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How It All Began

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How we began exploring an alternative lifestyle.
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This is more of a true story/ recollection of true events rather than a work of fiction. To be fair, however, I have added some language and events to spice things up.


I met my wife in college. I was at a frat party when I spotted this beauty from across the room (yes, I know how cheesy it sounds). I could normally play it cool around women, but there was something about her, and I couldn't stop glancing her way quite often. Long blonde hair, tall, athletic build, tits that were not too big but certainly not too small.

She was with some guy I didn't know, and to be honest she didn't look like she was into him. She caught me looking her way a few times and always smiled. Her date was getting more and more drunk as the night went on until he could barely stand. At one point, they were walking past me, her holding him up, when he bumps into me and falls to the ground. She apologizes to me as she tries lifting him up and fails.

"Do you need help?" I said.

"Yes, would you mind?"

I told her that I didn't mind at all, and picked the guy up and put him over my shoulder. This was a huge mistake, as my back immediately screamed out in pain, but I had to be macho of course and flex.

Luckily, he lived in the house we were in, so I carried him up the stairs to his room and plopped him on his bed. I assumed she would stay to look after him, but she followed me out the door. I tried not to let on that my back muscles felt on fire as I asked her why she wasn't staying with him.

"This was our first date, and to be honest he was kind of driving me nuts."

I gave her that head nod that says "I totally get it" and just stood there a moment. She didn't move either, so we just stood there looking at each other with goofy smiles on our faces.

I'm sure it was only seconds, but it felt like forever. Not in a bad way, just that neither of us seemed able to think of anything to say.

Finally, she said "Well, thank you very much. That was very nice of you. I think I'm just going to call it a night and walk home."

She started to walk away when she stopped, and asked if I would mind walking her home.

"Of course I wouldn't mind," I said.

We walked slowly, which I think we both did subconsciously. She told me her name is Hailee, and I told her my name is Aiden. I don't recall everything we talked about, but we were certainly having a great time getting to know each other. We got to her dorm building and stood outside for hours, just talking. When the sun started to come up, I told her that I wished we could keep talking, but I had plans that day that I couldn't break.

"I understand. No problem. Thank you again and it was nice meeting you. "

She started opening the door, when I turned and said "Maybe we could continue our conversation later?"

"I was hoping you'd ask," she said with a smile. She wrote her phone number on my hand and told me to call her anytime.

Normally I tried to play it cool and wait a day or two to call a girl, but I absolutely could not wait this time and called that night.

We spent the next couple weeks spending practically every day together. If we weren't in class, we were hanging out. She would let me kiss her, but no matter how hot and heavy we got, she wasn't ready for sex. I know this will make me sound like an asshole, but before Hailee if a girl didn't give it up within the first week, I moved on. I had no desire to do so now. In fact, it didn't bother me as much as I thought.

She told me she wasn't a prude, she just associated sex with a certain amount of commitment. Not marriage exactly, but no one night stands. Until....

We had been dating for about 6 months with no sex. One night we got home from a party and were making out on her bed (her roommate was not there). She was really getting into it when she stopped and just stared into my eyes. She had this look, like I was a piece of meat and she was a lioness. She climbed onto my lap, facing me, and shoved her tongue down my throat, and as she was pulling back she bit my lip and tugged on it a bit. It didn't hurt much, and indeed it made me rock hard.

She did it again, and suddenly she was taking off her shirt. I was stunned and didn't know what to do. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts, squeezing my hands and still kissing me. She ripped my shirt up over my head, and started licking and sucking my nipples. I'd never really had anyone do that to me before, but I very much enjoyed it.

She reached behind her and released her bra. Her tits were amazing. I sucked on them and flicked my tongue over her nipples. She was breathing heavy and moaning with pleasure.

"Pinch them for me," she said. I did as she told me, and her body began to shake, almost like she was coming.

She stood up and started removing her pants and underwear.

"Get your fucking clothes off," she said in a husky voice. Naturally, I complied.

When we were both naked, she climbed onto my lap, facing me. She grabbed my dick and basically shoved it inside her. She was so wet that I slid right in. Her pussy was (and still is!) amazing... so hot, wet, and tight.

She started moving her hips back and forth, like her life depended on it. She kept staring into my eyes, riding me faster and faster, until she came so hard I thought she was having convulsions.

When she finally stopped shaking, she looked me in the eyes and began giggling, and then kissing me.

"What's so funny?" I said, not sure how to interpret her reaction.

"I'm sorry," she said breathlessly. "I can't stop cumming."

She started kissing me slowly, sensually. She started licking my ear and whispered, "Fuck me, please."

I picked her up and placed her on her back on the bed. I grabbed her ankles, spread her legs, and slid inside her. I was fucking her so hard that we were sliding all over the bed. After a few minutes, I came inside her, and basically collapsed on top of her. She wrapped her legs around me and began kissing my neck.

"Not that I'm complaining," I said, "but what the hell just happened?"

"I couldn't wait anymore," she said, as if that was all the explanation needed. I didn't argue.

So, we continued to date, have incredible sex, and eventually we got married. I know I'm jumping ahead, but the "in-between" is not where this memory is focused. We graduated, got incredible jobs, and eventually we had two boys.

Sex was never dull, and neither of us was disappointed. Sure, there were times when we would go awhile without intimacy, but it never lasted long and was usually just due to life stressors.

She could talk as dirty as a porn star in the bedroom, but be as virtuous as a nun in public. She had no issues with trying new things, but nothing too extreme.

Everything changed one day, when we were getting ready for a church picnic. She had bought a new sundress and wanted to wear it. It was elegant, yet something about the way it fit her had my eyes bugging out. It accentuated her tits and ass, and when the light hit it just right you could almost see through it. I came up behind her, gently squeezed her ass, and began kissing her neck. She pushed back into me, but quickly turned, looked me in the eyes, and said "Later. After the picnic," and gave me a kiss.

We were having a good time, nothing spectacular, until Hailee bent to pick up our youngest. One of the other men was obviously looking down her front. My first reaction was to go to my wife and escort her away, but instead I just stood there.

The guy started talking to a small group of men, and they all turned to look at my wife. I could clearly see them staring at her body and making some rude gestures. I don't know why, but I was stuck between wanting to kick all of their asses and wanting to watch them stare and eventually touch my wife.

When we got home, we put the boys down for a nap, and then went to our bedroom to change.

She started to unbutton her dress, but I was having none of it. I came up behind her, bent her over the bed, and yanked her panties down. She yelped a little in surprise, and I unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick. I rubbed it along her slit, and listened as her breathing got louder and faster. I slipped inside her and began pumping into her. I was getting close to cumming, so I pulled out and pushed her onto the bed. She flipped over onto her back, pulled the dress up to her waist, and spread her legs. I wasted no time and climbed on top.

"What has gotten into you?!" she asked.

"I don't know... I saw the other men at the picnic ogling you, and I just got turned on."

"What were they doing?" she asked.

I described how they were looking at her, the gestures they were making, and how I imagined them touching her body.

I felt a sudden gush between her legs. She had thrown her head back and squirted all over my dick. The sight turned me on and I came inside her immediately.

We lay there a moment, catching our breath. She looked at me and said, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to buy more sexy outfits for when we go out."

"I would love that!"

The next few weeks, we did a lot of role-playing, pretending that other men were lusting after her.

One night we had dropped the kids off at their grandparents and went out with friends. My friend Kyle, who we have known for years and his girlfriend. I don't remember her name, and I never liked her anyway.

We had a great time. When we got home, the wife and I started getting frisky. I don't know why I did it, but I started telling her how Kyle had been staring at her all night (wasn't true, but she didn't know that). I told her that he pulled me aside, and said that I was a lucky man. That her body was incredibly sexy, and how he wished he could fuck her.

She acted shocked at first, but I could tell she started getting into it. She became more aggressive and dominant.

"Would you like that? Kyle touching me... kissing me... taking my clothes off?"

"Jesus, yes," I said.

"Would you like it if I put his cock in my mouth, and sucked him off?"

I nodded furiously. She climbed on top and started fucking me like crazy.

"Would you watch him stick his cock inside my wet pussy, and fuck my brains out?"

I couldn't take any more and shot the biggest load of my life into her.

When we caught or breath, she asked "You're not being serious, are you? I mean it's ok to play around, but you don't really want me to sleep with other men, do you?"

I must have hesitated, thinking about my answer, because she sat up and looked at me angrily.

"Are you fucking serious? I am not sleeping with other men for you!"

She stormed into the bathroom and I could hear her crying. I followed her, and sat beside her.

"I don't want you to do anything you don't want to, and I'm not asking you to sleep around. I can't explain why, but it's a fantasy that turns me on immensely. I should have talked with you first, instead of just introducing it during sex, and I am truly sorry. It never has to go beyond a fantasy."

There was the expected questions and answers.... "am I not enough for you?" "are you not happy with me anymore?" I tried my best to assure her that I couldn't explain why it turned me on, but I knew with certainty that I was indeed still in love with her and thought she was just as sexy now as when we met.

We continued talking. She eventually stopped crying, and seemed to calm herself down. We sat there I don't know how long, but eventually she hugged me and kissed me and said she was going to bed. I climbed in with her and tried to spoon, but she stopped me and just said "Not yet... I'm still a bit upset. "

I couldn't blame her, and understood completely. The next few days were a little tense. Not horrible, but I could tell that she was still bothered. She wasn't mean or anything, just a little distant.

One night she sat next to me on the couch. "Do you really get turned on by thinking about me with other men?"

I looked at her, thought about it, and said, "Part of me feels like if another guy touched you, I'd rip his arms off and beat him with them... but part of me gets so turned on, my dick gets so hard.... I can't stop thinking about it. Again, though, I don't want you to do anything you don't want to. "

"It's not something that interests me in the least, but if it means that much to you I'll think about it. I'm not promising, but I'll think about it... maybe as a birthday present or something."

I immediately got an erection, and was about to lean in for a kiss, but she got up and left. I didn't want to push it, so I just let her go.

Months went by, and it was not brought up again. I figured it was a no go, and did my best to let it go.

One night, I told her that Kyle's girlfriend broke up with him, and he wanted to get wasted Friday night. She said that sounded like fun and agreed to come with us.

Friday night, Kyle arrives and is ready to get wasted. I shouted upstairs to Hailee that we're ready to go. She shouted back to give her a few minutes.

I looked at Kyle and said, "We might as well sit down. A few of her minutes usually means it'll be awhile. "

We sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV. Eventually, Hailee comes down the steps and says she's still not ready, that the dress she wanted to wear was still drying.

Kyle and I both were speechless. Hailee had come into the room wearing her robe, the one she only wore to initiate sex.... it was silk, and was so short that it barely covered her nether region. She was wearing black stockings that came up high on her thighs.

She walked in front of the TV, directly in front of us, when she dropped her hair clip. She bent over to pick it up, only she had turned her back to us and bent at the waist... she was not wearing any underwear. She took her time, giving us plenty of time to see her pussy.

I looked at Kyle. His jaw had hit the floor, and he couldn't stop staring. When she stood up, she started to walk around the coffee table to sit with us, but "accidentally" dropped the clip again. She bent over to pick it up the same way, and again we got a full view of her pussy.

She came around and sat between Kyle and I. She crossed her legs, but made no attempt to pull her robe down. It wasn't completely open, but if it rode up even the slightest bit, she would have been exposed. She started slowly bouncing one leg on top of the other, which in turn began to loosen her robe in front.

"I bought new stockings today, baby. They're so silky... I love them. Here, feel." She grabbed my hand and placed it on her thigh. It was indeed very soft and silky. I was mesmerized as I slowly ran my fingers up and down her legs.

"Here, Kyle, feel!" She grabbed his hand and did the same thing. By this time, her robe had opened up enough that you could plainly see her tits. Kyle kept staring back and forth between her legs and chest.

We were both getting excited. Our hands working further and further up her thighs. She let out a light "mmmm" and closed her eyes.

Just then the dryer buzzed. She jumped up from the couch, not bothering to pull her robe closed, and disappeared into another room.

Kyle and I just looked at each other, not sure what to say, not sure if that even really happened. I honestly wasn't sure what I was feeling. I know there was definitely some jealousy, but I think that only served to heighten my excitement.

After a few minutes, Hailee came back wearing a sexy black dress. It was tight and showed off her curves beautifully. The bottom of the dress came down to just below the top of her stockings. She looked absolutely stunning. I don't really know what was going on with Kyle as I couldn't tear my eyes off of my wife.

"Ok, I'm ready!" she said.

We make it to the bar, and start with some beers. Hailee loves to dance, so she eventually got up and hit the dance floor. The first few songs were uneventful, but then she started dancing all sexy... like a stripper. I'm pretty sure all the men in the bar were drooling over her.

She came back to the table and grabbed Kyle and pulled him onto the dance floor. It was a fast song, but somehow she still managed to grind all over him. Sometimes he grabbed her hips as she rubbed her ass against his crotch, and she made no attempts to stop him.

When a slow song came on, she wrapped her arms around his neck and began swaying. His hands kept sliding down until they were cupping her ass cheeks. She looked at him with a fake look of surprise and gently smacked his chest, but made no attempt to remove his hands. Several times it looked like they were about to kiss, but never did.

After several hours we were ready to head home. None of us were plastered, but definitely not safe to drive, so we called an Uber. Hailee sat in the middle. I couldn't keep my hands to myself, and began stroking her leg. She leaned over and started kissing me passionately. My hand worked up her thigh until I was touching her pussy. She spread her legs a bit, and let me finger her.

Kyle began touching her other leg, running his hand up and down her thigh. She turned and looked at him once, but made no attempts to touch him, she just let his hands roam where they wanted.

I added another finger and began rubbing her clit with my thumb. I kept picking up the pace until she squirted all over my hand. That was when we realized the Uber had stopped, and we were home.

"Sorry, sir," I said to the driver, "We got a little carried away. "

"Don't worry about it, you just made my night," he chuckled.

We all entered the house, and I was thinking things would continue, but Hailee told Kyle he could have the couch and brought him pillows and blankets. I had gone into the kitchen for some water, and she joined me after getting Kyle settled.

"What got into you tonight?" I asked.

"I don't know, I was just feeling playful and wanted to see how far I could take it," she said.

"So... are you still wanting to play?"

She smiled at me and said, "I think that's enough for tonight."

"Oh? Are you sure?" I asked as I reached out and slowly began pulling down the front of her dress. She smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I pulled her dress down even more, until her breasts were exposed. I took one of her nipples in my mouth and began sucking, while I pinched and pulled the other. She became aggressive, pushing me away and then dropping to her knees. She pulled out my dick and started one of the most amazing blowjobs of my life. The events of the evening had drastically reduced my stamina, and after about five minutes I was blowing a huge load down her throat. When I recovered, I picked her up and pushed her onto the kitchen table. I pushed her dress up, pushed her legs apart, and buried my face in her cunt. I sucked, licked, and used my fingers on her until she was about to cum. She stopped me and said she wanted to finish in bed.

I pulled her to her feet, and she started heading toward the stairs. I was walking behind her, my hands on her hips and my face buried in her neck, kissing and licking. We left the kitchen and made it a few steps into the living room when she suddenly stops and gasps. I look up to see Kyle standing there, a few feet away, and staring at my wife. To be more specific, he was staring at her tits.

Hailee saw where he was staring, and remembered that her dress was entirely around her waist and not covering her naughty bits. Her hands shot up and cupped her breasts in an attempt to cover up. Nobody moved, we just stood there looking at each other for a moment. Kyle then began walking toward us. I don't know what made me do it, but I reached around Hailee and grasped her hands, pulling them away from her chest. She resisted at first, but eventually she let me place her hands down at her sides. Her breathing became faster and louder, and I could feel her trembling.

Kyle made his way directly in front of her, reached up, and cupped her left breast. I could see him start squeezing and kneading it. She let out a soft moan and tilted her head to the right. I went back to kissing and licking her neck, and Kyle began sucking and licking her nipples. He bit down on one nipple and began shaking his head back and forth. Hailee yelped and went up on her toes, enjoying the sensation. After several minutes, Kyle stood up straight and looked into Hailee's eyes. He grabbed her hands and began walking backwards, pulling her with him. She turned her head to look at me, bet allowed Kyle to guide her. The look she gave me was a mixture of emotions: fear, anticipation, excitement, and lust.

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