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How I Became a Daddy Ch. 03

Story Info
Cementing A Relationship: a bimbo forces her hand.
2.5k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/26/2019
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Working to continue the momentum here, please leave comments or suggestions. Simply trying to become a better writer.


Walking with Ali to the coffee shop was a unique experience to say the least.

I know Ali liked being stared at by every soul on the street, but for me it was a bit weird.

She acted like she didn't notice every girl and guy we encountered gawking at her presence.

While only a few days ago I was one of these people staring, there was not one person who didn't do a double take as we strolled by.

The walk there was a bit silent, Ali constantly looking at me with her wicked smile.

A few minutes later we arrived at Jim's Coffee, one of the popular off campus coffee shops.

Holding the door for Ali she walked across the threshold with an exaggerating hip swing. Popping her hip, the pose made her yoga pant covered rear look huge.

Ali followed with "Thanks hun!" and a big smile.

Approaching the Barista, a cute girl named Becky dressed in trendy clothes and very tight jeans. Becky was the definition of a hipster coffee shop employee.

"What are you drinking today?" Becky said.

As she focused in on us the look on her face said it all, she couldn't stop looking at Ali. She was a bit mesmerized.

Becky was trying to decide if she hated Ali for looking like a bimbo, or loved her for being the extreme of the female form, a male fantasy, sexiness in the highest form.

Breaking Becky's trance.

"I'll have a drip coffee"

Becky's face shot directly to mine, she seemed shocked I was standing there.

Nodding she replied quickly, focusing back to Ali.

"And for you?"

Ali simply looked at me, giving me the same body wiggle as back in the dorms. Her eyes pleading with me, a look of fear on her face. Her huge lips pouting forward at me.

A few awkward seconds went by.

"She'll have a latte" I quickly replied.

Becky looking back at me, rolling her eyes. "That will be 6.75."

Paying we then proceeded to wait for our drinks. Ali reached in to whisper in my ear.

"Thanks for ordering for me babe"

(After receiving our drinks we found a table.)

Sitting down Ali promptly followed after me and sat down next to me.

Wicked smile returning to her face, she grabbed my hand and placed it on her thigh.

I quickly retracted my hand, feeling a bit uncomfortable. My mind was confused, why was this extremely attractive female taking such a liking to me, of all people?

Ali quickly pouted and frowned. I then slowly returned my hand to her thigh.

"I thought I am the one who is supposed to be in charge here..."

Ali replied "I know you are, but I want you to feel comfortable, help you be dominant."

At that moment a girl approached our table. Ali shot up and greeted the girl with a big hug.

"OMG Abby sooo good to seeee you!"

"Ali, looking hot as usual! Who's your friend" Abby replied.

Abby facial expression said it all, instead of Becky's confusion over Ali's presence, Abby was confused over my presence. Her gaze was eating me alive, she even had a similar wicked smile as Ali.

Abby was no slouch in the looks department, she had perfectly symmetrical facial features, d cups, rail thin, long legs, and attitude to boot. She had to be at least 5'9".

"This is Jonny" Ali motioned toward me, giving me a side hug, jamming her huge boobs into my arm, and grabbing my hand.

For onlookers this probably looked insane, Ali was pressing her huge round tits into my body in a very sexual fashion.

Abby was unphased by Ali's display of affection.

"Cool. Good to meet you Jonny."

She then pursed her lips in an odd way and squinted her eyes.

"Is he the cutie you were making out with at the party?"

Ali quickly nodded "OMG... Isn't he so cute!"

Ali gave Abby a huge smile, not the wicked smile I was use to, but a warm smile. She seemed more sincere for some reason at this moment.

Abby smiled and replied "Your so lucky!"

They both reached in to hug and say their goodbyes. This was a show all by itself. The two huge breasted girls leaning in to hug, smashing their large breasts together, forcing their asses back to make sure everyone in that coffee shop knew they were curvy where it counted.

My dick was starting to awaken at the sight of these two bimbos.

"See ya hun!"

Sitting back down Ali slid into the booth. I was starting to be okay with her always being in my personal space.

"So, we hooked up last night?...what did you want to tell me?"

I tried expressing myself in a calm manner, but the tone of my voice clearly expressed by frustration.

Ali's attitude changed dramatically. She was looking around the coffee shop, wouldn't make eye contact. She was being weird for sure.

Feeling uncomfortable by the situation. "Should we leave?"

Ali's reacted like a child.

"Please, I gotta tell you some stuff, I just don't know how to say it!"

I just made an awkward hand gesture toward her, she took a deep breath and started.

"Sooo, I'm like really into sex, I'm like a total nympho, that's why I love being dominated by a guy..."

I simply nodded.

"So my Dad is also super dominant, toward me and my mom, n' stuff... I don't think college is for me, I just know it's best for me to be a fuck toy for a guy, a guy like you, a daddy"

I furrowed my brow at her.

"And so, ummm, if I'm not in a relationship with a guy or in school he will cut me off financially, but like I said I really don't want to do the school thing."

At this point I was just shaking my head at her in confusion.

"So you just picked me out so you could drop out of school, I knew this whole thing was weird from the start, nobody acts like this."

Ali's looked like all her excitement and energy had been taken from her. She went from standing straight up pushing out her chest and pouting her lips proudly, to cutely biting her bottom lip and slouching over trying to cover herself up. Her anxiety over the situation was showing.

"Can I finish and then you can make your decision?"

Ali said in a very low tone toward me. Not making eye contact.

I nodded.

"So like if I get a boyfriend my Dad will pay him every month, he says women can't be trusted with finances, bills, and money. According to him we are only good at spending it. You would like be in charge of my trust fund and obviously could live off it too, cause you will be my daddy."

"This is weird, I know no guy would turn you down, but this is just crazy, come on this would make anyone uncomfortable, why me in the first place?"

"Well Mads said you were a ummm... a really smart guy, super gentlemanly, a real mans man, and even though I'm all about being dominated she said you wouldn't take advantage of me."

At this point her comments were definitely going to my ego, it felt wonderful. But I had to get back to the point of the conversation.

"Maddie said that?"

Ali was still hunched over, a smile crept up on her face. She nodded in affirmation to my comment.

"So, Maddie knows about this and everything?"

"Well we talked about it a little and when we saw you in the cafeteria we both kind of knew we wanted you to be the one. Out of all the guys you were the only one who could make it past my tits when we met. We just had to see if we were sexually compatible."

"So you got me drunk?"

"Well...Mads said it was the only way, to um get... you naked!"

Ali then reached in to stroke my thigh, placing her hand uncomfortably close to my hip. She made what I would call a sexy face, her lips fully pouting to the extreme.

"What happen that night? I don't remember a thing!"

"Me, You, and Mads had so much fun, you definitely know how to have a fun time, baby!"

Frustrated I snapped at Ali.

"Stop with this whole bimbo act! Did we hook up like Abby said?"

Ali started stroking my thigh "It's ok babe, don't get mad, I'll tell you."

Her wicked smile returned to her face. "And I am a bimbo, your bimbo."

I furrowed my brow at her bimbo comment.

"We totally fucked, we danced on you practically all night, even after all those shots, you were super hard when we got you back to the dorm. You loved it, you were feeling us up all night."

"Is there more to this story...?"

"Do you remember making out with me at the party, your hands were all over my ass...we were in the kitchen."

Shaking my head at her, Ali continued the story.

"Do you remember me and Mads giving you a blowjob in the bathroom?"

"Are you serious?!"

"YASSS BABE! You were so hard from me and mads rubbing up on you all night that we had to help you. We would never let a stud like you have the blueee balls"

Ali had the look of devotion on her face, lips pouted in a submissive way.

I awkwardly replied. "Maddie sucked my dick?"

Ali nodded in an exaggerated motion emphasizing the size of her tits. At this point she was back to thrusting them into my torso.

"I really don't remember a thing."

"You fucked me and Mads when we got back to the dorm pretty solid, I totally slept in to 1pm and don't even remember you leaving, I was out cold. You are a totally a stud hun."

As she finished her sentence Ali rubbed my thigh up and down a few times, and placed her tiny hand on my chest. She tried reaching in for a kiss. I avoiding her large lips, Ali realized what was happening and gave me a slobbery peck on the cheek instead.

To Ali's defense she wasn't changing her script and continued to be so affectionate toward me. Everything about this was weird.

"Do you do this to all the guys you meet?"

She continued to stroke my thigh, speeding up her pace.

"No only for you hun"

At this point I was hard, my pants were stressed, I was extremely uncomfortable by the whole situation, and Ali in all her skills had moved her body even closer to me, her whole upper body was leaning over my crouch. She was practically on top of me.

Ali's famous smile returning to her face, she was licking her lips like a lioness ready to pounce.

"Ali, I'm just trying to make sense of everything that's going on here."

Ali continued to rub my chest.

"I'm sure I can help you feel better about everything."

I was simply stunned by the whole situation, I tried to readjust my crouch to no avail.

"Excuse me real quick, gotta got to go the restroom."

"Oh of course babe, why didn't I think of that!"

Getting up I was surprised that Ali followed me to the restroom.

I moved to open the single occupancy restroom.

Ali quickly ran up and grabbed the door. Pushing us in, Ali quickly slammed the door closed, locking the door behind us. Before I had a chance to say anything.

"Why hadn't I thought of this, of course you want to use your new toy! Let me be your slut daddy!"

The wicked smile and Ali's swagger returning after her off behavior. She quickly kicked off her shoes, and in one frantic motion pulled off her yoga pants and sweatshirt.

"Ok babe, lets get your pants off... take a seat on the toilet!"

My dick was at full mast at this point, I literally felt like my balls were going to burst at her display of sexuality and total gratification that I was prepared to cement "our" relationship with a sexual act.

Ali was totally delusional, sexy as hell, and bat shit crazy. But hey who was I to say no as this moment, when would a female throw themselves at me like this?

After removing my pants Ali reaches in to started stroking my dick, a few quick strokes and my cock was oozing precum at a quick rate.

"Ohh yeah, get nice and hard for your fuck pet, this bimbo needs it!"

Ali then slid onto my thighs and grabbed the base of my cock. She brought it to the base of her cunt, playing with my cock she teased me a few times, slapping her cunt.

The image reminded me of a porn scene to the 10th degree, this was about to be my first cowgirl ride.

Suddenly a sweet little noise came from Ali's mouth and with a sudden entrance she imphaled my cock putting her weight into it.

I quickly let out an "Ahhhhh" sound.

Her weight and the amazing heat coming from her cunt was euphoric to say the least. Ali's cunt immediately started working me, Ali then quickly started riding me moving around in a circular motion.

At this point I was totally involved in the sensations and forgot about being in a public toilet. I grabbed onto Ali's huge breasts. Needing and pinching them, I was being way more aggressive with her then what I thought I was capable of.

Ali was riding me in a wild manner, I could feel her cunt work me over, she was constricting down onto me, the feeling was crazy. Her cunt was the definition of tight and warm.

Getting so close to cumming I started to really grab onto Ali's fat tits. I was giving them a death grip.

"Hun, omg!" Ali whispered in my ear. She was cumming so hard at this moment. I could tell from her reaction that she loved being abused sexually.

Suddenly the sensation picked up, her cunt became the happiest place on earth and I started to cum.

Reality quickly hit me, we were in a public toilet.

Ali had been fucking me for less than two minutes and I already came in her amazing body. My dick continued to twitch, throbbing and forcing out more cum than what I knew possible.

"You did such a great job honey! Don't worry we will have plenty of time to get your stamina up."

I was totally silent to Ali's comment.

"Your so good at fucking, daddy! Like I love when you really use me."

I was a little overwhelmed but extremely content with what just happened. Odd how just a few minutes ago I was uncomfortable with Ali and what she was about.

Now I knew I needed to fuck this bitch all the time even if she wanted me to treat her like a bimbo, trophy fuck doll, or whatever she said she was.

Her praise of me just couldn't stop.

"Your such a stud hun!"

"Umm... I think we should leave Ali."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Super good!

Please continue this story! Really enjoy the characters.

erebustitan43erebustitan43over 5 years ago
Yep, best story in a long time!

Please, yes, Add more to this story, it is awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
please continue the story

the story setting is awesome and this type of story is frankly rarely seen. I urge the author to continue more in this series

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