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How I Got to Hell

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A Christian detective degenerates into incest.
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Author's note: Personally, I am against incest. I think it destroys the delicate relationships of respect within the family, harms the social development of the young generation and sometimes borders on exploitation. Not exploitation through authority, but exploitation of innocent love.

But like everyone else, I also enjoy fantasizing about incest. The story below is the result of my fantasies. None of it really happened.


My name is Tim, and I'm a detective with the Philadelphia Homicide Division. I am 6'5, I have brown hair and blue eyes. I am broad shouldered, muscular, and train twice a week at the police gym. A homicide detective is not child's play. I am required to have a high physical fitness, and a physical ability much higher than average.

Not always have I worked in the homicide department. Before that, I was in the vice department, and I got to know all the human garbage that Philadelphia has to offer. My patients were prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts, rapists, and pedophiles. Like I said - all the human garbage. I saw what poor morality and excessive permissiveness can do to a person.

My wife, Lena, is a teacher at the local high school. She is almost a foot shorter than me, handsome, and shapely, with black hair and green eyes, but she is modest and doesn't emphasize her beauty. She always wears elegant clothes, wider than her size, and puts on makeup with restraint.

We are a Catholic family. Not really religious, and except for a Sunday visit to church, there are no religious symbols in our house. I also don't confess regularly, and visit the confession booth only if I was involved in a shooting that resulted in someone being injured or killed. We also do not usually bless the food at every meal, only on holidays. Sometimes. But after seeing all the dirt on the streets, Catholic conservatism seems very logical.

We have only one daughter, Helen, 19, who is only a few inches taller than her mother. She has her mother's black hair and my blue eyes. Helen received a standard Catholic education, including Sunday seminaries. With my encouragement, my wife volunteers at the local church, and more than once Helen joins her.

Happily, Helen does not socialize with boys, and is also very picky in choosing her girlfriends. Her closest friend is Paige Hanna. Paige comes from a Muslim family, and her father is a detective in the vice department. Muslims have a high standard of modesty, and I was sure Sam, Paige's father, would not approve permissive behavior. So, I definitely liked that Helen and Paige got together.

Over time, a very unique relationship was formed between Lena and Helen, especially on Helen's part. With me, she always behaved in a curt manner, and at least at first, I attributed it to gender embarrassment. Still, that's the education she received. But it bothered me, that at every opportunity, she hugs her mother, not a mother's hug, but a tight hug, with her hands hugging Lena's waist, as if she was her lover, and plants a kiss on her. Sometimes even on the lips. Lena didn't pay much attention to it, but I did.

"Hello, young lady, control yourself. That is your mother," I scolded her more than once.

"Am I not allowed to hug my mother?" Helen defended herself.

"He's just jealous," Lena added. "Maybe you'll give him a kiss too?"

But Helen never kissed me, and I began to develop a phobia of the possibility of the girl showing lesbian tendencies. Lena, of course, dismissed my concerns saying: "Girls sometimes act like that. It doesn't say anything about their sexual orientation." It didn't calm me down.


In the movies, being a homicide detective is a glamorous job. In the NYPD, a murder committed during the night is solved by the end of the following day. At the end of the day, the detectives close the case and go home at five o'clock. Sometimes they even allow themselves to linger for a quick drink at the local bar.

The reality is completely different. Sometimes it takes months to solve a murder case. It's painstaking work that requires dealing with many details, small findings, and a lot of rummaging through trash cans. If you're lucky, then it's a small bin that you can pour on the sidewalk, rummage through, and finally collect all the trash back into the bin. Yes, you read that right - collect all the trash back. This is another thing they don't show you on TV. If a detective leaves the trash on the sidewalk, he faces a fine penalty and disciplinary hearing.

When you're not lucky, then you have to enter a garbage dumpster, and that's a real disgust. You don't enter the dumpster with a suit, and after rummaging through the trash, you can't go back to the office, and only receive a few crooked noses and comforting pats on the back. When you enter a dumpster, the smell and filth is so terrible that you need a long shower, serious scrub and clean clothes.

And that's exactly what happened to me that day. Someone reported that a man, whose description resembled a homicide suspect, threw a bag into a dumpster. My partner and I took off our jackets, put on disposable overalls, and entered the container. Even so, when we left, we smelled like a horny skunk. We labeled the findings we found, and hurried each to his house to take a shower and change clothes.

It was at noon, when my wife and daughter were at school, so I was alone at home. We live in a small apartment, with a small living room, a kitchen, a service balcony, and two bedrooms, one for me and Lena, and one for Helen. The parents' bedroom does have an attached toilet, but no bath. We have only one full bathroom, shared by both rooms.

I took off the clothes I was wearing and threw them in the washing machine. I added a few more dirty clothes that Lena didn't have time to wash, turned on the machine and went naked to the bathroom. I filled the tub with hot water, added bath oil, and laid down in it.

It was the end of the semester, and Lena was endlessly busy reviewing term papers and exams, so she barely had time for me. I think it's been two weeks since we last had sex. The hot water boiled my blood, and I lay in the water, poured liquid soap into my palm and masturbated, as I imagined what I would do to Lena when the dry season was over. I came hard, shooting jets of sperm into the water, and then I laid down with limp limbs and fell asleep.

I woke up to restrained screams coming from Helen's room. I panicked. I got up quickly, put a towel on my waist, and went to her room. What I saw completely stunned me.

In fact, the first thing I saw was a black, round, smooth butt. So smooth, it looked like flawless granite. Perfect. The second thing I saw was a beautiful cunt peeking out from between two black, chiseled legs. The cunt was open, and a shiny reddish slit peeked out from between its folds. It took me a moment to realize that what I was seeing was Paige's butt and pussy. In response, my cock began to erect.

Paige was on her knees, and her head was between the legs of my daughter, Helen. Helen's white thighs were spread on both sides, folded slightly, her pelvis was raised in the air, both hands grasped Paige's head and pressed it to her crotch. Helen's eyes were tightly closed, and her open mouth drew in air and let out screams.

The sight was so surreal, so absurd, that I looked at it as if I were looking at a picture, not at my daughter's best friend who was giving my daughter a blowjob. It was the first time I saw Helen's breasts. They were medium sized, and so erect, that her pink nipples actually pointed towards the ceiling.

Suddenly, I realized what I was seeing, and the fire of hell began to burn in front of my eyes. Without thinking, I walked to the side of the bed and hissed in a subdued voice: "What the hell is going on here?"

Paige jumped up, while Helen let out a whimper: "Daddy!"

"So it's as I thought, dammit. My daughter is a lesbian."

"I'm not a lesbian," Helen defended herself.

At that moment I didn't really digest it, but neither of them tried to hide their nakedness. At the first moment they looked frightened by my attack, but very quickly they came to their senses and their eyes wandered towards the towel on my waist. Until this moment, I was not aware of the magnificent erection that was there.

My daughter straightened up, sent a quick hand to the towel on my waist and pulled it. "I'm not a lesbian, and I'm ready to prove it to you," she said.

Hellfire still danced before my eyes, but so did my daughter's beautiful body. Nevertheless, I came to my senses and said: "Damn it, you're my daughter. I'm sure you've heard of incest. That's not the education you received at home."

Paige's hand was sent to the rod that stuck to my groin and said: "Mr. Gaunt, I'm not your daughter."

As Paige's hand touched my erection, I felt dizzy. I'm a big, strong man, and I've gotten out of a lot of dangerous situations, but at that moment, my legs were shaking.

"You," I pointed towards my daughter. "Outside."

"It's not fair," protested the little nymph.

"Outside!" I commanded.

I swear to God, I didn't mean to touch Paige. I wanted to scold her, and threaten that I would discuss this with her father, but she jumped into a sitting position in front of my cock, grabbed the base of it, and ran her tongue over the tip, and I almost passed out.

Even before that, I noticed Paige's attractive body. She was tall and thin, with long legs, a slightly narrow pelvis, but an even narrower waist and relatively broad shoulders for a girl. Now she was naked in front of me, and I couldn't help but notice her perfect, smooth and shiny skin, her thin and straight legs, and her breasts, which were large relative to her skinny body, and looked like two silicone implants. Big and round with dark and erect nipples.

Her hair was cut in a boyish haircut that highlighted her beautiful doe eyes. She had dark eyes with long eyelashes, kind of dark eyes that seemed to radiate a mysterious promise. She looked up at me and I felt like a young man who had just discovered the love of his life.

Paige licked the tip of my cock and I was speechless. I'm 8-9 inches taller than her and solid, but at that moment, she was completely dominating me. Her tongue ran all over my cock, and lingered in the groove under the head of the penis, something she probably learned from watching porn movies with my daughter. The thought of Helen and her beautiful white body made my balls boil.

She tried to put my cock in her mouth, but it was clear that it was too big for her mouth. She barely managed to get the tip in. She tried to push more of it in, with very little success. I had no doubt that it was the first cock had entered her mouth. She held my cock in her mouth, and licked what went in. Then she closed her lips on it and sucked it hard, like sucking on a lollipop. Her lips moved back and forth on the little she managed to put in her mouth.

Without thinking, my hands moved towards her magnificent breasts. They were soft, smooth, and warm. Definitely not silicone implants. I ran my hands over her breasts and played with her erect nipples. The areola surrounding the nipples was dark, rough, and fleshy. I grabbed the areolas of both her breasts, and pinched them. She moaned in pleasure.

All this time, her eyes were raised to me, as if waiting for my approval, or perhaps fearing my reaction. Her mouth sucked the tip of my cock, and she again tried to force more of it into her, which triggered her gag reflex. She pulled her head back, smiled at me awkwardly, and said: "Mr. Gaunt, your cock is very big. Even bigger than my dildo, and I used to think that it was really monstrous."

Dildo? The fucked Mother of God. Does Helen have a dildo too? Does that mean they are both no longer virgins? Holy shit. Hell, that's what we deserve. Hell of boiling shit.

She tilted her body back, pulled my cock after her, and said in a pleading voice, "Mr. Gaunt, please, please, fuck me."

She lay down on the edge of the bed, spread her legs, and pulled my cock towards her beautiful pussy. Somewhere in the back of my mind, a voice whispered "condom, need a condom", but I didn't quite hear it. I knew I was doing a terrible, horrible thing, and I knew that this time, I would have to go to the priest for confession. After all, her father was a colleague of mine.

She placed my cock in front of her pussy, but didn't really know how to proceed. I knew. I inserted the tip of my cock between the lips of her pussy, and moved it all the way up her slit, teasing her, and wetting my cock thoroughly. Paige squirmed under me, raising her hips in the air and bringing them back down nervously. Her hips rubbed against my body, and she lifted her loins towards me.

I leaned over and kissed her forcefully. Her tongue immediately jumped into my mouth, and her hands wrapped around my body, racing on top of me. I squeezed her beautiful breasts. The sight of my white hands against her black breasts reminded me of vintage black and white photos. I assumed that a picture of my white back with her black hands caressing it, might look like the work of a talented fine art photographer. I rose above her and caressed her smooth thighs. Her perfect skin blew me away. She was hauntingly beautiful.

"Mr. Gaunt, please, don't play with me. Come inside me. Please, Mr. Gaunt." She begged with her beautiful eyes fixed on my face pleadingly.

I rubbed my cock against her clit, making her take a deep breath in surprise, and then I took it back and placed it in front of her hole. I pushed gently, and her breath stopped at once. I kept pushing in and it wasn't easy at all. Her cunt was so narrow, and so hot, that I felt as if I stuck a knife in a living body.

She did not rest for a moment. She kept moving, moaning and writhing. "Mr. Gaunt, yes, yes, yes. More, please more."

I kept thrusting until half of my cock was inside her, and then I started fucking. Slowly at first, then more forcefully. Each time, a little more of the cock entered her. Her legs were no longer on the bed, but were waving in the air, alternately stretching and folding. I sent my hands back, grabbed her legs and placed them on my shoulders. In this position, I made the final penetration into her - one strong push and my whole cock was inside her. Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

She must have felt my testicles on her ass because she said, "You're all the way inside me."

"Indeed. Totally," I replied, and started to fuck her in long and strong movements, with my thighs hitting her thighs and my testicles hitting her butt. A long sigh escaped her mouth.

I don't have eyes in my back, but I have sharp senses, and they told me that my daughter had sneaked into the room and was watching us. I should have kicked her out, and maybe thanks to that I would have some mercy in hell, but I wasn't able to do it. I was engrossed in fucking Sam Hanna's beautiful daughter. I knew I had no right to ask anything from God, but still I prayed that she would not utter a single word of betrayal in the presence of her father, and that none of this would ever be known to him. Shame consumed me.

But lust even more.

I continued to forcefully fuck her, and every time I was on the move out, I felt like her cunt was pulling me back in. I continued like this for a few more moments, until I felt her belly shaking under me and then I stopped.

"No," cried Paige. "Don't stop, keep going. Please keep going."

But I changed the tactic. Now, I fucked her in long and slow movements, feeling every point in her tight cunt on my cock. She shook her loins up and down, trying to make me fuck her forcefully.

"Mr. Gaunt," she screamed, "you're driving me insane. Enough, enough. Fuck me like before."

Now, not only was her stomach shaking, but so were her hips. She wrapped them around me, trying to forcefully pull me into her. Her breathing became more and more frequent, and she uttered a collection of meaningless syllables. I put all my weight on her body, and thrust my cock into her all at once. Then I went back to fucking her hard and fast. Her whole body twisted under me, her loins jumped violently, and her hips shook uncontrollably, until suddenly she was folded under me. Her legs pressed me against her and she screamed sharply: "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

I felt the contractions of her pussy on my cock, and continued to fuck in and out in short movements. Her jumps became more frequent until she finally calmed down.

She remained lying still under me, gasping for air. Her hands caressed my head in quick and unorganized movements, and her legs continued to tighten my body to hers.

"Mr. Gaunt," she said as she calmed down, "It was... it was... Ugh, I don't even know how to describe it."

"Let's try something else," I said and pulled myself out of her. "Get on your knees."

"Doggy Style?" she asked. Apparently the kiddo has a wide education.

"Yes," I replied. She did as I said, and I penetrated her from behind, holding her hips tightly,and enjoying watching her round butt shake with every movement. This time I started with slow movements, inserting my cock into her, and then pushing down, towards her stomach, and out. I took it out until only the head of the cock was inside her, and then slowly inserted it again until the end, pushing towards the stomach and pulling out. A soft moan was heard behind me, I knew what the source of the moan was, but I refused to turn around. Everything that happened here was a terrible sin, and I tried not to think about it or to cope with it.

Very soon, Paige could no longer hold herself up on her hands, and she fell, with her head pressed against the bed and tilted to the side. Her breathing became rapid again. I put one thumb in my mouth and wet it. I squeezed her beautiful butts and inserted my thumb into her anus. Her whole body folded in an involuntary spasm. I shook her butts and enjoyed seeing the waves that went through her flesh. My thumb penetrated a little further and the muscles of her anus closed on it forcefully.

"Mummy, I can't take it anymore," cried the kiddo.

Apparently, Helen couldn't take it anymore either, because she clung to me and hugged me from behind. At that moment I almost collapsed on the spot. The feeling of my daughter's hard breasts being pressed against my back, and her gentle hands wrapping around me, made my heart work at an accelerated rate, and I felt how my legs were no longer carrying me. I sent my free hand back and caressed her warm thigh.

Her head rested on my back and she whispered to me: "Daddy, I want you so much."

Then I remembered. That's my daughter, dammit. My daughter. Fucking my friend's daughter is one thing, but making love with my daughter? Jesus Christ, I'm not capable of it. I released her hands from me and pushed her back.

"No, Helen," I said. "It is impossible. It is a terrible sin."

I left Paige's butt, and slid my hands along her waist to under her armpit. I held her tightly and lifted her to me. The girl was flexible. Her whole body arched back until her shoulders rested on my chest. I held her breasts and they filled my palms. I squeezed her nipples, causing a shiver to go through her entire body. Her breasts felt soft, warm, and pleasant. I licked her neck and fucked her with rhythmic movements. This time the loud moan heard behind me made me tremble.

Paige lifted her head up and breathed heavily. Suddenly she let out air, accompanied by a heavy sigh, and her whole body vibrated in my hands. She began to shake her loins in frenzied motions, causing strong waves of pleasure to run throughout my cock. I felt the orgasm building inside me wanting to erupt. I was convinced that she wasn't under the pill, but it didn't occur to me not to cum inside her. I'll have to buy her a "morning after" pill. So be it.


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