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Hucow Madame Ch. 05

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Marcey Gets Huge.
2.1k words

Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/25/2020
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The next morning, Marcey woke up feeling a little funny. She happily noticed her much larger breasts, easily D-cups instead of the paltry B's she had been cursed with by nature, as well as the lingering taste of pussy on her lips, but when she tried to really focus on one of these thoughts - or anything else, for that matter - she felt her mind drifting.

All of a sudden she felt a fierce tingling in her pussy, and quickly moved her hand to touch herself. She let out a low moan upon contact, loving the way she could feel her cunt flood with arousal at the slightest touch. The sensations she was feeling, those seemed to be the only things she was able to focus on. It wasn't a bad thing, though a bit troubling, at least for a few seconds until the intense pleasure of an orgasm wiped her mind blank of worries.

"YES!" she screamed, feeling her fingers drenched with her squirted fluid. She smiled and rocked her head back, loving how much more sensitive her swollen clit had become and how much wetter her vagina seemed to be.

After another several minutes and at least 10 more orgasms, there was a loud knock on the door, before Tina stuck her head in without waiting for a response she knew was unlikely to come. "Hey, Marcey," she greeted the masturbating, fledgling cow warmly. "So I see you've discovered the wonders of a cow clit," she laughed.

"Oh my god, yesss," moaned the girl, looking up with slightly enlarged eyes and cumming again at being watched.

"How do you feel?" Tina asked with great professionalism, rubbing her own thighs together to keep from needing to touch herself at the sight. She had cum so many times with this woman just last night, but now she was her nurse and she needed to check on her progress!

"So good..." Marcey gasped, before remembering a strange feeling earlier that morning. "But my head..." she trailed off, not sure what exactly to say.

"Feeling kinda dumb?" giggled Tina, smiling sympathetically at the girl's struggle to think clearly. She nodded, and Tina sighed.

"When you chose to get udders down to your ankles, we did warn you," she explained. "You'll be barely anything other than a big pair of milky breasts and a loose, sopping pussy. See, we had to give you so much progesterone and other hormones that we're basically overriding your brain chemistry. The changes are effectively permanent, though in theory we could... You're not listening at all, are you?" Marcey shook her head no, her fingers plunging rapidly into her own cunt. "Well, I can promise we'll keep you super happy," the nurse laughed. She was never sure whether to feel sorry for or jealous of the gigantic cows - they were so happy, but almost too stupid to communicate beyond moans and orgasms. "And when your milk dries up, you'll go back to more or less having a normal brain. Plus, like, a couple million dollars. Congratulations, sweetheart, you're a milk machine!"

Something about those words registered with Marcey, and she squirted onto her own hand as she came again, more forcefully than before. "YES! Oh Yes!" she sobbed, loving her new body and its improved sensitivity.

"Let me suggest something," Tina started, noting how the girl's breasts were already developing nicely into udders. "When you want to make a sound, try mooing. The other, sluttier cows seem to love it."

"But... But I... Oh yes! Oh, mooooooo?" Marcey said uncertainly. She soon found that the noise felt very pleasant coming out of her mouth, and smiled as she realized, as best as she could, that she was well and truly a cow now. "MOOOOOO!" she called proudly, announcing her new status to the world.

"Good girl," Tina said quietly, looking at Marcey with a pang of regret. She knew the girl would have a charmed life, being milked and fucked almost constantly, and she had been more than happy to sign up for it, but was this really the best thing for her? Well, that wasn't really Tina's job to worry about. People needed milk, and Marcey was going to provide a lot of it. The nurse shrugged as she removed her own pants and panties, climbing onto Marcey's bed and straddling her.

"Want to eat my cunt, sweety?" she asked the still-masturbating girl sweetly. The burgeoning cow simply nodded and mooed quietly, too far gone into pleasure to answer verbally. Tina moved up and lowered her pussy to the girl's mouth, grinding her clit on her tongue and feeling the intense pleasure of an orgasming cow eating her out.

Maybe there were worse things than to have this sexy, well-endowed girl at their beck and call, Tina thought as she rode herself to a shuddering orgasm.

The next morning, when Marcey woke up, she smiled hugely. She vaguely remembered something about what Tina had told her the day before, but mostly all she could think of was how great she felt. She stood and walked over to the mirror on her door, smiling when she saw her tits already hanging down to her belly button, her swollen nipples extending about a full inch further and tingling when they rubbed against her belly. She was really on her way to having the gigantic udders she had asked for!

Tina walked in about a half hour later, finding Marcey of course fingering herself senseless and moaning crazily. The new cow's big, watery eyes briefly flickered to the nurse and seemed to light up with recognition before she once again succumbed to her engorged clitoris and shrieked another orgasm.

"Hey, Marcey," Tina said happily, wondering how far Marcey's development had progressed.

"Mooooooooo" was all the slutty little cow could manage to say, squeezing her eyes shut and trembling fiercely. Her back arched, thrusting her massive breasts forward and making Tina smile. She was pretty far gone, but damn if she didn't look absolutely gorgeous!

"I brought somebody who wanted to see you," Tina told the unresponsive woman. "Do you remember Ashley?" Something seemed to connect in the girl's mind, and she nodded slowly, looking mildly confused.

"Well don't worry, you little milk factory," giggled Ashley as she walked into the room. "In a few more days, your udders will be way bigger than mine and you won't even remember your own name! Then you can just milk and fuck for the next 20 years!"

Marcey had heard the words 'milk' and 'fuck' and they made her tense up and explode, squirting onto the bed as her tongue lolled out and she stared at Ashley happily, not comprehending the rest. "Oooooh, she's in full slut-mode already!" observed the owner of the farm, smiling down at the sexed-up girl on the bed.

"Moo?" Marcey asked, vaguely looking at her own udders before glancing back up with a pleading expression.

"You want me to play with your udders?" Ashley asked sweetly, and Marcey nodded excitedly. Ashley moved forward and leaned over the girl, letting her own pussy-length breasts sway and dragging her teats along the much smaller nipples jutting up from Marcey's chest.

"Oh! MOOOOOO!" the dumb slut cow gasped, her legs tensing as she continued playing with herself through the nipple-centered orgasm. Ashley, seeing this expression of pure sexual pleasure and feeling the stimulation on her own over-sensitive teats, quickly joined her and the two cows bucked and rubbed their inflated breasts together in an orgasmic pile of swollen flesh.

"Fuck that's hot," breathed Tina, sliding her hand into her own pants and rubbing her clit. Her job as Marcey's nurse was just about done; she seemed healthy, and in pretty dire need of a Sapphic threesome to relieve some tension!

The nurse quickly positioned herself at the foot of the bed, disrobing completely and crawling up to rest her head on the new cow's thigh. "Her cunt is still closer to human-size," she sadly informed Ashley. "We can't get a bull in here to fuck her until it's a real, genuine, gaping hucow pussy. You know what we usually use as the criteria for getting bull-fucked?"

"Oh fuck, that's good..." Ashley moaned, letting one udder caress back and forth between Marcey's breasts while using the teat of the other one to frig her erect clit. "You mean the arm test?"

"Yeah," purred Tina, excited for when this would inevitably happen, "we fist them, like I did for you way back in the day. If they can take our whole fist, like almost dour whole arm down to the elbow, then they're ready to be bred."

"Oh fuck..." Ashley groaned, loving the idea of Marcey being well and truly fucked. She had some ideas for different bulls who would be up for the job, and knew that offering up her own cunt alongside Marcey's would create a veritable stampede of studs offering their services.

"MOOOOOOOO!" screamed the young woman, thrashing on the bed as Tina's tongue licked up along her drenched, fairly loose snatch. She was delicious, Tina thought, and would only get tastier as her development continued. The more she became a cow, the wetter her pussy would be, and all of the nurses loved the taste of the nectar the hucows secreted; it was a criteria necessary for being hired to the position!

After the women had all cum themselves into a state of exhaustion, Ashley smiled and told Tina she had to go and find a team of bulls to fill her. "You know I love eating cunt, baby, but right now momma needs to be filled..." she moaned while caressing her heavily pregnant belly.

"I know, you lucky little slut," giggled Tina. "You know, just to get that kind of cock, I really might join you in cowdom one day..." She looked thoughtful, blushing at the idea of having her own udders to match Ashley's - certainly nothing like Marcey was developing!

"Ooh, that would be so exciting! Please seriously think of it!" Ashley encouraged, before skipping out of the room to secure herself a healthy supply of bull cock.

"Well, in the meantime, I'm going to take this giant pair of tits through some exercise," Tina laughed, referring to Marcey the way the young cow was starting to think of herself; as nothing more than a giant pair of udders. The workout went well, with the pair needing to stop a few times so the nurse could bring Marcey to orgasm and allow her to focus for another few minutes before needing to repeat the process. She was already becoming little more than a horny, desperate cunt attached to a pair of awe-inspiring tits.

At the end of the month's development period, Marcey's transformation was complete. Her udders, once perky B-cup tits perched high on her 18-year-old chest, were now massive hanging orbs of flesh, extending all the way past her torso and reaching to the tops of her ankles. This meant that, when she stood upright with great struggle, her massive teats rubbed along the floor, leaving long trails of leaked milk as they swung back and forth like mammoth pendulums. Her eyes were huge, constantly watering and making her blink somewhat rapidly. They were a gorgeous, soft brown and shone with untarnished happiness at the sensations she received just from living in her new body. Her hips, once slim and petite, were now wide and sensual, perfect for bearing and delivering calves.

She had taken to spending most of the day either lying down and playing with herself or else resting in her milking machine, pumping the breastmilk that was now her main purpose in life and mooing like crazy when one of the nurses helped her out and stimulated her tender pussy from behind.

"I think she's ready!" Tina called out happily, looking up at Ashley's beaming face. The owner of the farm was riding Marcey's face, grinding her cunt over the dumb hucow's lips and stimulating herself to successive orgasms. The nurse had just succeeded in fitting most of her arm up to the elbow in the young woman's steaming cunt, causing her to explode with her own orgasm, mooing happily at feeling full.

"Ooh, yay!" Ashley moaned, lovin the way the dumb slut's tongue felt on her clit. "You think she'll be going into heat soon?"

"Well, from the way her cervix is positioned, I'd say she should be starting her heat in the next few days!" Tina exclaimed, smiling at her good friend.

"I'll gather a herd of bulls!" Ashley schemed, looking forward to fucking an entire squad of bulls alongside the new slut's impregnation. "You want to get fucked, Marcey?" she asked teasingly, "you want a baby in you?"

Marcey's eyes fluttered closed and she arched her back, sprays of milk flying from the ends of her teats and onto the floor. "Moooooo!" she answered happily. It was a good life for a dumb hucow slut.

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HucowuddersHucowudders12 months ago

I loved your story, it made me happy to have my huge udders for milking and getting my cunt ready for breeding.

ClarasBestFriendClarasBestFriendover 2 years agoAuthor

Hey readers! This story has now been finished, and the full saga is available for free on Literotica. I'd really appreciate it if you would support my writing by reading or buying the Kindle eBook (or paperback or hardcover) here: / Thanks so much! Mooo!!!

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