she paused, "but no just any woman. He was there with your aunt and she was on her knees in front of him ...," she paused again before finishing in a rush, "sucking his cock."

Images of his aunt flashed before his eyes. At 42 years old, she'd worked hard to keep herself in shape. She went to the gym three times a week, to the hair salon twice a month and the mall for new clothes at least weekly. The problem was there had to be 'at least something to work with' as the saying went. She was average, at best, in every way possible. Her hair was mousy-brown that she had permed, expressionless, brown eyes, and a 34C-28-36 body. The only thing she had going for her, that might attract his father, as far as he was concerned, was she was his mom's sister.

"He was just sitting there, in his office chair, with a grin on his face saying how good she was ... and how hard he was going to fuck her when she was done. THAT SON-OF-A-BITCH," she suddenly growled as tears ran down her cheeks. "He hasn't touched me in over two months. That was why I came up with this 'surprise'. I thought maybe I'd pull him away from his job for a while. We could go out to dinner and then," she hesitated. "I even bought a new outfit and rented a room for the night at a hotel near his office. I thought the least I could get a 'quickie."

Andy gently reached out and pulled her towards him until her head was resting on his shoulder. "I'm not sure what to say, Jodie. I know my dad really loved my mom but ... Aunt Sue? Shit. If it was me there's no way I'd chose her over you."

"Really?" she asked, raising her head from his shoulder to look at him.

Andy stared back at her and, not for the first time, marveled at the woman before him. At 30 years old, she was 11 years older than him but she could have easily passed for a woman in her early 20's. Her hair was auburn and seemed to glisten as his bedside light reflected off of it. At the moment, she was wearing some shade of purple eye shadow and black eyeliner that highlighted her eyes and seemed to make them sparkle. And to top it off, she wore was wearing red lipstick that gave her lips a 'wet-look' as if begging to be kissed. "Dad, you are such a fuckin' fool," he thought. "Yeah, really," he finally replied to her question.

The world seemed to stand still as they stared at each other until she slowly leaned forward and lightly brushed her lips across his. "Thank you," she whispered.

His mind went into overload as he realized what had just happened. On one hand, this was his step-mother and there were all kinds of consequences if they didn't stop now ... but on the other hand, his hormones screamed that she had been the one who kissed him first.

Hesitantly, he leaned forward, his arms encircling her waist, drawing her closer to him.

Not once did she seem to resist. Instead, her hands wrapped around his head and her fingers entwined in his hair.

He was amazed at how soft and full her lips were as he gently pressed his lips to hers.

She was glad he was taking his time because the first touch of his lips on hers had sent a jolt through her body as if she'd plugged herself into an electrical wall socket.

Their lips continued to press against each other as his hand lightly ran up and down her arm, making every hair stand on end in excitement. He could feel goosebumps pop up as his hand slid across her shoulder, his fingertips brushing across her neck.

Her lips pressed harder against his and his lips parted, not from the pressure from her tongue, but from the overwhelming sensations in his body. His tongue eagerly accepted her invitation and the two of them soon found themselves in a battle as old as time.

They kissed for a long time, changing pressure and pace and the world around them ceased to exist. Their tongues moved together, swirling and probing, and he pulled her closer as they explored each other's mouths. He tasted vaguely like the pizza and soda he'd had for dinner while she tasted like strawberry from the lipstick she was wearing, not that either really seemed to care.

"Ohmigod," she sighed when the finally broke apart. "I haven't been kissed like that in years."

"I don't think I've EVER been kissed like that," he wheezed.

Their faces were flushed and their eyes were dilated from the excitement of what they'd just done. Suddenly, he became aware of the feel of her body pressing against his and instinctively slid his hand to the front of the coat she was still wearing.

Her hands seemed to mirror his as they caressed the front of his t-shirt. She'd known for a long time that he went to the gym a couple of times a week but had no idea how hard his body was until she felt the muscles of his chest flex under her touch.

Then, surprisingly, she felt him take her hands in his as he pulled away. He stared at her. "Are you sure about this?"

She answered so quickly that even she was surprised when she heard the words. "More than anything I've ever wanted in my life," she whispered softly, as she brought her lips back to his.

She was amazed at the passion in their kiss as she sucked his tongue into her mouth. His fingers dug into the flesh of her arms and back. Then she realized she was squeezing her thighs together in rhythm to the radio that she hadn't even realized was on. Her pussy seemed to pulse to the jungle-like beat and she could feel herself getting wet. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she thought. "I'm so turned on. If it was anybody else I'd fuck them right here and now but ... I want this to be special. I want it to be something we'll both remember for the rest of our lives." Yet, while her mind was saying one thing her body was doing another and her hand slid down across his stomach and rested on the bulge in the front of his pants.

He jerked when her hand landed in his lap and touched the growing shaft. "Ohhhhh ... gonna cum in my pants if she keeps doin' that."

At the same time, the fingers of her other hand ran through his hair, scratching his scalp and drawing his head down to the delicate flesh of her neck. Her breathing was shallow and irregular. Her vision was blurry, and she felt light-headed but still, she didn't stop ... she didn't want to stop ... she couldn't stop. The feel of his lips kissing and licking her neck and his hands caressing her through her coat. The warmth of his body against hers and the growing scent of his male musk overwhelmed the last bit of control she had.

"Last chance," he groaned. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," she said firmly, though she wasn't at all sure of anything anymore as she felt his fingers fumbling with the front of her coat. "Let me take care of that," she murmured as she gently pulled away and stood at the side of the bed.

Her 5-foot, 9-inch body seemed to tower over him and she slowly ran her hands up over the front of her coat, teasingly. She stopped just long enough to squeeze her tits through the material before turning her back to him. "Remember how I said I had a 'surprise' for your father?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder at him.

His mouth suddenly felt dry as a desert so all he could do was nod.

An impish grin curled up the corners of her mouth as she smiled seductively back at him. "Well ... it's gonna be YOUR surprise now."

He watched, transfixed, as she swayed to the romantic music that filled the room. Her coat dropped to the floor almost immediately, laying in a pile at her feet. Beneath it, she was wearing a black dress that was so tight it seemed like a second skin.

The silky dress shimmered in the light. The back was scooped low, stopping just above the rounded contour of her ass and there was a slit on the left side the seemed to go all the way up to her thigh. For a second he wondered what, if anything, she was wearing under the dress. That was when she hand over her right shoulder, sensuously pushing the dress strap off letting the material dangle at her side. With the grace of a cat, or maybe a stripper, she put her hand over the front of her dress and turned so she was facing him.

He was amazed at what he saw, or rather didn't see. The dress was still held in place, but not by her hand. Instead, it was being held in place by the largest set of breasts he'd ever seen.

Once again, she shrugged her shoulder, this time the left side and the material slid down her arm.

A low, primal growl flowed from between his lips as he looked at the lush beauty before him.

He'd always known she was a large woman. In fact, one of his friends had jokingly called her 'Rubenesque', though he had no idea what that meant until he'd looked it up online. Until that moment he'd never been sure one way or the other since she always wore loose fitting clothes. But now, like this, there was little doubt that his friend had been at least half-right as he watched her body move to the music."You like what you see?" she asked softly, bringing him back to the present.

"Oh yeah."

"I'm glad, 'cuz this is only the beginning," she purred as she tugged at the top of her dress until her breasts suddenly popped free and the dress fell to the floor around her ankles. Her breasts were huge and each was capped by a nipple that was as big around as the tip of his little finger but what excited him even more was the sight of the decorative, silver-colored ring that surrounded each nipple making them larger and harder.

"Ohmigod," he groaned.

"You like?" she asked as she lifted the huge orbs for him to inspect.

"I'd have to be dead or gay not too and the last time I checked I wasn't either one."

"That's for sure," she giggled as she pointed at the front of his pants.

The bulge was larger than he'd remembered it ever being and hard enough that he, fleetingly, wondered if it was possible for his cock to rip the material.

"Jodie ... can I ...?" he asked as he reached out to touch her.

"Don't beg," she murmured, although, or perhaps because of, his begging she got even more turned on. She silenced him by leaning over, her breasts grazing over his hands as she placed her hand on his shoulder for support and leaned over to kiss him.

He suddenly remembered overhearing someone once refer to the 'agony and ecstasy' of sex and realized this was exactly what they'd been talking about.

Their lips met, their tongues battled and their skin lightly brushed against each other heightening their passion. She moaned into his mouth, her tongue forcing itself in as deep as possible, as her body suddenly shuddered.

His hand which had been on her thigh to help hold her slowly inched upwards. He pulled his mouth from hers, barely, and asked again. "Can I touch you?"

She hesitated. Gawd, how I want him to touch me. I want him to squeeze my tits and feel my pussy. I want him to know how wet he's gotten me but if I do neither one of us will last much longer." Then an idea formed in her mind as she slowly pulled away.

"I'll make you a deal."


"You can touch me ... anywhere you want buuttttttt," she stretched out the word, "I get to touch you too."

"Okay," he gasped.

"In that case ..." she murmured as she stood and spun out his reach.

He groaned as she slipped away and for an instant thought maybe she'd only been teasing.

When she stopped spinning her back was to him. "I think you're wearing too much ... and so am I," she said as she hooked her thumbs in the sides of her g-string panties. With the speed of a snail, she leaned over pushing her panties down over her hips and the rounded globes of her ass.

For the first time, he realized she was wearing a garter belt, flesh-colored hose, and flame-red high-heels. His cock lurched in his pants and it was only with every ounce of will-power he had that he was able to avoid cumming right then and there. And while Jodie seemed to take forever to take her panties off his clothes seemed to evaporate in the twinkle of an eye.

In one final gesture, she kicked her panties from around her ankle and turned to look at him.

The lustful look in her eyes told him everything he had hoped and dreamed of was about to come true.

"So what do ya think now?" she whispered as she stood with her hands on her hips, her body completely exposed to him.

He sighed at the beauty of the woman before him. "Are they real?" he asked timidly as he pointed at her breasts.

"100%, all natural," she replied. "My measurements are 30H-27-38 and every bit of it is me."


"I'll take that as a compliment," she laughed, softly, as she moved closer to him.

Once in reach, he eagerly reached out for her massive tit as his other hand slid up her inner thighs.

Not to be outdone, she reached out and wrapped her hand around his cock, marveling at the heat and hardness. "I definitely think this is bigger than your father's," she muttered, only to be cut short as his finger slid along the length of her lightly, fur-covered pussy.

He slid a finger inside her hot, wet, pulsating pussy as she collapsed onto his shoulder, shaking.

"Soooooo good," she sighed as she squirmed, her thighs rubbing wetly against his hand while she sucked on his neck, not caring if she left a mark. "Can't believe this is happening. Never wanted something so bad. Never felt so wicked ... so wanton and NEVER felt like I was gonna cum so soon. Just ... one ... more ... minute," she thought as she rotated her hips, rubbing her clit against the palm of his hand until she felt herself slipping away. At the same time, her hand continued to move up and down the length of his cock, her pace increasing until it was almost a blur.

"Jodie, JODIE!!!" he cried as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away.

Lost in the fluffy, grayness of her mini-orgasm she'd barely heard him until he'd grabbed her wrist. "I'm sorry," she blushed. " I guess I got lost if you understand."

"Yeah, I understand," he faltered, "and if you wanna end things that way I guess it's okay with me but if you want more I think we should slow down."

"You're right," she said, softly.

Her body was full and lush; the need to be loved seemed to ooze from every pore. He motioned for her to come closer. He slid to the edge of the bed and she moved between his spread legs. Gently, he pulled her body against his body and lay his head in the cleavage between her breasts. Her skin was hot and soft. He could smell the delicate fragrance of her perfume, and something more, something that stirred the primal need in him to have her in every way possible.

She moaned and her hands went to his head pressing it harder against her body.

It felt like nothing he'd ever imaged. He sat there, his head nestled between her bare breasts. He moved his hands and cupped each full breast. He could feel her hard nipples against his palms. The sensation was unlike he'd felt with the girls he'd been with before this and sent shivers running down his back and into his groin.

"That's right, darling. Play with my tits. Mmmmmmm, you have no idea how good that feels. Now, kiss them. Yessssss."

He squeezed, gently, and kissed her soft skin feeling her body tremble from his touch.

"Now, suck on my nipples. Ohhhhhh, I need this," she groaned.

He moved his mouth and took one nipple between his lips, suckling on it like a baby.

She sighed as he sucked harder feeling the nipple stretch and harden. "It's all your. Kiss it. Lick it. Suck it ... bite it. Whatever you want," she crooned as both of her hands wrapped in his hair holding him in place.

The subtle taste of metal from her body jewelry contrasting with the delicate taste of her skin As he sucked on her nipple her hands continued to wander and explore her body. His right hand slid down to her hips and to the junction between her legs. He teased as he ran his fingers through her auburn bush, turned on by the fact that it wasn't trimmed like so many of the porn stars in the videos he'd watched. His other hand ran up and down her back, gently. Until with the speed of a snake, it dropped to her firm ass and squeezed.

"Ohhhhhhhh," she groaned. "I like that."

"Mumpf," he replied though what it may have meant she had no idea.

Instead, he sucked harder on her nipple, no longer caring if he marked her, just as she hadn't cared when she'd left the mark on his neck.

She felt trapped. His lips on her tit, one hand on her ass and another toying with her pussy. She shuddered with excitement as an idea slowly formed in her mind.

At the same time, his right hand slid down from her furry patch and cupped her pussy. It was wet against the palm of his hand and he could feel her shiver as he slowly wormed a finger between her swollen nether lips and into her.

"Yesssssss ... feels SO good," she sighed as her breathing became more and more ragged. He could feel her hips beginning to sway, grinding her pussy against his hand. "You're gonna make me cum again just like in those ..." she grunted, only to suddenly pull from him and turn away.

He sat there stunned wondering what had just happened and if he'd done something wrong.

While still looking the other way, she asked. "Do you remember when I came home earlier and found you ... ummmmm, in the living room?"

"Yeah," he answered, still wondering what was going on.

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